Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 48 Fatal Five Combos (Correct

【? :5000LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Dragon Swordsman of Destruction-Swordsman of Destruction] [ATK4800]

【Gate Card】X2

Although my brother managed to survive just now, as long as that [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Destruction Swordsman] still exists, my brother, who accounts for the vast majority of dragon monsters in his deck, will not be able to activate their effects at all. Being unable to attack is like activating a one-sided [Skill Extraction].

Keppei had a serious expression on his face, but when he turned to look at America and Hayato beside him, he found that the two of them had already stood up and moved their legs, as if they had seen that the duel was over and were about to walk out. Same.

We can understand why Minarika is worried about Kaiba. I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet. Hayato took out a chocolate bar from nowhere and handed it to Keipei, and said casually, The result of the duel is obvious. It’s been revealed, it’s over.”

It's such a pity to actually say that the opponent's basic score is 'Candle in the Wind' or something like that. I thought I could see Seto Kaiba being defeated. Americaruda also had a regretful expression on his face. Like Hayato, he seemed to have already seen resulting in the opponent's defeat.

That kind of reason sounds so unreliable... Keipei made a straight face, but still took the chocolate bar from Hayato's hand, And how many times do I have to say it, it's Keipei. , Nan Lixiang clearly sounds like a woman’s name.”

Well, don't worry about these details. A man named Camus can also be a man.

After the mysterious man ended his turn, it was Kaiba's turn. Seeing Kaiba put his finger on the deck, the man spoke again: Although you used cards that are not in the information, I still think that yours, Seto Kaiba, The deck is still a dragon-type monster deck dominated by [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]. Even if there are monsters of other races, it is impossible to surpass [Blue-Eyes White Dragon].

However, even if it is [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], [Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon], [Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon] or even [True Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon], any dragon-type monster cannot be my [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction-Destruction] [Swordsman] opponent, if you want to create a card draw to defeat me, there is not even a 1% chance of defeating me.

When Kaiba heard what the man said, he snorted coldly, pulled out a card from the deck and said, There's so much nonsense. Is it possible that you only have data in your mind? Duel Monsters are not the kind of people who use data. It can encompass all existence, but there are variables.”

That variable is my will as a duelist and my deck's response to me. You who can't even see through this are just a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck.

My turn is to draw a card. Looking at the card he drew, Kaiba raised the corner of his mouth and sneered, As long as the chance of winning exists, it doesn't matter even if it is only 1% or even lower, because a true duelist has everything. certain!

Activating the magic card [Life-cutting Treasure Card], I draw cards until I have 5 cards in my hand. However, powerful cards often come with huge risks. In my fifth preparation phase after this card is activated, I need Discard all cards in your hand.

With the expression on the mysterious man's face You call this a price?, Kaiba pulled out five cards in one go and played one of them immediately, Then I'm going to use this card, [Fusion], to The third [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] in my hand and the two [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] on the field are selected as fusion materials.

The supreme, supreme, powerful and good ultimate dragon is here to descend!

Fusion Summon! My glory, my soul!

[Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]!

The power of [Fusion] was released towards Kaiba's field and the cards in his hand. Three [Blue-Eyed White Dragons] flew up together and surrounded Kaiba. Their souls got rid of the constraints of gravity and lifted into the sky.

Seeing such a scene, the mysterious man sneered and said: [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]? Although it is a legendary monster with an attack power of up to 4500 points, my [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Destruction Swordsman] Because you have increased the number of dragon-type monsters on the field and in the graveyard, your attack power will increase by 2,000 points again!

Not only that, with the effect of [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Swordsman of Destruction], even the ultimate dragon [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] can't even think of attacking in front of me!

The holy light gathered by the fusion summons has not yet dissipated, but the [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Swordsman of Destruction] on the mysterious man's field has moved again. The jade on the long sword in his hand lights up, and while the attack power increases sharply, He also suppressed the [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] that had just appeared in an instant.

[Dragon Swordsman of Destruction-Swordsman of Destruction] [ATK4800→6800]

【Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【ATK4500→DEF3800】

Hmph, hey, even if I drew five cards in one go, it only increased the attack power of my [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Swordsman of Destruction], and I even arrogantly failed to summon [True Blue Eyes] Ultra Dragon] but [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], the price for looking down on me is your defeat, Seto Kaiba!

Hearing the mysterious man say this, Keppei also couldn't understand Kaiba's operation.

Although Kaiba did draw [Blue Eyes White Dragon], why would he summon [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] to increase the number on the field and graveyard when [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Destruction Swordsman] cannot be destroyed? The number of dragon-type monsters, isn't that in vain to strengthen the monsters on the opposite side?

But when Keppei looked at Kaiba, he saw him drawing a card from his hand. Suddenly he remembered that his brother had such a monster that could only appear through the [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] as a springboard. Could it be that that is————

Defeated? Huh, it's a pity. Although Kobayashi Hayato and Muto Yugi are still weighing on me so far, which makes me feel aggrieved. But except for the two of them, I have no intention of losing to anyone else.

Even Jonouuchi Katsuya, that mediocre three-legged cat, is the same, let alone you who are just a bastard. Raising the card in his hand above his head, Kaiba said loudly, The dragon that controls the sky, etching time, is the moment. It’s the ultimate time!”

Shine like a shooting star! The most glorious dragon is born here!

Free [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] and special summon [Blue-Eyes Dragon] from my hand!

As Kaiba placed the card in his hand on the duel plate with what appeared to be force but was actually quite gentle, the wings of his [Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon] in defense position on the field, which had been folded because of the defense position, became more and more curled up. He stood up and wrapped his body, while his three heads hung down, and cracks appeared all over his body.

From the crack, there was a faint light blooming, as if the [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] was about to shed its skin and evolve into a new form.

Until the [Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon] and [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], the mysterious person seemed to have collected relevant information. After all, these cards Kaiba had been officially used in public. However, the name [Blue-Eyed Dragon] was the first time the mysterious man had heard of it.

As if he had heard the card name of [Blue-Eyed Girl] before, he had a very obvious expression of panic on his face and began to mutter to himself: It's a card I don't know about again. Damn it, it's not my fault. is being calculated!

No, what if you haven't heard of it? In the final analysis, it's just a dragon monster. Now that I have summoned [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Destruction Swordsman], there is nothing to be afraid of!

He comforted himself in this way, looking at the [Blue-eyed Dragon] whose aura seemed to be the most special compared to the other [Blue-eyed], the mysterious man thought for a while and decisively chose to press the Gecko button on the duel disk, ...Even though I say this, I have a strange premonition that we must not let that monster appear!

Then to chain the special summons of that monster, I'm going to activate the cover card and the trap card [Destructive Sword Flash]!

Seeing the [Blue-Eyed Dragon] about to arrive, [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Destruction Swordsman] moved again. The sword in his hand was gathered around his waist, and then he suddenly drew out the sword and slashed out a huge sword. The anger was swept toward Kaiba's field!

[Destroying Sword Flash] can only be activated when there are fusion monsters on my field that require [Destroying Swordsman] as the fusion material. Its effect is to remove all monsters on the opponent's field!

Watching the huge slash advance, the mysterious man said proudly, There is no need for monsters that are beyond my plan to appear. If you hinder my plan or that person's plan, you will be wiped out!

You're next, Seto Kaiba!

Although [Destructive Sword Flash] has not yet fully taken effect, excluding the [Blue-Eyed Girl] on Kaiba's field and the [Blue-Eyed Dragon] that has not yet appeared, the man thinks that Kaiba will never have any means of counterattack.

However, just like the previous blow of [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Destruction Swordsman] that almost made the mysterious man think he could seal the victory was blocked by [Blue Eyed Girl], this time the trap he launched was about to reach the point where it was swept. When it turned into the light ball of [Blue-Eyed Dragon], the slash actually passed through it! ?

Hmph, do you want to use that kind of card to take [Blue Eyes] away from me again? You idiot, it's too early to dream. Kaiba snorted coldly, [Blue Eyes Dragon] can let you I freely choose whether to accept the effect of the card. Her power can surpass even the gods, but I just want to exclude her with just a trap card?

My formula for victory is much more perfect than you imagine!

The slash swept over [Blue-Eyed Girl], excluding it from Kaiba's field. Kaiba's eyes were instantly ignited with anger, and he coldly removed [Blue-Eyed Girl]'s card from the duel plate, and [ The blue-eyed dragon] has arrived.

【Blue-Eyed Dragon】【10☆/Light】

[Dragon/Special Summon/Effect]


[Blue-Eyed Dragon] is the incarnation of the pure power of light. It will not be affected by any resistance effects, and the light will also turn into a link to connect the power of every dragon monster in my cemetery. Kaiba waved his hand. , Because of the effect of [Blue-Eyed Dragon], her attack power will increase by 300 points of the attack power of each dragon-type monster in my graveyard.

【Blue Eyed Dragon】【ATK3000→4200】

I-It's still in attack mode!? Can it even compete with the power of gods and the legendary invincible 'Three Phantom Gods' held by the legendary duel king Kobayashi Hayato? Is this Seto Kaiba's true power?

The mysterious man gritted his teeth and said harshly, However, it is only a mere 4200 points of attack power. Because the number of your dragon monsters has increased again, the attack power of [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Destruction Swordsman] will also be increased. !”

[Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Swordsman of Destruction] [ATK6800→7800]

Attack power 4200 points vs. attack power 7800 points. The attack power is in my favor!

Hearing what the other party said, Kaiba smiled coldly: You want me to use [Blue-Eyed Dragon] to attack you? You are not qualified yet, and I never said that [Blue-Eyed Dragon]'s capital to compete with gods comes from her Resistance.”

I repeat, it's meaningless if you can't hit it. I'm going to activate the effect of [Blue-Eyed Dragon], release it as a sacrifice, and forcefully destroy any card on the field!

Pointing forward, Kaiba declared: I will destroy the [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Swordsman of Destruction]!

Hey, no way, I'm going to activate the cover card in a chain. The second [Forbidden Holy Cloth] will reduce the attack power of [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Destruction Swordsman] by 600 points, so that it will not be -

Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da, [Blue-Eyed Dragon] is the most powerful and invincible dragon. Even without overwhelming attack power and defensive power, her effect has the highest priority. Even gods cannot resist it. [Blue-Eyed Dragon] The effect of ] is a forced destruction that can invalidate all resistances. Do you dare to disobey me who has [Blue-Eyed Dragon]!?

Flash Nova!

As [Blue-Eyed Dragon] self-destructed magnificently, the power she released instantly swept the entire field and enveloped everything. Even though the mysterious person on the field [Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Destruction Swordsman] put on the Holy Cloth of Energy for the first time , but was still destroyed and destroyed without any resistance, and sent to the cemetery.

The light dissipated, and there were no cards left on both sides.

That kind of shameless effect is damnable! Seeing that the advantages he had accumulated through careful planning were instantly wiped out, the mysterious man looked very angry, The plan is completely messed up!

But, my basic score is 5,000 points. So what if all the cards are destroyed? Is it possible that the last two cards in the opponent's hand can defeat me in one round?

Then he saw the card played in Kaiba's hand.

Equipped with the magic card [Guide of Light], it can be activated when there are no other [Guide of Light] on my field and there are three or more [Blue Eyes] in the graveyard. Put one of the [Blue Eyes] on my field as a special Summon and equip [Guidance of Light].

Taking out the card of [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] from the graveyard, Kaiba put it on the field and sneered, Except for the monster equipped with [Guide of Light], my other monsters cannot attack, and I have [Blue Eyes] in the graveyard. ] exists, the equipped monster can attack up to the number of [Blue Eyes] monsters in the graveyard in one battle phase.

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] reappeared on the seahorse field, and behind it, the phantoms of the three-body [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], [Blue-Eyes Dragon] and [Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon] appeared one by one.

Attack, [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], Hyper Burst Stream!

One consecutive click! Two consecutive clicks! Three consecutive clicks Four consecutive clicks! Five consecutive clicks!

Crush! Jade Shatter! Big cheers!


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