Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 160 The Crimson King deleted the time of 159

Hey, Hayato, your days of opening dimensional doors for whatever you want are over. Give me the [Quantum Cube].

If you want it, you should get it yourself. You already know the rules.

I knew you would say that.

How many times have we dueled?

It's hard to say, we're always dueling in our free time.

It's time to end this, Hayato, once and for all!

The above is purely a little theater of Hayato's own imagination. Neither Atum nor Yugi has a slutty personality like a certain red demon hunter. Even if they undergo a rare combination, they are only in a state of coexistence of two people's personalities.

Obviously there are two wills controlling one body at the same time, but because Atum and Yugi have a closer tacit understanding than brothers with deep feelings, couples who have been together for many years, or twins who are born with empathy, the two have a closer understanding. The movements are so synchronized that others cannot tell that two people are controlling the body at the same time.

Golden light spots appeared on Yugi's wrist, and the familiar weight of the duel disk pressed on Yugi's left wrist. He raised his hand and inserted a deck of cards into the slot. The duel disk suddenly deformed, unfolded, spliced, and was basically divided into regions. lights up.


[Muto Game: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Atum's voice sounded: There is no eternal feast in the world, even for us, Hayato.

The other me is fighting with me, let's use this duel to show off again, Hayato.

The sound of the game also sounded immediately, and two similar but slightly different sounds came from one mouth, causing Hayato to raise his eyebrows: Humph, then try to get closer, Kazama Shunsuke.”

“Who is that person I’ve never heard of!”

Hayato raised the duel disk and ignored the game's complaints. He reached for the card box at his waist. However, at the same time, he clicked on the warehouse in the system panel that was not closed and chose to start receiving the achievements he had completed before. The reward is a randomly pre-assembled deck called Power of Another Dimension.

Just like the novice pre-set that Hayato bought once, this reward is also to randomly select a field of pre-set decks within the given range as a reward. The reason why Hayato chose to receive the pre-set at this time is because What's interesting is that even if it's a highly entertaining deck, there may be two useful cards in the pre-set.

The [Jade Beast] deck can bring one [Gray Flow Rei].

In Hayato's expectation, the decks that can be drawn from the so-called power of another dimension are nothing more than decks composed of informal fields like [], or else they are monsters that are active in card stories and often travel through dimensions, such as Cards related to monsters like [Female Warrior of the Wilderness] and [Light Hound-Thunder Light] are really not very attractive.

In his opinion, the biggest reward in the deck that Power of Different Dimensions can create is probably the first special summon that collects all five additional decks of fusion, synchro, super, pendulum, and connection. The champion deck of the style is the Dimensional Demon [DDD] deck.

But when he opened the warehouse and was about to take out the bonus card deck, he was stunned when he saw the bonus extraction interface.

[The random Power of Different Dimensions pre-group drawing is in progress, and the preview card pool list is being shown to you:

One life is bad——[The Tears of Elegy Clan];

The most evil in the world - [Shockclaw Beast Warriors];

The Bad World - [Mana Foolish Clan];

The bad things in the world - [Jushe Nuwei Clan];

Knight of the Star Key - [Knight of the Machine World];

Twilight of the Gods——[War of Kings];

Apostle of the bottom of heaven - [teaching];

Although the list of decks listed was very long, Hayato had no intention of reading any more and kept his eyes fixed on the deck at the top of the list - [Tear of Tears Elegy Tribe].

According to convention, the decks Hayato obtains will not have the ability to transcend the times such as attunement, super, and connection, even if those decks themselves are mainly focused on such summons. Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits, the most suitable They are those decks that do not have or do not rely heavily on summoning methods such as synchro, namely superior, ritual, soul, and fusion decks.

I, Hayato Kobayashi, hereby swear that I will give Bekas twenty years of life in exchange for being able to win the [Tear of Tears Tribe]!

What, I told Becas not to make a deck as disgusting as [Tear of Beads]? Impossible, absolutely impossible, I never said that, someone must be setting me up. Do I look down on [Pearl Tears]? No matter what, I will always like [The Tears of Lament Clan]!

Look at the prefix of [Teardrop], Eternally Bad, it sounds very dangerous, and it will destroy the world. In that case, the righteous Hayato Kobayashi, I must attack immediately and bring him to justice! [The Tearful Elegy Tribe] The most appropriate way to deal with it is to leave it in the hands of me, Hayato Kobayashi!

Although he thinks so, Hayato actually knows very well in his heart that the card pool list given by the system is probably similar to the cover characters in the limited card pool open to card games. It is used to seduce you to look over and go. The kryptonian gold drawing card is just a decoration. Except for the tempted kryptonian old man and the single-drawing European foreigner who should commit hara-kiri, how can ordinary players get the biggest prize so easily?

Although he would overestimate his ability and try to sneak across alone, Hayato also had a clear understanding of his luck in his heart. Besides, he didn’t think the system would be so kind as to unlock the [Tear of Tears Tribe] so easily and open it to him.

Especially - what Hayato has in front of him is not even a gold-drawing card pool, but a one-time draw pool for achievement rewards. Even if Hayato still has a lot of DP points on hand, he can't draw even a few points, so he can only leave it to fate. Let the system arrange the deck assigned to you.

It seemed that Hayato had been thinking about it for a long time, but in fact, it only took less than ten seconds to extract the rewards. Amidst Hayato's prayers, most of the names in the deck list that were originally lit were dimmed in an instant. After that, they included the [Tear of Tears Elegy Clan] and the [Kousha Nuwei Clan] whom Hayato was particularly concerned about.

Tsk, what a pity, even if I can’t draw [Pearl Tears], I won’t even be able to enjoy the [Kushe Nuwei Clan] that doesn’t exceed the limit? I also thought that I could use the B Three Wolves to give the duelists in this world a little gyro shock.

However, although he failed to draw the ultra-mainstream deck that once dominated the environment, Hayato looked at the deck he got and was still a little pleased. At least it was a deck of considerable strength, and it was something Hayato did not have on hand. The power family deck fills this gap, and a card included in the pre-set is quite topical.

Quickly picking out a few cards from the preset and putting them into the deck he had prepared long ago, Hayato took out the deck from the card box on his waist, inserted it into the duel plate and said: The souls of people in this dimension Bound by gravity and unable to soar in the sky. Even though humans are aware of the existence of the universe, they are still attracted by gravity and eating away at the earth.

Human beings will eventually go to heaven, so it will be up to me, Hayato Kobayashi, to purge the human beings from the earth!


[Hayato Kobayashi: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Although the actual situation is that Atum and Yugi duel with Hayato in 2VS1, because the two of them share the same body, the rules of the duel still apply to the rules of 1VS1. Both sides have a basic 4000 points. point.

Moreover, because Hayato spent some time adjusting the deck just now, and because Atum and Yugi completed the preparations first, even though Hayato's duel plate has a card ejection mechanism specially made by Keppei, which can be used to speed up card drawing, It was still Atum and Yugi who took the initiative.

We get the first move, draw the card! When Hayato drew the five initial cards, Yugi also drew a card. While taking the first move, he didn't even look at the cards in his hand. Played, Then activate the magic card [Pot of Desire] and draw two cards from the deck.

Not bad momentum, Aibo. Atum was not surprised at all that Yugi knew what card to draw without looking at the card. After all, Yugi defeated his own powerful duelist. Isn't this true for all duelists? Is it a basic skill that you should know?

After all, the opponent is Hayato. If you don't take it seriously and use your full strength, you will be killed instantly, right? Yugi smiled, and said to himself after seeing the two cards drawn, Just attack, and the other Just me, leave the defense to me.

Oh, I won't let you down. Atum responded, then played the card he drew, Then in my main phase, activate the magic card [Black Magic Array]. According to it The effect when activated confirms the three cards at the top of my deck.”

The [Black Magic Array], also known as Stargazer, has the ability to see the cards above the deck. If there is a [Dark Magician] or a magic or trap card described in the [Dark Magician] card name, you can give it to it. After the opponent watches, he adds the cards to his hand and freely arranges the order in which the remaining cards are put back into the deck. It is perfect as the first step in the expansion.

And sure enough, above Atum's deck, it seems as if there is no shuffled deck. The three cards [Magician's Rescue], [Soul Servant] and [Master and Disciple's Bond] all have [Dark Magician]. The magic card described in the card name is waiting for Atum to choose.

Based on the effect of [Black Magic Array], I will show [Magician's Rescue] to Hayato and add it to my hand, and then put the remaining two cards back on top of the deck in the order I want.

[The Magister's Rescue] was not added to the hand by Atum, but was played directly: Then directly activate this field magic card [The Magister's Rescue], as the effect when it is activated, I remove it from the deck Set [Eternal Soul] in my backcourt.

In the blink of an eye, two more magic cards appeared in Atum's backfield, waiting to provide assistance to the magicians who would appear later. The trapped trap cards were also a big trouble, but Atum's hand was not. There are still a full six left.

Normally summon [Demon Transformation-Rizhen], as long as it exists in my monster area, I can advance summon a magician-type monster in face-up attack position only once outside of the normal summons during the main phase. Comes with [ A magician dressed as a clown with the ability Double Summoning jumped out in front of Atum, and then immediately jumped into a magic circle, Then, I will use [Demon Transformation - Li Zhen] as a sacrifice to perform a superior summons!

Come to me, [Dark Magician Girl]!

Ko~ko~da~yo~ I remembered with a lively voice, and a girl jumped out of the magic circle where [Magic Transformation-Rizhen] disappeared, striking a pose with great energy.

【Dark Magician Girl】【ATK2000】

However, when she noticed that the person opposite was actually Hayato, [Dark Magician Girl] screamed Yeah and quickly hid behind Atum. She seemed to be very afraid of Hayato. Where could she look? It can be seen from the aura of I am the most beautiful girl mage in the world when she appeared on the stage just now.

Atum also looked helplessly at the [Dark Magician Girl] behind him, Why are you so afraid of Hayato? [Dark Magician Girl] Forget it, if you add Mahad, you won't be afraid anymore, right? ?”

Looking at Hayato again, Atum took out a card from the deck: [Demonization-Rijin] When sent to the graveyard from the field, select a normal monster of the magician type from my deck and graveyard. To add the card to my hand, I chose my most trusted servant - [Dark Magician].

Then, the magic card [Fusion] is activated, using the [Dark Magician] in my hand and the [Dark Magician Girl] two monsters on the field as fusion materials. The strongest magician has an outstanding disciple, and finally A powerful magician combination is formed here!

Fusion Summon! [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple]!

Although it was said to be a fusion, it was actually just the elf of [Dark Magician] - Mahad appeared behind Atum, grabbed [Dark Magician Girl] by the collar and lifted her up like a chicken. Dragging away from Atum, bowing to express his apology, he returned to the field with the [Dark Magician Girl] in his hands, standing beside him to watch over her.

And it seems that with the support of the [Dark Magician], the [Dark Magician Girl] suddenly wiped away all the fear in her body and looked at Hayato arrogantly with her hands on her hips.

[Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple] [8☆/Dark]



The number of cards in his hand dropped to three, and Yugi took over from Atum, who seemed to have completed his expansion, and began his expansion: Although the other me has used the normal summon, Hayato, our turn is not over yet. Activate the magic card [Sealed Gold Cabinet], remove one card from my deck face-down.

It's actually this card. Atum glanced at the golden cabinet that sealed a card that appeared in front of him. He couldn't help but think of the prediction that the game would seal [Resurrection of the Dead] during the Duel Rite, It was The sealed cards cannot be used by either side, and will be added to our hand during the preparation phase of the second turn after activation.

After a pause, Atum continued, Although it is a card that will only take effect in the future, it does not mean that it cannot help now. The effect of [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple] is once per round, magic and trap It can only be activated when the card's effect is activated.

I draw a card from the deck. If that card is a magic or trap card, it can be set directly on the back field. If it is a quick-attack magic card or trap card, it can also be activated in the turn it is set. .”

And the card I drew is this one——

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