It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 265: Epic reading commentary video

   Two days later, the production speed of the operation team is very impressive, and the second video has been completed and released.

Most of the comments in    were selected by Xiaojin for Su Chen. After all, he is an old operating officer, so he understands which comment has the best effect.

   It took a little time to record and reply to these comments, and Su Chen was able to handle the whole process.

After the second video of   's account was published, the view volume soon began to soar.

   station b directly posted a homepage to him. Whether it is a mobile phone user or a computer user, he can see that eye-catching location the first time he enters station b-the same treatment as a son.

   When the user of station b swiped this video, it was quite unexpected.

   A new video was updated in two days, which is really high-yielding.

"the first."

"I'm coming."

   "It's hot."

   "I hope the comment is okay."

   "The update speed is really fast. I am afraid that the one standing behind is not the million late team."

   Many people are looking forward to it, and users of station b open the video.

   This includes the starry sky.

  As an old fan of Mao Xuewang and a companion, it was the first time he met the other party to interact with the fans on the station. In addition to novelty, he was also curious about what kind of person the other party was.

   It's just a pity. After the video was opened, only a man wearing a small TV appeared on the screen, and he did not show his face.

   In the video, Su Chen first made it clear that this video would be more of a funny genre, and did not mean malicious slander.

   I will just do it casually, and you will just look at it casually. Everyone will be done with a smile.

   This makes the starry sky no surprise, even a little bit embarrassed.

   Today's network environment is terribly poor. As a public figure, if you accidentally pay attention to your own words, you will most likely be caught by someone with a heart, and you will never stop talking about it.

   The other party asked Bosanlian in the video as usual, and then the video entered the topic.

   After editing and production in the later stage, Su Chen's language in the video is extremely smooth.

   After a lot of beeps, the review video is officially started.

  According to the order, Su Chen first read the hot reviews after the news was released yesterday.

   A screenshot appeared on the public screen.

   "When will I start preparing for the linkage with Xiao Xu, hahahaha."

   A fifth-level number makes an arrogant laugh.

   The Su Chen in the video pondered for a while, and replied half-jokingly: "Linkage will consider it, but it's a pity that your level 5 is gone."


   Next hot review.

   is still the fifth grade.

   "Mao Xue Wang read the comments? Blackened black ash, fertilizer ash will volatilize gray, black taboo is black ash, flowers will fly back... By the way, I'm really not the devil."

   Loved tongue twisters torture the up master.

   "Emmm, it's not difficult to tell the truth," Su Chen could understand some neat comments in order to achieve the effect of the program, "but wait...what does the comment below mean?"

   Under the hot comments, a sticky reply was intercepted in the video: "You may be a little embarrassed to upload the master (dog head

"Look, what does this comment mean, why are there more than 700 people like it?" Su Chen in the video was not happy on the spot, "I think I can't read it, right, then I will show you today. Now, what is textbook-level Putonghua."


   After clearing his throat, Su Chen began to show his Mandarin level in the video.

   "Black hair...cough cough, wait, my mouth is a bit dry, wait until I drink a glass of water."

   I got stuck as soon as I read two words.

   "Black hair, black gray..."

   "It's probably not brewing, I can do it again (seriously

   "Black hair, black and gray fertilizer..." The continuous jams caused Su Chen's mentality to explode.

   "Probably...Fuck it, don't read it, this thing is too difficult, please put your understanding on the public screen."

   "Next one, next one, oh yes, Xiaojin cut this trouble out."

   The video can be said to be quite fun.

   The barrage full of screen "hahahahaha" made a merciless mockery at him.


  【? ? ? 】

   [Is this textbook-level Mandarin? i'm i'm]


   [I am a Buddha in this tone]

   [Later brother is super god]

  [God he? Cut it off hahaha, Xiaojin hxd]

   [Laughing so hard at me 233]


   The third hot comment:

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, I think you are very young when you hear your voice. Can you tell me about your courtship standards?"

   "Uh, I don't think I'm very experienced with this thing."

   After seeing this, Su Chen dragged his chin and began to think deeply.

   However, that huge little TV headgear will only make him show a silly feeling.

   "I think, for the lotus root standard, just choose those with a longer distance between lotus root knots and lotus root knots, so that the taste of lotus root will be much better... well, the next one."

   A serious concept of exchange also included a picture of lotus root in the video, which made a group of viewers cast question marks on the public screen.


   God is special, so please ask for a lot of standards!

   Teacher Mao Xuewang, is this China on the tip of your tongue?

   Fourth Hot Comment:

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, I would like to ask, there will be no blade plot behind the updated Lu Lu Xiu, right?"

   is a rare comment that discusses comics.

   Compared with the stable Four Lies in the previous period, the current update progress of Lelouch is obviously more tense. It may have reached the confrontation with the mind reader, Mao in the first season of the animation.

Mao's powerful mind-reading ability can be said to completely restrain Lulu Xiu's absolute obedience ability. It can be regarded as a powerful enemy of Lu Lu Xiu's early stage in the work. This can not help making readers start to panic. Will the author take the opportunity to abuse the master or write Dead supporting role or something.

   After seeing it, Su Chen smiled meaningfully through the small TV headgear.

   Hey, how can a blade or something?

   At most, Yufei was written to death, then Xiali was tortured to death, and finally, Luo Luo was killed in the and Lelouch was beaten to the ground by Suzaku.

   Such a twists and turns of the plot, with the death of a supporting role in exchange for the strength of the protagonist, how can such an inspiring plot be called abuse? right?

So he replied in a very formal tone: "First of all, thank the comic fans for their continuous support to the comics. Regarding the issues that everyone cares about, I can't disclose too much here. I can only say that you will know when you look down. The plot of the movie will never disappoint everyone, because I also like the protagonist and supporting role in flesh and blood."

  ——Yes, I am the warrior of love. I love my character. So, if you love her, let her die.

   He didn't dare to say it in the second half.

   Fear of being knifed by readers is one aspect.

  Secondly, this kind of twists and turns of the plot can only be interesting if it is caught off guard.

  Yes, in this way, a bit of torturing the popular supporting role, and then watching the reader's facial expressions are completely hideous, is undoubtedly a very interesting thing for the old beloved warrior.

   Just like that, after seeing Su Chen’s “supportive” reply in the video, whether it was the hot critics who asked the question or the audience, they all relaxed.

   Since the author personally said that he liked it, there must be no blade plot, so there is no need to worry about it.



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