It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 224: Why are you running away?

   "How is my comic?"

   The little dull hair on top of her head swayed sharply, and Su Xiaoxiao asked confidently.

   The two editors and Wang Runhe and the three looked at each other and raised their hands together: "After the review board reviewed and voted, Mr. Su won!"


   Crab's face was gray, but when Su Chen was still looking down at the manuscript and not saying a word, he still stared at him expectantly.

   After Su Chen raised his head to meet Crab’s eyes, he also knew what the other party was expecting, and smiled simply, and directly handed Su Xiaoxiao’s manuscript to him: "Teacher Crab, you can see for yourself."

   The latter is considered modest, so he took the manuscript and read it seriously.

   Just glanced at that, and the crab knew that he was not wronged.

   The starry sky scenes painted by the other party are simply beautiful mess.

   Maybe this is just a glimpse of Jinghong.

   "It seems that my heat is not enough."

   put down the drawing with mixed feelings, and now the crab is completely satisfied.


   The little girl stunned her hair, her face full of triumph.

   Su Chen also said to the crab at the right time: "Sorry, the comics you drew are really good, but they are much worse than Teacher Xiao Su, so "Violet Evergarden" still cannot be handed over to you."

   "Teacher Xiaogui, I will try my best to improve my level, and I hope you can first come to me for comics when I am successful."

  ——No, it's impossible to find you.

  Although he wanted to say that, he still smiled and replied "Okay" in this situation.

   Be a person and stay on the sidelines, see you in the future...

Don't look at the other person as a pervert, but maybe one day the protagonist will be able to possess the halo, shouting "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor", and then come back and slap him in the face after becoming famous. This is very embarrassing. .

   In short, after a wave of co-operation with Su Xiaoxiao to persuade the comic manga artist to retreat, the matter on Lightning Strike Library finally came to an end.

   Just when Su Chen thought so.

   Wang Runhe answered the phone, and then called him eagerly.

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, wait, don't leave, someone wants to see you!"

"and also?"

   Su Chen turned around inexplicably.

   What day is this today, so many people want to see themselves.

   "No see, I'm leaving now."

   So he waved his hand a little irritably.

  I want to know that it must be a cartoonist, novelist or something, so I came to him to ask for the right to adapt the work.

   After all, now whether it is Mao Xuewang or the pen name of Xiaogui, the popularity in Lightning Strike Library is too high.

   This time I came to Lightning Strike Bunku, only a little bit of wind was leaked, and a cartoonist and novelist who smelled fishy smell came to have an interview.

   annoying one.

   "Don't, Mr. Mao Xuewang, it's not a cartoonist or novelist this time."

   Wang Runhe laughed blankly.

   "The other party is not only not the creator, but is said to be your acquaintance."

   "My acquaintance?" It would be Su Chen's turn to be forced.

  Which one of your own acquaintances will see yourself here in Thunderstrike Library?

   He was puzzled.

   Could it be that which editor came to attack himself?

   "You will know if you go and see, I don't know too much, anyway, the other party's backing is not small, but Secretary Zhao, who is next to the chairman, called me personally."

   Wang Runhe explained to Su Chen.


  Since the other party has said so, then I can barely go and have a look.

   In the final analysis, Su Chen was also quite curious. There was an acquaintance who came to him at this juncture, so he couldn't guess who it was.

   "The other party made an appointment at the hotel, Mr. Mao Xuewang, I will drive you there."

   Wang Runhe said after looking at the phone.

   Probably Secretary Zhao sent him address information or something.

   "Who the **** wants to see me?"

After    and Su Xiaoxiao gave a brief order, Su Chen followed Wang Runhe alone with a suspicious expression on his face.

   "You didn't mean to drag me to the rich woman? Let's talk first. If it's not good-looking, I won't appreciate it."

   "How is it possible?" Wang Runhe's mouth twitched, and he was completely convinced of Su Chen's character, "Say it is a male, don't worry, and the other party said that he knows you very well."

   "Male? Wouldn't I be more dangerous?"

   Su Chen looked terrified.

   The purple air suddenly came from the east.

   I warn you, I don’t want to do anything!

   Wang Runhe: "……"

When Wang Runhe brought Su Chen to the door of the hotel and was about to knock on the door, he suddenly thought of something, his expression changed and asked: "By the way, Mr. Mao Xuewang, when he was in the company just now, why did the cartoonist look for Are you talking about comics? Why doesn't he talk to the author of the novel?"

   "Because I am the original author."

   "What?!" Wang Runhe was taken aback, then rubbed his eyes with some doubts about life.

""Violet Evergarden" was actually written by me. I drew illustrations for myself, understand? Or do you think someone would draw such artistic illustrations?" Su Chen rolled his eyes, his face was not red and heartbeat. Frankly said.

   Hearing this, Wang Runhe no longer knows what to say.

   So, are Teacher Xiaogui and Teacher Mao Xuewang the same person?

   He felt that everything suddenly became so unreal.

   can only sigh secretly, lamenting that the young people nowadays are so talented.

   Wang Runhe, who got the answer, was in a daze. He reached out and knocked on the door of the hotel room lightly.


   A calm voice came from inside the door.

   Very familiar voice, but Su Chen couldn't figure out who it was for a while.

   clicked the door and opened.


   Looking at the familiar figure, Su Chen was stunned.

   I'm gonna!

   Why does this person come to the magic capital?

   A middle-aged man who reveals his maturity and steadiness stands in front of them with a cup of hot...mixed coffee in his hand.

   Seeing the two Su Chen standing at the door, Shop Manager Xu looked surprised, "Su Chen, I'm looking forward to you."

   "Mr. Xu, why did you come to the magic capital?"

   That’s right, the boss of station b was very restless. Just as he sent Su Chen away with his front foot, he flew to the magic city by himself on the back foot, and went to Lightning Strike Library to find him personally. It was a mystery operation. He took the plane as a bus.

   "Oh, let's go in first, this one?"

   "I am Wang Runhe, the painter of Thunderstrike Library. No, I am entrusted by Secretary Zhao to send Teacher Mao Xuewang here."

   Wang Runhe nodded to the manager Xu.

   "Oh, it turned out to be from Xiao Zhao, thank you Mr. Wang Runhe." Manager Xu, "I am the chairman of station b, Xu Wenchang, this time I come to Su Chen to talk about something."

   Good fellow, teacher Mao Xuewang even knows the boss of station b?

   Wang Runhe’s eyes showed a touch of shock, and then he took a deep breath and said, “It’s okay, it’s just a matter of effort. Then Mr. Xu, you guys can talk well, and I won’t bother you to discuss things.



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