Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 53: Can you still take out a piece of land to beat me?

My turn! I will take care of you this turn! Peacock Dance stretched out his hand to the deck and was about to draw a card. She left the smell of perfume on all her cards, and even if she hadn't added the card to her hand yet, she could smell that the next card was [Tornado].

As long as that card is drawn, the cover card in Hayato's backfield will have no effect. In the eyes of Peacock Dance, his field is already naked and has no defense ability at all.

During your preparation phase, I am going to activate my cover card. Hayato interrupted Peacock Dance and turned over the previously covered card, [Nightmare Mirage Tower], during your preparation phase, I You can draw cards until the number of cards in your hand reaches 4. However, as a price, I need to discard the number of cards drawn during the preparation phase.

Amid the extremely unhappy looks in Maiko Wu's and Mista's eyes, Hayato drew 4 cards from the top of the deck.

[Hayato: Hand card 0→4]

So what if I replenish my hand? Cards that can't be played are meaningless. Peacock Wu pulled out the [Tornado] that she already knew and said with some displeasure. There is no point in activating this card now. Instead, it will help Hayato. However, since Hayato's backcourt is not a monster used to save his life, then she will definitely win!

My Ladys, launch a general attack! [Harpy] No. 2, destroy the [Goblin Assault Force], and then direct attack from [Harpy]!

The sloppy Goblins were unprepared for the attack, just like the [Counterattack Preparation] card. There were even a few [Goblin Assault Troops] still wearing pajamas. Facing the attack of [Harpy], they were easily annihilated, but because it was on defense, Hayato was not harmed.

Seeing the [Harpy] with an attack power of 1500 points swooping towards Hayato's position, Peacock Dance said proudly: This time, no obstructive monster will appear to protect you!

That's not necessarily the case. Come out, my honor, my Tamashi! Hayato played the card he just drew, Activate the effect of the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] in my hand. When I'm about to When it’s over, it can jump out and save my life!”


Riding the seven-color light belt to completely control [Harpy], [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] stepped on [Harpy]. [Harpy] angrily wanted to tear the little dot on her head into pieces, but was unable to do so because of the political correctness written all over her body.

Damn it, it's this method again! Peacock Dance was extremely annoyed. This is not the first time, Hayato once again blocked her attack with such a weak-looking guy. It was obvious that she was only one step away from victory, but she still could not reach the reality of victory.

My turn is over!

Putting down the [Tornado] in his hand, Peacock Dance ended his turn.

[Peacock Dance: 2700LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Harpy 2】(Electronic Tights)【ATK2000】

【Harpy】(Rainbow Chestnut Ball)【ATK1500】


During the preparation phase of my turn, I want to activate this card from my hand. Hayato played a card in his hand, Although [Nightmare Mirage Tower] can quickly replenish the hand, powerful cards have side effects. But I like prostitution for free, so I used the effect of [Very Food] and ate [Nightmare Mirage Qi Tower] to give myself a mouthful of blood.

One step ahead of Mr. Muto Sugoroku, Hayato played the classic bosses of Nightmare Mirage Tower and Super Food in advance, and he has the style of the future Jellyfish Head who will carry forward this boss. It is worth mentioning that the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] in this set was not obtained by Hayato from the system, but from a certain pig head who lost to him in a duel.

(Inghead Goro: Bring me your full name!)

[Hayato: 900LP→1900LP]

Then, my turn, draw a card!

Hayato looked at the drawn card and played it: Since my basic points have been restored, I will use some generously. Pay 1000 health points to activate, [Disturbing Mandala]!

[Hayato: 1900LP→900LP]

The basic points just recovered by [Extraordinary Food] were spent by Hayato again, and three rays of light flew out from the cemetery and landed on Hayato's field.

Qiang Qiang Qiang! We three brothers! Nirvana is back again~




Then this card, [Becoming a Buddha]! Immediately after the three [Disruption] brothers returned, Hayato played the second card, The power obtained by using equipment magic is a double-edged sword after all. Take what you cause. Bitter pill, the illusion is shattered!”

In an instant, whether it was the [Electronic Tights] activated by Peacock Dance or the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] equipped on [Harpy], it self-destructed at the same time. The explosion of fire destroyed both monsters. In an instant, The Peacock Dance venue was empty except for the [Tornado] and [Harpy's Hunting Ground] in the back.

Unexpectedly, I cleared all my monsters in an instant! Peacock Dance was shocked by the explosive art at that moment, but then he reacted and said, But the [Disruption] monsters on your field are just trash fish. The mere 0 attack power poses no threat at all.

Is it possible that you can take out another [Disturbed Land] and reverse their attack power and defense power to defeat me?

In fact, Peacock Dance is really not afraid of Hayato turning out another [Disturbed Land], and the [Tornado] in her backfield can be activated at any time.

Indeed, I only have one [Disturbed Land], but who said [Disturbed] monsters can't kill people without field magic?

Hayato smiled and played the last card in his hand.

The magic card [Millennium Power], its effect is to increase the original attack power and defense power of all level 2 normal monsters on my field by 1000 points, and then destroy all level 2 ☆ monsters on my field at the end of the phase.

And the [Disruption] monsters are all 2☆ normal monsters!

On Hayato's field, cards with [Millennium Power] appeared behind the three [Disruption] monsters, as if endless power gushes out from their bodies.

Oh oh oh! This power! My fire power is fully activated!

Now I am invincible!

This way I'll be unstoppable!

【Disruption】Three Brothers【ATK0→1000】

The time of battle has arrived, save your narcissistic words until after the duel is won, you bastards! Hayato waved his hand forward, Give the duelists on the opposite side a full blow from the bastards!

Disrupt Flying Kick!

After the three [Disruption] monsters put on a strange posture that had no soul because there was no moon, they all jumped into the air and kicked the Peacock Dance on the opposite duel stage. They launched three direct attacks with 1000 attack power. Clear its health directly.

[Peacock Dance: 2700LP→1700LP→700LP→0]

The man in black who had been hiding in the woods and watching came out at the right time and said in a loud voice: I declare that the winner of this duel is Mr. Hayato Kobayashi!

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