Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 141 Seahorse VS Blue God

On one side of the stage, the translucent lifting platform underfoot made Lan Shen's heart beat faster. Without him, it's just because there is no support at the bottom of this disc that only one person can stand on, and it floats out of thin air.

Although before taking the stage today, Lan Shen said to Haima very arrogantly, Let me see the performance of Haima Group's technology, but now Lan Shen just wants to say, Are all Haima Group's technologies monsters? .

Whether it is the anti-gravity flight or the virtual projection system that covers up the actual support and creates the illusion that the disc is flying out of thin air, now that the ability is still limited by the seahorse, the Blue God is not a prana, but just a falling person. Just ordinary people who would fall to death.

However, although Lan Shen was nervous, it was just that he could not control himself physically, not out of fear. Compared to himself standing at a high place, he actually cared more about what Kaiba and Hayato had said to him before.

He glanced into the Kaiba Dome. Although Prana and Prana could sense each other, with so many people interfering with his senses, not even the Blue God could find him. Sera and other companions did not know whether they appeared in Kaiba Dome as Kaiba Se and Kobayashi Hayato expected.

And without the ability to sense, Lan Shen could only see clearly the audience close to the stage with his own eyesight. Among them, he saw people cosplaying as [Dark Magician Girl] and [Dark Knight-Gaia]. There were even people dressing up imitating Muto Yugi, Kobayashi Hayato, and Kaiba Seto, but Sera and the others were nowhere to be found.

——The reason why no one plays [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] seems to be because Seto Kaiba announced that the copyright of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] has been transferred from International Illusion Society to Kaiba Entertainment Group and is owned by him, forcefully. The rules prohibit other people from cosplaying into [Blue Eyes White Dragon].

While Blue God was looking around for traces of Sera and others, Sera and her companions also came to the Kaiba Dome. However, they did not check in from the entrance through the formal ticket check-in, but used them as plazas. The transfer of Na's ability directly appeared in a corner of the venue where no one was paying attention.

However, although no one was paying attention to their location before the transfer, it was no longer the case after the transfer. Kaiba's improved Prana detection device 0 with lower latency immediately locked onto Serra and others.

Diva looked at Blue God standing alone on the stage. Sera, who was holding the [Quantum Cube] in her hand, frowned, and her thoughts could not help but drift back to the day when Diva lost control a month ago.

When the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] and [Quantum Cube] gathered in the hands of Blue God at the same time, Blue God was forced into a state of dimensional ascent under the guidance of that power, and at that time Sera also felt something dark and terrifying. Come upon the Blue God.

After Sera left with the [Quantum Cube], she had carefully felt the [Quantum Cube], but she could not feel the dark and terrifying power in it, but when she brought the [Quantum Cube] to the Seahorse Dome Later, she found that the terrifying aura faintly appeared again.

However, it did not come from the [Quantum Cube] in her hand, Sera couldn't feel where the breath came from.

In that case, could it be said that that breath comes from——

Yo, are you, Sera?

A voice suddenly sounded behind Sera, which scared her whole body. She almost lost her grip on the [Quantum Cube] in her hand. When she turned around, she saw that at some point, Hayato Kobayashi had actually found her and quietly Soundlessly appeared behind him.

Kobayashi Hayato!?

Sera looked at Hayato warily. Although she had always thought about meeting Hayato since her last duel with Kaiba, she had never had a good opportunity. Hayato appeared with Kaiba and the gang of fierce-looking combatants. If Sera had walked slower, she might have been captured along with Aigami.

And this time it was the same, because Sera immediately noticed the shining and eye-catching golden disk hanging on Hayato's chest.

[Thousand-year Wisdom Wheel], that is an unknown thing, it will bring misfortune to the person who wears it. Sera's eyes moved away from the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] and moved to Hayato's face, You actually put it on Wear that thing on your body?”

Huh? Ah, there's no way. After all, I've been wearing it for a while, and I always feel a little light after taking it off. After hearing Sera's words, Hayato also lowered his head and glanced at the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] on his chest, Although it is not a genuine product, the weight is still similar.”

Master Xia Di said that the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] has the most evil and powerful dark power among the seven [Millennium Artifacts]. It cannot be touched by ordinary people, let alone control it. It will only become it in turn. Puppet. Sera looked at Hayato and took a step back, Although this [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] is just a by-product of Diwa's unintentional introduction, there is no doubt that it is also an evil existence.

Even compared to the other genuine [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] that had a suitable host and the evil will escaped from it, this [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] that was born from memory is even more evil. Could it be that , did the dark and terrifying aura I noticed before come from you, Hayato Kobayashi?

No wonder Sera thinks this way. According to the elimination method, the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] and [Quantum Cube] that were gathered together released such a dark aura, and the [Quantum Cube] is nothing strange. There is something wrong with it. It can only be the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom].

Hayato raised his eyebrows and said strangely: Why do you think that?

Because the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] is evil, if the user does not use powerful magic to suppress it, he will be counterattacked or even killed just by wearing it!

Sera said firmly, and Hayato heard Sera's words and said calmly: Indeed, if you think about it carefully, the guys who have worn the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] seem to have no good end. Mahad, Bakula, Zuo Ke, and Tapirang are also miserable. However, I am different, because I was born to be a king!

It's just a [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], how can dust block the brilliance of the sun?

Hayato said as he walked towards Sera, Between those people, give me the [Quantum Cube] in your hand, if you don't want the darkness and terror you are afraid of to come.

After hearing this, Sera held the [Quantum Cube] tighter and refused to let go, and said firmly: The [Quantum Cube] is an important tool for dimensional ascent. It must not be left to you to bring Pharaoh Atum back. The human world. Moreover, the darkness I feel has nothing to do with the [Quantum Cube].

Sera originally thought that Hayato might take action directly after hearing that she had rejected his request and refused to hand over the [Quantum Cube]. After all, the information she had learned in the past was that Kobayashi Hayato was greedy and quick to do anything. One of the labels that has been attached to Kobayashi Hayato is that he pulled out other people's entire decks and did whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

But when he heard that Sera rejected his request, Hayato put down his hand indifferently: Oh, just forget it if you don't want to hand it over.


Looking at Sera with a puzzled look on his face, Hayato spread his hands and said, There is no way. Although I really want to get that thing, let's not talk about Atum. If we let you brats ignore it, that thing will cause a lot of trouble. Something like that. However, I still can’t do anything with a seven or eight-year-old girl.

Seven or eight years old? Sera heard Hayato's words and subconsciously looked down, her gaze unobstructed at her feet. This made Sera a little embarrassed, Who is eight years old? I am this year Already fifteen years old!”

Fifteen years old? That's it? Hayato raised his eyebrows and glanced at Sera, with pity in his eyes, It's really pitiful. Even Rebecca is better than you, right? She's even more incomparable to Kyoko, let alone I’m talking about Yin Xisi. No, maybe that guy’s chest muscles in the city are too.”

Noticing that Sera's gaze had become quite dangerous, Hayato quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore, but since you are unwilling to hand over the [Quantum Cube] to me, would you mind telling me? How was it intended to be used when it was brought here?”

Although she was still wary of Hayato, Sera had no intention of lying or concealing anything, and replied: I'm here to take away Diwa, but in the process I will definitely be blocked by you and Seto Kaiba, so I The [Quantum Cube] will be delivered to Diva, and then——

Then what I said, the darkness and terror you are afraid of will come. Hayato interrupted Sera, Although I don't know how Xia Di described the beauty of rising dimensions to you, but in this world, miracles Magic is never free, and the more beautiful the result, the more difficult it is to reach it; and the destination that can be reached easily will not be as beautiful as the scenery.

You can achieve the so-called 'relief of all mankind' just by holding the [Quantum Cube] without any effort? Ask yourselves, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

Listening to Hayato's words, Sera was also stunned for a moment, but the knowledge that Xia Di left on her for a long time is still deep-rooted: You can't convince us, Kobayashi Hayato, if words can convince each other, then in the world There would be no war.

Can you understand but not accept it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hayato said indifferently, Then go try it and give the [Quantum Cube] to your brother. By the way, Blue God's real name is Dva ( Diva)? What, I thought it was a woman’s name, but it turned out to be a man’s name?”

Seeing that Hayato really didn't stop her, Sera hesitated, but chose to trust Hayato for the time being and left, blending into the crowd gathered in Kaiba Dome and approaching the central stage.

Watching Sera leave, Hayato's voice rang in Keihei's ears: Why did you let that woman go, Brother Hayato? That person is a key person who needs special attention, right?

Yeah, why? I'm also looking for the reason. Hayato said casually, slightly adjusting the headphones in his ears, Maybe it's because I'm a kind person and want to help a pair of uneducated people. Brother and sister go to see the scenery at the end of their dreams? Even though it's just darkness.

I don't know what those people's dreams are, but what do you mean, Hayato-nii, are their dreams something that cannot be realized or will be realized in a completely different way than expected, such as world peace or something like that? Keppei paused, You actually like to watch other people's dreams shattered and fall into despair. It's really bad, Hayato-nii.

Nonsense, there is no duelist who is kinder than me, okay, absolutely not. Hayato paused, then asked Keppei who was monitoring the entire Kaiba Dome venue in the background on the other end of the headset, Except for the blue ones on the stage. Apart from God and Sera, how are the arrests of the other Planas going?

The movements of the others are much faster than you, Hayato-san, and they are all under control. I have to say that Isono did a very good job.

Hayato nodded and said: I am a kind-hearted person and I don't want to see others suffer. It's really pitiful that those children of Prana are scattered all over the place, so let's gather those people and lock them together.

As expected of you, Brother Hayato.

In front of the Blue God, Kaiba appeared on the same circular lifting platform and returned to the stage. He announced loudly: At the beginning of the GeneX competition, I will fight a specially selected duelist. He is... The duelist named Blue God was a duel between the legendary duelist Muto Yugi, the duelist king Hayato Kobayashi, and the three-legged cat Jonouuchi Katsuya who was simply lucky.

But the result will only be that I beat him to pieces!

Onore Kaiba!

He vaguely heard someone's excited shouts coming from below the stage. Lan Shen watched the lift platform he was stepping on rise together with Kaiba, and said arrogantly: Oh? The majestic Seto Kaiba actually has to rely on other people to lift him up. Opponent, to show off my ability? But unfortunately, I can't duel with you.

Standing on the lifting platform, Lan Shen still wore a restraint device on his wrist. Although he could move freely, he could be electrocuted by the device again at any time. He raised his hand and said: The deck I am using is not mine. I don’t even have a duel disk in my hand. Although I also want to defeat you, it’s a pity——”

This is a lie.

Even if he is an idiot, first Hayato, then Yugi, then Jonouchi and Malik, after being beaten three times, Blue God can clearly see where his full strength is, and knows that he is definitely not a legend like Kaiba in Duel Monsters. The duelist's opponent, Seto Kaiba's duel was just waiting for his death.

He lost several duels. Lan Shen did not want the title of Invincible Legend who was always defeated in every battle. He had the right reason to reject Kaiba, and by the way, he was able to cause an accident in this large-scale event held by Kaiba Group. See him embarrassed.

But just as Lan Shen finished speaking, he heard a voice: Brother, catch it!

Something was thrown into his hands from a distance. Lan Shen subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch it, only to see that it was the [Quantum Cube]?

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