Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 136 Past Memories 2.0

Xia Di wanted to use it more and more after hearing what the man in front of her knew about the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom].

But just when the [Millennium Key] on his chest was ready and about to take effect, the white-haired man turned around and looked at Xia Di and said: Are you the owner of the Golden Wheel? Please, please P-please sell me the golden wheel!

He put down the satchel he was holding and opened the zipper. It was filled with banknotes, all bundled with 100 US dollars. Franklin's face looked so reassuring. Grabbing a few bundles of banknotes, the white-haired man begged Xia Di, You can give me these as much as you want. Please sell me the golden wheel!

Looking at the desire and desire that overwhelmed reason in the man's eyes, Xia Di put down his raised hand from the [Millennium Key], looked at the man who was waiting for his answer, and shook his head: It's a pity, the [Millennium Artifact] is You will find your own master by yourself. The owner of this wheel has been destined for a long time, and that is not you.

The [Millennium Scepter] and [Millennium Jewelry] inherited by the Yin Xiudar clan will be inherited within the Tomb Keeper clan for a long time, and the same is true for the [Millennium Scale] and [Millennium Key] inherited by the Xin clan, but the Xin clan has inherited them to this day. , Xia Di is already the last member of the clan, and the [Millennium Scale] and [Millennium Key] selected him at the same time, but Xia Di restrained his wish and in the end only carried the [Millennium Key].

In addition to the other three [Millennium Artifacts], Xia Di has traveled around the world in these years to adopt children with Prana abilities. At the same time, he also recovered two of them, and the other [Millennium Cone] Although he also found clues, he failed in his search.

His main method of collecting [Millennium Artifacts] is to use the power of [Millennium Key] to control the minds of mutants. However, the place where the [Millennium Cone] is suspected to be is an ancient tomb with many mechanisms. There is no way to control the mind. room.

In Xia Di's hand, there are four [Millennium Artifacts] [Millennium Scale], [Millennium Key] and the collected [Millennium Eye] and [Millennium Wisdom Wheel], but among them, the [Millennium Key] is carried by Xia Di, The [Millennium Eye] also found a suitable owner not long ago - a foreign tourist who broke into this place like the man in front of me.

Therefore, at this moment, there are only two [Millennium Artifacts] embedded on the stone slab of the underworld - [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] and [Millennium Scale].

But unlike the owner of the [Millennium Eye], the man in front of Xia Di did not accidentally break in but deliberately found this place. At the same time, he did not get anything like the owner of the [Millennium Eye] who also had white hair. After all, the powerful dark power of the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] would never be interested in an ordinary person, and the [Millennium Scale] chose Xia Di early.

At the same time, although Xia Di did not use the power of the [Millennium Key], he noticed that the desire in the heart of the man in front of him was constantly expanding - the power in the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] was not intentional, but just unconscious. under the subtle influence.

There is an evil spirit sealed in this wheel. If possible, it is best to stay away from it. Don't get involved casually, otherwise you will encounter misfortune. Although Xia Di didn't care about the life or death of the man in front of him, Xia Di still I reminded the other person to stay away from the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], so that he could recover a little from the influence.

But after hearing Xia Di's words, the man said excitedly: No, wait, please! Please sell it to me no matter what!

There is no rumor that this golden wheel is cursed in the legends I inquired about. On the contrary, this wheel can bring absolute power to the holder and make people become an omnipotent king. Evil spirits Or whatever, it’s just an excuse for you to reject me!”

Please, I want to use this golden wheel to do something, please sell it to me!

Behind Xia Di, the blue-haired boy hugged his sister and looked at the man who looked crazy. Even if he didn't have the [Millennium Eye] and the [Millennium Key] and other [Millennium Artifacts] that could see through psychic abilities, he could still do it at this moment. It could be seen from the man's eyes that his reason was completely swallowed up by desire at this moment.

Maybe the other party's original intention of looking for the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] was really to use it to do something, such as saving someone important to him, but that was what happened before. At this moment, the other party's eyes Only the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] was left. Even though he mentioned his original purpose, he had already abandoned it in his heart.

As Prana, the boy can be so sensitive to the thoughts in other people's minds. At this moment, the children in this underground temple are all children who were adopted by Shadi and have Prana ability, even if they are not as good as the blue-haired boy. His senses are sharp, but he can also feel the thoughts of the white-haired man to some extent, and the same is true for the sister in the arms of the blue-haired boy.

Diva felt the deep dark desire in the white-haired man's heart. The girl hid in her brother's arms and read his name with some fear.

Sela... After patting his sister on the shoulder, the young boy Diva comforted her without saying anything else.

When Xia Di saw that the man was so stubborn, he did not warn him after having already advised him. Instead, he turned around and said: In that case... if you want to become the holder of the wheel, you must accept the trial and cannot disobey the wheel. will.

I can do anything, anything! The man heard Xia Di's sigh of relief, and he was also happy. He put the money in his bag back and pushed it in Xia Di's direction, So, please give it to me!

Xia Di tilted his head and looked down at the humble man kneeling on the ground. He raised his hand expressionlessly and pointed at the stone slab of the underworld: Go and put on the wheel. After putting the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] on your neck, the wheel will give you Come up with the answer.

When Xia Di finished speaking, the man turned around impatiently, pulled out the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] that he had been thinking about from the stone slab of the underworld, put it on his chest, turned around and said, How about it? That’s it, right?”

Looking at the man wearing the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], Xia Di looked at him as if he were looking at the deceased. He did not answer his words, but just allowed the man wearing the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] to laugh triumphantly.

In another part of the temple, Tapirang, who had followed his father here, hid behind a stone pillar and looked at his father's crazy appearance. He was quite worried, but he could only hold on to the rough stone pillar and watch.

That's it, then the Golden Wheel is mine! Hahahaha! Feeling the weight on his chest, the white-haired man felt an unparalleled sense of peace of mind. After obtaining the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], he——


The laughing man's voice stopped suddenly. He just heard a sudden heartbeat and his eyes widened, unable to continue laughing. Because of the instant feeling of suffocation, the man stretched one hand to his neck, but there was nothing there, so his other hand touched his chest, not only to grab the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] that he had finally obtained, but also to Trying to feel your own heartbeat.

But there was nothing. The man suddenly realized that the heartbeat sound just now was clearly from his own heart, and it was the last heartbeat sound. His heart was no longer beating?

The suffocation made the man feel dizzy. He clutched the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] on his chest with both hands and refused to let go. He staggered forward with his head lowered. Xia Di stepped aside indifferently and let himself go. The man, who couldn't see clearly what was in front of him, missed his footing and fell down while walking towards the steps.

And the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] just fell from the man's chest to the ground, rolled around twice and then collapsed.

[The Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] cannot bring people the so-called absolute power, nor can they become an omnipotent king. Looking at the man lying on his back motionless, only breathing out but unable to take in even a breath of air, Xia Di said calmly, That is just a rumor that the Pharaoh Ramses II who once held the wheel was too dazzling and appeared.

Instead of borrowing power from the wheel, the pharaoh suppressed the evil in the wheel for a long time so that it could not regenerate. This continues until now three thousand years later. As a price, the pharaoh's lifespan seems to have been shortened. After a pause, Xia Di muttered to himself with some uncertainty, Even so, he still has a longevity that was rare in that era, which makes people wonder how long he can live.

However, although the evil will within the wheel is suppressed, it will still have an impact on the surroundings. That is why I brought the selected children here to cultivate their ability not to be affected by emotions. And you who have direct contact with them , I am afraid that my body has been eroded by the dark power in an instant, and there is no possibility of survival.

You can't even hear me anymore.

Uh-huh, ah, ah

Even though the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] has left his body, his heart, which was corroded by the dark power and stopped beating, will not recover. The man is lying on the ground in pain, with the expression on his face twisted into the character Shou, and his mouth is open. While closing his eyes, he stretched out his hand towards the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] that fell not far away, as if he hadn't given up yet.


Seeing his father become like this, how could the young man who was hiding, Tapirang, hold back, rushed out from behind the stone pillar, came to his father's side, and shouted, Dad!

His son's voice rang in his ears, but the white-haired man didn't turn his head to look at Tapirang for even a second. He didn't even have the strength to open his eyes. He still stubbornly stretched out his hand in the direction of the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], but he couldn't reach it. Get even a little closer. The last oxygen in his lungs was breathed out by the man. He spoke with difficulty, but instead of responding to his child's call, he muttered crazily: Lun Lun

Xia Di naturally noticed the appearance of the young Tapir Liang, but compared to the ordinary-looking young Tapir Liang, he was more concerned about the [Millennium Key] on his chest. He clearly did not use it or the one on it. But suddenly a golden light lit up. Xia Di had seen this kind of light several times before, and it often appeared during his search for the [Millennium Artifact].

Generally speaking, this means that the [Millennium Key] senses that there are active [Millennium Artifacts] around. For example, there will be such signs when the [Millennium Artifact] recognizes its owner, but Xia Di thinks this should be the [Millennium Key] sensing error. He mistook the killing of the white-haired middle-aged man by the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] just now as the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] detecting a suitable holder.

When the young Tapirang heard his father's words, he also glanced at the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] that was not far away, and said quickly: It's there, it's still there, dad. Standing up, Tapirang looked towards the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] ] walked away, thinking about giving the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] to his father, maybe it would make him feel better.

However, when Tapirang walked to the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] and held it up with both hands, golden light suddenly bloomed on the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], and Xia Di slowly realized that it was not the one who had made the mistake. [Millennium Key] But yourself. The [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] has really found the right holder, and that is the young man in front of me. Something bad is going to happen!

Let go!

Xia Di tried to stop Tapirang from continuing to hold the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel], but as soon as he took a step forward, he saw the golden light on the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] quickly dissipated, as if the surface seal had been removed, hiding The deep darkness under the golden light turned into thick fog and poured out, shrouding the young Tapir Liang who was nearly at Chi Chi, and Xia Di couldn't get even one step closer!

The young man Diwa looked at the black mist. The five cones of the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] were all pointing at the chest of the young Tapirian. Five cones pierced into Tairong's chest, and blood splattered. He quickly covered his sister's eyes and asked her to turn her head away.

After just a moment, the black mist dissipated. Xia Di put down the cloak that was shielding the children behind him. Seeing Tapirang kneeling on the ground not far away, he hurriedly ran forward and asked worriedly: Are you okay, kid? Hello, Can you still answer me?

Hehe, hehe, hahaha. In Xia Di's horrified eyes, the tapir, which had its head lowered, suddenly raised its head. The two strands of hair stood up due to the inertia of raising its head, as if it were a pair of rabbit ears, giving people an impression. The impression of the two of them was completely different. He opened his eyes, and the originally blue boy's hole turned scarlet after being stained with his own blood. Should I say it's fate? I really found a body that is so suitable. .”

I'm back from hell, the nameless Pharaoh, and Ozymandias!

While Xia Di was stunned, Tapirang raised his hand and revealed a ball of dark energy in his hand: As a gift for my return, you, this annoying guy who has been guarding me for so long, disappear from the world!

The scene where Xia Di was hit by Tapirang's attack was frozen in front of everyone's eyes, and several people in the city also discovered that at some point, the Blue God who brought them into this memory world and a girl were standing not far away, Also watching the scene where Xia Di was killed.

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