It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 248: Author, I beg you to be a man!

"Hiss—this is too cruel, right?" A bar friend took a breath and felt a cold in his lower body.

"The devil speaks."

"Don't you say that the electric fan only has three gears? (Funny

"I'm split, brother."

"You have won brother, remember to send the number of the live broadcast room at that time."

A group of bar friends were frightened by this poisonous oath, and they stopped interacting with Xiao Su.

In order to debate the plot of a novel, this ruthless man even made such a vow, which could not help but make them ponder.

Is the story behind it really cruel?

No way, no way?

Even though I think so...

But after seeing this ruthless man, many bar friends silently put down their phones and picked up the first volume of "Violet Evergarden".

Even if it is already more than two o'clock in the morning.

As a result, the expressions of this group of readers changed from plain to warm, and finally gradually became tangled and hideous.

Especially when seeing the end of the first volume, the expressions of all readers are completely distorted...

The next day, almost all people who did not watch the party after buying it all evolved into after watching the party.

Let alone the short story of the Lyon unit.

The memory of the last chapter, Shao Zuo and Violet’s miserable drama, directly aroused many readers who were still waiting to be cured.

It's quite sudden.

Let people not have a trace of defense.

"What's this? Did everyone read the last chapter of the first volume? How can I cry."

"I just watched him five times all night!"

"[You are no longer a prop, but a person who lives as the name suggests] After reading the entire first volume and then going back to read this sentence, I cried instantly."

"Less———— Zuo————"

"It's really cruel, the last part looks so desperate."

"I also watched that passage several times over and over again, and each time I saw it, I felt differently."

"Sand in the eyes."


"It turns out that love refers to this... Shao Zuo's guilty love for Violet..."

"Yeah, this flashback turned out to have such a deep meaning: the love that was once incomprehensible, but after awakening, is deeply trapped in it, and after the reader knows the meaning of this question, the sadness of the characters will also spew out. Nothing. Not to mention the handling of Xiaogui teacher is simply amazing."


"When the flower does not wither, when the meaning does not pass, love will never change, and the violet will last forever!"

"The big guy in front has a full score in his composition."

"The flashback is amazing! Once Violet didn't know what love was, but when she knew love and knew her own mind, Shao Zuo was gone, distressed."

"In the previous, it was not said in the novel that Shao Zuo was dead?" Someone could not accept the incomplete ending and expressed dissatisfaction.

"It's not difficult to guess this out of context, Shao Zuo is cold."

"Wa doesn't believe it! Wa doesn't believe it! Violet will be very sad if Shaozuo is dead, so if the author dares to make her sad, he must send the blade! (Anger

"Calm down brother, I think this kind of treatment is good enough, Violet is thinking of the dead Young Zuo in her heart, and is constantly searching for the true meaning of love..."

"Personally, I feel that Shao Zuo was unfortunately sacrificed. If he is still alive, why is the plot of the timeline not even mentioned before the first volume? Do you have to wait until the last memory to kill?"

"In this plot, Shao Zuo will not be able to sublimate the theme even if he is dead, so why doesn't he survive? I have a foreboding that God will turn around..."

"Everyone, don't analyze it blindly. In the end, whether Shao Zuo died or not, it's up to the second volume of Teacher Xiaogui."

A group of readers were full of emotion on the official website of Tieba Forum and other communication platforms, discussing the plot of the novel.

There are also some analysis emperors, big thoughts after reading, class representatives... all kinds of analysis on the plot and the theme of the novel on the Internet.

All kinds of well-defined speeches.

It's like reading comprehension.

In particular, most readers have a fierce debate about whether Shao Zuo is dead or not at the end.

Probably as shown above, there are such kinds of people.

One is that I feel that Shao Zuo is dead, and accept it calmly, and forget it after being sad. I think that Violet can live as strong and free as Shao Zuo said, writing letters for people to bond, and stay away from war and weapons. Start a new life.

The other is that Shao Zuo is not dead and cannot accept the development of Shao Zuo's death, and he has dug up a lot of original details and published a lot of essays to prove that Shao Zuo will not die. The next volume will be together with Violet.

There is another kind of person who is more special.

They thought that Shao Zuo was dead, but they were so sad that they couldn't accept the ending, and they all clamored to send the razor to the author.

This group of people is today, a group of grumpy fans gathered under Su Chen's Weibo.

"Mom, teacher Xiaogui, is this what you call a cure? It really belongs to you!"

"This is a healing text? I cried."

"If you say a good cure, just show me this? What the dog thief author said in the future, I won't believe a punctuation mark."

"I think it's melancholy."

"The author, I beg you to be a man!"

"Teacher Xiaogui, do you dare to leave an address? I promise not to send you the blade (smiling

"Send the blade, brothers! Go!"

"Whether Shao Zuo is dead or not, teacher Xiaogui, please give me a good word (knife

"I'm **** the author, you stinky old woman! Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you wrote so abused."

"Then what, brother, the author is a man..." Someone replied silently upstairs.


"My sister Wei's arm... it hurts when I look at it..."

"If Shao Zuo is dead, I won't be in love with the author!"

"Yes, teacher Xiaogui, what did Shao Zuo do wrong and you tortured him like this? If you dare to write Shao Zuo dead later, I will crawl to your house along the network cable."

Su Chen’s post a few days ago, there weren’t many replies. This will directly increase the popularity, and the number of discussions has increased more than tenfold.

The entire Weibo was filled with wailing and loud questions about Su Chen's abuse of the master and Shaozuo at the end.

Because it is really unprepared There is no premonition at all.

There were tens of thousands of stars with Lyon in the last second, and the next second was a tragic memory to kill.

Who can stand this?

Just like this, I took the author's knife head-on, so in accordance with the rules of courtesy, the readers also wanted to send a blade to Su Chen so that he could also taste the knife.

Many readers expressed to him the views of "I hope Shao Zuo will live", "The Great Ending", and "Violet Happiness".

After finishing part of the work with Yinsha Fengyu in the morning, Su Chen glanced at Weibo during dinner time.

The various private messages made his eyelids jump.

Most readers can't wait to know the answer to the question whether Shao Zuo died in the end.

It is too much trouble to reply one by one.

He simply organized the language, posted a newsletter, and replied in a unified way that "the second volume will explain the reason."

As for the comments about sending blades, Su Chen didn't see it.

Anyway, I don't know his address. Could it be that he can still crawl over the network cable as the reader said?

He expressed disdain.

Moreover, in order to clarify that he is not all right to abuse the owner, he must prove that this work is a healing theme.

So after thinking about it, Su Chen edited a clarified Weibo while eating.

The content is probably cheeky, telling readers, "My little vampire does not abuse the owner, and Violet's work is obviously a healing system."

At the same time, he also attached a sentence he once said to Yuzi in the Thunderstrike Library.

Painful but I am still strong, sad but I will not despair, this is the center of depth.

In short, it is to hold down these excited readers before speaking.


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