Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 27 What kind of wheelchair is yours and what kind of wheelchair is mine?

Marufuji, please listen to my quibbles, no, please listen to my explanation.

For some reason, Barong had a very humble attitude when facing the young man named Marufuji in front of him, giving the impression that he had some fatal handle that fell into the opponent's hands and allowed him to manipulate it. generally.

Jonouchi asked Barong with some confusion: Why do you feel like you are afraid of this child?

It's not something you can understand just by saying it. You, Jonouchi, who has not graduated from school, can't understand the suffering of adults who are already working hard in society. Baron said with some sadness and indignation, Although I joined the 'Electronic Flow', But I can only be regarded as a temporary worker. If someone files a complaint with Samejima Normal University, I will definitely not be able to keep my current job.

As for Marufuji, he can be said to be a direct disciple of Samejima Normal School. He even reached the Kaden level of 'Electron Flow' three years ago. Although he is not very old, he is the only one other than me on this training trip. The second person in charge. A job like 'Electronic Streaming' where there is not much work and good pay is too difficult to find, so of course I am afraid that he will file a lawsuit.

After saying that, Barong then remembered that Marufuji was still standing in front of him, and his face froze: Uh, shouldn't I say this in front of you?

The young man named Marufuji shook his head: It has nothing to do with that kind of thing, Mr. Barong, I will not be biased against you because of your reason for joining the 'Electronic Flow', nor will I make trouble because of this kind of thing.

After a pause, in the eyes of Barong who breathed a sigh of relief and full of hope, Marufuji continued to say calmly: After returning to the United States, I will only truthfully report to the teacher that you have lost five times during this trip. Other students don’t care about things, and I also saw you negotiating with the staff to overquote the gas price when you were filling up at the gas station last time——

Marufuji, don't, don't do that kind of thing.

I have been an orphan since I was a child. I am afraid of poverty. I don't even dare to touch any of the money.

Seeing this, Jonouchi felt a little sad: It turns out that there are so many difficulties in the adult world. Barong looks so miserable.

No, normal adults wouldn't reach this level. Hayato complained, but he stepped forward and looked at the boy named Marufuji with great interest. Marufuji, even if they have the same name, they wouldn't be so similar. I didn't expect that Caesar was quite cute when he was little.

My name is not Caesar, my name is Ryo Marufuji, sir. Frowning, the young man had a puzzled expression on his face, and did not immediately recognize who Hayato was, Is it my imagination? Why can I feel the power of [Electronic Dragon] from your body?

Hayato glanced at Marufuji in surprise, raised his eyebrows, reached out and accurately pulled out a card from the card box on his waist, showed it to Marufuji, and said: I feel quite sharp, no. No, I do have an [Electronic Dragon] on my body.

As Hayato took out the card, a vague [Electronic Dragon] spirit appeared next to Hayato. However, Hayato also discovered that after he took out the card, Marufuji was just staring at the [Electronic Dragon] card and did not notice the [Electronic Dragon] elf.

Ryo Marufuji, the future emperor of Duel Academy Caesar Ryo, was awarded this title because of his kingly equality and powerful dueling style that defeated all enemies, just like the I come, I see, I conquer Caesar-like duel style. No., an electron-flow duelist who is more famous than the current electron-flow master Samejima Iemitsu.

Among the pig teammates who were holding back Yujo Judai, Marufuji Ryo, who graduated early after two years of high school, was also one of the few characters whose character was not ruined by the screenwriter, and was famous for his outstanding strength and duel performance. It has extremely high popularity.

This is one of the reasons why [Cyber ​​Dragon], as a deck with only second-rate strength, has gained top-rate popularity. The personality charm of the user Ryo Marufuji also greatly benefits it. Not to mention anything else, words such as wheelchair and struggle are even engraved into the DNA of Pai Lao. Whenever it is mentioned, it always reminds people of Marufuji's Electronic Dragon at the first time.

Of course, wheelchairs and wheelchairs cannot be generalized if they are also nerfed. Some decks are almost dead after being weakened, while some decks can still kill other decks after being nerfed, such as Pearl Tears. , Zhulei, and Zhulei.

Just the appearance of Barong was already an accident. Even after hearing that he had joined the electronic stream, Hayato never expected to see the childhood Ryo Marufuji here. As for the fact that he seemed to be unable to see the [Electronic Dragon] spirit, it was actually not beyond Hayato's expectation.

In the stories that take place in the Duel Academy in the future, many people have formed bonds with elves, such as John Anderson, who we just met, who regards elves as family members, falls in love with the four arithmetic operations of elves, and buries himself in his legs. Delano Kenzan, who can also become an elf in his dinosaur incarnation, and Wan Zhangmu, who is now entangled with the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] and often gets stuck, etc.

As for the 10th generation of Youcheng, this one is even more heavyweight. Can you believe that he has directly merged with the elves? That is to say, times are different. Otherwise, the stacked move of Judai and Yubel might be renamed Odd Heat and Concentricity and then perform Flash Card Drawing in a grand manner.

However, among these many people, Ryo Marufuji was different. He did not show any talent as an elf user. Compared to Judai and Banjomu, they seemed very ordinary. But this does not mean that Ryo Marufuji is weak. On the contrary, Ryo Marufuji is already quite remarkable for being able to do things with pure will and consciousness that others can do with their bond with the spirit.

Some people are geniuses based on talent, while others are geniuses based on hard work, and Ryo Marufuji belongs to the latter. But having said that, Marufuji Ryo was recognized as having obtained the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] at the age of nine, and he is also a complete genius.

Sir, can you tell me who you are and why you have the [Electronic Dragon] card that can only be obtained by apprentices who pass a series of assessments in the 'Electronic Flow'?

Although he did not have the ability to see elves, Marufuji Ryo could still recognize that the card in front of him was a genuine [Electronic Dragon] card, but at the same time, new doubts arose.

Even without superpowers such as absolute memory, Marufuji thought he could still remember most of the people in the gym, but he had no impression of the person in front of him who held the [Electronic Dragon].

This is natural. After all, although the illusion of Baron and Jonouchi has been turned off, the [Millennium Scepter] on Hayato is still activated, so in Marufuji Ryo's eyes, Hayato is not his original appearance. But his trumpet Tan Lidou.

If Hayato shows his true face, Ryo Marufuji will definitely recognize him, not only because Hayato is the Duel King, but also because when Hayato went to the Den-Ryu Gym, Samejima Iemitsu and Den-Ryu When the former teacher obtained the secret of the electronic flow - [Ryuuki Takumi], Ryo Marufuji was also one of the disciples present and witnessed the duel between Hayato and the former teacher.

Hayato was also playful and did not intend to reveal his identity to Ryo Marufuji. Instead, he smiled evilly and said: I have no obligation to answer your doubts. Rather than me telling you the answer, it is better for you to do it yourself. Let’s guess why I have this [Electronic Dragon] card in my hand?”

Think about it carefully, Ryo Marufuji, why Baron, who is not a beginner in dueling, gave up his cards to join the electronic stream, why as the leader of the tour group always disappears without permission, and why he does not belong to the 'electronic stream' I will have the [Electronic Dragon] card in my hand!

There is only one answer, Ryo Marufuji!

Because of Hayato's aura when he spoke, Ryo Marufuji, who was only twelve years old, subconsciously took a step back. He reasoned along the lines of Hayato's words and naturally came up with a completely reasonable answer: Mr. Baron, he is Your undercover!? Do you actually want to steal [Electronic Dragon]’s card in this way?!”

That's not the case! I really just joined the 'Electronic Flow' because I wanted to live a peaceful life like a plant!

From the beginning, Barong felt that the atmosphere was strange, and somehow, Ryo Marufuji, under the guidance of Hayato Kobayashi, actually came up with such an outrageous answer. There is indeed nothing wrong with the conditions on the surface, but Hayato knows where he got the card in his hand. There is no need to be so clear about the duelists.

Hearing that Ryo Marufuji actually thought that he was Hayato's undercover, with the purpose of stealing the Electronic Flow's signature card [Electronic Dragon], Baron quickly denied it.

But Ryo Marufuji glanced at him and said coldly: Although I am not old, do you think I will believe your nonsense?

It's a shame that I trust you so much, Mr. Baron. I have always regarded you as a failed adult who is unmotivated, careless and has no self-control. I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply. Samejima Teachers College asked you to join the 'Electronic Liu' really made a mistake.

As the Kaden of the 'Electronic Flow', today I will clean up the door here on behalf of Samejima Normal! After saying that, Marufuji Ryo took out a duel disk and said, Let's duel, I want to use the 'Electronic Flow' The light will completely crush your evil heart!

Even if you say so... After hearing Marufuji's words, Barong also showed a troubled expression. Using a duel to have a heart-to-heart relationship sounds very feasible. As long as I show enough sincerity in the duel, I might be able to convince Marufuji Ryo, a fool who was easily fooled by Kobayashi Hayato.

But the question is, what deck should I use? The [Armor] deck was sealed by me in order not to harm others. I couldn't just seal it not long ago and take it out now, and I had no intention of harming Marufuji Ryo.

As for using Electronic Flow cards, just relying on my familiarity with this new deck, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive two rounds. No one who has seen the explosive power of [Electronic Dragon] will doubt it. I am afraid that I will be killed before I can have a heart-to-heart with Ryo Marufuji in a duel.

Subconsciously, Barong looked aside, only to find that Hayato was standing aside as if it had nothing to do with him: Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect you, Barong, to be such a person.

Yes, yes, it's too bad. Jonouchi also echoed, with the same expression of watching a show, clearly just wanting to see Baron embarrassed.

You two guys! After all, it's not you, Hayato, who caused this situation. Why are you just watching?

Hayato saw that Barong seemed to be really anxious, and said with a smile: Hoho, are you asking me, Tan Lidou? In that case, I will come to help you and steal the [Electronic Dragon] card for my cooperation. Partner.

You are clearly causing trouble!

Baron watched Hayato take out a deck of cards and complained, but when he saw Hayato facing Marufuji Ryo on his behalf, he also knew the result. There is no doubt that Hayato will win in the end, and if they have a heart-to-heart duel, Ryo Marufuji, an idiot, will definitely find out that Hayato Kobayashi is not the kind of evil person who steals other people's cards.

As he thought about it, Barong recalled what Hayato had done in the past, NTR other people's beloved monsters, mercilessly liberating other people's cherished cards, and decisively letting his own monsters die for the sake of victory... ...

Probably, you won’t let Marufuji Ryo continue to misunderstand, right?

Barong was a little unsure again.

Jonouchi patted Barong on the shoulder and said with a smile: Hey, Barong, does this kid know what kind of trouble he will get if he looks like a bad guy? Don't worry, you probably didn't read it because you were a little anxious. Come out, even I can see it. Hayato seems to simply want to have a duel with this boy.

Well, maybe it's because he has some friendship with Mr. Samejima from Den-ryu, so he wants to see what kind of skills the juniors from Den-ryu have? I don't know for sure.

When Baron heard Jonouchi's words, he also glanced at Hayato, who had already found an open space with Marufuji Ryo on opposite sides and was about to start a duel. He sighed: Whatever, if I lose the job this time, the worst I can do is. Go to Hayato Kobayashi and ask him to arrange a security guard job for me at the International Illusion Society.

After looking at the watch on his wrist and noticing that some time had passed and that he had to seize the time to eat more of the buffet, Barong didn't even think about continuing to watch the duel. He took the dinner plate and headed to the dining area. Go.

However, after taking two steps, Barong turned back and asked Jonouchi in a low voice: By the way, what do you think you should eat more if you want to make money at the buffet?

This is not easy, just eat more things with shells. Jonouchi said casually.



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