Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 53: So strong, too strong!

My turn is over.

[Hayato: 4000LP, 1 card in hand]

【Demon Statue of Silver City】【ATK0】

[Armor Emperor Dragon-Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] (Horse-headed Ghost) [ATK5000]

【Heart Town Pot】【Gai Ka】

After Hayato announced the end of his round, before starting his own round, Hiroshi Misawa looked at Hayato and Kaiba and suddenly laughed.

Although you are powerful duelists, Kobayashi Hayato and Kaiba Seto, you two have no cooperation at all. You are just fighting on your own.

Putting his fingers on top of the deck, Hiroshi Misawa said arrogantly, Your duel gave me the feeling that although you did scare me with your strong momentum at the beginning, it was my turn to fight back next time. The unhappiness of being suppressed just now, and the humiliation of being defeated by Seto Kaiba before!

My turn, draw a card!

Pulling out a card from the deck, Hiroshi Misawa, who was already quite proud, became even more arrogant when he saw the card he had drawn: It's coming, my perfect offensive strategy. Now I have it in my hand. Caught the core card!”

Activate the quick-attack magic card [Tornado]! I'm going to use the effect of this card to destroy the [Heart-Suppressing Pot]! Hiroshi Misawa pointed at the permanent trap card [Heart-Suppressing Pot] on Hayato's back field. After enduring that card for a long time, a whirlwind swept over there.

When Kaiba heard this, he smiled coldly and had no intention of using his own cards to assist Hayato. Instead, he said contemptuously: Do you want to unseal the cards in your backfield? You can only see the cards in your own field. If you dwell on the past, you will only be a third-rate duelist after all.

That's not like Set, but you are thinking about the future of mankind with an eye on a thousand years from now, just like Mafti.

Hmph, even I don't have that much time. Also, don't compare me to avatars. Hayato's words drew Kaiba's eyes to roll, and during the conversation between the two, [Heart-holding Pot] was [ Tornado], but neither Kaiba nor Hayato made any reaction to this.

The attitude of the two made Hiroshi Misawa a little angry: Damn it, you don't take me seriously at all, you two guys!

With that arrogant attitude of overlooking others, I will use my unsealed Gaika to correct you and let you see how powerful I am! Press the button to activate the Gaika, and Misawa Hiroshi will also be destroyed by the [Heart-holding Pot] And a card that could be activated was revealed, I want to activate this quick attack magic card, [Destroy the Swordsman's Fate]!

Activate by targeting up to three monsters of the same type in the opponent's graveyard, banishing those monsters, and increasing the ATK and DEF of a [Breaking Swordsman] monster or [Breaking Sword] monster on my field until the end of the turn. Increase the value by the number of excluded monsters x 1000 points!

The card I chose is the card in your graveyard, Seto Kaiba. Because of the previous effect of [Hellfire Machine Tiera], you sent the [Blue-Eyes Steel Armored Dragon] that can negate monster effects to the graveyard. ? That’s the monster I want to remove! And, I think there must be other dragon-type monsters among the fusion monsters you sent to the graveyard from the fusion deck before!”

Hearing Hiroya Misawa's words, Kaiba's face turned cold: How dare you remove my [Blue Eyes]!?

Hmph, so what if you stare at me with that ferocious look? Can you still kill me with your eyes? Hiroshi Misawa met Kaiba's eyes and said, The reason for excluding the dragons in your cemetery Rather than Kobayashi Hayato's monsters, one is because your dragon monsters can provide the biggest bonus.

Secondly, in my eyes, Kobayashi Hayato will be defeated by me in this round. What cards he has in his graveyard are not worthy of my attention at all!

Show your grave, Seto Kaiba!

When Hiroshi Misawa said the same thing, Kaiba sneered, looked at Hayato on the side, and unexpectedly teased: You are actually looked down upon so much, Hayato, are you going to be killed by someone else in one round? Although [Blue Eyes] is excluded It’s very unpleasant, but if I could see you deflated, I think [Blue Eyes] would be willing to tolerate it a little bit, after all, that’s so rare.”

Just as Jonouchi and Ameruda were looking forward to seeing Kaiba being deflated, seeing Hayato being deflated would also be a rare experience for Kaiba.

This time it was Hayato's turn to roll his eyes at Kaiba: Come on, you have become so bad. Who brought you to such a bad point?

As he spoke, Kaiba also took out a few cards from his graveyard and held them in his hand. When he looked at Hiroya Misawa, his face changed with a haughty expression: There are these monsters in my graveyard, [ Blue Eyes Steel Armored Dragon], [XY-Steel Dragon Cannon], [XZ-Chariot Cannon], [YZ-Chariot Dragon].”

Huh? This is [XYZ]!? Hiroshi Misawa saw the card Kaiba took out, but was stunned, Why would you send these monsters to the cemetery?

Hmph, knowingly asking, when did you have the illusion that I would do the despicable thing of sending monsters to the cemetery just for the sake of victory, just like you?

Kaiba raised his chin and said arrogantly, but Hayato always felt that this guy was definitely insinuating himself.

Hey, even if this is the case, I choose to exclude the three mechanical monsters [XY-Steel Dragon Cannon], [XZ-Chariot Cannon], and [YZ-Chariot Dragon] to increase [Destruction Swordsman] by 3000 points. Attack power.”

Misawa Hiroshi weighed it up a bit. Although he really wanted to eliminate Kaiba's [Blue-Eyes Steel-Armored Dragon], he finally chose to eliminate the three robots for the sake of victory. Although I gave you the [Blue-Eyes Steel-Armored Dragon] to recover. ] opportunity, but that is also a matter of the next round, but in this round, I will destroy Kobayashi Hayato!

【Destruction Swordsman】【ATK2600→5600】

Although the effects of [Blue-Eyes Steel Armored Dragon] and [Destroyer Swordsman] are invalidated, and the attack power cannot be increased based on the opponent's graveyard and the number of dragon-type monsters on the field, under the effect of [Destroyer Swordsman's Fate], his The attack power has been increased to a level that surpasses [Armor Emperor Dragon-Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon].

Although [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] has quite strong resistance, there is a saying that the most useless resistance is combat damage resistance, and the most useful removal method is combat damage. In front of the [Destruction Swordsman] with an attack power of 5600 points, even the [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] can only be destroyed by the battle, and its strong resistance is of no use at all.

But what's more important is that in addition to [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon], there is another monster on Hayato's field, that is [Silver City's Demon Statue], and the attack position of [Silver City] Demon God Statue] was in a state where its attack power became 0 due to the effect of [Guardian of the Golden Land] last turn.

If he is selected as the target of attack by [Destroyer Swordsman], it will be no different from attacking Hayato directly. With an attack power of up to 5,600 points, even if Hayato's base score is still at the full value of 4,000 points, it is not enough at all!

Seeing Kaiba excluding the three mechanical monsters, Misawa Hiroya was still not satisfied. He looked at Kaiba and said: With the power of [Destruction Swordsman], it is more than enough to clean up Hayato Kobayashi, so you will be next. Come on, Seto Kaiba!

As I said just now, there is no coordination between you and Hayato Kobayashi at all. The reason why I say that is naturally because our doubles coordination is better than the two of you. As he said that, he He looked at the mysterious man on the other side and said, Hey, I'm going to use your Gaika. Is that okay?

The mysterious man didn't say anything, he just stretched out his hand towards the two cover cards in his backcourt, signaling Misawa Hiroya to do whatever he wanted.

Then I'm going to activate the one on the left.

After hearing Hiroya Misawa's words, the mysterious man also pressed the button to open the cover card, revealing a red trap card, [Red and Blood-Stained Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine].

[Red Blood-Stained Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Elixir], the effect of this card is to select an undead monster from the deck and graveyard to Special Summon, and when the [Eldridge] monster is not present, it is not [ Eldridge] monster cannot be Special Summoned. In addition, after this card is used, until the end of the turn, we cannot Special Summon monsters that are not Undead.

The mysterious man's words were interrupted impatiently by Hiroshi Misawa: But because you have [Golden Lord-Eldridge] on the field, the restriction does not exist. I can use it from the deck and graveyard. An undead monster is directly special summoned.

I special summon this monster from the graveyard, come out, [Minotaur]!

The [Minotaur] fake corpse that was previously liberated and sent to the cemetery returned to Misawa Hiroya's field, still holding the big mallet in his hand, and bravely chose the attack position. However, when he saw his old buddy [Horse-headed Ghost] who was equipped by [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon], [Minotaur Ghost] was stunned for a moment and chose to pretend he didn't see it.

Activate the effect of [Minotaur Ghost] once per turn, and send an undead monster from my deck to the graveyard. I will send [Yinma Luogei] to the graveyard, and then activate another cover card, [ [Cry of the Living Dead], special summon the [Yinma Luogui] who was sent to the cemetery!

[Minotaur], which attracts dead souls, sends a monster from Hiroya Misawa's deck to the graveyard, but this monster named after the monster in Hyakuki Night Walk is present in attack position under the effect of [Cry of the Living Dead]. Special summons, breathing blue flames from its mouth.


【Yumaro Ghost】【ATK1200】

The deck I use is a 'yokai' undead deck based on the Yokai in Hyakuki Yakō. Although in order to counter Seto Kaiba's [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], I added cards like [Destroyer Swordsman]. I had to remove some parts at the same time, but I intentionally kept some of them because that way you would know I was using a 'Monster' deck.

Hiroshi Misawa, who had just started to introduce his deck until then, put his finger on the top of the deck, As a monster, it naturally implements the uniqueness of the undead race, and the cemetery is the core existence.

When [Onmoraki] is specially summoned from the graveyard, I draw a card from the deck and draw a card!

Pulling out the card, Hiroshi Misawa looked at the card and showed a rather proud expression: Here it comes, the strongest monster in my deck is also an important part of the master's plan. I haven't done it this round yet. Normally summoned, at this moment, I want to liberate the [Yumara Ghost] on the field!

The legendary giant, also known as Master Ta Tao, is also a peerless monster, come!

[Master Otaro]!

The purple bird born from the resentment of the newly departed dead turned back into a purple bird. The resentment dissipated and disappeared from Misawa Hiroya's field. In its place, a dark giant rose from the ground. , standing on the earth, corresponding to Kaiba's [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and Hayato's [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] on the opposite side!

【Master Otaro】【10☆/land】



A monster of level 10☆? Humph, it doesn't feel as good as [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. Kaiba said casually, but frowned again, But when a monster of level 7☆ or above is summoned, the number of sacrifices required should be two. That’s right, has the duel disk system been hacked?”

No, the reason why [Otaro Mage] only uses one sacrifice when it is advanced summoned is because of its own summoning conditions. This card cannot be specially summoned, but it can only use one undead monster as a sacrifice when it is advanced summoned.

Saying that, Misawa Hiroya waved his hand again and said, As for being inferior to [Blue Eyes White Dragon]? Haha, let me show you, Seto Kaiba, how terrifying I am when I take it seriously!

The effect of [Otaro Mage], this card can increase the number of undead monsters on our field except this card x 200 points, and we have [Minotaur], [Golden Lord-El] on our field. Dritch], [Guardian of the Golden Land], and [Conqueror of the Golden Land], a total of four undead monsters.”

Therefore, [Master Otaro]'s attack power increases by 800 points!

【Master Otaro】【ATK2900→3700】

In this way, the attack power of [Master Otaro] will be higher than that of [Blue Eyes White Dragon].

Seeing the [Master Otaro] on the field raise his hand, and the remaining undead monsters on the field had a few rays of power converging on the giant, increasing its attack power, Misawa Hiroshi said arrogantly, Entering my battle phase, I will first kill Hayato Kobayashi, and then you, Seto Kaiba, using these two powerful monsters on my field!

[Destruction Swordsman], attack the [Demon Statue of Silver City] with 0 attack power, and use the Destruction Sword to dodge!

Although the [Destroyer Swordsman] with an attack power of 5600 points felt a little bad, but because the controller had already issued an attack declaration, he could only helplessly raise it towards the seemingly powerless [Silver City Demon God Statue] on Hayato's field. The sword in hand.

Seeing that the opponent declared an attack so easily, without even clearing the Gaika in his own backcourt, Hayato was a little helpless.

However, that's not what he said: The [Destroying Swordsman] with an attack power of 5600 points attacks my [Silver City Demon God Statue], which means that I will have to bear up to 5600 points of battle damage next!? My God, my basic score is like a candle in the wind!

So strong, so strong! As he said that, Hayato pressed the button to activate Gaika without hesitation, That's why I want to activate the invincible [Magic Barrel]!

Experience the top-notch understanding of Duel Monsters from Leader Zuo!


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