It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 219: Playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong

   "It’s nothing special to shape the characters. First of all, you have to know that the various characters of the comics are mainly reflected in the cute elements of the heroine."

   Su Chen didn't even think about the artist, but when someone finally asked a question about Yang Jian, he also planned to take out some dry stuff to talk about it.

   "Secondly, it is the audience of comics fans. In fact, their consumption model is very interesting. They are data consumption methods, and they will divide the character of the work into many cute elements."

   "Uh, what is this cute element?"

   Wang Runhe couldn't help but ask.

   Seeing that Su Chen finally started to talk about what he was most interested in, he even prepared to take out his notes.

   "The cute element refers to... the selling points of the people in your work, such as tsundere, contrast cuteness, sanwu girl, natural dullness, sickness, glasses and the like."

   Su Chen said happily.

   "So, it is very important to say whether there is the connection of the elements I mentioned in the works."

   "Ah this..."

   A group of people listened a little in the mist.

   At the current level of this world, it is too early for Su Chen to give them these.

   is almost 10,000 versions ahead of Sister Li.

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, this... let me touch, are you thinking of these characters? That contrast is cute, right?"

   Wang Runhe took a deep breath, slowly inferring things.

   He was also deeply shocked by Su Chen's speech.

   I thought Mao Xuewang was now at the pinnacle of his creation, but he didn't expect that there were still many elements in his mind that he hadn't drawn.

   What kind of perversion is this?

   ahem...... No, the words seem to be improper...... What the **** is this?

   Yes, ghost, that's the word.

   I came up with so many kinds of manga characters at a young age, and it seems that this is just the tip of the iceberg...

   In the brain of the other party, it is as if the universe contains the stars, and the inspiration is inexhaustible.

   Maybe this is a ghost.

"Roughly the same."

   Su Chen said vaguely.

   Strictly speaking, these are all his understanding of his previous life for several years.

   Speaking of which, these elements are nothing difficult to understand. Many famous works have embodied these elements.

   The old otaku can come just open their mouths.

Like the Tsundere Cannon (Tsao Jiao) of the Demon Forbidden, Esther in the Slayer (Contrast Meng), Hui Yuan Ai in Conan (San Wu Mai), Zhen Bai in Sakura Village (Natural Stupefaction), in the diary of the future My wife Yuno (Bing Jiao), the future in the other side of the realm (glasses), etc...

   The painters were silent for a while.

   It was probably digested for a while. After two minutes, Wang Runhe asked again: "Teacher Mao Xuewang, what does this Sanwu girl mean?"

   "No heart, no mouth, no expression."

   Seeing a group of painters who didn't even know this, Su Chen sighed slightly in his heart, and then began to explain in detail.

   "Non-verbal taciturn, not talkative, unintentional means not wanting or unable to express feelings, so that readers can't understand the inner color of the character, expressionless means that the character lacks expression, or if it is straightforward, it is facial paralysis."

   "Huh?" Wang Runhe was surprised after hearing this, "Will readers pay for such a character?"

   "The attribute of the three-nothing can only be placed on the cute girl, so of course it will. As a kind of cute attribute, the three-no girl is definitely very popular."

   "For example?" Wang Runhe couldn't help asking.

"I can't give an example. I don't have any in my work at the moment. If you have inspiration, you can reflect it in the painting." Su Chen looked around for a week, "Anyway, as the illustrators of Thunderstrike Weekly, you don't usually have much work, right? It’s better to pave the way for future work by studying and researching this aspect of human design."

   A group of painters looked at the young people in front of them and talked freely, and an emotion called admiration came to their hearts.

   Sure enough, Mr. Mao Xuewang is indeed a big boss. Even their professional painters do not understand many vocabulary, which makes them have the urge to worship.

   The hairy blood is prosperous, forever dripping God!

  The more I listened, the thinking of Wang Runhe and others became more divergent. Su Chen was like an experienced old driver, and everyone spoke out "I have gained knowledge."

   Then, after talking to a group of painters for a while, Su Chen was called out by Yuzi in the eyes of Wang Runhe and others still waiting.

   "That's good, Mr. Mao Xuewang, although I don't want to interrupt you, there is a cartoonist on our side who wants to see you."

   "The cartoonist wants to see me?"

   Su Chen followed the grapefruit all the way, looked at the other side suspiciously and said.

   "Isn't there a rich woman who wants to take care of me?"

   "What peach are you thinking about?"

   Yuzu rolled his eyes.

   "Is a well-known male cartoonist in Thunderstrike Weekly. He said he was looking for the author of "Violet Evergarden" and wanted to caricature your novel."

   "I'm a cartoonist myself, and I use him to caricature?" Su Chen expressed disdain, "If you just refuse it, it will be over."

   This kind of cartoonist who suddenly jumped out, he wants to know with his heels that the eight achievements are watching the violet fire, and want to come to the type of heat.

   And, don’t you know that the illustration of Violet is bloody? In the premise of cartooning the manga boss Mao Xuewang, what is the difference between playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong?

"I know all the truth..." Yuzi coughed dryly, hesitating, "but the other party still has a certain influence in Lightning Strike Weekly, so I just refuse it, I am afraid it is not very good. So according to the above meaning, I will bring you here. "

   "Forget it, since you have said so, I will reluctantly meet."

   Su Chen waved his hand, a bit disgusted.

   Upon seeing the grapefruit, he rolled his eyes again and again.

   Soon, he led Su Chen to the agreed, and the two walked in together.

   There are two men sitting at the table, one tall and thin, the other wearing glasses ~ ~ a serious brother with a Chinese character face.

   The two of them have been waiting for this meeting for a long time, and Su Chen estimated that one is a cartoonist and the other is the editor in charge of the cartoonist.

   This is already a formal comic-style negotiation, and the other party must show some posture.

   After noticing that Su Chen walked in, one of the tall and thin men stood up. After being taken aback, he said with surprise on his face: "Little ghost teacher?"

   Su Chen is about to nod, and then...

   He saw that the tall and thin man, who was suspected of being a cartoonist, hurriedly walked up to Yuzu and reached out his hand in a friendly manner.

  ? ? ?


   This is the second time Su Chen has suffered this kind of confusing treatment today.

   He wants to scold his mother very much now.

   Don’t you look like an author so much?

   On the other side, Yuzi glanced awkwardly at Su Chen and wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead: "I am the editor responsible for Yuzi, and this is the teacher Mao Xuewang."

   Hearing this, the tall and thin man turned his head in surprise and looked at Su Chen.

   He never expected that the author of "Violet Evergarden" was actually a man!



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