A group of vampire book friends.

"It's so boring, anyone?"




"No, get out."

"In front, you just broke the formation like this? Insult everyone's efforts?"

"Then what, does anyone play games?"

"The game is so fun, why hit him?"

A group of book friends has a watering group without a sentence.

Well, this is the case with the book friend group. In most cases, you can talk about everything except books.

No. Seeing that the group is about to fall into the cold, a group friend said in the group: "Oh, tomorrow is going to take the second exam. It's the first time to take the exam, so nervous."

"Brother, do you take the ticket test too? I just passed my second degree."


The man first congratulated, and then began to complain:

"Yeah, but I have just practiced for half a month, and the coach asked me to apply for the exam. It's too nervous!"

"Have you ever touched a car before?"

"No, that's why I'm nervous. You've all passed the test. Do you have any experience to share?"

"Simple, students who take the exam should know some skills to get along with the invigilator."

"For example?" the man asked humbly.

"For example, before the exam, the coach checks your student card, and you return to ‘what’s the matter?’, which is simple and efficient."

"When the coach assigns you a test vehicle in public, you will go back to ‘this is it?’ to express your confidence that you can pass the test."

"After getting in the car, when the coach tells you the driving route and rules for the test, you will respond back to ‘are you teaching me to do things?’ and use humorous expressions to avoid getting into an embarrassing situation."

"Finally, when you leave the examination room, don't forget to say loudly to all the students in the waiting room,'There is no one who can't pass the second subject at once, right? No, can't they?' Trainees."

"To sum up, after mastering these skills, everyone in the driving school will look at you with admiration."

After the brother seriously shared his "exam experience", the qq group suddenly boiled.


"Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Xiu'er, is that you?"

"666, a ruthless person."

"Yes, with this set, you will have to count as unqualified if you are qualified."

"Learned, now go to the driving school to line up with the invigilator coach."

"Don't go ahead, he can cancel your qualification for the exam!"

"After the invigilator saw it, he carried a knife on the way."

"I, he, will die in this group sooner or later 2333."

The person who asked the question just now was even more direct. After saying "Thank you brother, I have lost my studies", he went offline. I don't know how it feels to grow grass in my heart.

The group chat was full of sand sculptures.

Soon, Su Chen, who was too late, turned up curiously, and saw the "sharing experience" speech of the boss above.

At that time, he couldn't hold back either, and sent a 666 in the past.

This buddy is really a talent!

I will give you eighty-two points if one hundred points are full, and the remaining eighteen points will be given to you in the form of three sixes.

However, this ordinary 666 was caught almost instantly by the majority of book friends.

Don't look at his QQ is very inconspicuous, but the yellow hat in front of the nickname is very conspicuous.

"Fuck, it's a vampire!"

"Catch alive!"

"Catch it~ throw your head away and eat it."

"Yaoshou! Guida finally came to the water group!"

"The author is bubbling, Grandpa Qingjie."

"I didn't expect the author to be blown out by the boss in front."

"Look at what I caught, vampire.jpg" Someone even posted a picture. It was probably a little girl holding up a bewildered kitten and writing the words "vampire" on the kitten.

Very sand sculpture.

Of course, the sand sculptures here refer to book friends, not memes.

——After all, the emojis are so spicy and cute, how can they be described as sand sculptures?

So, seeing that the book friends at a certain point in the group were still sand sculptures as always, Su Chen was relieved.

He came to bubbling this time not for anything else, but just to tell his book friends that he would fight the news that the book is about to be finished.

"Let’s inform everyone that Fight Break should be officially over today. The author will send out the last remaining chapters in one breath in the evening. Thank you for your support along the way!"

After typing this passage one word by one punctuation mark in the group, Su Chen sighed again.

This group of sand sculpture book friends, as his first fans in this world, naturally made him feel different.

The fact that I can walk to this stage today is definitely inseparable from the book friends who gradually gathered at a certain point at the beginning.

In this fast-paced society full of material desires, there is so much warmth in the embrace of sand sculpture book friends.

Prosperous in a trance.

In short, after breaking the news to the book friends, everyone was taken aback.

Then each made different remarks.

"Really, it's gone? Vampire sauce can't you just add a few more chapters?"

"Yes, I think I can write a lot, don't finish it!"

"Brothers who think the author is short, please type'The author is short' on the public screen."

"The author is short!"

"No, it's gone? I only watched it halfway, just a month after being in the pit."

"I think it really should be over. The plots in it have all started to repeat the same routine, but the ghosts have great power and steady rhythm. There is nothing wrong with ~www.novelmtl.com~ It is indeed not short, and the end is indeed the best. A good choice, but at the speed of the author, it is estimated that the authors of the same period are beginning the plot. The vampires are finished with their comments. Everyone is a shower, and the vampire is a fire water gun."

"There is nothing to talk about at this speed, ten chapters a day guarantee, I or him directly give a monthly pass."

"Support the author, there is no monthly ticket to vote, I will vote for a wave of recommendations."

"Let's talk about it, whether to open a new book or finish the horror room. Anyway, I am a fan of you, and I support whatever you write." An old fan heartily sent a message.

Before the screen.

With gratitude, he returned the words "Thank you for your support" to the book friends. As for whether to open a new book next, Su Chen has not decided yet.

In fact, there is nothing to open up on the web.

An old ancestor pretending to be a face-slapped essay "Fights Break the Sphere", coupled with the more novel "I Have a House of Horrors", is enough for other authors to study and find new things by themselves.

Moreover, at this stage, he has too much work in comics and light novels, and he even has to take care of Bilibili's animation production team.

After this battle is over, I definitely don’t want to spend more time on web writing.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry to pack tickets with book friends here, and he still needs to take a step-by-step look at the specific situation.

And now that the news is released, it must be released more thoroughly.

After being notified in the book friend group, Su Chen edited a one-chapter announcement and published it in the writer's backstage, so that it could also be conveyed to those friends who did not join the book friend group.

Then I talked to the editor at a certain point.

As the conscience editor of the fantasy division, I have to say that Bai Yu helped him a lot from the beginning.


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