Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 59 HyperMu... I mean Dragon Shield Armor

Roar! The momentum was completely different from the one seen on the roof of the Haima Group before. The white dragon with cyan eyes spread out its huge wings that covered the sky and let out a huge roar, seeming to announce to the world. King's return.

In the castle in the distance, Bekas was holding a comic book and looking at it with interest, laughing heartily when he got up. In front of him was a long dining table, but no one was eating except him.

Just when Becas wanted to have a sip of red wine, the butler who had been waiting behind him seemed to have heard something from the earphones, and cautiously said: Mr. Becas...

World-class red wine, paired with Gorgonzola cheese; Morning's clean sunshine, paired with the best comics in the world. This should have been my happiest time. You should know this very well, right? Take a sip. Red wine, Becas then continued, So, are you disturbing me because of something?

Our server has been collecting card data used by duelists on the island, and just now, we collected card data from [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. The butler heard that Becas did not hold him accountable for disturbing his enjoyment. The manga couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and reported nervously, After surveillance and comparison, it should be Seto Kaiba himself.

Lord Bekas, do you need us to catch Seto Kaiba who broke into the Duel Kingdom?

No, no, no, it's not beyond my expectation that Kaiba Boy will come to the island, and I also believe that he will definitely come to my castle by then. It's just a matter of time. Clip it into the bookmark and put it The comic book was put aside, and Becas leisurely cut off a piece of cheese and put it in his mouth to taste.

The Gorgonzola cheese from Milan, Italy, released its unique aroma in Becas's mouth. Becas squinted and enjoyed it for a short while before saying, So, have you found Boy Keppei?

Sorry, we're still looking, but that kid is too cunning.

Hey, it's a shame that I specially invited him to be our guest. It seems that he doesn't like our way of entertaining. Sighing, Becas waved his hand behind him, indicating that the butler would stop here and continue to enjoy himself. What a wonderful morning.

And the other side.

Look, Hayato Kobayashi! This is the majestic appearance of the strongest dragon in the world of duel monsters! Kaiba, who thought he was invincible because he summoned the [Blue Eyes White Dragon], laughed proudly, Been beaten by [Blue Eyes] Are you so frightened that you can't speak? Humph! It's not enough. Just remember the true terror of [Blue Eyes] in your mind!

Apply the most powerful white light of destruction to that [X-Boss Cannon]! Kaiba pointed at Hayato's field with the lowest attack power [X-Boss Cannon], Disappear here! annihilation Burst Stream (Destruction of Explosive blast bomb)!!!

Dazzling like a supernova explosion, a white torrent filled with a seemingly endless aura of destruction descended from the mouth of [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. [X-Boss Cannon] fought back and launched all its firepower, but whether it was a powerful cannon or a solid armor, , failed to help it survive the attack of [Blue Eyes].

The torrent of light dispersed, [X-Boss Canon] was destroyed and sent to the cemetery, and Hayato's health also suffered overflow damage.

[Hayato: 4000LP → 2800LP]

Cover a card and my turn ends. Kaiba looked at Hayato and said indifferently, Struggle to your heart's content, Hayato Kobayashi, struggle to resist [Blue Eyes].

Then, my [Blue Eyes] will defeat all weak resistance!

[Haima: 1800LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK3000】


What a confident speech. Hayato took a deep breath, trying to calm his heart that was beating violently in his chest. Although this is not the first time I have seen the physical image of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], this is the first time I have faced it head-on. The majestic white dragon doesn't even need to do anything else. It just needs to stand in front of you, and the pressure from the hunter at the top of the food chain will torture your nerves all the time.

Not to mention, Hayato has to face the attack from [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. No wonder Mr. Shuangliu was frightened and had a heart attack.

My turn, draw a card! Pulling out a card, Hayato glanced at it and activated it, Magic card [Pot of Desire], I draw two cards from the deck.

Then my last turn's Gaika, [Soul of Resurrection], resurrected [X-Boss Canon] from the graveyard. The blue mecha that had been previously destroyed by [Blue Eyes] returned to Hayato's field. The three XYZ monsters have gathered on the field again.

It's coming, Seth! I will remove the three-body monsters [X], [Y], and [Z] on the field, and special summon the combination of the three to come here! [XYZ-Dragon Cannon]! Three-color The mechanical creations are combined and linked with each other, and the energy systems can be superimposed and shared, returning to the field with increased power.

【XYZ-Dragon Cannon】【8☆/Light】

[Mechanical family/fusion/effect]

If it were facing any other duel monster, [XYZ]'s 2800 attack power would be enough to annihilate them all, but what it was facing at this moment was the strongest dragon, [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. The 3,000 points of attack power are like the wall of sighs in the underworld in Greek mythology, which is difficult to climb.

But after [XYZ] are linked to each other, it’s not just their offense and defense that are strengthened. As mechanical creations, what they are most proud of is never their powerful bodies, but their effects————

Activate the effect of [XYZ], discard a card in your hand, and I can directly destroy a card on your field! Hayato sent a card from his hand to the graveyard, and pointed his finger at the [Blue Eyes White] on the Kaiba field. Dragon], What I want to destroy is, of course, the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on your field! Just leave the field, [Blue Eyes]!

Not good! Kaiba sensed the approaching crisis. If Hayato's effect destroys [Blue Eyes], his field will be wide open, If he is attacked directly again!

See the power of the 'fourth-rate duelist' you look down on. Come on [XYZ], annihilation mode-Dragon Cannon!

From the delicate dragon head of [XYZ], a beam of electromagnetic beam shot towards [Blue Eyes] on the Kaiba field. At this moment, Kaiba opened his back field Gaika: Don't even think about succeeding! Activate my Gaika. , [Dragon Shield Armor]!

Before the beam of destruction released by [XYZ], Kaiba's opened Gaika turned into a suit of armor and was worn on [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. The beam of destruction collided with [Blue Eyes], but due to the protection of the armor, [Blue Eyes] was not harmed.

[Dragon Shield Armor] is an armor that can only be worn by dragons. As long as [Blue Eyes] equips it, it will never be destroyed. Kaiba snorted coldly, Humph, I thought it was a trash fish that can be seen everywhere, but there are actually Threatens my qualifications.

It's really troublesome to have such a card. Hayato looked at the [Dragon Shield Armor] with a serious expression.

There is one more thing that Kaiba didn't say, that is, [Blue Eyes] wearing [Dragon Shield Armor] cannot cause damage even in battle. Even monsters with infinite attack power cannot cause damage to Kaiba through [Blue Eyes]. Unless [Dragon Shield Armor] is broken, [Blue Eyes] is equivalent to having an all-round invincibility plug-in.

Although [XYZ] can do it, he only has the last card left in his hand. Even if he cracks [Dragon Shield Armor], he cannot deal with [Blue Eyes]. After looking at the card in his hand, Hayato reluctantly covered it: Cover one card and the round ends.

[Hayato: 2800LP, 0 cards in hand]

【XYZ-Shenlong Cannon】【2800】

[Gaika][Soul of Resurrection][Frontline Base]

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