It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 267: Faithful Admonition

   "Suspect X's Devotion" comment area.

   Readers who were not optimistic about the book at the beginning basically abandoned it. After all, tens of thousands of words have been updated, and those who are left are chasing after readers who seriously discuss the plot.

   "It turned out to be Zhidou again, Ishigami vs Yukawa."

   "This plot is too flat, boldly predict the wave, the ending must be Yukawa finds out the truth, Ishigami gg."

   "After all, justice will prevail, otherwise the trial will not pass (laughing

   "But why did the protagonist help Jingzi hide the killing process? Wouldn't he be an accomplice in this way?"

   "Before, because of love! Isn't the text explained, Shi Shen likes Jingzi, like her, then help her commit 2333."

   "There is a saying, the protagonist's behavior is really a bit inexplicable, this is illegal, and it can't be regarded as a brave act, right?"

   "Seeing righteousness as a fart, he is doing it for his own benefit."

   "Is he love? It's obviously a gluttonous body!"

   "Stop talking, it's all from the ex-husband."

   "Why did the Stone God destroy half of the body and leave fingerprints? Isn't this for the police to release water?"

   "Yes, the author's setting is not rigorous, a genius mathematician 10% off water bottle? The identity of the deceased was found after the destruction of the body? I'm really drunk."

   "Nonsense, you can do whatever you want in front of the police on the day? Be strict, OK!"

   "Oh, if you don't blow it, you can only say that the vampire almost meant to write suspense."

   "The writing and plot are good, but compared to the horror house, it is almost meaningless."

   "This update of Ghost Big is really the best, with 20,000 words a day, it is definitely a model worker in the industry."

   Su Chen glanced at the book review area.

   Sure enough, the book friends are still very picky.

   The prosaic plot of the first half makes people unable to see anything at all, even if it is an old reasoning fan, it feels that Su Chen's writing is average.

   The wind reviews on the Internet are not good for the book's tone.

   Everyone thinks that the author vampire like a god, this time the state of the real work has declined, and it will fall from the throne of god.

   The text is cold and the plot is average. There are tens of thousands of words in the whole book. It can be said that there is no bright spot. Even the results in the recommended position are not very satisfactory.

   The book "Devotion of Suspect X", although it is currently ranked first in the same period, it is mostly due to the great **** effect.

   Everyone is looking for the face of Dou Po or the House of Horror before they are willing to vote for it and support it.

   When it is on the shelves, it is estimated that few people are willing to spend money.

   But Su Chen didn't plan to put it on the shelves.

But he hasn’t told anyone about this news yet, because he knows that he will not agree with the editor after talking to the editor. Platinum can write 150,000 words in a book. It is estimated that Leng Feng would have to educate himself on the spot. .

   So, for unnecessary trouble, I waited until Sunday and all the updates were completed. I applied for a wave of books directly in the background. When the time comes, the editor can no longer force myself to write.

  The old plan is accepted.

   This kind of thing can be said to be that Su Chen had experience when finishing the "Deathnote" last time.

   On the other hand, when the "Suspect X's Devotion" is written to the end a few days later, if the editor has read this chapter, it is estimated that there is really nothing to say.

   If such an ending can be provocative, then Su Chen can only say, "I'll give you the pen, you can write it, come on, you are the next Higashino Keigo, the next suspenseful writer.

  In a certain high-level park in the magic city, Sansan’s residence.

  Sansan was holding his mobile phone, looking through the vampire's "Devotion of Suspect X" seriously, and read the text of tens of thousands of words with a complicated expression.

   Looking back, when the platinum writer Sansan was still young, he was still young and energetic when he hadn't achieved what he is today. He wanted to try any subject, including this suspenseful reasoning type of high-force novel.

   At that time, the online articles were still barren, and he mostly relied on the proceeds of traditional Chinese publishing to earn manuscript fees.

   That's right, after counting the years, Sansan can be regarded as a **** internet writer.

Although I wrote a suspenseful novel about bizarre murders with a passion at the time, I couldn't add complicated plots in the end. I tried my best to think about the outline every day, and finally the results were beaten, and the books were cut. .

   And this "Devotion of Suspect X", although the previous plot is good, but overall it is too plain.

   At least in terms of the concept of the case, it can only be said to be pretty good, and it is definitely not ingenious.

   exposes the murderer at the beginning, and then makes the two protagonists fight each other wisely. This is not a traditional way of writing, and there is a high risk of trying to find another way.

   In this book of Vampires, he even saw his once rushing to the street.

   This is not so good.

  As a close friend, he felt that he had to remind him that he should determine a fixed writing style as soon as possible, instead of being a neural pen that can write on any subject.

In these days, your author can write everything, but readers don’t read everything. Even if it’s an old platinum brand like Sansan, if you really want to start a female channel once, then readers will definitely lose. A huge part.

   So, the Sansan who opened QQ was about to talk to Su Chen, only to find that several people were already discussing this book in the group chat of the messenger brigade.

   "What's wrong with your new book, vampire?"

   As Su Chen's old reader, Mr. Dan also jumped out to express his doubts.

  Mingyou: "It's too different from your previous style, right?"

   "Yes, I was shocked when I first saw it." Bai Yu also bubblingly Chen: "What's wrong?"

   "It doesn't make sense to look at it."

   The loyalty is against his ears, and the egg always speaks directly without hesitation.

  "Your novel will definitely not be thin if it continues like this. Compared with your horror room and Doupa, your grades are too poor.

   I also read the current text again. There is nothing wrong with it. When I gnaw it, I think it looks like a waffle. It is dry and hard, without even a drop of water. "

   "Hey, Mr. Egg is beeping."

  Sansan couldn't help but start sending messages.

"I think it's fine. There is no problem with writing this book, but you have not been in the pit for a long time as a vampire. As someone who comes by, I still want to remind you that you should confirm your writing style as early as possible. From this new book , You should also know what the reader wants to see, right?"

   Sansanhedan always persuaded him with all his heart.

   almost made Su Chen cry.

   The words are rough and not rough, and he is not a glass heart. He can still accept a certain degree of exhortation.

   But one thing that will not change is that this book will not be cut off for this reason.

   Even if his grades are not good, he will let this "Devotion of Suspect X" be on the hall of the gods in another world.


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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