Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 22 So strong, too strong

This is not Lucky's boasting. He was indeed the most powerful Duel Monster in prison. Even his escape was largely due to Duel Monster Cards. He won the prison guards' patrol rules from others.

I'll take the first strike. Taking the first strike unceremoniously, Lucky took out a card from the deck.

Holding the card in his hand without putting down the pistol, Lucky lowered his head to check with a satisfied smile on his face: Sure enough, the past few days have been my lucky days. It's so Lucky!

You're really unlucky, kid, or should I say I'm just too lucky? I didn't expect that I drew the ace monster in the first round. Lucky said proudly, taking out a card from his hand and playing it.

Summon my strongest monster!

In just the first round, you drew the strongest monster in the deck? Hayato looked at the card that Lucky had played. This guy's luck was a bit too good. He suggested playing White Dragon with a 24-star starting hand plus fusion and fusion removal.

My turn is not over yet, I still need to equip these two magic cards on my baby.

Lucky's operation did not stop because he summoned the monster, but it was just the beginning. He even played two magic cards in one go. Moreover, the two cards he played were actually the same!

——Can only be equipped by mechanical monsters. The equipped monster's attack power or defense power increases by 700.

What I want to increase is, of course, the attack power. Under the influence of two magic cards, my big baby's current attack power is -

3600 points!

My turn is over. Lucky looked at the monster on the field with a higher attack power than the Blue Eyes White Dragon, feeling quite proud. Even when he was playing cards in prison, he had never played so smoothly. The kid in front of him seemed to be unusually unlucky.

However, whether he is unlucky or not has nothing to do with him. He is just happy. Boy, start your struggle. My bazooka spider can easily smash it no matter what kind of monster it is.

Even if you struggle, you won't start struggling when your health is full. I'm not Caesar. Saying something that Lucky couldn't understand, Hayato pulled out a card and then placed three cards in the backcourt: Covering three backfields, the monster I want to summon is this one.”

The card played by Hayato made Lucky laugh at just one glance: Haha, you know that I have strong attack power, but you dare to attack to summon a monster? I thought playing cards with a brat like you would solve the problem. It’s so disappointing.”

You can't say that, Mr. Larch. I think the only way to face difficulties is to face them bravely. Hayato smiled slightly and did not explain anything, My turn is over~

…My turn. Haha, it seems that this game is about to end. Lucky pulled out a card, glanced at it, and then laughed, Since you actively chose to be beaten, then I will grant it to you. , my favorite, launch an attack!

Well, because of the huge difference in attack power, mine will be destroyed, and I will also suffer 1800 points of damage. Hayato sent the destroyed one to the cemetery, but his expression was too calm, making people suspicious of being trapped in Who is the disadvantaged person?

You guys don't worry about your basic points at all? Lucky looked at Hayato strangely.

I must be nervous. After all, my current basic score is like a candle in the wind, and Mr. Lucky, your basic score is even 1000% of mine. Hayato then opened one of the covers unhurriedly. Card, But, I have covered this card.

? Lucky had never seen this card.

The effect of this card is that it can only be activated after I receive damage from any way. No matter how much damage I receive, I can recover the same basic points as the damage I received. Hayato explained, Because of the attack, I received I took 1800 points of damage, so now I will also recover 1800 base points.

What's this Lai Pika! Then you won't be able to be beaten to death! Lucky felt very unhappy as he saw the damage he had just caused disappear. As a murderer, he enjoys the harm caused by destruction, but it would be hard for him if others don't care about the harm after the destruction.

That's not the case. The only recovery is after the damage is caused. If the damage I received were higher, I would lose. Hayato had a smile on his face, It's really 'Lucky'.

Smelly brat. Huh, my turn is over——

Before your turn ends, Mr. Lucky, I still have two card effects to activate. Hayato interrupted Lucky's end declaration and turned over both cards on his field.

I activate this one first, and then this one, and the effect of the next card is processed first. Because there was no concept of chain at this time, Hayato said in another way, I can Resurrect a monster that was destroyed this turn.

come back,

Damn it, does that mean I didn't do anything just now? Lucky was in a very unhappy mood now. In his own turn, the damage caused was recovered, the destroyed monster was resurrected, and he did nothing except consume the two cards of the imp on the opposite side.

That's not true. Didn't you also summon three powerful monsters, Mr. Larch? Hayato smiled.

Lucky was puzzled: What powerful monster? I've obviously never summoned a monster.

It's true that you didn't summon it yourself, but I used this card to summon it for you. Hayato pointed to the card whose effect has not yet been activated, its effect is to send three burdens to the opposite side to prevent them from coming back. .”

In the card that Hayato opened from Lucky's invisible perspective, the three awakened card spirits - the three disturbing brothers were thrown out of the card with bags on their backs. Flying in the air, the three elves were still noisy, shouting Ani Gei~ Ani Gei!

It's so relaxing without the annoying baggage. Looking at the three annoying ghosts who were sent to Lucky's field, the smile on Hayato's face was extremely real, and he felt a lot more relaxed to the naked eye.

Gray House reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this

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