Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 1 The end is the beginning

[Iron Knight-Kia Fried] has been eliminated by [Dimensional Rift], and [Time Magician] has also been destroyed. [.\\nCOM Situ's updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, with the most error-free content and repairs. In time, browser access is recommended due to caching reasons.\\nCOM official website] Pointing his finger at Jonouchi, Malik smiled evilly and said, The next one is you, Jonouchi!

Ah! Jonouchi looked at Malik and clenched his fists, Malik!

Hoho? You didn't want to just surrender and give up, but chose to continue fighting? Obviously your [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] was like a candidate who was still answering questions when the end bell rang, and you managed to block it with great difficulty. My [God Slime]’s attack, you don’t want to leave with the basic split body like a candle in the wind, but continue to duel with me?”

Looking at the arrogant Malik, Jonouchi said in a deep voice: If we don't continue the duel, how can I let the monster beat you up?

Hoho, then let your monsters get closer to me. Malik said, playing the card and saying, As a reward for your courage, the monsters on your field are too weak and have no power. I will give you a Just a powerful monster.

Liberate the [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] and [Red-Eyes Shuokeru] on your field, and special summon [Lava Demon God] to your field!

Time always flies by so fast. A week has passed in the blink of an eye. After the top three contestants of the youth group and adult group were determined in the GeneX competition yesterday, today is the finals. In the morning, the first, second and third runner-up of the adult group have been decided, and the third runner-up of the youth group has also been decided in the previous game. Just waiting for the final duel between Malik and Jonouchi to end, the first GeneX competition will also come to a successful conclusion.

It is worth mentioning that whether it is the first, second or third runner-up in the adult category or the third runner-up in the youth category, most of them are people that Hayato knows. Although there are a few that Hayato only knows them unilaterally, and they know Hayato but don’t know. Hayato knew them.

The champion of the adult category is a staff member named Kira Aoki who originally worked in the event planning department of Kaiba Group. For this GeneX competition, he seemed to have taken ten days of paid annual leave to compete and won the championship in one fell swoop. Even Kaiba was a little surprised when he found out that the champion on the stage commanding the bird beast monsters to fly into the sky was actually an ordinary office worker in his company, let alone Keppei.

After winning the championship, this ordinary office worker also happily accepted the position of teacher at the affiliated Duel Academy that was about to open. Anyway, he was affiliated with the Haima Group. It was just equivalent to changing from a teacher who had been working for more than ten years. He was just transferred from a boring position to a new position in a new department that was relatively new, and the salary was even higher. What reason did he have to disagree?

The runner-up in the adult category is Jean-Louis Bonaparte from France. From this name, we can know that he comes from the family of the famous Emperor Napoleon, and only normal people from Jean-Louis Bonaparte His pure Napoleon bloodline can be seen in his 2/3 height as an adult, and because he won all the way and won the runner-up, some admirers have begun to affectionately call him Mr. Napoleon.

But there are also people who are indifferent to him because of his arrogant attitude and unflattering appearance, and nicknamed the duel in which he lost to the champion Waterloo.

In Hayato's impression, Jean-Louis Bonaparte did join the Duel Academy in the original timeline, holding the position of instructor just below the chairman and principal, and was called Instructor Napoleon.

But for now, the other party is still taking a wait-and-see attitude towards Duel Academy, and has not considered whether to really accept the teaching position at Duel Academy that comes with being the runner-up. After all, the reason why the other party participated in this GeneX competition in the first place was actually to pass Winning the championship is a way to show off his family's glory, but now he is not able to accept it if he is only the runner-up.

However, the third runner-up in the adult category surprised Hayato, because it was Amunaeru, the alchemist employed by Kagemaru, who seemed to have completed the alchemy formula on the island where Diablo was. After the transformation, he had enough free time to participate in the GeneX competition, and used the pseudonym Hugo Daitokuji.

Speaking of which, Hayato was involved in his name. Dateji was a surname he came up with on his own because he liked the anime Smart Ikkyu very much and felt that if he delved into alchemy problems, he could It would be nice to just meditate like Ikkyu to solve problems, and he also fell in love with the Daitokuji temple where Ikkyu was the abbot.

The name Hugo came from Daitokuji saying that his favorite duel monster card was [Fusion], because it was very similar to alchemy, so Hayato suggested that he just call him Yugo. , it sounded like he knew how to play cards, but Daitokuji thought Hayato meant Hugo, and even filled in the registration form as Dideji Hugo.

Daitokuji happily accepted the teaching position offered by the third runner-up, because in that case he could just use the convenience of being a teacher to stay on the island of Duel Academy for a long time and adjust around the entire island and its surroundings at any time. The alchemical barrier established in the sea area received two salaries from Kagemaru and Kaiba at the same time. After all, alchemical experiments are expensive.

Then there is the third runner-up in the youth category, which is a bit interesting. That is Ryo Marufuji, who has already had a relationship with Hayato. After graduating from the Electron Flow Dojo, he was studying in school, but at the same time he was too dull because of the dull campus life. Feeling at a loss what to do, after learning that the Kaiba Group had joined forces with many consortiums to establish a Duel Academy that was about to open, he enthusiastically signed up to participate in the GeneX competition.

Although he is only 13 years old this year and is still two years short of the entrance threshold for Duel Academy, he also learned from Hayato that if the Duel Academy operates well, other Duel Academy branches will be established in a year. The subordinate Duel Academy secondary department is opened, which corresponds to the junior high school where students aged 12-15 attend. At that time, he can also transfer to it.

However, the matter of the Duel Academy is related to the first, second and third place in the adult group and the third place in the youth group, but it has nothing to do with the first and second place in the youth group that has not yet been decided on the stage. Without him, whether it was Jonouchi or Malik, both of them were stuck in the age bracket, neither able to be a student nor old enough to be a teacher.

Besides, the two of them really have no interest in Duel Academy. Jounouchi's duel was taught by Muto Sugoroku. It would be better to let him draw cards based on intuition, but let him teach others how to draw cards? Sorry I can't do it.

Not to mention Malik. He is already 17 years old and doesn’t have to think about going to school. Besides, he is not the type to read books. However, since he became completely addicted to the two-dimensional culture, he started to read comics. Books and various light novels, I read more books in one year than I have in more than ten years.

Because he heard Hayato and Yinxisi mention dreams and so on. He also said that his dream is to be able to drive a giant robot and fight giant monsters in the future, or to have a daughter who can become a magical girl. If that doesn't work out, she can become a god.

Hayato's evaluation was that he played a turn-based card game developed by a company with a six-letter name. But this also shows how unreliable Malik is. Asking him to teach others how to play cards? Don't lead all the students in the college to become two-spined newts, and all of them become Emperor Yan Yi.

As for why Hayato is so concerned about Duel Academy? This has to be done a little bit.

And unknowingly, the two people dueling on the stage reversed the situation several times, and finally stayed in this situation——

[Within the city: 500LP, 0 cards in hand]

[True Red Eyes Black Dragon] (Torture Wheel) [ATK2400]

[Steel Magic Knight-Kirtia Freed] [ATK2700]


Heh, [Magic Knight of Steel - Kiltia Freed], is this your last trump card, Jonouchi? Take the [Magic Knight of Steel - Kiltia Freed] that is controlled by me on the field. Soul Spear] and [Red-Eyed Iron Knight-Kia Freed] fused to summon such a monster with an attack power of only 2700 points?

Malik put his hands on his hips and said arrogantly: It's too slow, too slow! If you summon a monster like that one turn earlier, you still have a chance to win, but now that kind of weak monster can't defeat me, who is invincible on the field. [God Slime]!

[Malik: 800LP, 1 card in hand]

【Restraint Arm】【ATK500】

【God Slime】【ATK3000】

[Torture Wheel] [Demon Chain] [Gaika] X2

If you can't defeat me in this round, in your next round, [Torture Wheel] will give you 500 points of effect damage, clearing up your last basic points like a candle in the wind!

It’s gone, Malik is gone! He has already seen his future of winning the championship! Although he has no interest in becoming a professional duelist and the one-stop package and promotion services provided by International Illusion Society and Kaiba Group, and does not want to work for Kaiba Group or International Illusion Society, Malik is interested in the International Illusion Society that champions can obtain. The one-time card customization provided is of great interest.

He had already thought about it, and when the time came, he would customize a card based on the recently popular idol group Evil☆Twin. For this purpose, he even specially rewarded them with 100,000 yen to obtain the authorization.

I don’t remember what the effect of [Steel Magic Knight-Giltia Freed] is, but a monster with only 2,700 attack points? Nothing to worry about!

Really? Then bring your face to me and get beaten, Malik! Jonouchi waved his hand and said, Enter the battle stage and use [Steel Magic Knight-Giltia Freed] to attack you. [God Slime] on the field!

It's not that Jonouchi doesn't want to attack [Restraint Arm] in attack position, but that [God Slime] has a monster on the opponent's field that the opponent cannot select [God Slime] as the target of attack or effect, forcing Jonouchi to You can only attack that [God Slime].

At this moment, I activate the effect of [Demon Pestle] in my hand, which can only be activated during the battle step of both parties. I special summon it from my hand, and my base points are restored to 1000 points. Play the card from my hand, and Ma Rick said proudly.

【Demon-shaped pestle】【ATK1700】

【Malik: 800→1800】

Although a new monster appeared, due to the effect of [God Slime], [Steel Magic Knight-Kiltia Freed] still attacked [God Slime], but again A new situation arises.

I saw a six-pointed star circle suddenly appeared at the feet of [Steel Magic Knight-Kiltia Freed], locking the Magic Knight's body as if to control it, and Malik's proud voice sounded. : In addition, open the cover card in my back field, activate the permanent trap card [Curse of the Hexagram], and select the [Steel Magic Knight-Kiltia Freed] on your field as Object, making it unable to attack or change its representation.

It's such a pity that you still couldn't defeat me after struggling so hard. Jounouchi, it seems like this is my victory.

Wadoka? Unexpectedly, after seeing the card used by Malik, Jonouchi smiled and said, It's a pity that there is no [Steel Magic Knight-Giltia Freed]. It is bound by you, and can only be activated once per turn when the effect of a magic, trap, or monster that targets it is activated, negating that effect, and destroying one card on the field at the same time!

[The Curse of the Six-Pointed Star] is ineffective against him, and I can also choose to destroy the [God Slime] on your field!

Nani? Malik didn't expect that [Steel Magic Knight-Kiltia Freed] would have such an effect. He was stunned and then said, In that case, I will also chain your [Steel Demon] Guide Knight - Kiltea Freed], open my second cover card, the trap card [Attack Invincibility]. This card can only be activated during the battle phase, and select a monster on my field. So that it will not be destroyed by battle and card effects during this battle phase!

[The Curse of the Six-Pointed Star] was crushed by [Steel Magic Knight-Kiltia Freed], and the splashed fragments hit [God Slime] with an invincible ding sound. Malik's two cover cards were all consumed, and the result was that [Steel Magic Knight-Kiltia Freed] continued to attack [God Slime].

And Jonouchi said: Very good, that's it, I'm going to activate another effect of [Steel Magic Knight-Kiltia Freed]! Once per round, when calculating the damage of its battle with the opponent's monster, exclude me. There is a magic card in the graveyard - this [Fusion] is activated, increasing its attack power by half of its defense power until the end of the round, which is 800 points!

2700+800 points equals 3500 points. Now [Steel Magic Knight-Kiltia Freed] is even higher than [God Slime]!

And, because all the materials it uses are monsters on the field, he can attack twice in the same battle phase!

[Steel Magic Knight-Kirtia Freed] [ATK2700→3500]

If it weren't for [Youxing Pestle], wouldn't I be dead? Malik took a breath and sneered, That's weird, it's because I have [Youxing Pestle] here that you lose in the city. It’s decided.”

Free [Monster] to activate its effect. Target a face-up monster on my field, and its attack power will increase by 1000 points until the end of the next turn. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. Place the field on the field. The card of [Demon Pestle] was removed and sent to the graveyard. Malik waved his hand, [God Slime] will reach 4000 points with the blessing of [Demon Pestle], which is equivalent to [Obelisk]!

It's too late for you to withdraw your attack. The 500 points difference in attack power can just wipe out your remaining basic points!

The situation reversed again. Jonouchi's attack that originally planned to cut off Malik's basic points would lead to his defeat. At the critical moment, Jonouchi hesitated a little, but still activated Gaika and said: Although I don't really want to use this card, it's already there. At the end, because I have no cards in my hand, I meet the activation conditions of this card and open the cover card!

[Fire Dart]! I can only activate it when I have 0 cards in my hand. I roll 3 dice and inflict damage equal to the total base points of the opponent x 100 points!

Seeing that the last card in the city was this kind of card, Malik said disdainfully: Oh, you haven't cleared that kind of gambling card from the deck yet? You can roll the dice as you like, as long as I still have some basic points left, The battle will continue and your remaining base points will be cleared—

The first die falls, the number is: 6.

Huh? Malik raised an eyebrow, It's just a six point, a mere 600 points of damage.

The second die falls, and the number is: 6.

Malik's expression suddenly changed, because he remembered that Jonouchi on the other side seemed to have a special hidden setting, Wait a minute, you guy, didn't you throw another six in the end?!

The third dice falls

Points, 6!

Hey, it seems that my luck is much better than yours, Malik. Jonouchi whistled, showing off his talent, I saw that Kaiba guy actually did something he had never seen before [blue eyes] in public. Ya Bailong], even I am a little envious, and I don’t want to give you the opportunity to customize the card.”

The final point is 18 points, which is 1800 points of damage, which will clear up all your basic points! Jonouchi waved his fist, Go, Jonouchi Flame!

Don't come near me!


【Malik: 1800LP→0】

Oh my God, Jonouchi's player was so lucky. He just hit 18 points and cleared all the base points of Namu, who claimed to be Malik. After the game reversed several times, he won the victory!

Let us congratulate Jonouchi for winning the youth category of the GeneX competition, and at the same time, let us congratulate the successful conclusion of this GeneX competition!


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