It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 210: I want to start with you, tens of thousands of stars

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Continuing to look down, Yuzi soon discovered that it didn't seem to be the case at all.

The protagonist of this chapter is Lyon, a lonely teenager abandoned by his parents in the Transcript Section of the Astronomical Research Department.

At the beginning of the story, some of the materials of the astronomical research institution are too broken, and the transcribers are urgently needed to transfer the materials.

Due to the lack of manpower in the transcription department, even if it is a sleepless job, the documents cannot be copied smoothly. Therefore, the staff in the transcription department has prepared a more advanced support-automatic memoir dolls.

As a result, a large group of autograph dolls came to this astronomy research department like this, and Violet was among them.

According to the assignment of each transcripter with a doll, Leon, the main character in this chapter, is also assigned with Violet.

In the beginning, this lonely boy looked down on the profession of ghostwriting puppets in his heart.

But later, during the time with Violet, Leon gradually realized that this girl not only had a miserable life experience, but was also very strong.

When his mother left, Leon chose to stand still and wait for the man's return.

When Violet had such a caring person in the distance, she chose to pursue that person without hesitation.

Contrary to Lyon.

This made the young man some of his admiration for the other party's strong state of mind, and some of the loss of knowing that Violet had an important person in his heart that could not be replaced.

Here, in the days of getting along, Leon has already fallen in love with Violet, and this quiet, beautiful, and pure girl.

And he himself probably didn't realize it yet.

[Since he came, he will count the remaining time together at the end of each day. And whenever a new morning came, he was thinking about how to talk to her, and even guessing where she had lost when she left alone at lunch...

When thinking about this, my heart will feel the pain like a needle stick. 】

This looks like unrequited love, brother!

Grapefruit looked like a torch.

Could it be that this young man is the main character in the next important part of this book?

After all, this is a novel that Teacher Xiaogui has written for so long. In it, the first character who has been moved by Violet, according to the other's gentle writing style, should give a good ending, right?

The unfolding of the plot made Yuzu think so.

But it was a pity in the end. Until the end, before leaving, when Lyon and Violet were observing Halley's Comet together under the night sky, Violet expressed her refusal quite frankly.

["If you say, during the contract with me...that person is in danger at the other end of the world, what will you do? Even if you go, you may not be able to help, and you may even die. Even so, you will Put down your work and rush to his side?"]

Although Lyon's questioning is euphemistic, the emotions contained in it are both selfish and straightforward.

It is comparable to the difficult topic of "Who shall you save first when I fall into the water at the same time?"

But even so, Leon still has a faint expectation in his heart.

It is said that people in love can be very stupid and naive, and it seems that they are like this.

However, what Yuzi didn't expect was Violet's extremely straight female answer.

["For me, there is no other answer to this question except to save him. I am just thinking about how to apologize to you, my lord...Although it is absolutely forbidden to give up the mission, no matter how many accusations you receive No matter what punishment I have to accept, I will definitely save him."

"For me... that person is the whole world... Without him, I don't need to live anymore."]

At this point, Violet's heart is also very obvious.

It means that the important person in her heart is the "person" she mentioned.

This can't help but make grapefruit a little curiosity.

Who is that person so sacred and so cherished by the protagonist.

There is no trace of intelligence at present, and the previous article did not mention even the slightest...

But this kind of question about the main line, she just thought about it, and quickly left it behind.

Now obviously the text is more interesting.

Violet was caught off guard with a wave of knives and dog food, which directly knocked Leon stupid.

Poor Leon, the love affair with Violet was over before it started.

It will not be until the term is reached.

A juvenile love affair that ended before it started, such as sodium carbonate picked up by the roadside, in the palm of the hand, deliquescence and weathering at the same time...

In the end, the night we saw in two hundred years passed so grandly and peacefully.

Leon and Violet observed a bright comet.

At the end of the night, in the morning of the same day, Leon came to the cable car station to see Violet off.

The transcription work that lasted for several days finally ended today. Just as the pomelo with relish was about to think that the plot had entered the main line, this chapter actually ended here.

There is no such grand theme as the previous chapters, and there is no touching point that can sublimate the plot.

This chapter is so plain and flat, even slow-paced, and tells about Lyon's somber love for Violet.

Although it was rejected, Leon was very grateful to Violet for bringing him a wonderful time.

It also changed Lyon's goal-originally he was going to stay in the transcription department for a lifetime, maybe someday, maybe his parents will come back.

But after encountering the turning point in Violet's life, Leon decided that he would travel, travel around, to the outside world, and follow in her footsteps like Violet.

The brave boy got the answer from the girl that he had not had the courage to think about, made the most correct decision, and took that mature step to leave the astronomical capital.

I don't know which day I can wait until I can meet the girl again.

The story is basically finished here.

Obviously it reads very plain, but it is impressive.

This is probably the depiction of the truest emotions of people.

After reading every last word in silence, Yuzi rubbed her temples, and was about to take a break to read the next chapter, but she saw a draft that was probably an easter egg on the next chapter's manuscript.

This made the pomelo a little shocked.

Unexpectedly, there is still a page of easter eggs in this bland chapter.

Rubbing her eye sockets lightly, she quickly took a deep breath and continued reading.

[After a long time, on a certain night, under a certain starry sky.

Scholars wandering around saw the dazzling blond hair under the moonlight. 】

It turned out that Leon had really met Violet again many years later.

After growing up, Lyon hesitated, but still chose to come forward to talk.

【"long time no see."

Scholars dream that this day will come soon, and think about it every day, if this day does come, what should they say.

If it's a clear night, then praise her for her beauty.

If it is a rainy day, then talk about the myth of the constellation.

"Have you remembered a little bit? The names of the constellations."

However, the lines that he blurted out were completely different from what he thought.

But the woman nodded happily.

A smiling face is nothing more than that, but it makes the scholars feel extremely attached and depressed with satisfaction.

It was a look that wanted to talk to a friend.

"Now, Violet, I say you."

Leon stretched out his index finger and pointed to the sky.

The night sky of the desert is swaying with brilliant gems that match this reunion.

——I still like you now, so let this aside.

Now what he wants to say is.

"If you have time, how about staying together?"

I want to be with you, tens of thousands of stars. 】

After reading the Grapefruit was also amazed by the delicate, elegant and exquisite text.

The end of this egg is simply amazing.

Seeing this, she finally came back to her senses.

It turns out that this chapter, the real meaning of exaltation, is the end of this beautiful easter egg.

The layer by layer of foreshadowing makes people feel plain and flat, but without losing touch and reality.

So at the end of this easter egg, the author only needs to push it lightly, and it feels overwhelming.

There are tears in an instant.


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