It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 255: "The Devotion of Suspect x" is pure love, absolutely...

When it comes to suspense works, many people’s first reaction is mystery.

As for Su Chen, although he is not an orthodox suspense fan, he still likes to watch works of reasoning.

From the earliest Conan, to the pinnacle of wit, DN, to the later light reasoning ice fruit, dimensional buns, plot reasoning another, side streets... even reversal referees, fictional reasoning is not a big taste, even the latter He didn't have any contact with reasoning at all, and he also chased after him without fail.

Watching inference works, enjoying the intense and exciting plot, and the feeling of IQ being crushed severely on the ground, don't say it, it's really cool to be inexplicable.

But this time the essay is to write novels.

It is actually inappropriate to move these animation works out.

There were so many masterpieces that shocked the soul in the previous life, and he couldn't always limit his thinking to one level.

Compared to those mentioned above, Su Chen wanted to bring a classic over.


He returned to the group chat on the QQ team and asked: "Do you have any accountable editors for the suspense channel?"

"Why are you asking this?"

Bai Yu expressed surprise.

"Vampire, you are not going to open a book to suspense, do you?"

"Binggou ~ the answer is right~" Su Chen, "reward Yu Da for a picture."

Bai Yu: "..."

What kind of a reward is this...

Mr. Dan: "Vampire, your astringent picture is not astringent enough."

Groups of pet eggs always come out to create a wave of atmosphere.

Three-three: "Tsk, Mr. Egg has approved it."

"Why do you want to open suspense, vampire? Did you see that brainstorming essay?"

Mingyou also asked curiously.

Vampires are a platinum writer at a certain point, and every move must be paid attention to.

He didn't question Su Chen's meaning, but, after all, suspense was an unpopular subject that was more difficult to write in the net, and it was completely different from the fighting that the other party had written so far.

Although the house of horror can still be hooked up, in a strict sense, the house of horror is also a cool text of spiritual tears, which is almost meaning when compared with traditional suspense.

"Yes, I just saw the essay, and then I thought I could do it again." Su Chen half-joked, "This time I will come directly to a mystery novel to forcefully show my high IQ."


The four were speechless.

Sure enough, the vampire is still as casual as ever, thinking about it.

At the beginning, I just ran to the horror-house on the channel where the bird does not **** casually, and became the top five anti-triad work on the website. Now I want to write suspense very willfully, but it is reasonable. .

But ah, don’t think that suspense and supernatural are both unpopular, but this channel is much more difficult to mix than supernatural, especially in terms of the difficulty of creation.

"It's not easy to write." Sansan commented.

Mr. Dan also said: "There is one thing to say, it's really not easy to write, isn't Shuangwen good for him?"

Bai Yu also gave a suggestion as an editor: "Suspense requires a detailed and thorough outline, otherwise it is likely to collapse."

"Hi, anyway, I have already decided what to write, Yu Da don't have to worry about the problem of collapse." Su Chen's words revealed self-confidence, "Thank you for giving me the suspense editor QQ."


Upon seeing this, Bai Yu didn't persuade him any more, and sent a series of numbers.

"This is the editor of Suspense Channel, Leng Feng's QQ, you can add him and discuss with him."

"Leng Feng? It sounds so cold..." Su Chen couldn't help but spit out.

Mingyou: "Hurt, he is so cold with a hammer, just a bit of a joke. You saw him at the last celebration, and you blamed the kid on that table, the thief who can bluff, oh yes, he slapped his ass. I'm coming over here to toast you."

Su Chen: "..."

Well, forgive him for not having any impression.

There were so many people on the day of the celebration, and basically 80% of the editors would come to toast the first emperor, the four emperors and the editor-in-chief at a certain point, and he was almost numb to the receptions one by one.

It's really just a shot of a wine glass, a smile on his face, and he is constantly forced to open.

"That's fine, I'll add him now."

After all, Su Chen used the qq search function to easily find the qq responsible for editor Leng Feng.

Still a year-old super member, a scary local account with a high QQ level.

Hearing Mingyou said, these are all work accounts given by the company for nothing, and they don't need to spend a penny.

Sometimes even Su Chen is quite envious. When a certain point is responsible for the editor, there is still this treatment, per capita annual super member, all kinds of privileged diamonds can be picked at will.


This employee benefit...

Why can't we give the author the whole one?

There was a small wave of complaints in his heart. Just as he clicked on the cold wind qq to add, his finger suddenly stopped and manipulated the mouse to click the cross.

Well, it wasn't that he suddenly changed his mind, but he felt it, so he went to the editor empty-handed and went to Haikou with the editor, which seemed not so good.

I still have to sort out the outline of the work, plans and everything.

After a lot of deliberation.

The work he plans to bring this time is not actually an online article, but a true traditional literature.

A charming mystery novel.

Won the 6th Benge Mystery 134th Naoki Award.

And many honors such as the annual championship of the mystery fiction rankings.

The original author is the famous neon mystery novelist, Keigo Higashino.

For this writer, Su Chen's favorite thing is that Mr. Higashino Keigo seems to be writing inferences, like the routines of many inference novels, revealing clues and information analysis to readers.

In fact, when you see the other party’s work at the end, you can understand that the other party’s theme is not just that simple...

The monologues of human nature and the coldness of society. Most of Keigo Higashino's works are aimed at this problem that needs social attention.

At the end of the novel, what is often solved is not the mystery of crime, but the mystery of family love and human nature.

This is why Su Chen, who is not a reader of traditional reasoning, also likes the other party very much.

And what he wants to move out today is the novel "Devotion of Suspect X" created by the other party in 2005.

At the very beginning, this was when Su Chen watched a movie released in China for 17 years, and Zhang Luyi's "Devotion of Suspect X" entered the pit.

The early rhythm of the film is relatively flat and cool, and it was not until the last turning point that the professor revealed the protagonist's shocking deception, and he couldn't help but make people scream.

After reading it, I felt uncomfortable, so I bought a genuine physical book and supplemented the original work completely. It was a little support for the original author, and at the same time, I also got a better understanding of the original author.

Now, when typing this topic on Ward's document, Su Chen's psychology is full of emotions when he transports these gods to another world.

[Devotion of Suspect x

——This is what I can think of, the most pure love, a wonderful trick. 】


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