Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 37: Play FGO for me. jpg

[Hayato: 1000lp, hand card 1→2→1→4]

After a small card drawing stage, the number of cards in Hayato's hand fluctuated several times, and finally stayed at the number of four cards.

And Sho Marufuji looked back at the [God of Despair-Antihope] whose momentum had declined for some reason, thinking how could such an invincible god be scared by just one word. He thought it was just his illusion, and looked at Hayato again. A look of disdain similar to that of a certain Wan Zun brother: [Disturbing] monster? I thought it was some powerful monster, but it turned out to be a trash fish.

You actually said that we are monsters?! Let him see it, Ani! There will always be a way!

Not seeing the [Disruption] brothers who suddenly put on pumpkin heads and started dancing to cheer for Hayato, Sho Marufuji continued: Even I know that the [Disruption] monster is just a bastard among bastards.

Even if they are gathered together under the power of [Fusion] to form the so-called [King of Disruption], they will only become the king of miscellaneous fish. They are still just miscellaneous fish. They cannot be the opponent of [God of Despair-Antihope]. Because it is invincible!

When hearing Marufuji Sho belittle his own monster, Hayato showed an angry expression on his face: You guys actually despise my beloved card so much, I will cut off your distortion!

Although these guys are stupid, stupid, and timid, and even look uglier than the five-star limited-edition characters that appear in some Japanese two-dimensional card-drawing mobile games and have important roles in the main plot and high positioning, they also have difficulties that are difficult to solve. The important role of substitution!”

Compared to the bastard opposite. What you said is more hurtful, Ani.

[Disturbing Green] and [Disturbing Black] complained, but [Disturbing Yellow] did not cooperate with the brothers, but said uncharacteristically: Just use our power, Ani!

Hayato also looked at [Disturbing Huang] with some surprise: Huh? There is something unusual today, [Huang].

But, I don't care. Hayato looked at Marufuji Sho, At this moment, the other power left by Marufuji will also come into my hands.

Another power? Sho Marufuji was stunned. His eyes followed the direction of Hayato's raised and waved fingers, and he saw two cards left behind by Ryo Marufuji. One of them was Ryo Marufuji. The card with unknown meaning was placed last round in order to draw one more card from the [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], and the other card was a card that was opened from the beginning of the duel, [ Time capsule]?”

That's right, two rounds have passed since [Time Capsule] was activated. In the preparation phase after my card drawing phase, your brother Marufuji Ryo's legacy (Marufuji Ryo outside the field: I think I haven't Death) will also come to my hand with the destruction of this card.

[Time Capsule] is destroyed during the preparation phase of my second turn after activation, and the card whose effect is face-down due to its effect will come into my hand.

Facing the [Time Capsule] on the field, Hayato stretched out his right hand with a thumbs up and made a pressing motion. The [Time Capsule] was detonated and destroyed, and the cards stored in it that were blown away were also captured. Hayato, who was in the airflow path, raised his hand and caught it accurately.

Without even looking at what card he caught, Hayato directly activated the card in his hand: Magic card [Angel's Charity]? It's a good choice. It has both filtering and tomb stacking capabilities.

Recalling the beginning of this duel, Marufuji Ryo, who took the lead, only summoned a [Primitive Electronic Dragon] and ended the perfect ☆☆ hand☆ hand. Hayato felt that if it were him, he would also want to do something [ Change the hand of cards with a restart gun such as the Wanbao Mallet.

Then, because of the effect of [Angel's Alms], I draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards from my hand. Drawing three cards and adding them to his hand, Hayato chose them without hesitation The card to be discarded, It's up to you, [Disruption·Black] and [Disruption·Green], sacrifice yourself for the righteousness!

N-Nani!? Upon hearing Hayato's words, the [Disruption] brothers showed horrified expressions.

I'm just asking why [Huang] actually helped Ani today! That's so treacherous! Is this also part of your plan, [Huang]!

Humph, you idiots, you should have realized this when Ani told us that we have an important role! [Disturbing Yellow] was left in Hayato's hand, with its arms folded in front of its chest , proudly watched his two brothers being sent to the cemetery by Hayato, As you know, the biggest role we have given to Ani is to send consumables to the cemetery. You who don't understand this will just drown yourself in your innocence. Bar.

I am the only one Ani can give to his beloved Tamashida. This is a necessary sacrifice, brothers, and it is also my last struggle to survive!

However, the wonderful betrayal performance of the three [Disruption] brothers who were in charge of the living treasure only appeared in the eyes of a few people who could see the elves. Most of the people watching the duel could only see Hayato simply sending the card to the cemetery. However, Sho Marufuji was quite puzzled when he saw Hayato using the [Angel's Charity] left by Ryo Marufuji without hesitation.

How did you know which card was [Angel's Alms] when it was excluded from the face-down position? Sho Marufuji had an incomprehensible expression, I don't know what card Ryo Marufuji excluded. If you dare to use his card next time, that kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

No, it's completely possible, kid. Hayato said after looking at the three cards drawn in his hand, Those who walk on the same road are traveling companions, and those who can share the joys and sorrows on different roads are friends. Although there are We have the same blood, but the connection between you and Ryo Marufuji is far less close than the one between me and him when we only met for the first or second time.

That's the purity of being a duelist. You won't understand if you think of cards as just tools.

After hearing what Hayato said, Sho Marufuji glanced at Ryo Marufuji, who was dragged outside the field by Malik, and clenched his fists: Who would believe that kind of thing? If nothing else, you also said that your deck is 'pure' Electronic Flow is here, but [Disruption] monsters and the like are not ‘Electronic Flow’ cards at all!”

No, this is the 'electronic flow', because this is how I, Xiaolin Delin Hayato, judge it. Do you have any opinions? Hayato pressed the button on the duel disk, Not only that, I also want to activate Marufuji Ryo. This cover card left behind is a trap card [Dead Soul Fusion]! I removed the fusion material monster from my graveyard face-down, and fusion summoned a fusion monster from the fusion deck. The fusion material I chose was just now. [Disturbing Black] and [Disturbing Green] were sent to the graveyard.”

If two [Disruption] monsters fuse, is it a [Disruption Knight]? Jonouchi thought for a moment outside the field, Although it has the ability to seal off the opponent's two unused monster areas, and it is stronger than the [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon] 】The defense power of 2500 points is just 100 points higher, but it seems to be no match for that [God of Despair-Antihope].

There is also [Super Traffic Robot - Stealth Fusion]. Although it cannot attack due to the influence of [God of Despair - Antihop], it has the ability to turn monsters other than the Machine type into equipment cards once per turn. Even I can't. I feel a little unhappy, even if [Disruption Knight] appears, there is no chance to block the attack of [Despair God-Antihope].

Atum said, glancing at Becas who was laughing beside him.

However, after hearing Jonouchi's words, Hayato shook his head: No, it's not the [Disruption Knights]. What is awakened by [Dead Soul Fusion] at this moment is another possibility contained in the bodies of the seemingly miscellaneous [Disruptions]. , this is a card that can only be fused by being a bastard fish with no effect.

My eternal life, the years of mortals are just an illusion, the ancient existence of the ancestor, use darkness to punish the light! Hayato took out a purple card and slapped it on the duel plate, Extinction Fusion! Come, [ Ancestral Dragon - Ancient Dragon]!

Hayato remembers that [God of Despair-Antihope] is the trump card of the character Ai-Ra who corresponds to Thousand Lords in the comic world, but the summoning word he is reading at this moment is changed from Thousand Lords The ultimate ace, the one with a terribly long name [1000 Dream Void Light God-Original Number of Heavenly Spirits? Original Number of Heaven and Earth].

Isn't this considered ntr? Face-to-face ntr is just too exciting.

With a meaningless smile on his lips, Hayato appeared on the field and a flying black dragon appeared. It was obviously two miscellaneous fishes, [Disturbing Green] and [Disturbing Black], but at this moment he summoned the quite powerful [Ancestor Dragon] -Gu Long].

【Ancestral Dragon - Ancient Dragon】【9☆\\/Dark】



The fusion material of [Ancestor Dragon - Ancient Dragon] requires two normal monsters, and it cannot be specially summoned without fusion summoning. I can only have one face-up on my field. Hayato explained, And its The effect is that as long as this card exists in the monster zone, it will not be destroyed by battle with monsters other than normal monsters, nor will it be affected by the effects of monsters other than this card.

It's obviously a weak little fish, but it can actually summon such a monster? Sho Marufuji widened his eyes and looked at Hayato's [Ancestral Dragon - Ancient Dragon] in defense position on the field, Such an effect, that is to say, even if No matter how high the attack power of [God of Despair-Antihop] is, it cannot destroy it, and [Super Traffic Robot-Invisible Fusion] cannot use it as an equipment card?!

Somewhat disgusted by the effect of [Ancestor Dragon - Ancient Dragon], Sho Marufuji gritted his teeth and said: It's just the effect of curling up and lingering. As long as I draw a magic or trap card with the effect of destroying monsters, that monster will still be destroyed. Destructive.”

Huh? Who told you that [Ancestor Dragon - Ancient Dragon] is used for defense? Hayato tilted his head strangely and said, I just think that [Disturbing Black] and [Disturbing Green] should be excluded. I just summoned it because it would be very interesting. If you really want to say it, this monster is just a springboard to kill you.

Although the monster summoned by [Dead Soul Fusion] cannot attack this round, I simply need a dark attribute monster as the fusion material, and now the fusion materials have been collected on the field.

Marufuji Sho heard this and looked at Hayato's field, but apart from the field magic card [Fusion Gate] and the just summoned [Ancestral Dragon - Ancient Dragon], there were clearly no other cards on Hayato's field. .

He didn't understand what Hayato meant, but Malik and the others outside the field knew very well what Hayato wanted to do, especially Atum and Jonouchi, who had faced the fusion monster. The crystallization of their bond at that time—— —The invincible [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragoon] became one of the fusion materials for that monster without any resistance.

Come to think of it, even the [God of Despair-Antihope], which has the name of god but whose resistance only exists at the moment of attack, will inevitably end up in the same ending. To do this, What I need to use must be the so-called ultimate power in Hayato's hand.

As expected, Hayato pointed at the [God of Despair-Antihope] on his field under Marufuji Sho's confused eyes: You are really slow, obviously such a big monster is standing behind you, that is My fusion material. Your monster is great, but unfortunately, the next second he will be mine!

Release the ultimate power here and activate the quick-attack magic card, [Super Fusion]!

Playing out the card drawn by [Angel's Alms], Hayato declared, The effects of magic, traps, and monsters cannot be activated in response to the activation of [Super Fusion]. Discard a card from your hand and remove the fusion monster from both sides of the field. Send the determined materials to the graveyard and fusion summon a fusion monster from the fusion deck!

Oh oh oh, here it comes. Ani, who likes ntr other people's monsters the most, gives his favorite cheating card! Seeing Hayato using [Super Fusion], [Disruption·Yellow] subconsciously sighed, which made Hayato already The fingers that passed over its card moved back and grabbed [Disturbing Yellow].

Ah, Ani gives it!? Seeing his card being caught, [Disturbing Huang] was also stunned, Didn't the card Ani gave you also have [Psychic Ectoplasm] in the hand? Don't Throw me into the cold cemetery!

But it was the unmerciful Hayato who answered it: It's a necessary sacrifice, huh.

It's not necessary at all!

Letting out a wail, [Disturbing Yellow] was stuffed into the cemetery by Hayato to force him to shut up, and the power of [Super Fusion] was also activated, covering [Ancestor Dragon - Ancient Dragon] and Sho Marufuji on Hayato's field. Enter [God of Despair-Antihope] on the field.

[God of Despair - Antihope]?! Sho Marufuji, who was so confident just now, panicked when he saw the strangeness of his own monster. Everything he has done so far, the source of confidence behind it is this [God of Despair-Antihope]. It doesn't matter how other monsters discard and destroy it, but this monster must not cause any trouble. Move Ah, [God of Despair-Antihope], why don’t you move!”

The materials I specified are [God of Despair - Antihope] on your field, and [Ancestor Dragon - Ancient Dragon] on my field. There are two dark attribute monsters on the field, and I want to destroy them. , I soar into the sky!”

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