It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 234: Voice actor problem solving

   After an impassioned performance, Li Zhenshou's strength was displayed at a glance, which made the other newcomers feel ashamed.

   "Okay, come here first in the first round."

Putting down the sign-in form in his hand, Su Chen yelled to stop, and then said to everyone: "Li Zhenshou will come with me, and the others will continue to prepare for the second round of auditions. After selecting the desk book, practice well, and let go of emotions when you get on stage a little."

   Li Zhenshou was overjoyed when he heard the words, and after happily responding, he followed Su Chen and Manager Xu out of the recording studio.

   In this case, the boss has turned over the sign. Whether it takes off or not, it’s just one action.

   "Li Zhenshou, right? You have a good match for Ye Shenyue."

   came to a secluded place outside the recording studio, Su Chen patted him on the shoulder and spoke frankly.

   "I originally didn't report any hope, and the No. 1 tablet was also thrown in as a token... But I didn't expect that someone would actually choose the No. 1 tablet for audition, and the effect was the same as my ideal state."

   "Thank you, Mr. Mao Xuewang, you have a good reputation."

   Li Zhenshou was flattered and waved his hand straight, with an embarrassed smile on his face, and his reaction was no different from that of some undergraduates.

   It is hard to imagine that such a shy person would be ruthless in front of the recording device!

   Store Manager Xu also looked at Li Zhenshou silently for a while, and guessed in his heart that things have developed like this, and Su Chen is about to train this kid to act as the most important voice actress of Ye Shenyue.

   Well, of course he has no opinion anymore.

   Anyway, I heard it with my own ears, and it was really vivid, completely different from the salty fishes he had been looking for in the past.

   "There is no reputation, Li Zhenshou, you showed me the hope that animation can continue to develop. You were born to be a voice actress!"

   Su Chen is like discovering the natives of the New World, with unspeakable excitement and enthusiasm in his words.

   This will be a big step in the development of animation in this world!


"You don't need to be humble," Su Chen said before Li Zhenshou wanted to be humble, "Your audition has passed today. I will leave it to you as the voice actor of Ye Shenyue in "Deathnote". I believe you can do it well."

   "Is this...really?"

   Li Zhenshou's eyes lit up.

   Happiness came too suddenly, he felt as if he was dreaming.

   The now-completed "Deathnote" is popular all over the Internet. As long as you are not a fool, you know what kind of blessing it is to act as a voice actress for the protagonist of the work.

   And Li Zhenshou, as a student who graduated from Mordu Film and Television University, is also an avid anime lover. He hopes that one day he can act like this and personally perform his favorite animation characters and so on.

   So after being invited by Bilibili, he came decisively and competed on the same stage with newcomers of the same age in order to temper himself.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered Bilibili, I met the boss of station b and Mao Xuewang, the original author of "Deathnote".

   What made him even more unexpected is that teacher Mao Xuewang actually fell in love with him, and wanted to ask him to be the voice actress of the protagonist Ye Shenyue, and encouraged him, hoping to make progress.

   It seems that I came to B station to apply for a job this time.

   Sure enough, take a fight when things happen, bicycles become motorcycles!

"Of course it's true, come on, I am optimistic about you when you are young!" Su Chen's eyebrows stretched out, with a very fresh grin, and then turned to Xu Wenchang to confirm, "Manager Xu, it's okay, I want this person Joining your company to work, that night Shenyue's queen seiyuu."

   "Hurt, the big cartoonists have spoken, how dare I have any questions."

   can be regarded as the manager Xu who can intervene, teasing sourly.

   is like a pickled fish, sour and salty.

   Su Chen was unable to complain to him.

   Sometimes he doubts, is this person really the chairman? Looks like an old naughty boy, like the old version of Kid King.

   "Don't worry, you two, I will work hard."

   At this time, Li Zhenshou gritted his teeth and said seriously.

   "Deathnote" is too popular now, even if it is adapted into an animation that is not popular today, it also gives him the confidence to appear in the hands of the public with the reputation of the work.

   Debut with the help of the big fire works, leaving a deep impression on the public, it is definitely the starting line that every new voice actor hopes to have.

   Afterwards, after discussing for a while, Su Chen took Li Zhenshou back to the recording studio.

At this time, all the newcomers have finished the audition. Relying on the impression of the sound in his heart, Su Chen relied on his feelings, and named a few newcomers who had good voices. After they could further their studies, they disbanded and eliminated the remaining newcomers. Up.

  Of course, in order to thank people of all colors for taking the time to audition at station b, store manager Xu suggested that a small TV pillow should be handed out to the eliminated newcomers.

   can also be regarded as leaving a good impression on each other, and the water is flowing.

   After there were fewer people, Li Zhenshou continued to start dubbing under Su Chen's expectant gaze.

  Light is definitely a desk book that cannot reflect its value, so he needs to let the other party dub Ye Shenyue in different scenes to ensure that the sound can be natural and superb in the animation.

   And Li Zhenshou did not live up to his high expectations. He became more self-confident in the recording studio and injected a lot of emotions. Whether it was talking or laughing, it became much more natural.


   "I will be... the card secret of the new world!"

   "Goodbye, Miss Nankong Naomi."

   "Can anyone else do it!"

   The magic sound that lasted for a long time, Li Zhenshou matched all kinds of grassy famous lines, and the effect was outstanding.

   After practicing for a while, Su Chen felt that with the professionalism of the other party, although a bit sloppy, it is now possible to officially participate in the dubbing of the first episode.

  Looking at Li Zhenshou, Su Chen seemed to see a big voice actor in the future.

  The current Li Zhenshou is a mamo youth version. In the future, he can become a top voice actor specializing in animation dubbing. It is absolutely not a problem to become an industry model worker like Jingu Junkao.

   The main reason is that the opponent's voice is too and Runrun, mamo's style is similar, it can be matched with a charming villain or a funny sandman.

   Of course, the sand sculpture villain is not impossible.

   Whether or not Su Chen can become Su Chen's ideal depends on the individual's efforts.

   It wasn't until 5 o'clock in the afternoon that Su Chen ended the audition.

   The main reason is that everyone in the recording studio will get off work right away. Even if he wants to listen, he can't listen.

what? You ask why you don’t let Manager Xu use the authority to work overtime for them?

   Hi, that's not good.

   Employees have to take care of them like family members, instead of being a dog for you.

   Su Chen is not the boss behind a black-hearted enterprise, and he doesn't mean to squeeze employees.

   "Okay, everyone performed well today. Let's do this for the animation of "Deathnote"." Su Chen thought to himself, "Tomorrow, I will come one last time to help you point out the animation problem."

The problem of    seiyuu has been solved, and now there is still the problem of animation.

   After all the flaws in the animation have been repaired, the animated version of "Deathnote" can be born.



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