It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 263: The moonlight is so beautiful, um, suitable for Zhayou

   It was the first time she knew that beef can taste like medicinal herbs that have been boiled for an afternoon.

   and it's terribly salty...

   It is no exaggeration to say that after eating this piece of beef, she will probably not want to see beef again for the next month.

   The taste can be said to be very scary.

   So Feng Yu is still fortunate now, after eating this piece of beef, he has not fainted unexpectedly, really strong enough.

   She couldn't help being touched by it herself.

   "How is it, Sister Feng Yu, how does it taste?"

   Seeing Feng Yu's complexion after eating a piece of beef, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but keep asking.

   "Well, the taste is very unique, Miss Su."

   squeezed out a reluctant smile, Feng Yu didn't know how to say it, so he could only say something casually.

"of course!"

   When she heard something nice, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but get overwhelmed.

   "My materials are very good, the color and fragrance are delicious, the restaurant made it, and it is almost the same as mine."


   The two women were silent, and once again examined the traditional Chinese medicine beef in the bowl.

   If the restaurant is really made like this, I'm afraid it would have been complained and closed down long ago.

   "Oh, sister Otosha, come and try it too."

   At this time, Su Xiaoxiao turned his attention to Yinsha again.

   Otosha froze.

   Danger, sound yarn, danger!

   swallowed hard, as the last victims, she looked at Su Chen and Feng Yu, and wanted to confirm how terrifying the taste of this beef was.

   However, the faces of both of them told Toona to "Run".

   So, she couldn't help but persuade.

   witnessed the whole process of Feng Yu eating beef, she can be said to be terrified now.

   It's like before going to the hospital for surgery, I suddenly saw the news that the operation failed just like yours. My mentality changed on the spot, and even more serious, I just went straight to the ostrich mentality and didn't do the operation.

   Yes, Otosha was so scared at this time.


   In this kind of situation, it doesn't seem to mean that if I don't taste it.

  Maybe it will make Teacher Xiaosu hate him, secretly telling Teacher Mao Xuewang about himself every day...

   Otosha's heart is very active.

   After hesitating for a long time, she gazed at the bowl of beef back and forth. Finally, she took a deep breath and decided not to be afraid, and bravely face the fear.

   "Well, I don't like beef very much. Just try a piece of radish."

   Yinsha was very witty.

   Compared to beef, at least the color of the radish in the bowl is quite normal.

   Another point is that meat is easy to pickle and tastes better, while radish is a bit worse, which can alleviate those strange tastes to a certain extent.

   "Then try it, the radish is the essence of this dish." Su Xiaoxiao nodded.

   Just as she took a deep breath and brewed the hell-level cuisine that was about to be tasted, there was an abrupt knock on the door not far away.

   "Hello, Meituan takeaway!"

   Hearing this, Yinsha quickly stood up and said "I'll open the door", and then fled away from the dining table.

   After being put on the dining table for take-out at a large table, the horrible carrot sirloin was of course forgotten.

   "Brother, why did you order takeaway?"

   Looking at a table of home-cooked dishes ordered from a restaurant, Su Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

   "Isn't it about rewarding subordinates? So I ordered a few more dishes." Su Chen calmly pushed the radish sirloin aside, and then opened all the takeaways.

   There are kung pao chicken, sweet and sour pork ribs, braised lion head, salted prawns...

   The feast of taste at a table made the two women’s fear of dark cooking disappear a lot.

   Especially Feng Yu.

   After eating that beef, and seeing so many restaurant dishes, I just think it’s salvation.

   scent, it’s so scented.

   I sandwiched a piece of ribs and tasted it in small mouthfuls. The sweet ribs made her cheeks fragrant and almost shed tears of happiness.

   Sure enough, everything is, without contrast, there is no harm.

   Forget about the dark food of the little girl, several people picked up the chopsticks and began to enjoy a table of delicious food.


   Su Xiaoxiao also opened a pair of chopsticks and joined the ranks of enjoying the food.

   On the other side, although both Yinsha and Fengyu are still not used to eating at Su Chen's house, as time goes by, they still get used to it quickly.

   Even the appearance of eating has gradually become bolder.

   All kinds of stuffy eating is very eye-catching.

   There are no ladies or anything.

   When she was excited about eating, Otosha took out the big bag of wine and sent an invitation to Su Chen.

   And Su Chen did not refuse. This canned beer has basically no degree, and at most it can make people dizzy. Except for Su Xiaoxiao's strange work, almost no one can get drunk with this stuff.

   The little girl is also very witty, knowing that the drink was broken last time, so this time she decided not to touch beer.

   Plus Feng Yu doesn’t know how to drink, basically it’s a stage where Su Chen and Yinsha are facing each other.

   He doesn't know what's going on, Otosha seems to keep asking him for reasons to toast again, it seems like he is getting drunk.

   But it's a pity that Su Chen, a man of two generations of society, still has a bit of alcohol, and Yinsha is also a veteran in the workplace, just like playing with beer.

   In the end, the beer was almost gone, and the two of them just couldn't beat anyone.

   This makes Otosha very depressed.

  How can Teacher Mao Xuewang drink so much?

   The wine is almost gone, and I'm sitting there like a okay person.

   How can you get me drunk and take advantage of you?

   In this case, I can only use big tricks!

   Yinsha's face was tangled for a moment, took a sip from the beer can, looked up the window at a forty-five degree angle, and then slowly said: "Mr. Mao Xuewang, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

   "Well, suitable for Zhayou." Su Chen's face was calm.

   Otosha: "???"


   At this time, shouldn’t you answer "The wind is also gentle", to respond to your fiery heart...

  What the **** is it for Zhayou?

   This Nima suddenly jumped from Natsume Soseki to Lu Xun?

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, the sentence just now was old Mr. Natsume Soseki, used to euphemistically express iloveyou's neon love words." She straightened her mouth and explained it herself.

   "I know." Su Chen still sighed calmly, "I only answered happily when I understood, can you please stop teasing me..."

   "I didn't tease you!"

   Yinsha's face was still pink, and she shook her body back and forth: "I am the person who likes Teacher Mao Xuewang the most in the world!"

   "It's okay, I have heard these words no less than twenty times, so there is no new trick?"

   "Of course there is. For example, use love to make up for the teacher Mao Xuewang's heart. Come on, the little girl will give the teacher a loving hug first."

After   , Yinsha tried to launch a bear hug attack on Su Chen by surprise.

   The latter began to dodge continuously.

   "Don't, don't stick to me, idiot."

   The two guys who drank a bit of wine started fighting loudly in the restaurant.

Su Xiaoxiao next to    didn't care, but Mao Mao walked around happily, and continued to concentrate on destroying a table of food.

   Fengyu had become accustomed to Yinsha for a long time, chasing Su Chen's playful efforts in the latter, tidying up the tableware he used up, and taking it to the kitchen.

  Under the bright moonlight, the night outside the window is quiet and cool, and everyone in the window is happy.

   "In the coming year, if we can also like this, it will be nice to watch the moon with teacher Mao Xuewang."



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