It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 237: All said that the non-chief should not touch the pool without a guarantee

   Su Chen: "I have an account here, which is banned by Penguin Games. I would like to ask you to unblock it for me."

   "Huh? Unblock the game account?"

   The editor-in-chief was shocked.

what? What the hell?

   Looking for a manga editor in chief to talk about unblocking the game account, what kind of magical brain circuit is it?

   I didn't expect the so-called help, is this what I mean?

   This little thing seems to be unable to make Teacher Mao Xuewang owe favors.

   It's as if the eraser you were at the same table dropped on the floor, and you helped her pick it up. With this trivial matter, do you still expect her to pay you back?

   "Sorry, the editor-in-chief, it's my sister's game account, the mobile game crosses the line of fire..."

   Su Chen typing and typing to the end, I feel a little embarrassed.


   Nima is too embarrassed.

   The editor-in-chief pondered for a long time, and then slowly replied: "Yes, Teacher Mao Xuewang, please tell me the account number and server, and I will ask for you."

"it is good."

   Su Chen then sent the account number to the editor-in-chief.

   And Su Xiaoxiao stared at his chat screen with expectant small eyes throughout the process.

   Soon, the news page that was silent again moved again.

   Editor-in-chief: "Teacher Mao Xuewang, I asked the technical department of the game to check it. This account was detected and reported too many times ten minutes ago. It was judged to be banned, right?"

   Su Chen thought for a while and typed: "Almost."

   This made Su Xiaoxiao who was on the side unhappy, shouting: "What is ‘almost, right’? Su Xiaoxiao didn’t open it, but this horse uniform sealed me by mistake!"

   "You say another horse dress, believe it or not, they won't help you?" Su Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

   What an ugly face you are when you ask for help.

   But fortunately, he and the editor-in-chief were typing and communicating, and the other party didn't know what Su Xiaoxiao muttered.

   "But I'm telling the truth! That king is a treasure chest, I drew hundreds of them, and I didn't get a single hair! This explosion rate is not as good as the connection of the next door!"

   Su Xiaoxiao kept thinking.

   Then there are some words that Su Chen can't understand, such as "single draw ten consecutive black ride hatsune", "one shot direct three-star pudding", "a hundred king boxes only fragments".

   makes him roll his eyes again and again.

   So, how much money did you spend on lucky draws in these games to play games?

   and there are still no guarantee games.

   said that Africans shouldn’t touch game pools with no guarantees. Why do you have to be savage?

At this moment, the editor-in-chief sent another message: "Well, let me talk to the technical department here. It is estimated that it will be unblocked, and it will not be blocked in the future... Then, teacher Mao Xuewang, let your sister Pay attention. Recently, the game department has been very strict in handling reports."

   As soon as the news came out.

   Su Xiaoxiao almost exploded.

   "Ah, ah, what kind of world is this? If you play a game too hard, you should pay attention to being reported? My feelings are disrupting the balance of the game, right?"

   ignored Su Xiaoxiao's frying hair.

   Su Chen knew that the unknowing editor was kindly reminded.

After   , I checked Su Xiaoxiao's account, and after confirming that he could log in, Su Chen also thanked the other party very politely: "Thank you, the editor-in-chief, now you can log in to the game."

"It's a trivial matter, you don't have to be polite." Editor-in-chief, "but speaking of it, the account of your sister Mao Xuewang is really amazing. I have consumed nearly 10,000 yuan in the past week. Such new players are still rare. Yeah."

   "What? Nearly ten thousand yuan?"

   Su Chen was stunned for a while and couldn't help but glance at Su Xiaoxiao who was about to continue playing the game.

   Didn’t you just tell yourself that you had a total of thousands of Krypton?

   You really have you, stinky girl, 10,000 yuan a week. At this rate, 80% of the anchor’s salary is paid by you, right?

   "Yes, the total recharge is more than 9,860 yuan, and the highest is 648 recharges eight times a day." Like the data announcer, the editor-in-chief made the account flow clearly.

   Suppressing the vague anger in his heart, Su Chen replied with a dark face, "Oh".

   He knows, now that he is chatting with the editor-in-chief, he still has to bear it.

   When the private chat was over, he slowly turned his head, grabbed Su Xiaoxiao's dumb hair, and stared at him deathly: "Let's say, a week of 10,000 yuan in krypton and want to hide from the sky, what do you want to do?"

   "Ah! I didn't hide it from the sky! Isn't nine thousand dollars a few thousand? Let me go!"

   The little girl who was strangled by fate, like a cat with her neck pinched, struggled hard.

   "Hehe, good language and literature, word games are like 6."

   "How can this be called a word game..."

   "Anyway, don't spend so much money on games in the future."

   "Uh...Then I will give you a report with my brother before I get a large amount of money next time?"

   "Do you dare to have another time?"


   Just as the brothers and sisters are making noisy everyday, the editor-in-chief sent another message on the mobile QQ.

   "Mr. Mao Xuewang, do you have any intention to change your work?"

   After a long hesitation, the editor decided to ask this question.

   Recently, there have been many novelists who have had a good personal relationship with him, wanting him to contact Mao Xuewang to discuss the issue of adapting works.

   On the one hand, the popularity is really too high, on the other hand, they also want to make "Deathnote" novel.

   Su Chen looked at it, and couldn't help asking: "Do you want the animation rights to "Deathnote"?"

   Chief Editor: "This... is not an animation, but a novel. Many novelists contacted me privately and wanted to write a novel for "Deathnote." As for animation, we won't start thinking about it until at least next year."

   He took it along and gave Su Chen a hint.

   "Adaptation is eliminated, and animation is not necessary, because my right of adaptation has been handed over to station b."

  Let's go back and forth, and Su Chen also gave the editor insight.

   It's just This news is not just a simple one for the editor-in-chief. It can be said that it is comparable to a deep-sea torpedo.

   directly blew him up.

   "What? Teacher Mao Xuewang, you said that station b is going to be adapted?"



   couldn't help taking a breath, the editor was a little dumbfounded.

   What is this?

   After a slack, it was cut off by a hostile website?

  The comics published on Penguin Comics changed hands to the animation adaptation rights and let b station take over.

   That feeling is more uncomfortable than ntr.

   is wrong, it is not appropriate to say that it is ntr.

   is like the daughter of my own raising, pulling **** and piss, and then secretly punishing someone with her back when she grows up.

   The most important thing is that this object is still the enemy he least wants to see.

   So the editor-in-chief feels cold now.

   "Obviously you are from Penguin comics, why should you give "Deathnote" to station b?"

   In anxious situation, he even lost his composure.



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