Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 25: Was Jonouchi being impersonated?

Although Atum told Hayato and the others his decision under the fireworks last night, he was not really in such a hurry that he had to leave immediately, at least until Atum ended the group's trip in Egypt. I will continue to stay in the real world.

One night passed, and the sun still rose as usual. Because of Atum's words yesterday, he had not slept well. Even after washing up and walking out of the room, Yugi was still a little sleepy. At a glance, he saw the elegant figure sitting in the public leisure area. Becas is tasting something.

G, game boy, looks like you didn't have a good rest last night? Putting down the small cup in his hand, Becas said gently, Our journey will be a bit long today, you can rest in the car.

Well, good morning, Becas-san.

Yugi also said hello and smiled, and because Becas put down his cup on the table, he was able to see clearly that what was in his cup was not the black coffee that foreigners would drink early in the morning, as is common sense, but a cup that looked like Very sweet chocolate. No wonder Yugi smelled chocolate as soon as he saw Becas. At first, he thought it was because he didn't distinguish between coffee beans and cocoa beans.

Compared to the bitter taste of coffee, I have always preferred the sweet chocolate cocoa. After all, I have always been indifferent to the so-called 'bitterness of adults'. Seemingly seeing the idea of ​​​​the game, Bekas smiled. Then he said, So, do you want a drink too, game boy?

Although the chocolate is indeed very fragrant, Yugi feels that he still can't accept drinking something so sweet so early in the morning, especially since Becas actually used a fork to fork a piece of cake full of cream to eat with the chocolate. Sweetened.

Waving his hand, Yugi declined Becas's kindness, and heard Hayato's voice again: Who can eat such sweet things so early in the morning? Becas, your taste is too weird.

That is to say, who in the right mind would drink hot chocolate and cream cake early in the morning? Malik's voice echoed.

When Yugi heard what the two said, he nodded in agreement. When he heard the words, he was stunned and couldn't help complaining: But Hayato, Malik, you two...

Holding a plate of curry in his hand, Malik picked up the spoon and took a bite and stuffed it into his mouth. While eating the soft potatoes, he said with some confusion: Huh? What's wrong?

Becas said it's weird to eat dessert in the morning. Malik, you're not much better. How can you eat curry so early in the morning? Hayato held a bowl of noodles in his hand and took a big mouthful, slightly slurred. Hudi said.

Brother-in-law, you're not much better.

Although he only stayed for one night, Bekas, who was wealthy, did not wrong himself and find a hotel at random. Instead, he boldly booked eight of the top suites in a local star hotel in Luxor. A group of eight people each rest in a room.

Although they seem to have no travel plans and just go wherever they want, they still did some basic research. The star-rated hotel they live in now is not only in the best position to watch the fireworks show celebrating the New Year, but also in the morning. The meals it provides are also the richest, able to meet the needs of most people.

However, before actually coming here, Yugi had never thought that this hotel would even offer the vegan curry ordered by Malik and the soybean noodles made from a pound of pork belly, trimmed of fat and finely chopped ordered by Hayato. Such requirements can also be met.

After ordering a set meal of fava bean croquettes and burgers, Yugi saw several people in the city waking up and walking out of the room one after another, and said hello to them. However, after knowing the richness of the food in this hotel, Jonouchi and the others also ordered dishes that they would normally not cook because it was too troublesome.

For example, Jonouchi also went to get a curry and asked the other party to add a fried pork cutlet.

While walking back with the meal, Jonouchi suddenly heard someone mention his name:

That person over there seems to be Katsuya Jonouchi.

Although the language used by the speaker is English, Jonouchi doesn't know me or I don't know him, but he can't understand other words. At least Jonouchi can still understand his own name. He also paused on his feet and looked at the source of the voice that seemed to recognize him.

The two girls who were talking were dressed as upper-class people and were facing him sideways. To be able to appear in the public lounge area of ​​the luxury suite of this hotel, they were probably not some little fairies who were crowdfunding for rich women in the group. The two of them didn't seem to notice Jonouchi's gaze, and were still talking to themselves: Is it true? But why don't I feel like it?

Absolutely, let me tell you, there is a way to identify those powerful duelists who are good at dueling monsters, and that is to look at those people's hairstyles. The better people are at dueling monsters, the more arrogant their hairstyles will be. He paused. After a pause, the blond girl who spoke at the beginning said confidently, Ignoring others, I have already engraved Katsuya Jonouchi's hairstyle into his DNA.

Don't engrave all the messy stuff into your DNA. Besides, I really don't understand why you admire that guy named Katsuya Jonouchi so much. Isn't that a guy who only relies on his own luck in duels?

You are not allowed to say that to Katsuya Jounouchi! Do you know how hard he works? No one knows it better than me. Mr. Katsuya Jounouchi practiced hard for two and a half years to become a powerful duelist before he became what he is today. Level, you little black guy!”

Hmph, Hayato-sama will be within the city within seconds!

Second Hair!

After just a few words, the two best friends, who had just been good sisters, started to quarrel, verbally attacking each other for the duelist they admired.

Behind Jonouchi, Honda urged strangely: What are you doing, Jonouchi, don't stop and block the road.

No, Honda, I just heard someone over there mention my name, and although I couldn't quite understand it, it seemed that Hayato's name was also mentioned. Jonouchi said with some trouble, Sure enough, it's because Mr. Jonouchi, I am so famous that I must be recognized by my fans.

Uh, are they the two ladies over there? It seems that they did mention your name. Honda's English level is much better than Jonouchi's, but it is still half-assed. Being able to speak a few sentences is already the limit, and he can't do it yet. By listening to the translation, I could only tell that the two girls did keep mentioning Jonouchi's name.

Looking back, Honda looked around Jonouchi, and gave a questioning look in his proud expression: But, it's impossible to say that you actually have fans or something like that. You don't even notice when people talk. I didn’t even look at you, okay.”

Hmph, then let me prove it to you. Take it.

Letting Honda take the curry he ordered, Jonouchi strode forward towards the two quarreling girls: Excuse me, ladies, did you mention 'Jounouchi Katsuya' just now?

This sentence almost exhausted Jonouchi's entire English vocabulary reserve. Although his pronunciation was very poor, Jonouchi believed that when he showed his face, the two girls would definitely recognize him.

Because they heard a strange voice, the two girls stopped arguing and looked at Jonouchi who was speaking. However, in Jonouchi's expectant eyes, the blond girl who seemed to be a fan of Jonouchi frowned: Tsk, you Who is this person who actually wears the same hairstyle as Katsuya Jonouchi? Are you worshiping him?

It's useless. So what if we have the same hairstyle? Do you think you can become as powerful a duelist as Mr. Katsuya Jonouchi?

Huh? Jonouchi was stunned when he heard this, half-listening and half-guessing that something was wrong from the girl's unhappy expression.

They say same hairstyle and so on, but I am Katsuya Jonouchi, but am I being suspected of my identity? It feels like something is wrong, how can I prove that I am who I am?

That's right, although I still think that Katsuya Jonouchi is just a private master and a second-rate duelist, not as good as Hayato-san by a hair, but it's not like you, who looks like he didn't graduate from school and still has grades. Bad delinquents can get away with it.

The girl's best friend helped, and pulled the blonde girl as she spoke, Especially since you actually appear on this floor where the luxury suites of this hotel are located. Even a passerby like me knows that Katsuya Jonouchi is very poor. Use some snacks as well.”

Let's go, Honey, let's go down there and check to see if the guy just now is Katsuya Jonouchi. It's better to waste time than to meet someone like this again who wants to chat up.

The two girls left, and Honda came over with Jonouchi's curry and his own pancakes. Looking at Jonouchi who was so lost on the ground, he immediately came to make fun of him: Hahahaha, isn't this not recognized at all? Come out, inside the city, you want to laugh me to death so that I can't get close to Jing...

Honda's words came to an abrupt end when he was almost exposed, and Jonouchi Yun didn't care about his almost exposed feet, with an unhappy expression on his face: Damn it, I don't even understand what's going on with those two guys. It doesn’t matter if he didn’t recognize me, but he still sees people so accurately.”

No, no, I get it. It's definitely because they saw the guy pretending to be me a few floors downstairs and that's why they didn't recognize me. Although they don't know who it is, it's unforgivable!

After Becas suddenly sneezed in the distance, Jonouchi angrily walked towards the elevator, wanting to see which floor the two girls went to where they met the person pretending to be him, and Honda was helpless. Returning to Hayato and the others with the curry that Jonouchi didn't want, they talked about Jonouchi's whereabouts.

Can I eat this? After taking off the fried pork cutlet, Malik took Jonouchi's curry and added some spicy miso. When Hayato heard what Jonouchi had encountered, he happened to have already eaten because of his unusually strong psychology. When it was over, Malik left the table without saying I'll have two portions. As for Becas, he still hadn't finished the portion of the overly sweet cake, and the rest of the game had just started eating.

Seeing that Hayato would go down with Jonouchi, everyone who was a little worried about whether Jonouchi, who didn't speak a little local dialect, might cause any trouble, immediately felt relieved and enjoyed their breakfast with peace of mind.

As for Hayato, because the luxury suite has a dedicated elevator, he saw at a glance that the elevator was stopping on the first floor. He knew that the two girls Jonouchi and Honda had talked about had probably gone to the first floor and were also taking the elevator. Arriving at the first floor, I started looking for the castle that came here first.

However, before Jonouchi could be found, he heard someone mentioning Jonouchi's name among the hotel guests on the first floor.

Hey, move faster. It's not my fault if you fail to meet the legendary duelist because you move too slowly.

But I heard that that person claimed that he was not that Katsuya Jonouchi? Is it true or not?

Nonsense, if you were a celebrity, would you want to be recognized by others and eat at the hotel's cheap buffet? It must be true!

Although the language spoken by passers-by was Arabic, Hayato understood it easily and raised his eyebrows. There are actually people pretending to be from within the city? No, the person who looked like Jonouchi didn’t say that he was Jonouchi. This was quite interesting. I had to rush there immediately to join in the fun.

Calmly, Hayato blended into the few passers-by who had a clear purpose and seemed to know where to find someone, and followed him into the cafeteria on the first floor of the hotel.

As soon as he walked into the cafeteria, there was no need to rely on the passers-by to guide him. With just one glance, Hayato noticed the figure surrounded by many people at the long table where food was placed in the cafeteria.

I told you I'm not that guy in the city. Are you Egyptians face-blind? How do I look like him? Don't bother me with the food. The buffet only lasts for two hours!

Even though he had emphasized it so much, the people around him didn't believe it at all, and still surrounded him and made him distressed.

Hayato didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. He happened to know Jonouchi when he appeared in the cafeteria and was mistaken for him. However, he didn't expect to appear in front of him because he noticed Jonouchi who also appeared in the cafeteria. I found that Jonouchi also noticed this side.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, used by all old bookworms.]

After searching almost all over the first floor, he finally found the guy pretending to be him in the cafeteria surrounded by many female fans. It was so enviable... hateful. Jonouchi walked towards him angrily.

Finally I found you, you who pretended to be me - eh? Why is it you?

Halfway through the words, Jonouchi himself was stunned when he saw the other party's true appearance, and the man quickly shouted as if he had seen a savior: Why are you just watching over there, Jonouchi!

While waving to Jonouchi, the man once again explained to the people around him, That yellow guy over there is the Jonouchi Katsuya you are looking for. My name is Baron, remember it well!

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