Before the effect of [Summoned Beast - Erysion] fully took effect, and before it and [Guardian Priest - Mahad] and [Dark Magician Girl] on the game field were removed, a huge monster suddenly appeared in the sky above both sides. The spiked ceiling suddenly crashed down.


In an instant, in addition to the three-body monster that should have been eliminated, [Summoner-Aleister] who was just squatting aside to watch the show also suffered an unreasonable disaster because of the [Suspended Ceiling] that was opened in the game, and was separated from the rest. The three-body monsters were destroyed together and sent to the cemetery. After the smoke and dust arose fell, the front fields of both sides were empty.

You actually chose to destroy your own monster before being eliminated, Muto Yugi. You are really despicable now!

No, Hayato, you don't have the right to criticize me, do you? Hearing Hayato's words, Yugi retorted and complained, And although it sounds like a comparison, being destroyed by me is indeed much better than being eliminated by you, right? ?”

Although this card [Suspended Ceiling] has a field-wide destructive effect similar to [Black Hole], the prerequisite for its activation is that there must be more than four monsters on the field. This is a bit troublesome, but I know very well, Hayato, if you want If we launch an offensive, new monsters will inevitably appear to satisfy the activation conditions of [Suspended Ceiling]. Obviously I guessed it right, and it allowed me to seize the best opportunity to activate [Suspended Ceiling]!

After the words of the game fell, Atum continued: I remember that when I was still alive, I saw a saying in Norway, 'The north wind creates Viking warriors.' The harsh north wind of the Arctic Sea created the courage and courage. The Vikings were perseverant, meaning that through wisdom they could turn harsh circumstances into opportunities.”

Aibo activated [Ceiling] at the best time, banishing [Summoner-Aleister] that could have survived Hayato, while also avoiding the banishment effect of [Summoner-Elysion]. appears. Now, the effect of [Guardian Priest-Mahad] destroyed by [Suspended Ceiling] is activated!

At the location of the destroyed [Guardian Priest-Mahad], as the purple magic light points gathered into a human form, the pharaoh's loyal mage returned to the field again at his call, blocking the front of the game. If he wanted to harm the game If so, you have to get past him.

When [Guardian Priest - Mahad] is destroyed by battle or effect, activate its effect. Select one [Black Magician] from my hand, deck, or graveyard to special summon. Thank you for always protecting us, Mahad. . Looking at the [Black Magician] on the field, Yugi said, and the [Black Magician] also bowed and saluted to Yugi, indicating that Yugi didn't have to be so polite.

【Dark Magician】【DEF2100】

Originally, under the effect of [Summoned Beast - Elysion], the game would face the monsters on the field being cleared and face the risk of being directly attacked by Hayato at any time. However, as Atum said, the game relies on its own The ability changed that situation, and the man in Sora turned into Hayato.

Be careful when sailing a thousand-year ship. This sentence has always been recognized by the game. The [Black Magician] that was specially summoned at this moment is in the state of defense. This means that even if Hayato can summon another monster to attack, as long as there is no Monsters with defensive penetration capabilities also need at least two attacks to defeat [Black Magic] and then attack the game.

So, does Hayato have such a powerful monster with defensive penetration ability?

Hmph, I really didn't expect that my 'Summoned Knight of the Machine Realm' [Summoned Beast - Elysion] couldn't do anything to you, but you actually took the opportunity to gain the upper hand. After looking at it. Looking at the remaining five cards in his hand, Hayato took out one of them and said, But unfortunately, there is no upper limit to the capabilities of my 'Pure [Machine Knight] Deck'!

‘Why are you still thinking about the ‘Pure [Machine Knight] deck’? ’ After hearing what Hayato said, Atum thought speechlessly, and really wanted to roll his eyes at Hayato to express his helplessness towards him.

Everything else is fine. For example, his love of liberating monsters can be understood as a personal duel style, but Hayato's obsession with the so-called pure XX deck is enough to leave people speechless, not that there is any What's wrong? The main reason is that his understanding of that is really strange. [Shaddoll], [Bloodfiend-D], [Summoned Beast], these cards have a hammer relationship with [Machine Knight]?

Amidst Atum's slander, Hayato inserted the card in his hand into the magic trap area and activated: The magic card [Double Summoning] is activated. I can perform the second normal summons this round, and then I will This monster is normally summoned!”

My new wind that penetrates the closed world! Come out, [Magic Knight-Gaia]!

As Hayato played the card, a red horse appeared on his field, and riding on the horse, waving a gold-embellished lance and whipping up the wind, was a heroic warrior wearing blue armor. . That is [Gaia], one of the spirits that has been with Hayato for the longest time!

【Magic Knight-Gaia】【7☆/Light】



[Gaia], which is level 7☆ like [Black Magic], was summoned directly! Yugi said with some surprise, recalling the effect of [Magic Knight-Gaia] in his mind, By the way, His effect seems to be—

If there are no monsters on Hayato's field, or if there is a monster with an attack power of 2300 or more on the opponent's field, [Magic Knight-Gaia] can be normally summoned without liberation. Atum added that the game does not After speaking about the effect of [Magic Knight-Gaia], he added, Is the last monster that appeared in front of us actually [Gaia]? Even I feel excited.

However, even though [Gaia] can break through the defense of [Black Magician] in defense position, it is still far from defeating us!

Hearing Atum's words, Hayato's lips curled up: Oh, indeed, after all, [Gaia]'s main attack power is only 600 points, and its ability to reach 2,300 attack points is all thanks to the horse with 1,700 attack points. But as a A cavalryman must also ride a horse and ride a dragon, only in this way can he be called sound!

[Magic Knight - Gaia] can only be activated when the summon or special summon is successful. Select a level 5☆ dragon-type monster from my hand or graveyard in defense position to special summon. I chose this monster in my graveyard. !”

My fierce wind that cuts apart the closed world! Resurrection, my beloved horse, I mean beloved dragon!

[Cursed Dragon - Cursed Dragon]!

The evil cursed dragon flew out of the ground waving its pair of yellow bone wings, breaking through the boundary between Hades and reality and coming to Hayato's field. His scarlet eyes looked down at the game where only one [Black Magician] existed on the field. .

[Cursed Dragon - Cursed Dragon] [5☆/Dark]



That monster!? When did it enter your graveyard, Hayato? I remember, Hayato, that you had never used that monster before.

Hearing Yugi's words, Hayato said proudly: Is it true? This card doesn't exist in your memory? That's not right. [Cursed Dragon - Cursed Dragon] has blocked 500 for me before. A little bit of damage.

500 points of damage? Atum thought about it and reminded Yugi, By the way, it was the [Wall of Power] from before. At that time, only those [Shadow Shadow] monsters and [Cursed Dragon- activated the effect. Was the Cursed Dragon] sent to the cemetery together at that time?”

That's it, because the deck likes me, Hayato Kobayashi. They are willing to give everything for me, even if they have to endure the cold silence of the underworld for a while. Hayato said, took out a card from the deck and said, From the graveyard The revived [Cursed Dragon - Cursed Dragon] also has an effect and can be activated. This card can only be activated when the Summoning or Special Summoning of this card is successful. Take a card with the name [Dragon Knight - Gaia] from the deck. Add the described magic/trap card to your hand.

The one I chose is this [Spiral Fusion]!

Catching the [Spiral Fusion] that popped up automatically from the duel disk, Hayato did not add it to his hand, but directly inserted it into the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk, and said to Yugi: Don't blink, Muto Yugi, Pharaoh Atum, This is the last monster you can see, the ultimate dragon knight beyond the peak!

Activate [Spiral Fusion], the material requirement is [Dark Knight-Gaia] monster + a level 5☆ Dragon-type monster. Send the two monsters on my field to the graveyard as fusion materials!

The light attribute [Magic Knight - Gaia], the dark attribute [Cursed Dragon - Cursed Dragon], one soul guides the light, and the other soul guides the darkness, the double spiral winds are entangled in one, controlling and connecting the unknown world The blast!

The card name of [Magic Knight - Gaia] is also used as [Dark Knight - Gaia] in the rules. After having a better mount to replace it, he did not hesitate to abandon the attack power that left him Only 600 points The rumored red war horse rides on the yellow cursed dragon.

The power of the two bodies merged into one simultaneously. The trajectories of the wings in the air and the airflow passing by the guns formed countless perfect golden spirals. The parallel entangled airflows entangled the dragon knight who appeared after the merger, setting off a storm. !

I am the approaching storm!

With a loud shout, Hayato placed the card with a purple border on the duel plate, Fusion Summon! The last knight of [Knights of the Machine World], [Dragon Demon Knight—


[Dragon Demon Knight-Gaia] [7☆/Wind]



The monster has already appeared, but the spiral airflow that appeared at the beginning of the fusion did not disappear. Instead, it turned into a real storm and entangled the double guns of [Dragon Demon Knight-Gaia].

The effect of [Spiral Fusion] is to send the fusion material monster determined by the Dragon Fusion Monster from my hand and field to the graveyard, and Fusion Summon that one-body fusion monster from the Fusion Deck. And after using this effect to put [Dragon When Knight-Gaia] is specially summoned, the monster's attack power increases by 2600 points, and it can attack the monster up to two times in one battle phase.

Hayato waved his hand, As long as [Dragon Knight - Gaia] exists in the monster area, the card name will be used as [Dragon Knight - Gaia], because the effect and attack power of [Spiral Fusion] are increased!

[Dragon Demon Knight-Gaia] [ATK2600→5200]

At this moment, as Hayato said, [Dragon Demon Knight-Gaia] has become the ultimate dragon knight standing at the top of duel monsters. Compared with the ability that requires [Chaos Warrior] and [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] The attack power of the fused [Ultimate Dragon Knight] is even higher, reaching a full 5200 points, and it can even attack monsters twice!

Although the attack power is as high as 5200 points, Hayato, without [Spiral Gun], [Dragon Demon Knight-Gaia] does not have the ability to defend and penetrate. Yugi looked at the flying Dragon Knight in the air and said, In that case, even if [Dark Magician] is destroyed, he will not be able to attack us again, [Spiral Fusion] only gives him the ability to attack the monster twice instead of twice.

Hayato nodded and said: Of course I know this. But did I say that I would attack the [Black Magician]?


Seeing Yugi frowning, Hayato waved his hand and ordered: The increase in attack power can only cause greater combat damage to most monsters, but for [Dragon Demon Knight-Gaia], even Your own attack power is also a consumable that can be discarded!

In the main phase of both parties, it can only be activated by targeting a card on the field other than [Dragon Demon Knight-Gaia]. This card's attack power will be reduced by 2600 points, and then the target card will be destroyed. He pointed to the game field. On top of the [Dark Magic], Hayato said, I will destroy the [Dark Magic]!

[Dragon Demon Knight-Gaia] [ATK5200→2600]

Raising the lance wrapped in the violent storm, [Dragon Magic Knight-Gaia] simply aimed and threw it. Seeing that [Black Magic] was about to be destroyed, Yugi immediately said: But, only with me on the field When the opponent's magic, trap, or monster effects are activated that target a Magician-type monster, the effect of [Guardian Priest-Mana] in my graveyard is activated, and you can special summon it!

The game intends to special summon the [Guardian Priest - Mana] in the cemetery before Hayato's [Dragon Magic Knight - Gaia] takes action, so as to protect the [Black Magician] from being destroyed by the effect, and at the same time [ If [Guardian Priest - Mana] is destroyed by combat or effects, you can summon [Dark Magician Girl] again to block the attack.

However, before [Guardian Priest-Mana] was brought back to the field by [Anka Kururi Ball], Hayato suddenly played a card in his hand and said: Point it out, no cheating!

The quick-attack magic card [Namer of the Grave] can be activated by targeting one monster in the opponent's graveyard. That monster will be removed. And until the end of the next turn, the monster removed due to this effect, its original card name, and that monster The effects of the same monsters are invalidated!

She had just poked her head out of the graveyard and was about to return to the field. Before [Guardian Priest Mana] could see clearly what was happening on the field, a hand that also poked out from the ground suddenly appeared behind her and raised a finger. Facing her is a Secret Body Technique of Konoha -


Huh, huh! Uhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh!

Making a strange cry of pain, [Guardian Priest - Mana] was kicked out before returning to the game, and was removed from the game and unable to appear. At this time, [Dragon Demon Knight - Gaia] also threw his lance. , destroy the [Black Magician]!

[Dark Magician]! Mahad died again, so inhumane!

Atum can hardly remember how many times he sent Mahad to the cemetery in this duel. It always felt like the frequency of his repeated horizontal jumps on the field and in the cemetery was too high.

Seeing the last monster on the game field being destroyed, Hayato held the remaining two cards in his hand and said arrogantly: Humph, you're done, Muto Yugi, your last barrier has disappeared, what can you get now? Come to stop me?

When we enter the battle stage, I will use [Dragon Demon Knight-Gaia] to attack you directly!

Golden Cavalry Spins!

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