It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 258: The mysterious cooking power in the dark

Although this statement comes from an author who has no outline, it is very convincing.

But considering that the other party was a vampire, he didn't ask any more questions.

On the other side, ignoring the rumors and malicious slander from the outside world, Su Chen crackled and coded the words for a while, and after coding the content of the text to be sent tomorrow, he went to work on other things.

The plots of God's works are often twists and turns. This wave of ninja book reviews is the first, and when the entire content of "Suspect X's Devotion" is updated, he believes that the book friends who have finished reading will be speechless.

Then, by the way, this day is the weekend.

The B station account that Mr. Xu gave him has been down, and along with the official news, he updated a news about Mao Xuewang's entry into B station.

Su Chen didn't go to the store today, but gave the two comics to Fengyu and Yinsha to deal with - now they can basically master all the drawing methods of Lulu Xiu and the Four Lies.

He first met with the operation team that Mr. Xu introduced to him. Of course, he didn’t meet, he just negotiated a wave through online channels, and promised him that he would be able to make a short video before today and post it on his account. , And interact with fans.

At the moment, accounts that haven't been done yet have already received 200,000 fans' attention just because of one activity in half a day.

What Su Chen needs to do is to look at the fans’ rumors and interact with the fans.

What's more, a good weekend should do something meaningful.

A simple cup of Nestlé milk tea for himself, he sat comfortably in front of the computer, turned on Plants vs. Zombies, and then began to fight zombies in a relaxed and comfortable manner.

You see, it makes sense to play casual games and relax your nerves.

What he played was the 95th version modified by Tieba boss, abnormal monster spawning, sunlight doubled, planting a lot of plants to guard a large group of zombies, how cool is he.

When he was addicted to fighting zombies, Su Xiaoxiao also pushed in, then glanced at Su Chen, and asked in surprise, "Brother, what are you playing?"

"Plants vs. Zombies."

"Huh? Why are you playing such a naive game? What a comparison."

The little girl said that the game is very horrible, but she went straight to sit next to Su Chen, intending to watch him play.

Su Chen rolled his eyes and ignored her.

I played this game live a few days ago, and now when the heat is gone, I will say the game is better.

Alas, it's really the old double standard.

The level that Su Chen played was the ninth-fifth version of the survival mode, which was the bladder game level at the end of the menu with many waves of thieves.

After watching it quietly for a while.

Su Xiaoxiao: "How did you plant a row of chrysanthemums? You are also a League of Legends. Don't you know that economy is important in the game?"

"That's really a sunflower... and this is the 95th edition. The sunlight is doubled, and the sunlight is exploded when you fight zombies. There is no shortage of it at all."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Follow him, anyway you play good dishes, I feel uncomfortable."

"Do you know what it means to watch chess without speaking a true gentleman?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know, and I'm not a gentleman."


About another five minutes passed.

The first wave of zombies in survival mode was finally wiped out by Su Chen, and the game entered the opportunity to change the plant deck between levels.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but speak again: "Oh, you are a real dish. You have played the barriers and barricades for so long, let me try!"

"Didn't you say that this is a Shabi game? I want to play with my own computer." Su Chen didn't mean to vacate his position, so Bo Zhenxiang came to warn him by the way.

It's rare to give yourself a vacation on weekends, this girl also comes to disturb the widow Yaxing, really think you can do whatever you want if you look like a primary school student?

"Hey." Su Xiaoxiao smacked her tongue in disdain, "Forget it, stop playing, how could I be as naive as you."

Su Chen chose the deck for the second round on his own, and ignored her.

As if unwilling to be lonely, the little girl said again after a short while: "It's a rare beautiful weekend, you just stay at home and fight Plants vs. Zombies? Don't want to do something meaningful?"

Su Chen rolled his eyes when he heard the words.

"For example?"

"For example, caring for employees." The little girl looked serious.

Su Chen's mouth twitched: "When did I have employees?"

"It's Sister Yinsha and Sister Fengyu!" Su Xiaoxiao said with a small face, "Such a beautiful weekend, you let the two of them work crazy, but you are fighting zombies at home, you are clearly a squeeze of employees!"

"They are actually employees of Lightning Strike Library..." Su Chen, "Also, I didn't squeeze them. They said they wanted to practice painting skills. They also said that the store has free cold drinks to drink, which is very convenient."

Recalling the last time I was absent.

According to the teacher in the baking workshop, Yinsha ate six egg tarts in one go, which made him work overtime and bake one more oven.

No wonder the fat place is so fat.

Ahem... Maybe it's better to describe it as turbulent here (whispering).

And the sound yarn, which looks dull and cute, played with the coffee machine on the first floor without authorization, and drank the coffee base liquid directly as coffee.

When I heard it with my own ears, Su Chen was able to smile for more than a minute in front of each other.

Even when I think about it now, he still can't help but laugh.

The coffee base is a lot more bitter than traditional Chinese medicine. It's a ruthless person to drink it directly like this.

The second girl in this middle school is silly and cute.

So you see, such a lovely subordinate, how could he bear the heart to squeeze?

"I don't care about it! Sister Yinsha said she wants to eat a big meal, I think you should entertain the staff to eat a big meal immediately!" Su Xiaoxiao cried out inexplicably.

Then Su Chen quickly saw through.

Actually, you want to eat a big meal yourself, right?

He stared at each other suspiciously.

If you are greedy, you still deduct someone else's head. It's really the old plan.

Originally wanted to expose Su Xiaoxiao's careful But after thinking about it, Su Chen suddenly had a more interesting idea.

"Then you ask them what they want to eat..."

Su Xiaoxiao was overjoyed when she heard the first half of Su Chen's sentence, and then the pot of cold water in the second half made her feel stupid.

"...Then you cook yourself and show them a hand, anyway, it's still early, and Yinsha and the others shouldn't have eaten either."

Su Chen glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, very indifferent.

"Look, the color of the soy sauce chicken wings made last time is pretty good, isn't it?"

This made the little girl couldn't help but recall the fear of being dominated by her own cooking.

I'm afraid I'm okay.

Then, her face flushed weakly and said, "I have chicken wings with cola..."

"Yes, Coke Chicken Wings, you just do this, I believe they will burst into tears with joy." Su Chen's acting skills are very realistic with a violent tap on the palm of his hand.

"But I won't..."

"These days, everyone is grown up. There are no real people who can't even make Coke chicken wings, right? No, no?"

Pretending to be an unknown wave of Yin and Yang, the little girl silently closed her mouth.


Su Xiaoxiao's expression was tangled, and she fell into silence for a while.

Sure enough, this sentence of adults and cola chicken wings thoroughly stimulated her.

"Hey, who can't do it! It's just cooking by myself. As long as I look at the recipe, Buddha jumps over the wall and makes it easy for you!"

The radical method worked successfully.

As a result, the two people, Yinsha and Fengyu, who were still seriously drawing comics on the second floor of the store, felt the mysterious cooking power from Su Xiaoxiao, and they all had an ominous premonition in their hearts.



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