I'll just throw my deck away!

Grabbing a stack of cards and throwing them out, [Wall of Power] blocked all the battle damage that should have fallen on Hayato, protecting his basic points from even a trace of damage.

However, [D-hero Blood Demon-D] who is in front of Hayato and just outside the protection range of [Wall of Power] does not have such treatment. He has already experienced the weakening of [Forbidden Drop] and cannot resist [ Guardian Priest - Mahad] The magic that suddenly burst out with powerful power when he was fighting with the dark attribute was destroyed in an instant and sent to the cemetery.

Atum and Yugi just saw that the dried blood pool on the ground had completely disappeared because [Bloodfiend-D] had been destroyed and left the field. However, the departure of [Bloodfiend-D] could not change the [Bloodfiend-D] that had been turned into an equipment card before. Dark Magician Girl] was released back to the game field, but was sent to the cemetery the same way.

Seeing that Hayato's card was not the [Extraordinary Food] as expected but the [Wall of Power], Atum was quite surprised and said: The card that Hayato placed was not the [Extraordinary Food]. In other words, Hayato, you When you activated [Nightmare Mirage Tower] just now, was there really no way to avoid risks? Would you rather activate [Nightmare Mirage Tower] at the risk of discarding four cards on your next turn?!

Humph, that's it, because Atum, you can definitely draw that [Treasure Card from Heaven] from the deck, right? I believe this very much. Hayato gave the card of [Wall of Power] to Go to the graveyard and said calmly, Although it will draw fewer cards because of this, it will successfully mislead you into thinking that the cards in my backfield are [Very Food]. In terms of resourcefulness, you are still no match for me, Hayato Kobayashi!

And because it was sent to the graveyard by the effect of [Wall of Power], the effect of the card will be activated.

As Hayato raised his hand and snapped his fingers, the shadow under his feet expanded suddenly, spreading to the field in front of him as if it were a living being. Several dark phantoms rose from the shadow.

Among the cards sent to the graveyard, the effect of [Shadowdoll Hound] targets one monster on the field and changes its representation; the effect of [Shadowdoll Beast], I draw a card from the deck; [Shadowdoll] The effect of [Spirit Wings - Venti], special summons one other [Shadowdoll] monster from my deck in face-down defense position; the effect of [Shadowdoll Hedgehog], removes one other [Shadowdoll] monster from my deck. [Shadowson] monster is added to the hand.

The effects of four consecutive monster cards took effect at the same time. Hayato arranged the chain processing order for them according to his own wishes and began to reverse the processing.

After retrieving a card from the deck and adding it to his hand, Hayato placed a monster card on the field. After drawing a card from the top of the deck, he added the card on the field that had just been in face-down defense position as a special card. The summoned monster flips over.

What appeared was the [Shadow Lizard] that Hayato had used in his previous duel with Blue God. He was once a warrior named [Seinshi-Amaichi Ugakichi], but was now transformed into a beast crawling on the ground. 】.

【Shadowdoll Lizard】【4☆/Dark】



When the monster form is changed by the effect of [Shadowdoll], the effects of reverse monsters other than [Shadowdoll] will not be activated, but [Shadowdoll Lizard] will not be affected. And although his attack power is only 1800 Not as good as [Guardian Priest-Mana], but it has the effect of being able to target and destroy one monster on the field when reversed!

Hearing Hayato's words, Atum said: Because of the effect of [Guardian Priest-Mana], all magician monsters with level 7☆ or above on my field will not be destroyed by the effect.

Of course I know this, but I never said that I would use the effect to destroy the [Guardian Priest-Mahad] on your field. He has already attacked him and is no longer a threat to me. Hayato stretched out his hand. Pointing at [Guardian Priest-Mana] who tilted his head, Although [Guardian Priest-Mana] protects [Guardian Priest-Mahad], its own level is only 6☆ and is not within the protection range of its own effect. Inside.

In order to protect others, you built an absolutely solid and unbreakable barrier, but left yourself on the outside of the shield? In that case, I would have destroyed you, [Guardian Priest-Mana]!

It's because you always target me that I can't bear to see you! Mana said with great displeasure when she heard that Hayato had chosen herself as the target of destruction, and turned around to act coquettishly towards Atum and Mahad. Come on, You should also show your attitude, prince and master!

Well, this is also Hayato's characteristic. I'm used to it, Mana. Atum spread his hands and said helplessly, while Mahad looked at Mana calmly, And anyway, you are not afraid of being Destroyed it, Mana?

Gu! You actually said such words, save me, master!

Mana? (No concern)

It was obviously a serious occasion destroyed by the effect, but [Guardian Priest-Mana] was hit by the dark energy spitted out by [Shadow Lizard] while playing around and exited the scene, and neither Atum nor Mahad had any big problems. reaction, because at the next moment, a purple chestnut ball suddenly flew out from the ground where [Guardian Priest Mana] was just now, dragging [Dark Magician Girl] who had changed her clothes onto the scene.

Hehehe, Mana-chan is a great victory, you didn't expect that I can come back again!

After waving goodbye to the [Anka Chestnut Ball] which had exhausted its power and disappeared, Mana reappeared as the [Dark Magician Girl], with her hands on her hips and said arrogantly, I am immortal, hohohohoho ~

Looking at the energetic Mana, Atum shook his head helplessly, looked at Hayato and said: Hayato, you used the effect of [Shadowdoll Lizard] before, and you seized the loophole in the effect of [Guardian Priest-Mana] and destroyed it. The destruction really prevents me from continuing to use her to attack the [Summoned Beast-Light Body] on your field in this battle phase, and it also prevents me from subsequent attacks.

The third effect of [Guardian Priest-Mana] can only be activated when it is destroyed by battle or effect. You can select one [Dark Magician Girl] from my graveyard, hand, or deck to special summon it.

After a pause, Atum continued: At the same time, because there are two [Black Magicians] in my graveyard, [Dark Magician Girl] will inherit the teacher's magic power and increase its attack power by 600 points, and The effect of [Black Magic Enhancement] is applied to her, so that she will not be affected by the opponent's effects until the end of the turn.

While Atum was talking, Hayato saw the [Dark Magician Girl] on his field raising her wand to absorb the remaining magic power on the field. The powerful magic power turned into air currents and kept rolling around the [Dark Magician Girl].

Oh oh oh oh! Eat the magic power and the power will surge up!

【Dark Magician Girl】【ATK2000→2600】

Unknowingly, the girl who had been under the guidance of her teacher and had been protected had grown into an outstanding mage, and even had more power than her teacher. Atum was pleased to see Looking at [Dark Magician Girl], he turned his attention to Hayato and said: Then, let's continue the battle phase, Hayato. I'll use [Dark Magician Girl] to attack the [Shadow Lizard] on your field!

Not only because its attack power is lower than [Summoned Beast-Light Body], but if I remember correctly, the [Shadowdoll] monster's characteristic is that the effect of the monster is reversed and the effect when sent to the graveyard is only in one turn. You can activate one, right? In that case, now is the best time to destroy your [Shadow Lizard] after it has already activated its reversal effect!

Black Magic Explosion!

The red-purple magic bullet was instantly formed, and [Dark Magician Girl] easily completed the attack technique with just a swing of her staff. She held the staff in both hands and raised it above her head. She swung the magic bullet hard and shot it out. It was like the previous male protagonist in a psychopathic work who was shot in the head with a golf club. She is very vindictive, even if it was just based on Hayato's order, but [Shadow Lizard] just used its effect to destroy [Guardian Priest-Mana], so she will not forget it so easily, and she must take revenge on the spot!

Then Hayato, who didn't have a cover card on the field, knew that the dark attribute and magician clan's [Dark Magician Girl] had resistance that would not be affected by the opponent's effect under the influence of [Dark Magic Strengthening], so he did not block its attack. Meaning, let the magic bullet swung by [Dark Magician Girl] fall on [Shadow Lizard] who had only appeared for a few seconds, blasting it directly into a shadow and falling back to the ground.

Hayato also suffered battle damage because he was in an attack position.

[Hayato Kobayashi: 3500→2700LP]

Atum originally expected that even if Hayato used some means to avoid the powerful blow of [Guardian Priest-Mahad] that destroyed the world, he would later use [Guardian Priest-Mana] to fight with [Summoned Beast] -Light Body] died together to specially summon [Dark Magician Girl], thereby achieving three attacks in one battle phase, forcing Hayato to withstand 2600 points of direct attacks from [Dark Magician Girl].

But now, there is a bigger deviation than what he expected. While [Summoned Beast - Light Body] is still on Hayato's field, [Dark Magician Girl] only destroyed [Shadowdoll Lizard] and caused 800 damage to Hayato. Points of combat damage, Hayato's remaining basic points are still more than those of him and Aibo.

Really, I have almost exhausted all my means. I should say that I am worthy of Hayato. I am really not that easy to defeat.

The game responded: It doesn't matter. The other me can deal 800 points of damage. It's enough. We are gaining advantage little by little.

Looking at the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] on Hayato's backcourt, Atum also understood the meaning of the game: Ah, compared to us who have three cards left in hand, Hayato has seven cards in his hand now, but Because of the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower], he needs to randomly discard four cards in his hand during the preparation phase of his turn.

Then there are monsters on both sides, and our side is stronger. After looking at the three cards in his hand, Atum said helplessly, Then, I'll leave it to you, Aibo.

Well, don't worry, the other me. Yugi nodded, looked at Hayato and said, The battle phase is over, and then in the main phase two, I will set three cards!

Our turn is over.

[Muto Game: 2000LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Guardian Priest-Mahad] [ATK3500→2500]

【Dark Magician Girl】【ATK2600】

【Gate Card】X3

Looking at the three cover cards at the end of the game, Hayato was also a little speechless. Why, that guy Blue God is not good enough to allow you to use the triple trap that became the underworld scene, so you, a serious player in the game, come to my place to play this set, right?

He finally understood the meaning of what the game said to Atum at the beginning, You attack and I defend. Does the co-writing mean You are responsible for unfolding and I am responsible for the heavy traps?

But it doesn't matter, you have to know that you have put the heavy nemesis [Harpy's Feather Sweep] in your deck, and it was already in your hand just now because of the effect of [Shadow Beast] middle.

As long as [Harpy's Feather Sweep] is successfully activated, everything will be fine.

My turn, draw a card! Hayato confidently drew a card, and then saw half of the cards in his hand suddenly turned into phantoms and disappeared. He knows that this is the negative effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower] taking effect. Although it makes him feel good when drawing cards, it doesn't feel good at all when it comes to discarding cards, especially since its discarding card effect is still Randomly.

Because I drew four cards in the last round, I now need to randomly discard four cards, but it's not a big deal. I now have eight cards in my hand, and even if I discard four, I can still keep four. Come.

But the question is, why is that [Harpy's Feather Sweep] among the four discarded cards?

Watching the powerful cards [Harpy's Feather Sweep], [Bitter Choice], and [Shadowdoll] being sent to the graveyard by [Nightmare Mirage Tower] together with [Harpy's Feather Sweep], [Bitter Choice], and [Shadow Shadow Beast], he stuck out his tongue and acted cute to himself. Half-Dragon Maid - Laundromat Lady], Hayato felt that he seemed to have found the answer, this must be Xiaolan's doing!

Hmph, because [Shadowdoll] was sent to the graveyard by the effect, I drew a card from the deck.

Then during my main phase, I activate the effect of the continuous magic card [Devil's Declaration] on the field, pay 500 life points to declare the card name, and if the card at the top of the deck is the declared card name, add it to my hand. . He snorted with some displeasure. After Hayato made up his mind to go back, he kicked Xiaolan out of the deck, The card name I declared is [Fusion Magic].

[Hayato: 2700→2200LP]

Turning over the top card of the deck, as expected, it turned out to be the [Fusion Magic] declared by Hayato. Atum and Yugi watched as Hayato added it to his hand.

That card, does it mean that the monster is coming? Recalling that the earliest fusion monster that used this magician version of [Dragon Mirror] was in the hands of Hayato, the game also looked serious. expression.

[Fusion Magic] is activated. This card can be used as fusion material by removing monsters on the field or in the graveyard, and fusion summons a magician-type fusion monster from the fusion deck. Take out five cards from the graveyard, and Hayato will Exclude all of them, Exclude the five monsters in my graveyard: [Summoner-Aleister], [Shadowl Dragon], [Shadowl Beast], [Shadowl Hound], and [Shadowl Lizard]!


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