Master Xia Di is the man who can be my father. How dare you kill him to say such things!

Hearing Lan Shen's words, Tapirang was also stunned: Father? Xia Di?


As the power of the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] continued to deepen, the [Quantum Cube] in Blue God's hand reacted with it, and a powerful impact was suddenly released from Blue God's body, indiscriminately pulling other people away from him. Pushing aside, Mani and Sera did the same.

Holding two props, the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] and the [Quantum Cube], the Blue God had a golden inverted triangle sign on his forehead. Jonouchi looked at the Blue God in surprise: What kind of throwing tiles is this!?

Compared to Jonouchi, who did not have Prana's talent, Sera got up from the ground and looked at Blue God, with a golden inverted triangle also lighting up on her forehead.

That is the symbol of her being Prana. Every companion who is connected to Prana's collective consciousness has the same symbol on their forehead. Mani's forehead also lights up with the same golden color. Inverted triangle.

Just like when people who hold the [Millennium Artifact] or are affected by the power of the [Millennium Artifact] use their full strength to a certain extent, the Eye of Ugato symbol will appear on their foreheads, Serra and the others This sign of prana also emerges when these prana exert their ability to sense the minds and consciousness of others.

Sensing Blue God's aura, Sera's eyes widened, because she found that Blue God seemed to have once again entered the dimension rising state that she had experienced before, and this time he did not even interact with other Pula. The consciousnesses of Na's companions were linked together, but by virtue of the power of the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], he alone entered the state of ascending to a higher dimension.


S-Sela Sera, who was looking at Blue God, heard someone calling her, turned her head and found that it was Mani who had also been pushed away from Blue God just now.

However, after the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] broke away from Mani's hand, it was very obvious that he was not as emotionally unstable as before, and turned back into the Mani that Sera remembered, who was currently lying on the ground calling weakly. Hold yourself.

Mani, how are you?

Sierra came to Mani and asked with concern. She was about to reach out to help Mani sit up, but she saw Mani getting up rather resisting contact with her, and said to herself: Don't mind me, Sierra... …Diva, we must bring Diwa back quickly.”

Forced to sit up, Mani hid one hand behind his back and continued to say to Sera: The emotion of hatred will devour a person's self and then release it again through himself... This is the inescapable Mobius. ring.

In 'Dimension Ascension', you must not have such emotions, otherwise hatred will continue to spread through the linked consciousness, causing everyone to fall into the dark side of the dimension. We must stop Diwa as soon as possible!

We need to stop that guy Blue God

Jonouchi heard Mani's words, although he was still a little wary of this guy who attacked them and was more direct than Lan Shen, but he could also see that the person just now seemed to be controlled by the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], and now he is controlled It's the blue god's turn,

But even if you say that

Looking at the unknown dark air around Blue God, even if Jonouchi wanted to step forward, he couldn't do it. If he touched it rashly, he might be controlled by the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] like Blue God, but if he didn't get over it, Maybe Blue God will start attacking like the man named Mani, and this time Honda won't be able to sneak up and punch him.

If you can't get close to that—

Jonouchi gritted his teeth and pulled out a card from the deck. The phantom of [Red-Eyed Black Dragon] appeared behind him, but it did not materialize. Instead, it approached Jonouchi in another form, a layer of illusion. It seems that the armor is about to appear on Jonouchi's body.

Although he didn't dare to touch directly, Jonouchi planned to use the power of [True Red King] to arm himself a little. He just had to pass through the dangerous air current and get close to the Blue God. If he moved faster, he might not be attacked by [Millennium Wisdom] The power of Wheel] is affected.

Come on, [True Red——

However, before the slightly unfamiliar and unskilled Jonouchi could complete the physicalization of the card, a cold and arrogant male voice suddenly came from above his head: That's not necessary!

Accompanied by the exciting music that sounded from nowhere, Jonouchi saw several slender objects suddenly being dropped rapidly above his head, piercing right around the Blue God's position, and several long metal poles piercing the concrete floor. At the same time, the mechanism popped up from the bottom to fix itself, and then a blue electric spark suddenly appeared on the top.


Huh, huh! Uhhhhh, ahhhhh!

The electric currents between the metal rods were connected to each other, forming a grid cage around the blue. At the same time, there were also dangerous-looking electric currents running around in the cage, directly hitting the blue god before he could make any move. The electricity was so severe that I kept wailing and twitching, unable to move.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, several more men in black wearing professional combat uniforms quickly dropped to the ground along several zip lines, and used special insulated sticks to reach into the power grid and grab the [Millennium Power Grid] held by Lan Shen. Wheel of Wisdom] and [Quantum Cube] were all knocked out, causing the Prana symbol on Blue God's forehead to dim instantly, and the surrounding black mist also dissipated.

But it wasn't over yet. The man in black with the stick took a step back. The man in black with the strange device in his hand stepped forward and pressed the device on Lan Shen's body. The devices unfolded their components on their own after being triggered. When put together, in the blink of an eye, it turned into a restraint prop that bound Blue God's hands, shoulders, neck and even eyes at the same time, leaving only Blue God's nose and mouth exposed.

The [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] detached from Blue God's hand rolled to the ground, and the overflowing dark power converged, as if it fell into sleep again, and the [Quantum Cube] also slipped to Sera's feet.

Seeing that the group of people who suddenly appeared were focusing on guarding the Blue God, Sera immediately squatted down and picked up the [Quantum Cube].

Compared with other [Millennium Artifacts], [Quantum Cube] does not have the characteristic of selecting its user. Although it is not said that an individual can use it after getting it, but as long as he has the rare ability of prana, he can slightly synchronize himself with it. It can also be used after the fluctuation and resonance are linked.

While fluctuating in sync with the [Quantum Cube], Sera quickly returned to Mani and said: Mani, I will send you back to everyone right away——

No, Sera, please leave by yourself...

But Mani shook his head to stop Sera, smiled bitterly, and revealed the hand hidden behind his back. His hand that previously held the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] was clearly dyed black. Sera His eyes widened in disbelief.

I have been completely distorted by dark emotions. Once I return to everyone, I will only spread this distortion to others... I'm really sorry. Out of curiosity, I picked up the [Millennium Years that Diwa left behind. Wheel of Wisdom], I caused Diwa to become like that...

After a pause, Mani looked at Lan Shen who was being held down by the men in black.

It's hard to say whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, but the people who captured Diwa did prevent him from being infiltrated by dark power and falling into the dark side of the dimension...

Get out of here before those people notice you, Sera...

Mani's body, which was sitting on the ground, gradually became transparent, and with a smile on his face, he disappeared into nothingness in front of Sera.

Two beams of searchlights shone, Jonouchi looked up, and found that a huge aircraft had arrived over the street where a few people were at some time, silently overlooking a few people on the ground. The power grid just now had combat personnel. They were all dropped from there, and on the belly of the aircraft was printed the word KC that everyone in Doshino City knew.

That was the logo of the Kaiba Group, and as the aircraft turned slightly to reveal its side, Jonouchi saw Kaiba and Hayato standing at the aircraft door, condescending!

Hmph, although the delay is a little higher, it still works successfully. It was temporarily completed based on the abnormal fluctuations when the kid named Sera appeared before. The so-called 'Prana Detection Device'.

Seeing that his men successfully completed the capture of Blue God, Kaiba nodded with satisfaction, The same move will not work on me a second time. How dare he appear again in Tongshiye City?

So, what do you say about the fact that I used [Fusion Release] to send [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] back to the extra deck? Next to Kaiba, Hayato caught a ride or a free ride. Leaning against the hatchway.

After searching for clues in Duel Link to no avail, Hayato learned from Kaiba that although he had not found Sera, Sera's special magnetic field, which had once haunted the Kaiba Group, was still recorded, although no image of the character was captured. , but there was indeed a period of special magnetic field fluctuations at that time, for which Haima specially made a simple but effective detection equipment.

By connecting this device to the Kaiba Group's network and authorizing it to monitor the entire Toshino City, Kaiba tried to search for the special magnetic field held by Sera throughout the city, but it only took a little time.

Therefore, within the Kaiba Group, Hayato and Kaiba played another round of cards as if to kill time, and Hayato was delighted to receive 500dp.

After hearing Hayato's words, Kaiba felt a little bad again. He turned his head unhappily, glanced at the duel plate in his hand and said, So you should turn off the music, right? Why? Set up that weird startup language?”

Who asked you to say 'It's not necessary'? Isn't it common sense that this line corresponds to this BGM? Hayato glanced at Sword, Halberd and Raging Waves displayed in the basic sub-display area of ​​the duel disk, and turned off the music He said helplessly after the player function.


Glancing at Hayato, Kaiba snorted and said nothing, but in fact he still felt that the music just now was quite exciting and exciting. He secretly started the program left in Hayato's duel disk and remotely synchronized the music that Hayato had just played to his own. In the duel plate, he jumped out of the aircraft without any protective measures.

When passing through the branches above the road, he took a few steps on the relatively thick branches to relieve the momentum. Kaiba landed gracefully on one knee, with the hem of his windbreaker slowly falling behind him. It looked like something Superheroes in general.

Oh oh oh, he's so handsome, Kaiba-san.

Tapira, who had never seen this kind of posture before, clapped and praised in agreement, while Malik and Jonouchi on the side were already used to it. Jonouchi, who was unhappy with Kaiba, even complained mercilessly: Your knees. Aren't you afraid of breaking it, Kaiba?

Alloy protective gear, mediocre.

Standing up, Kaiba brushed off the dust on his knees and tapped his knees lightly, making a metallic sound. He said something disdainfully to the city, and then looked around, Isn't Muto Yugi here? Huh, It seems like that guy has realized that only incompetent and cowardly herbivores live in groups, while powerful carnivores at the top of the food chain should live alone.”

How can you be good at dueling monsters if you stay with some second-rate duelists who use third-rate decks?

Hahaha, who is a second-rate person with a third-rate deck... Wait a minute, Kaiba, you bastard, are you talking about me? Let go of Honda and Malik, narrow-minded guys like this, I want to use my Fix him with your fists! HA☆NA☆SE!”

Ignoring Jonouchi who was being held captive by Honda and Malik, Kaiba looked at Sera who was holding the [Quantum Cube] in her hand. She witnessed her companions disappearing in front of her eyes. After a brief period of confusion, she quickly took action again and did not approach those people. The person who captured the Blue God went up to kill him, but decisively chose to leave temporarily to ensure that the [Quantum Cube] would not fall into their hands.

The two's eyes met for a moment, but Sera didn't say anything and just disappeared from Kaiba.

What a pity. Hayato came to Kaiba and said regretfully.

Hmph, it's true that that woman ran away again. It seems that we still need to continue to improve the timeliness of the detection device. If she dares to appear under my nose again, I will never let her go.

Hearing Kaiba's words, Hayato couldn't help but glance at Kaiba: Wow, do you have such great resentment towards a little girl?

Huh, in my eyes, there is no distinction between men and women. I just need to consider whether I need to defeat the other party. As a gender equality activist, President Kaiba, who can kick women without hesitation, crossed his arms over his chest. Before, he said it as a matter of course.

As expected of you. However, what I regret is not that. Hayato said with a regretful expression, I have already searched that Blue God's body, and his deck is not on him at all. It seems to have been placed there. In the Quantum Cube, it would be a pity to be taken away like this.

“It’s more uncomfortable to not let me earn cards than to let me lose cards.”

Hmph, as expected of you. Kaiba immediately returned Hayato's words, glanced at the combatants who were still waiting for his instructions, and said, Bring that guy back to the company, and then Isono, close the team. .”

One of the people who looked like a special force but was actually just a member of the security department of the Kaiba Group pushed up his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and replied, Yes, President.

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