Beside the [original life form - Nibiru] that had become an insect tribe, an insect with a body reflecting metallic luster was summoned by John.

However, although the name is Cicada, the appearance of this [Dream Cicada-Sleep Mian] is obviously closer to the appearance of the nymph, which can also be seen from its attack power and defense power values. .

[Dream Cicada-Sleep Sleep] [3☆\\/Wind]

【Insect family\\/effect】


Although I still can't hear the voice from the card, I believe that one day, I will find friends and partners who are connected to each other and work hard with me to realize my dream. John held a card in his hand He said, Even if it is silent for a long time like a cicada and unable to respond, the power of the bond will always bloom one day!

Due to the special summoning of [Dream Cicada-Sleep Mian], the strongest monster in my deck meets the conditions for its own special summoning. I special summon this card from my hand in attack position!

As he said that, John placed the card in his hand that he had just shown to Hayato in order to use the effect of [Giant Throw], [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters], and shouted with great momentum. : Let the screams resound through the sky, let the pulse flow endlessly, and follow the guidance of the soul to gather the power into one body! The heavy armored stomach of the ages!

Ge-beetle! [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters]!

On John's field, a total of six insects appeared one after another. Their size was much larger than the ordinary insect monsters, and there were various varieties such as butterflies, stag beetles, and wasps.

After all six kinds of insects appeared, they gathered together and began to combine with each other as if they were on the set of Super Team O. They turned into a giant merging warrior that stood tall and tall, just like their names. A fighter who stands tall on the earth!

[Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters] [8☆\\/Wind]

【Insect family\\/effect】


Well, so handsome! This is completely different from the insect monsters I know! Jonouchi opened his eyes wide and his eyes were bright. He was even more excited than John about the appearance of [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Fighters] .

It simply subverts the inherent impression of the insect race. Although the attack and defense are just one thing, the strength is temporary, but the handsomeness is forever. Honda also said excitedly.

Even Malik nodded vigorously and said, That's right, that's right, and the combination is indeed a man's romance!

Hey, Hayato has long said that a man can be romantic about anything if he wants to. Compared to several boys who have not graduated from the second grade of middle school, Kyoko's reaction was less intense, but looking at the man holding a handful of carapace The [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighter] composed of a giant sword, she also said frankly, But it is indeed the most beautiful insect race I have ever seen.

Most of the insect monsters that leave a deep impression on people are abstract cards such as [Parasite-Paraside] and [Piercing Insect]. Although there have been monsters like [Insect Princess] that are still visible before, but In comparison, the appearance of [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighter] can no longer be said to be handsome, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Not only that, although the basic values ​​​​look like a fish monster, after all, it is an advanced monster with level 8☆ and the strongest card in John's deck. Naturally, it will not only have a special summoning effect.

[Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Fighters] can gather the power of other partners. The presence of every other insect-type monster on the field can increase its attack power by 300 points. This effect does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Lend me your power!

As John finished speaking, light bloomed under the feet of the three insect monsters on his field, [Original Life Form - Nibiru], [Dream Cicada-Sleep Mian], and Hayato's [Earth Spider], and three streams of light bloomed. It poured into the body of [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters].

[Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters] [atk1500→2400]

It's not over yet. I haven't performed a normal summon this round. Finally, I summoned [Blade Fly] from my hand in attack position, providing another 300 attack points for [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Sword Fighters].

John summoned a monster in his hand onto the field, waved his hand and said, And due to the effect of [Blade Fly], the attack power of all wind attribute monsters on the field increases by 500, and the attack power of earth attribute monsters decreases by 400 points.

Face Hayate!

【Blade Fly】【2☆\\/Wind】

【Insect family\\/effect】


[Meng Chan-Sleep Sleep] [atk300→800]

【Earth Spider】【atk0→0】

[Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters] [atk2400→2700→3200]

Suddenly, the total attack power of the monsters on John's field was as high as 8100 points. On the other hand, Hayato only had two monsters on the field, the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] with an attack power of 2500 points and the [Earth Spider] with 0 attack power. Suddenly, Hayato was about to be completely wiped out by John?

In particular, John still had two cards in his hand, while Hayato had an empty hand and an empty backcourt. Even the most commonly used [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] that could block attacks was also used before. In order to summon [Summoned Beast - Merkaba], he is in an exclusion state and cannot help Hayato!

Enter my fighting phase!

After hearing John's declaration, Hayato, who was in an obvious disadvantage that even beginners like Honda and Kyoko could see, showed no signs of panic and looked calm as usual: Hoho, you can actually summon such a person. The lineup, but instead of choosing to defend, will you attack me, Hayato Kobayashi?

Because if we don't take the initiative to attack, there is no possibility of defeating you, Mr. Hayato.

John had a determined expression on his face, and Hayato nodded: Then get closer and start attacking.

Looking at Hayato's field, John ordered: First, I use [Original Life Form - Nibiru] to attack the [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] on your field, Mr. Hayato - uh, its attack What’s the name of the move?”

After a pause, John failed to recall the name Hayato shouted when he attacked before, and decisively chose to give up, Anyway, John attacks!

Although the name is very unimpressive, when the [Primitive Life Form-Nibiru] with an attack power of 3000 points moves, it is still quite shocking. After the huge meteorite was transformed into an insect race, the split humanoid hand The sword that grew out also changed into the shape of a mantis sword, and was swung at Hayato's original companion on the field - [Summoned Beast - Merkaba]!

It was not like Hayato attacked Gaika because of the effect of [Fiery Duelists] before. This time [Original Life Form - Nibiru] completely converted the attack power of up to one [Blue Eyes White Dragon] into The power comes out! Even the chariot that can bring victory cannot resist!

If Hayato doesn't use the cards in his hand.

You actually used a meteorite that escaped from me to destroy the [Merkaba] on my field? John, you are really despicable like this. Hayato looked panicked, It's over, [Merkaba] After being deceived, Kang is just a blank slate, but the meteorite’s attack power is as high as 3,000 points.”

I can't beat you. How can I beat you?

As Hayato finished speaking, the split human form on [Original Life Form - Nibiru] also came to [Summoned Beast - Merkaba], waved the mantis knife in his hand, and collided with the latter's lance. .

A battle between a monster with an attack power of 3000 points and a monster with an attack power of 2500 points. This pair of extremely classic values ​​put together. Let alone Jonouchi, Yugi and others who have experienced many battles, even John has appeared on TV more than once. I have seen battles with monsters with such values, and the most famous examples are the game’s [Black Magician] and Kaiba’s [Blue Eyes White Dragon].

There is no doubt that with such an obvious numerical difference, it is the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] on Hayato's field that will be destroyed by the battle. In fact, at the moment of contact with the mantis sword, [ Summoned Beast - Merkaba] The lance in the hand of the humanoid upper body was indeed broken.

However, at the next moment when [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] was about to be destroyed by the owl's head, the lower body of the ignored [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] suddenly raised its head and pierced it with its sharp horns. The body of the defenseless [Original Life Form - Nibiru] was destroyed in reverse!

In fact, 500 points were deducted from John's basic points. For a moment, it almost made people think that John was the one fighting a monster with an attack power of 2500 points!

[John: 4000→3500lp]

What happened? John looked puzzledly at the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] that suddenly turned out to be a lance, but found that at some point, the monster's attack power had actually increased to 3500 points!

Taking a closer look, there is actually a human figure wearing a mage robe on the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] that is a human, beast, and chariot. It is surprisingly the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] that Hayato had previously fused to summon. 】One of the fusion materials——[Summoner-Aleister]?

Yeah, yeah, it's a powerful monster that I finally summoned. Wouldn't it be a pity if it was destroyed like this? Standing on the chariot, [Summoner-Aleister] smiled. said.

At the same time, Hayato also showed the [Summoner-Aleister] card in his hand and explained: It's Alai. Just now [Original Life Form-Nibiru] and [Summoned Beast-Mel] At the moment of the battle with Kabbah, I activated the effect of [Summoner-Aleister] in my hand.”

Send this card from your hand to the graveyard and activate it by targeting a fusion monster on my field. That monster's attack power and defense power will increase by 1000 points until the end of the turn. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. .”

Hayato said, sending the card in his hand to the graveyard, The [Summoner-Aleister] recovered from the exclusion zone using the effect of [Summoning Magic] is the only card in my hand at the end of the turn, because he I also drew one less card from the [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky], and what I got in exchange was the increase in the power of the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] on my field at this moment!

[Summoned Beast-Merkaba] [2500\\/2100→3500\\/3100]

With the blessing of the effect of [Summoner - Alais], the attack power of [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] suddenly increased to the highest level in the game. Not only that, because the race became the [original life form of the insect race- Nibiru] was destroyed by the battle and returned to Hayato's graveyard. The attack power of the [Beetle Fusion-Six Insect Stag Armor Fighter] on John's field also dropped accordingly.

[Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters] [atk3200→2900]

You can actually counterattack under such circumstances. John sighed with some surprise as Hayato was difficult to deal with. He was worthy of being the strongest duel king. At the same time, he was also surprised that Hayato didn't use the card effects openly, but concealed them. It's too cunning to wait until your monster is destroyed before revealing that you used a card.

Looking at the [Merkaba] with increased attack power, John decisively played a card and said: However, even so, I will still not give up. [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters] is not just good-looking, just a mere [Summoned Beast-Merkaba], watch me push it back!

Activate the quick-attack magic card in my hand, [Cai Hu Fen Shen]!

As the card was inserted into the duel plate by John, his basic score suddenly jumped from 3500 points to only 600 points!

At the same time, just like other insect monsters provide power for [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters], the basic points lost by John also turned into light and poured into his body, [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters] 】The attack surged!

[Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters] [atk2900→5800]

During the battle phase between both parties, I can activate [Saihu Powder Body] by targeting a face-up monster on my field. This will cause me to lose the base points equal to the ATK of that monster, and the target monster's ATK will be reduced until the turn. At the end, it becomes doubled, and the target monster cannot attack directly during this turn.

Because he was sure of victory just now, John did not use this card on the [Primitive Life Form - Nibiru] that attacked [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] at that time, and Hayato also secretly used Alai's effect. As a result, he can now only use this card on [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Fighters], which has the highest attack power among the remaining monsters.

Although he lost a lot of basic points, John's eyes remained firm: Even if it is [Summoned Beast-Merkaba], I will defeat it for you, Mr. Hayato!

Hoar? You actually chose [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] as the attack target instead of choosing [Earth Spider] with an attack power of 0 points to attack? Hayato heard this and said with a smile.

The reason why [Earth Spider] is in attack position is actually just because I don't want you to use its defense position effect to interfere with my attack, and I can't send the monster I revived to the graveyard again. behavior. John said seriously, If this duel ends when [Earth Spider] is controlled by you, Mr. Hayato, wouldn't it be too pitiful for it?

After hearing John's words, Atum couldn't help but rub his nose and glanced at Becas beside him. John's words sounded strangely familiar. It seemed that he had said the same thing when he was invited by Bekas to join the Duel Kingdom a long time ago.

[Beetle Fusion-Six Insects Stag Armor Fighter], attack [Summoned Beast-Merkaba]! John waved, beet catapult attack (beet catapult attack)!

After receiving the order, [Beetle Fusion-Six-Insect Stag Armor Fighter] suddenly waved the broadsword in his hand, smashed it like a throwing weapon and threw it towards [Summoned Beast-Merkaba], who raised his lance and reluctantly He blocked the flying giant sword and dropped it in front of him, but felt the surrounding light dim.

Although seemingly huge in size, it possesses considerable flexibility. [Beetle Fusion-Six Insects and Stag Armor Fighters] jumped into the air and used its elytra to maintain high gliding. The beetle armor on its body began to move along the body and gathered at the right foot. At the top is the wasp's long needle.

beetle kick!

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