Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 33: Cards made without the permission of the administrator must be out of print.

Use a monster with 0 attack power to attack [Electronic Barrier Dragon] with 2800 defense power? Jonouchi looked at Marufuji Sho's operation on the field with some strangeness, turned to Bekas and asked, Hey, Bekas-san , you should be the designer of the [Robot] deck, what kind of effects does that card have?

Huh? Becas was also stunned when he heard this, Jounouchi boy, although it is true that I designed the [Robot], but I don't remember telling you that I am the designer of the [Robot] series cards. ?”

Because other than you, no one would design a monster with an over-the-top Q-print style. Hayato complained.

It's actually in this place... Bekas spread his hands helplessly, But even if you ask me, I don't know the effect of the card called [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Fortress].

After all, among the duel-monster cards designed by me and even issued by International Illusion Society so far, there are no cards [Giant Robot City] and [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] at all.

Everyone on the side was a little strange when they heard Becas's words. Not only because Becas, who has been confirmed to be the designer of the [Robot] card, actually said that the [Robot] on Marufuji Shougang was not released by the International Illusion Society, but also because when he said this, Becas The naturally calm expression on his face.

Don't you find it strange that [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] is not a card issued by the International Illusion Society? In that case, don't you want to recycle that card? Hayato looked at Bekas and said, In the future I made the card without permission from the game administrator. If it were me, I would definitely make that card out of print!

It doesn't surprise me at all that you would say such a thing, Kobayashi Hayato. Baron glanced at Hayato and complained. And Becas also said helplessly:

Furthermore, have you forgotten that you yourself also have a bunch of e that were not issued by the International Illusion Society? You have long been accustomed to you people saying things like, 'A true duelist can even create the future of drawing cards.' Then I printed out the cards I hadn’t drawn before.”

In other words, that [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] is the product of the bond between the child named Sho Marufuji and the elf? After hearing this, Atum also became interested for some reason, and started from [Millennium In Bulls, he came to the outside world by changing his position with the game, trying to observe Marufuji Sho with his naked eyes.

But after just a few glances, he frowned again: That's not right, his body...

There are no signs of active elves, right? Hayato said what Atum didn't say, and looked at Marufuji Sho with a curious expression, The duelist is bound to the card, and the card contains The elves will also respond to the duelists, and the best proof of this bond is the Inka.

But in order to achieve this, it is not a hard requirement whether the duelist has the ability to see the elves. The key is whether the sleeping elves in the cards can be awakened.

Sho Marufuji seems to be the same as his brother Ryo Marufuji. He does not have the ability to see elves, and there are no active card elves around him. This makes the appearance of his [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] obvious. It’s strange and somewhat intriguing.”

And because of the well-known pause in commentary, the [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] with 0 attack power is launching an attack under the command of Sho Marufuji against the [Electronic Barrier Dragon] with a defense power of 2800 points on the field.

At this moment, the second effect of my field magic card [Giant Robot City], when calculating the damage of my [Robot] monster in battle, once per turn, remove a [Machine] from my deck. Send monsters to the graveyard to activate!

Sho Marufuji took out a card from the deck and declared: Send [Kite Robot] to the graveyard, so that the original attack power and original defense power of the fighting [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] are only here. Exchange during damage calculation!

Hearing Marufuji Xiang's words, Marufuji Ryo was also stunned: In other words, attack power and defense power are exchanged?!

I saw that the fist of [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base], which seemed to be overestimating its ability to attack [Electronic Barrier Dragon], began to deform and expand, becoming extremely huge. The numbers behind the attack power and defense power on its panel Quick exchange!

【Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base】【0\\/5000→5000\\/0】

The huge robot overlooked the [Electronic Barrier Dragon] on the ground from a high place. The power gap between the two was reversed due to the effect of the field magic card [Giant Robot City], as if a certain witch of Mercury made hand-made ketchup. , [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] slammed his palm down!

Ah Mie Nasai!


With a loud bang, the slap of [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] fell, instantly sending the electronic barrier dragon that Marufuji appeared on the field to the second dimension, and turned it into flying fragments. Even though it has a defense power of 2800 points, it is not much stronger than 0 points when faced with the attack power of up to 5000 points from [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base].

Although [Electronic Barrier Dragon] also has the ability to negate the opponent's monster's attack once per turn in attack position, Marufuji's [Electronic Barrier Dragon] is in defense position, and even if there are any changes in his backfield The card in the form is useless, because the effect of Sho Marufuji's [Giant Robot City] is an extremely noble card that is activated during damage calculation.

When calculating damage, except for rare cases, even counterattack traps whose spell speed is three speed cannot be activated.

However, it is also because [Electronic Barrier Dragon] is in defensive position. Without the ability to penetrate defense, [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base]'s attack power was not harmful to Marufuji no matter how high it was. The other monster on Fujixiang's field [Bait Robot] is also in defense position and cannot attack.

I cleared my brother's field? He was obviously the one who declared the attack, but seeing his own monster destroy Marufuji Ryo's monster, Marufuji Sho had a look of confusion on his face. An expression of belief, and this surprise quickly turned into surprise, I actually suppressed my brother, the brother who has always been stronger than me?

This, this is really

Controlling the ecstasy in his heart, Sho Marufuji glanced at the remaining card in his hand [Red Robot Call], covered it on the backfield, and declared: In my main stage two, cover the next card. , the round is over.”

‘With this power, I can duel with my brother to such an extent. This fully proves that the gap between me and my brother is just a card gap. No, even before I drew that card from the deck, I had already suppressed my brother and suppressed Ryo Marufuji. This shows that my talent, Sho Marufuji, is superior to Ryo Marufuji! ’

‘The advantage is mine! ’

[Marufuji Sho: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

[Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] [5000\\/0→0\\/5000]

【Bait Robot】【def500】


Venue: [Giant Robot City]

Marufuji Ryo, who had defeated [Electronic Barrier Dragon] by Sho Marufuji, glanced at his brother after sending the destroyed monster card to the graveyard.

Not only his personality, but when did his younger brother gain such strength? But looking at his action of retrieving the card just now, it doesn't look like he practiced dueling regularly. However, now that we are in a duel, I don't have to think so much. I only need to think about the next card draw.

My turn, draw cards.

Pulling out a card from the deck, Ryo Marufuji paused after seeing the card he had drawn. He raised his head and looked at Sho Marufuji and said: Obviously, you have only been in Egypt for a few days. Your strength and There's been a big change from what I knew before, Xiang.

‘Not only did he fuse twice in one round and summon a monster with a level up to 10☆, but he also performed an outstanding attack. It was so impressive that I almost wondered if this was my brother. ’ As he spoke, Marufuji Ryo was still thinking in his mind.

Lifting up the duel disk, Marufuji played a card: The duel has progressed so far. The cards in both sides' hands have been almost exhausted. I put down a card in my hand and activated the magic card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky]. The number of cards in both sides' hands is increased to six.

Although [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky] has the side effect of allowing opponents to replenish their hands, especially now, Marufuji Ryo and Marufuji Sho have 0 cards in their hands and can draw six cards in the same way, but this does not prevent Marufuji from Fuji Liang added it to the deck because of its powerful ability to draw cards, and decisively activated it at this moment.

For Ryo Marufuji, who believes in the concept of respectful duel, replenishing the cards in the hand is not a big deal. It is precisely to have enough cards in the hand that both sides can show the brilliance of their decks as much as possible. .

However, seeing the [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky] launched by Ryo Marufuji, Sho Marufuji became entangled and hesitantly glanced at the counterattack trap [Red Robot Call] in his backfield.

'The effect of this card is that when there is a [Robot] fusion monster on my field, it can negate the activation of monster effects, magic cards, and trap cards, and send all cards with the same name in the opponent's deck to the graveyard. If this powerful card is used now, it can invalidate the [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], leaving Ryo Marufuji with only two cards on the backfield, but not even a single monster to use. ’

‘In this case, I only need to use [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] to attack in the next round and I can easily win. ’

‘That’s right, that’s it. If you invalidate that card——’

So, he pressed the button to activate the block card: Chain [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky], I will activate the block card to counter the trap card [Red Robot Call]! There is a [Robot] fusion monster on my field If it exists, it can only be activated when the opponent activates a monster's effect, magic, or trap card, invalidate that activation, and send all cards with the same name in the initiator's deck or fusion deck to the graveyard!

Although it's a pity that we can't draw cards together, it doesn't matter even if we despicably block the card drawing, as long as we can ensure that we can defeat Ryo Marufuji stably, that's enough!

Thinking like this, Sho Marufuji saw a regretful expression on the face of Ryo Marufuji opposite him.

Although it's a card I've never seen before, but I'm using the [Electronic Dragon] deck that's good at attacking. Of course I was prepared to counter the traps activated in response to the attack declaration, such as [Explosion Armor], but I didn't expect it. Will be used to stop this card.

As he spoke, Ryo Marufuji pressed the button to activate the Gaika, and opened the Gaika he had in the previous round: The spell speed of the counter trap is three speeds. Only the counter trap can deal with the counter trap, and the one I want to open The cover card is this one, Counter Trap [Reverse Check], which invalidates the activation of the trap card when activated and returns it to the owner's deck!

Corresponding to the [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], the communication tower on [Super Traffic Robot-Mobile Base] lit up with red light, seeming to call out the other [Robots] to prevent the activation of the card, but as [ Counter-Check] was activated by Ryo Marufuji, and a large amount of current suddenly shot out from its communication tower, causing the communication to fail. The card [Red Robot Call] was also bounced back to Sho Marufuji's deck.

This makes Marufuji Sho look very unwilling, because in addition to the first effect, [Red Robot Call] also has this secondary effect in the graveyard. You can recover a [Robot] monster from the graveyard by excluding itself. , but now it was accidentally bounced back into the deck due to the effect of [Reverse Check].

Not only that, but more importantly, with the successful activation of [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky], Ryo Marufuji had already drawn six cards from his hand, and there was an inexplicable sense of crisis in Sho Marufuji's heart!

He also quickly drew out six cards. When he saw one of the cards he had drawn, his face showed a mixture of surprise and hesitation.

Sho Marufuji's expression was not seen by Ryo Marufuji because he held the cards too high. After seeing the cards he had drawn, Ryo Marufuji drew one of them and said: Activate the magic card [Resurrection of the Dead] , Special Summon [Original Electronic Dragon] from my graveyard in attack position. Then, equip it with the equipment magic card [Meteor Bow-Ye Flame].

On Ryo Marufuji's field, the [Original Electronic Dragon] that had been released by the [Attack Reflection Device] returned again. When it appeared for the second time, a burst of sparks erupted from the [Primitive Electronic Dragon]'s body and turned into a bow and arrow that was incompatible with it.

[Original Electronic Dragon → Electronic Dragon] (Meteor Bow-Ye Yan) [atk1100 → 100]

In fact, Ryo Marufuji had no choice. After all, in addition to the [Original Electronic Dragon], there was only the [Electronic Barrier Dragon] in his graveyard, but the [Electronic Barrier Dragon] had a special feature that could only be attacked by the [Attack Reflection Device]. There are restrictions on summoning, so the powerful [Resurrection of the Dead] only revives a monster with an attack power of less than 1100 points.

The appearance of [Meteor Bow - Ye Yan] made Sho Marufuji a little confused. Why did the opponent take the initiative to reduce the attack power of his monster? He recognized that card. It was a card that reduced the equipped monster's attack power by 1,000 points, giving it the ability to directly attack. But now [Original Electronic Dragon]'s attack power has become a mere 100 points. What about direct attack? It doesn't hurt at all.

Before Marufujiro could figure it out, Marufuji played a third card: Then this one, the magic card [Mechanical Copy], with a monster on my field with an attack power of less than 500 points - —That is, [Original Electronic Dragon] is activated as the target, and up to two monsters with the same name from the deck are specially summoned on the field.

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