Seeing Kaiba end his turn, Hayato immediately put his finger on the button to activate Gecko on the duel disk, staring at the mysterious man opposite.

My turn, draw a card. The moment he heard the mysterious man draw a card and enter the preparation stage, Hayato immediately pressed the button.

That one over there, in your preparation phase, I'm going to activate these two cards in my backfield.

As the button was pressed, two more cards were opened on Hayato's backfield, revealing one red and one green, which were the trap card [Chain Material] and the quick-attack magic card [Instant Fusion].

The effect of [Instant Fusion] is to send the Fusion Material Monster determined by the Fusion Monster Card from my field to the graveyard, and Fusion Summon that Fusion Monster from the Fusion Deck. After a pause, Hayato spread his hands and said, However, powerful cards often come with huge risks, and the monster summoned by this second-speed fusion will be destroyed at the end of the turn it appears.

In other words, even if a powerful monster is summoned, it can only be present for one turn, and since this is not your turn, it can only be used for defense, right? Hiroshi Misawa understood. Nodding, I see, I completely understand.

But, you said sending monsters from your field to the graveyard or something, isn't there only one [Silver City Demon God Statue] on your field?

Is it possible that you are sending Kaiba Seto's [Blue Eyes White Dragon] to the cemetery?

In this 2VS2 duel, Kaiba and Hayato are teammates and can share the monsters on the field. For example, Kaiba can take Hayato's monster as a sacrifice to advance summon [Blue Eyes White Dragon], and Hayato can also use Kaiba's [ Blue Eyes White Dragon] as the fusion material.

However, the two sides' fields are in separate states. If the mysterious man attacks Kaiba with a monster, Kaiba can only use his own [Blue Eyes White Dragon] instead of Hayato's [Silver City Demon Statue] to defend. If Hayato Any fusion monster summoned by using [Instant Fusion] can only be placed on one's own field, which will result in Kaiba losing his only monster and having to face direct attacks from enemy monsters.

When Kaiba heard Misawa Hiroya's words, he turned to look at Hayato and narrowed his eyes.

Don't look at me like this, Seth, you are my dear friend, brother and sister. How could I take your wife, I mean a monster. Hayato also quickly comforted Kaiba and pointed at the open door he opened. Another card, Although I do only have one monster on the field, who said I have to use the cards on the field to fuse?

C1 [Instant Fusion] C2 [Chain Material], the effect of [Chain Material] is that when I perform a Fusion Summon this round, I can select and remove monsters from the deck, hand, field, and graveyard to act as a fusion. Material, don’t use your mortal wisdom to speculate on my divine talents!”

White smoke emerged from the deck area of ​​Hayato's duel disk. Cards one after another were automatically retrieved by the duel disk and handed to Hayato's hands, and were eliminated by him in one breath. The rising smoke was in Hayato's eyes. Several monsters of different shapes appeared behind him.

Hayato took out a card and clipped it to his fingertips, and called out the names of the monsters that were excluded as fusion materials: The ones that surrounded me when I summoned this card were all eleven monsters from [Hellfire Machine]! Finally! Once again, the fusion will be accelerated!”

[Decadium], [Satan], [Beelzebub], [Lucifer], [Astaroth], [Asmodeus], ​​[Belphegor], [Baal] , [Admelech], [Lilith], [Naamah]!

O God of Creation who embodies chaos, summon the wishes of those who have passed away! Gather together! The power of [Hellfire Machine]!

Fusion Summon! [Hellfire Machine Tiera]!

Colorful flames rose into the air, outlining a huge body. The moment Hayato slapped the card on the duel plate, the god who gathered all eleven [Hellfire Machine] monsters opened his eyes.

【Hellfire Machine Tiera】【11☆/Fire】



The attack power is higher than [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]!? Hiroshi Misawa didn't notice the murderous look Kaiba suddenly cast, and said to himself, Could this image refer to the fusion of Judaism and The 'blind god' Samael, the creator god with a lion's head and a dragon's body in Gnosticism with Christian elements?

But what's the point of summoning such a powerful monster? It's just a disposable item that can only exist for one turn.

Misawa Hiroshi didn't realize Hayato's purpose of summoning [Hellfire Machine Tiera], and Hayato didn't bother to say anything to him. He just waved his hand and said: I can't attack during the turn when [Chain Material] is used. [Hellfire Machine Tiera] summoned by fusion with the effect of [Chain Material] will also be destroyed at the end of the turn, but it doesn’t matter, because the moment she was summoned, I had already achieved my goal.”

The fusion materials of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] are [Hellfire Machine - Naama], [Hellfire Machine - Lilith], and one or more [Hellfire Machine] monsters, depending on the type of fusion material , [Hellfire Machine Tiera] will activate multiple effects when the fusion summon is successful.

If there are more than three types of cards, both parties will each choose three cards from their fusion decks to send to the graveyard; if there are more than five types of cards, send three cards from the top of both sides' decks to the graveyard; if there are more than eight types of cards, both parties will each choose Select up to three cards that you have excluded and return them to the graveyard.

Hayato, who selected three cards from the fusion deck and sent them to the graveyard, paused and sneered, And if there are more than ten types of cards, all cards in both sides' hands will be sent to the graveyard!

Hey! Kaiba heard this and couldn't help but glared at Hayato, but all he saw was Hayato spread his hands and looked helpless, I'm sorry Kaiba, this is a necessary sacrifice.

Hmph, do you think I will believe your nonsense? He snorted coldly. Kaiba, who was affected by Hayato, also selected three cards from his fusion deck and sent them to the graveyard. He then pulled out three cards from the top of the deck. Finally, he sent it to the graveyard along with the two remaining cards in his hand.

Oh, it's really a 'Pure·[Silver City]' deck.

Listening to Kaiba's strange annoyance, Hayato also argued: [Silver City] is a city as you can tell from its name. Isn't it reasonable for such a big city to have other demon monsters living there? My city is quite big.

It's actually the effect of destroying the card in your hand!? Damn it! I wouldn't have kept the card before I knew it. The card in his hand was sent to the graveyard together with the three cards turned up at the top of the deck. Compared with Kaiba and Hiroshi Misawa, It is also possible to recycle the two monsters [Horse-headed Ghost] and [Minotaur Ghost] that were previously eliminated by the effect of [Dimension Arena] back to the graveyard.

But the one who was most affected by the effect of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] was the mysterious man who had just started his turn. He held six cards in his hand before he had time to unfold them, and was struck by [Hellfire Machine] before he could unfold them. Tiera]'s effect was cleared in one go, leaving him empty-handed.

Hayato tried to see clearly what cards the opponent sent to the graveyard so that he could judge what deck the opponent was using, but he seemed to be on guard. Only the top card [Heaven] was exposed among the cards the mysterious man sent to the graveyard. [Lost Treasure Card], the other Hayatos didn't see anything clearly.

However, it is also a good thing to know that the opponent's [Treasure Card from Heaven] has been sent to the cemetery.

Thinking like this, Hayato saw the mysterious man suddenly say: Except the card that was just sent to my graveyard and activate its effect.

‘Exclude the cards activated by yourself in the graveyard? Humph, nothing to worry about. ’ Kaiba didn’t care much about what card the mysterious man activated, but he found that Hayato next to him was a little stunned when he saw the card that the other party took out and displayed from the graveyard.

Kaiba also looked at the card shown by the other party and found that it was a card he didn't recognize. At this time, the mysterious man also spoke again: From my deck, add a [Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine ]'s magic and trap cards are covered on my field!

The name of the card in the hand of the mysterious man is [Guardian of the Golden Land], and the deck he is using is -

I am super, country!?

Hayato never imagined that he wanted to use [Silver City] to duel on a whim, but he actually met a user of the [El Dorado] deck. The two major decks of gold and silver actually came together. This Egyptian Who would have thought that there could be such two crouching dragons and phoenixes gathered in a small city?

Compared to Hayato's Silver City, which focuses on ordinary traps and whose style is closer to the back-and-forth beat direction, Golden Kingdom, which likes various underworld stickers (i.e., sustainable magic and traps), focuses on one in a duel. Suppression and dissatisfaction, especially [El Dorado], which has both skill and life cards, is known as the Pendulum deck.

To put it simply, one likes to interrupt others and has strong interactivity, and the other is more autistic. It doesn’t matter if you have to say that the interactivity is strong, but the interactivity in [El Dorado] generally occurs between duelists and duelists.

What makes Hayato feel a little more relieved is that because of the effect of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] just now, all six cards in the mysterious man's hand were sent to the cemetery, and he couldn't do anything disgusting for a while. stickers, he can’t pile up several cards like [Guardian of the Golden Land] that work in the graveyard at once——

Then, the effects of [Grave Robbers of the Golden Land], [Conquerors of the Golden Land], [Red-blooded Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine], and [Albino Fate-Stained Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine] are also activated in the same way. Remove them from me. Exclude it from the graveyard, and cover three [Golden Land Immortality Elixir] and two [Golden Land] magic and trap cards from my deck on my backfield.

As if to slap Hayato in the face, except for the [Treasure Card Falling from Heaven] that Hayato saw clearly in the mysterious man's graveyard, the other five cards in his hand were all cards from the [Golden Kingdom] family, and they all had... Banishes self-activated effects in the graveyard.

It was clear that Hayato's [Hellfire Machine Tiera] was destroyed by cards in his hand, but in the blink of an eye, the mysterious man actually retrieved five cards from the deck and covered them in the backfield!

You actually set up so many traps in one go. Your fighting style is too hellish!

Hayato complained, and Hiroshi Misawa and Kaiba subconsciously glanced at Hayato's backcourt, coincidentally having the same thought in their minds: 'You are the only one who has no right to criticize others! ’

After retrieving five cards from the deck and placing them, the mysterious man's operation did not end. He pressed the button to activate the card to activate a newly placed card: Although traps and quick attack magic cards It takes one turn of preparation time to use it after it is under the cover, but usually the magic card can be activated in the turn when it is under the cover, so I activate the magic card [Blackened Awakening Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Elixir].

Special Summon an Undead monster from my hand or deck in defense position. If there is no [Eldridge] monster on my field, this effect cannot be applied to monsters other than [Eldridge]. Special call.”

As he spoke, the mysterious man manually retrieved the core card in the [Golden Kingdom] deck from the deck, and it was also the only monster in the main deck.

The incarnation of blasphemy that prevents the dead from sleeping forever, merge the souls of the dead in the chaotic world into one, and come to this turbid world!

[Golden Lord-Eldridge]!

A huge alchemical cauldron appeared in front of the mysterious man. The liquid in it was churning and spitting out a black stone. This implies the first of the four stages of alchemy - death. The monster, covered in golden yellow and adorned with gems and jewelry like a nouveau riche, rose from the alchemy cauldron and landed on the mysterious man's field.

【Golden Lord-Eldridge】【10☆/Light】



After [Dark Awakening Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine] is activated, until the end of the turn, I cannot Special Summon monsters that are not undead. After explaining the self-respect of his card, the mysterious man who rarely spoke also There was no further development, but he put down the raised duel disk and said, My turn ends here.

【? : 4000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Golden Lord-Eldridge】【DEF2800】

【Gate Card】X4

Hey, you just ended the round like this? Damn it, you haven't even entered the combat stage yet! The mysterious man's round ended, but Hiroya Misawa seemed very dissatisfied with the performance of his teammates, He also said The idea of ​​being an invincible fighter in London is totally unreliable.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. When Hiroshi Misawa said that this mysterious man was the invincible fighter in London, Hayato thought of a person inexplicably.

However, this slightly silent mysterious man is nothing like the tough guy in my impression. It must be just an illusion.

[Hellfire Machine Tiera] When the mysterious man announced the end of his turn, he self-destructed and was sent to the graveyard. Hayato, who was thinking this way, also ushered in his turn. He put his finger on the top of the deck: I On your turn, draw a card!”


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