Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 60 The title was excluded by the sacred monument

Haima Group's Egyptian branch, the electric glass door at the entrance of the building automatically opens when it senses someone. Along with a burst of strong music, it seemed to be a very old song, sung by a group called Village-People, and at this moment, four figures stepped into the lobby on the first floor.


Gua! It was actually four big old guys who looked like they knew how to play cards! With their erratic eyes and arrogant stance, you can tell that they must be top-notch players!

This is too forceful, Hayato-nii, why do you classify me as a 'big old man' or something? Keppei put his hands on his hips and said dissatisfied, And you copied some of them into your own duel disk. What kind of weird song is it? The taste is too retro.

Hmph, you're talking nonsense, I can't understand it. Kaiba also looked at Hayato and said with some dissatisfaction. His music preferences don't include retro songs like , but the names seem to be related to the YMCA, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

On the other hand, Ameluda, compared to Kaiba, knew this song. This song was very representative in the 1980s. This made him look at Keppei and sighed: I actually hate Keppei. A child like this plays a song like this, Hayato Kobayashi, and your influence on teenagers is immeasurable.

Huh? What's wrong? Keppei didn't understand what Ameluda meant, I think this melody is actually pretty good?

Ahem, it's better that you don't know more in-depth knowledge. America brushed off the topic and looked at Kaiba beside him, So, we have arrived at your company now, Seto Kaiba. .Did you find what you were looking for?”

Because it is the New Year, and the Egyptian branch of Haima Entertainment Group has just been established, and the basic business has not yet been fully launched, most employees have been given three days of vacation. Only some security personnel are patrolling outside the building. The lobby on the first floor of the building There were only four of them, Hayato and the others.

Although it seemed that the group of four people easily passed through the security guard at the entrance and entered the building, in fact, the electric door in the lobby on the first floor was equipped with an identification system. Unauthorized people would not be able to pop it open unless they had the strength to do so. Large-caliber sniper bullets can break the glass, otherwise there would be no way to break in.

And because most of the employees are on vacation, and even the few who are not on vacation were mostly transferred to the airport by Kaiba to maintain his [Blue Eyes White Dragon] jet, few of them can now ask about the specific layout of the building. Neither did people.

But this has no effect on Kaiba.

Hanging on Kaiba's ears is a prop that looks like headphones and half-sided glasses. At this moment, a blue light screen is projected in front of Kaiba. As Kaiba raises his hand to touch the light screen, the picture on the screen It is also changing in response to interaction.

To the outside world, interactive projection technology may still be a magical technology that only appears in science fiction movies, and seems a bit out of reach. However, it is a bit conservative to say that the technological level within the Haima Group is twenty years ahead of the outside world, or even not. Just for practical purposes, Haima has already miniaturized it and made this pair of AR glasses that you wear.

Over time, no one can imagine how far Haima's genius will be able to research such products. However, the products that Haima can produce now are already ahead of the times. In a sense, Kaiba also has a god talent in him.

All departments have been checked, everything is normal? In the light curtain, the entire park where Haima Group's Egyptian branch is located was split into countless blocks and arranged neatly according to functions. However, as the self-inspection of the AI ​​program was completed, Haima only got Such a report.

Everything is normal? It seems that your so-called tracking program has not been used at all, Seto Kaiba. It even had a bug and gave the wrong answer. Yameruda said with a smile, and looked at it again. Regarding the layout in the hall, It's really quiet here, and there are no people at work.

Because it's a holiday. Haima Entertainment Group's treatment is very good. Not only are there a lot of holidays but the salary is also good. There are almost no shortcomings except for the occasional need to work overtime to meet my brother's willful demands. Compared to Haima, , Keupei is obviously more suitable as a manager, and he did not forget to promote the Haima Group to Yameruda.

However, even if Keppei spoke, he could not move Yameruda: Forget it, although I need to make money to ensure my life, but I said that I will not touch Duel Monsters again, so I really won't go. bump.

His eyes were fixed on a huge device in the center of the hall, Compared with those, I'm actually more curious about what that thing is. Is it some new dueling device?

Although this industrial park was funded and constructed by Haima Group, many of the supporting equipment, such as energy supply, are imperfect. Although Haima Group itself has considerable scientific research capabilities, the most critical foundation of modern technology lies in energy, and there is not enough supply. If you can, even if you want to carry out some scientific research projects, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.”

The brat-like Keppei helplessly spread his hands, Since the local power facilities are not enough to support the Haima Group, we have to find a way to solve the problem ourselves. That device is a clean energy generator that uses Regarding cold nuclear fusion technology, my brother wanted to name it 'Wind Explosion of Destruction', but I rejected that name. Now it is called 'Ark Reactor'.

No, this time I feel that Kaiba's name is better than the name you chose. At least there is no infringement, Xiaojie.

Who is that? I'm Keppei!

Compared to Keppei and Hayato who were laughing and joking, and America who was just having fun out of boredom, Kaiba had no interest in visiting his company building and was concentrating on controlling the light curtains to control the major buildings in the park. Check the main areas to try to figure out what areas have been missed.

He didn't believe that the program he personally designed and written would make mistakes. The location information tracked before was definitely the Haima Entertainment Group Industrial Park. The place where the non-genuine duel disks were secretly manufactured was definitely here.

However, even though I have already arrived at the central building where the signal is best able to cover the entire park, and I have used the park management AI to check all the information here five or six times, I am still stunned and unable to find out what is there. suspicious.

If we can't find it again, we might as well detonate the reactor and blow up the entire park. Anyway, that thing is clean energy and has no pollution. As long as people are evacuated in advance, we will only lose a little money. As we all know, the Kaiba Group is almost so poor that only money is left. He, Seto Kaiba, has never been interested in money.

However, Kaiba just thought about blowing up the reactor. It was a last resort to vent his dissatisfaction when there was no other way. He had been told by Keipei several times that he was too extravagant and did not know how to save. Besides, he He doesn't think he can really find it with his ability. It's just that he hasn't taken it seriously yet.

While watching Kaiba take apart many industrial modules and examine them carefully one by one, Hayato did not continue teasing Keppei, but instead pulled out a few cards from his body.

There are elves on all these cards, and as Hayato called them out, the elves made their own voices:

Crying for my strength Cheese [Disturbing·Yellow];

Oulet, Third Uncle! Cheese [Disturbing·Red];

Let me tell you in advance, I am very strong Cheese [Disruption·Green];

Try to take my bait~ Cheese [Disruption·Blue];

Is this the world of the Kaiba Group? Cheese [Disruption·Powder];

“The potato chips next door are half price~”

The [Disruption] monsters in their respective appearance poses all looked at [Disruption Black] after it appeared, leaving [Disruption Black] a little confused: Why are you all looking at me? The potato chips next door are indeed Half price”

[Disturbing Black] shut up! Led by [Disturbing Yellow], the rebellious younger brother, a group of [Disturbing] elves covered [Disturbing Black]'s mouth in a noisy manner, and then He struck a pose again, Disruption Team, Five-Colored Company, join us!

[Disturbing] shut up. Just as they said to Disturbing Black, Hayato looked at these noisy guys like they were bugs, It's so noisy, I didn't ask you guys to come out to watch cross talk. Yes, give me some peace.

After hearing Hayato's words, the [Disturbing] clan also stood obediently, waiting for Hayato's instructions.

Reaching out to grab the card, Hayato grabbed [Disruption Black], which was released by his brothers, in his hand, raised it in front of him, and slowly walked towards the Ark Reactor, and [Disruption Black] Seeing that Hayato actually stopped others from bullying him, he was quite moved and said, with snot running down his nose and into his mouth: Ah, Ani! I'm so touched by you today!

I'm so happy, my body feels so light. I didn't expect Ani to take such good care of me. There's nothing to be afraid of anymore.

After hearing what [Disturbing Black] said, Hayato also smiled and said, Really? That's great, [Disturbing Black], I really need your help now.

Since just now, although the mechanical devices of the seahorse cannot be detected, I have always felt a strange aura coming from under the Ark reactor, but I can't go directly under that thing.

As he spoke, Hayato, who stopped at the isolation handrail in front of the Ark Reactor, stretched out his hand. Under [Disturbing Black]'s feet was the gap at the edge of the rather large Ark Reactor, and there was darkness underneath.

So, you have to go down and help me confirm the danger.

Huh? Huh!? Hearing Hayato's words, [Disturbing Black] immediately shook his head, Oyster, oyster, oyster! How can a weak monster like me do that kind of thing? I'll give it to you, Ani. Look at [Yellow] and [Green], they are more talented than me!

Just kidding, Hayato noticed the strange smell under the Ark reactor, couldn't the elves like them notice it? Although he doesn't know what's down there and whether it's dangerous, but as a weak [Disturbing] clan, he [Disturbing Black] is very self-aware and doesn't want to take risks!

No, no, you underestimate yourself too much [Disturbing Black]. You have talents that other monsters can't match, let alone [Disturbing Yellow] and the others, [Gaia] and [Rainbow Chestnut] [ball] they don’t have such talent, and even [pull] they can’t do it.”

That is, you are so weak that it is difficult to detect, and you even have a protective color in the dark environment. If you fall into the shadows, you will be as invisible as a black man wearing black clothes and riding a black horse in the dark. .”

However, even after Hayato said this, [Disturbing Black] remained unmoved: Even if Ani told you this, I'm not an idiot. How could I believe that? It can't be done, even if you kill me, you can't do it. !”

Seeing that [Disturbing Black] was so uncooperative, Hayato, who pretended to be gentle, also put away his smile and looked down at [Disturbing Black] in his hand: Can't do it? I have to go even if I can't do it. I'm not here The discussion is just to inform you, get down here!

As he spoke, Hayato threw the [Disturbing Black] on his hand downwards, and saw the resisting [Disturbing Black] struggling in mid-air, falling into the darkness with snot and tears.

Obviously the space in the lobby on the first floor is only that big, even if it was only dug a little deeper to place the Ark Reactor, [Disturbing Black] fell down for a long time, and even Hayato, who had excellent eyesight, was stunned. I couldn't see clearly where [Disturbing Black] fell in the pitch black. It took a while before I finally heard the sound of something falling to the ground.

It seemed that [Disturbing Black] had passed through the shadow and landed on the ground. Hayato heard the voice of [Disturbing Black] coming from below: Hiss~~! It hurts so much that my butt almost split into two pieces. Although it’s originally two halves.”

Huh? There is such a big place down there, but what is that thing? It looks so strange?

Yes! What is this?! Help, don't eat me! I haven't showered in three days and it doesn't taste good at all!

Quack! Don't bump it!

Hearing the sound of [Disturbing Black] coming from below, Hayato's head was filled with black lines. Although it sounds like [Disruption·Black] is in danger down there, what’s going on with that last sentence? Why does it sound weird?

However, what is certain is that there is indeed something wrong underneath this Ark Reactor. Hayato also turned to Kaiba and said, Sett, is there anything underneath this thing?

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