"I have blocked most of the following columns that I have found, and the comments made by people sprayed have been punished to varying degrees based on whether the content is serious or not."

   Manager Xu comforted.

   "Do you think this is okay?"

   "Troubleshooting the symptoms but not the root cause, you can't make the sprayer shut up like this."

   Su Chen curled his lips.

   Keyboard Man is the best at cutting the head to the tail, taking the meaning out of context.

   There was no reason to be able to spray people, but now there are more reasons for banning comments. Just click on the hat and follow the trend. Don’t be too simple.

   "Then how can I make the sprayer shut up?"

   Manager Xu asked helplessly.

   This question comes to the point.

   Su Chen believes that it is simply impossible to persuade cyber rioters with different opinions on the Internet.

  Of course, it is difficult to convince people who do not agree with your point of view in reality.

   This is probably a common occurrence.

   As a public figure, it is normal to enjoy some of the benefits brought by fan traffic, and to endure some online violence. There is nothing to complain about after thinking about it.

   But in the final analysis, the cyber violent itself is incorrect. No one should be violently attacked by the cyber violent. Anyone who directly initiates a personal attack will unknowingly become the perpetrator of the cyber violent.

  Traffic is valuable, it can bring fans' popularity and money.

   The traffic is also terrible. The keyboard man’s cyber violence, the personal attack by the spray, and the vicious infringement of the navy can instantly destroy a person’s heart.

   So I also hope that everyone will look at the problem rationally, reject cyber violence, start with me, study hard, and make progress every day... Wait, where did he get involved?

   The atmosphere suddenly turned into chicken soup?

   "If you want to talk about how to shut up Tanzi, you can only speak with strength."

   One hand was placed on the Tianling cover, and he gently rubbed his temples. Su Chen was also having a headache now.

   Put aside the cyber riots first. At any rate, he is also a two-life social man, and he still has the ability to resist pressure.

   The main concern now is whether the animation of "Deathnote" can be successfully broadcast.

   If the animation is broadcast directly now, it is a bit too early. It is very likely that the follow-up will not be able to hurry up, and there will be insufficient production time.

   But if it is not broadcast.

   Follow this terrifying rhythm.

   It is estimated that before October, the animation partition will be completely blown up, and the animation itself will be cold before it is broadcast.

   In that case, Su Chen has nowhere to cry.

   "Speak with strength? That's a good idea!"

   However, his words made Manager Xu suddenly realize.

   "Then let's strike while the iron is hot, and how about showing the animation footage? It just shows the quality of the animation."

"The tidbits? I have forgotten this." Su Chen's eyes lit up after hearing the words, "Yes, this is reasonable, cut the tidbits and then put them out, there is a high probability that the fans will shut up. "

   "Then it will be such a happy decision."

   The two exchanged a wave of information, and both felt that it was feasible to do so.

   After repeated revisions, the quality of the highlights is also very high, and some sounds were cut in the later period, and the sound effects were improved, and the quality was not at all.

   At the same time, in another distant city, closely following the starry sky of current events, I quickly learned the news on station b.

   Mao Xuewang confirmed the authorization, and the news that "Deathnote" will be animated by station b.

   Ha, how can I put it...

   He was also quite surprised by this amazing news.

   And, when he heard the news, the rhythm of the animated news was completely off the track.

   Various yin and yang comments in the comment area and Zuan words that directly attacked him made his scalp numb.

   In these people, the starry sky seems to see his own shadow.


   is so much, just so brainless.

   Of course, I didn't say this to curse myself.

   As a person who has come, he is also a creator. He understands the methods and psychology of Keyboard Man too well.

   is nothing more than a cheer.

Since the end of "Deathnote", the popularity has been ridiculously high. Even many people who haven't read it often will frequently get some "How DN is so awesome", "How and how wonderful the story is," and "Author" Related posts such as how Mao Xuewang has a high IQ.

   is blowing very hard.

   This also leads to some people who are not good at "Deathnote" and the author Mao Xuewang.

   But the sourness is sour, they are really awesome.

   Therefore, people who can't understand the blood and blood can do nothing except to say two sour words.

   After all, the limelight is in full swing, if anyone dares to accuse him, just wait to be drowned by the drool of fans.

   Looking back at today.

  The magical work "Deathnote" came with a wave of suspected self-destructive operation-a copyright-throwing adaptation on today's backward animation.

  , the black fans and yin and yang people who have been waiting for a long time found a catharsis.

   mmp has a black spot.

   There is no chance to attack Su Chen on weekdays. Now that the wall is down and everyone pushes, a piece of news that seems to be a black spot is infinitely magnified, and the gloomy guys are about to smear Su Chen into a mentally retarded.

   is similar to the situation of theshy in the professional arena.

   In 18 years, they won the world championship. When they picked up the trophy, they licked them one by one, wishing to be incarnate and lick the dog. What “the gods descended from the earth”, “the immortal guides the way”, “the king of Silas Qin around the pillars” went on and on.

   It's impossible to blow to others.

and then?

Waiting for this year’s summer competition, theshy played abnormally, and often became a breakthrough in team battles. When the game was ruined, one by one "send ginger", "timely rain", "God of the gods", "reward a Lucian" and so on. How ugly is the scolding? How ugly.

   In a game, the barrage is all old yin and yang people.

   I didn’t know, I thought I was going to Chishuori and ate Aoligi. Every one of my mouths was so stinky.

   is really funny enough.

   This is the so-called cheating.

   The more vicious he was at the beginning, the more vicious he is now.

   The grass and trees are all soldiers, and the average per capita is black powder.

   Xingkong couldn't help but sigh after learning the details of the matter.

   Firstly, I expressed feelings about the status quo of the Internet, and secondly I expressed feelings about whether the animation of "Deathnote" can be successfully developed.

   He belongs to Mao Xuewang's side, but he is actually quite worried in his heart.

  Animation ~www.novelmtl.com~ is basically a cool endorsement in this era. No creator wants to change his work into animation, and there is no reader who hopes that his favorite work will be adapted into animation.

   After thinking about it, he decided to do something.

   It’s not once or twice to stand up for Mao Xuewang before.

   Ever since being convinced by the plot of "Deathnote", the starry sky has been sincere, without any pursuit of profit, and admires the author Mao Xuewang.

   At this time, seeing the author I admire most in trouble, he naturally wanted to help.

   However, he was planning to use his manga account to make a sound. The official animation account of station b actually updated a dynamic.

   and the updated content made the starry sky look at it for a while.

   "Deathnote" trailer.

   Duration: 1:39

   A simple animation tidbits video, not even a decent title and attitude, station b just like this unexplainably released the animation tidbits of "Deathnote".

   people can't guess what medicine is sold in the gourd.



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