Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 3: There is no need to be so clear about duelists

The moment Hayato and the others appeared, the black mercenary immediately took action, grabbed Fannie Valentine and pulled him behind him, protecting him from the sudden appearance of Hayato and the others, and at the same time, he smoothly He grabbed the jewelry from the opponent's hand and put it back into the box.

After locking the suitcase instantly, the mercenary pulled out a gun from his waist and was about to fire at Hayato and the others.

However, no matter how fast his reaction was, he still couldn't outpace Hayato, who had already made some moves since the stone gate. The [Gaia] card flew out of Hayato's hand and hit him before he raised his gun and took aim. Gun body.

The mercenary was surprised to find that what hit the gun was just an ordinary paper card, but the power that exploded in an instant was like a charging heavy armored cavalry pressing a lance against a pistol. , the pistol was deformed and flew out. The mercenary's mouth where holding the gun felt numb and his fingers were almost broken.

The mercenary, who was still about to draw the weapon from his body, just moved his other hand, and saw a golden cane on the waist of the young man walking in the front suddenly began to glow. The mercenary was completely unable to move and froze. In situ.

And it wasn't until the black mercenary was directly subdued by Hayato using the [Millennium Scepter] that the bloated white man--a guy named Fanny Valentine realized what was happening, and said in a panic: You... Who are you guys and how could you come out of a place like that!

Exel O'Brien, aren't you a very famous mercenary? Why don't you kill these guys quickly?

The mercenary named Axel O'Brien, who was controlled by the [Millennium Scepter], turned his back to Fannie Valentine and rolled his eyes helplessly, and then he had the intention to look at Hayato and the others.

As a mercenary who has been on several battlefields and is still missing arms and legs, he can definitely judge based on his own experience that five of the eight people in front of him are simply a group of brats who have never seen blood. Look It seemed like they were just a group of students.

There is a dwarf with a colorful starfish head, a coward with white hair and a blue and white striped sea soul shirt, a timid woman, and two gangsters who look like bad guys and often get into fights. In addition to this time, the other three people gave him a very bad sense of crisis.

Passing by Axel O'Brien, who was completely unable to move, Hayato walked straight towards the suitcase that fell to the ground due to Axel's controlled movements, but after seeing Hayato's movements, that Fani... Valentine actually rushed over and wanted to get the box.

Seeing this, Hayato kicked the opponent mercilessly, knocking him back a few steps and falling to the ground, and then picked up the box.

Behind Hayato, Honda and Jonouchi looked at each other: Hayato seems to be very angry. He looks a bit too scary.

Speaking of it, Hayato seemed to be the reincarnation of Pharaoh Ramses II in the stone world before. Honda shrugged, Although I don't know whether it was just a matter in the stone world or the same in the real world. But it’s hard to evaluate the behavior of telling Hayato that he wanted to take away Nefertari-san’s jewelry.”

If you think about it from my perspective, if someone wants to take away the relics left by Cyndia from me, I might be even more angry than Hayato boy~

After hearing what Honda and Bekas said, Malik curled his lips nonchalantly: It can't be true, although the abilities of dueling monsters, elves, and dark games are very supernatural things. Or soul reincarnation or something. It’s too outrageous.”

Especially since you have no basis for judging who is who's reincarnation. Let's not mention that Seto Kaiba is the reincarnation of a priest or that his brother-in-law was a pharaoh in his previous life. It is simply outrageous to say that I am the reincarnation of the leader of the tomb-keeper clan three thousand years ago. .”

Honda looked at Malik and said, As for evidence...

Maliku, Malik, these two names are very similar.

Jonouchi also clapped his fingers: Also, Malik, you are good at using torture decks. Malik seems to be good at torture with instruments of torture.

Maliku also has a sister named Isis. Kyoko also interjected.

In the end, the game even made up for it: And Miss Isis also suppressed Maliku to death, causing him to actually have a low self-esteem.

Humph, it's just like that. You see, this is very different. I'm not afraid of my sister at all. Malik said harshly.

Then do you dare to say this in front of Miss Isis?

The weather is really nice today.

Watching Hayato pick up the suitcase, Fannie Valentine was very anxious. He didn't care that the mercenary he hired was completely unable to move in front of Hayato. He pointed at Hayato and said: You little brat, hurry up and get rid of me. Put your stuff down!

Your stuff? Humph, there should be a limit to ignorance. This is clearly my stuff. I haven't accounted for what you two thieves have done yet. Hayato frowned and opened it in no hurry. He locked the suitcase and said coldly, It would have been me instead of Meliamon, otherwise you two would have been sent to the underworld by now.

Strong words. Although I don't know what's going on with you guys, the fact that you are here shows that you are not good people. You obviously just want to take advantage of others. Fannie Valentine was so angry that Gritting his teeth, You said it was your thing? Do you think you are Ozymandias?

I don't need to explain to idiots like you. As thieves who stole Nefertari's jewelry, you should be prepared to accept the trial. Hayato raised his hand and put on the duel disk he carried. On the wrist, Just use the ritual of dueling monsters to decide your outcome.

Dueling monsters? Humph, I haven't participated in a public competition, but I won't lose to some lowly poor guy who just pops up——

Fannie Valentine had an arrogant expression at first, but as he spoke, because of the keyword Duel Monsters mentioned, he suddenly felt that the people in front of him looked familiar.

Take a closer look and you will see that this is Hayato Kobayashi. Even an outsider like him knows that Hayato Kobayashi is the king of duels! In an instant, the self-confidence in Fannie Valentine's heart disappeared, and he shook his head firmly: I-I don't want it. Aren't you that Hayato Kobayashi? A devil wants to duel with you!

I have heard of the rumors in the duelist circle. Anyone who has dueled with the duel king will experience endless pain and torture without exception! Dueling with Kobayashi Hayato is no different from walking in the underworld!

When Malik heard Fannie Valentine's words, he tsked and shook his head: You're screwed. Brother-in-law, he's petty and can hold a grudge. He actually called him a duelist in the underworld to his face. He's so brave.

Not only Hayato, but when he looked at the rest of the people, Fannie Valentine also recognized the identities of several other people he knew: Becas J. Crofodo of the International Illusion Society, and There’s the legendary duelist Muto Yugi, why are you guys here!”

We just heard it. You guys paid off the gang to raise the ticket price, so we are here. I was still thinking about how there was such an outrageous price. Jonouchi looked unhappy, And there is , what's the matter if you skipped me, even if you want to sigh, at least I should include me, Jonouchi!

Jouchi? Never heard of it at all?

You *Tong Shiye swears*!

Jonouchi, who wanted to beat someone up, was stopped by Honda and Yugi. Seeing that Fannie Valentine refused to duel, Hayato planned to pull out the [Millennium Key] to do a small experiment.

The power of [Millennium Key] is somewhat close to that of [Millennium Eye] and [Millennium Scepter]. They are both powers that touch the soul. In the hands of Shada three thousand years ago, it could only be used for confirmation until he developed the ability to awaken the elves. There is something about the power of monsters in other people's hearts.

However, in Xia Di's hands, the [Millennium Key] has the ability to disrupt the puzzle pieces in people's hearts and turn them into his own puppets. Hayato wants to test this ability on Fannie Valentine at this moment. By the way, Including the mercenary.

Fannie Valentine hadn't realized the crisis was coming, but Axel O'Brien, who had saved him countless times on the battlefield, was under control and kept warning him of danger. Although he was controlled and couldn't move, He could still open his mouth and said immediately: Please wait a moment, I am willing to take on this duel!

Hayato paused, turned around and took a look at Axel O'Brien, especially his particularly conspicuous big nose. He released the control of the [Millennium Scepter] with a wave of his hand and said, Okay. , then it’s up to you to accept the duel.”

As the control was released, Axel staggered two steps forward and stood still. He looked up and saw a duel plate being thrown towards him, and subconsciously reached out to catch it.

Of course, even though he was a mercenary, Axel also carried a deck of cards on his body. After wearing the duel disk on his wrist, he inserted his deck into the card slot of the duel disk. The panel stood opposite Hayato.

Wait a minute, why should you let me duel in my place? Fannie Valentine got up from the ground, looked at Hayato and Axel who seemed to be ready, and said, No, after all, why did you suddenly Start playing cards? Is that necessary? And why is it a duel monster?

As far as I know, the origin of the modern Duel Monsters game is originally a duel ritual passed down from ancient Egypt. It is said that it has magical power. Maybe Kobayashi Hayato, the duel king, has the mysterious power related to it. Axel Without looking back, he turned his back to Valentine and said, As for the reason for the duel...

Axel was very doubtful that even if he explained clearly, he would be able to understand his own consciousness based on Valentine's IQ that he knew. His intuition told him that accepting the duel was the only right choice, otherwise something terrible would definitely happen, because he had just felt the power of the [Thousand-Year Scepter], and he had no doubt about this.

Moreover, he also had Valentine appear here to steal important cultural relics. Although the local gangs were bribed to control the entry of foreign tourists, the government staff of the scenic spot itself were not bribed, only manipulated by him. Just went to other places.

Once Hayato Kobayashi and the others made some noise to provoke the Egyptian government, even he didn't have much confidence that he could escape without killing people or exposing his identity. He left the battlefield and turned to work as a thief. Isn't it because he doesn't want to exchange his life for money anymore? He doesn't want to be wanted and not be able to live a stable life. He still has children at home who need to take care of him.

You don't have to be so clear about duelists. Hayato glanced at Valentine and said nonchalantly. Turning his eyes to Axel and looking at this steady black mercenary, Hayato inserted the deck of cards into the duel plate and said, duel.

Duel! Axel raised the duel disk and connected it with the duel disk signal on Hayato's wrist, and the two sides began to draw cards.

[Hayato: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

[Exel: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

I have to admit that even though Hayato's hand speed is very fast, compared to Axel, who relies on his hand speed to survive on the battlefield all year round, the speed of drawing cards is still slower, but because Keppei is in Hayato's Duel The modified card ejection function on the board finally allowed him to draw five cards in advance and gain the upper hand.

I will attack first and draw the cards. Pulling out the card, Hayato glanced at the perfect ☆hand☆ cards in his hand and smiled coldly, So strong, too strong. I will use the cards in my hand to deal with it. You send down sanctions like the blazing sun.

Activate the sustainable magic card, [Nightmare Mirage]. This card allows me to replenish my hand to four cards during the opponent's preparation phase, and then discard the number of cards drawn during the preparation phase of the turn in front of me.

Then, I summon a monster in face-down defense position, then cover four cards. My turn ends.

An unusually standard set of t characters unfolded, and Hayato emptied his hand of cards instantly, ending the round.

[Hayato: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

[Monster shown on the inside]

[Nightmare Mirage Tower] [Gate Card] x4

Axel: ?

Well, there are sanctions like the blazing sun. Malik nodded and complained helplessly, You really have the style of a brother-in-law, the sun shines.

Look, I've said it before. The rumors are indeed true. A duel with Kobayashi Hayato is torture. Even I can see that such a round is simply too weird. Valentine pointed at Hayato on the field. The card said, There are five covered cards. This is not a normal duel that I know!

Looking at the cards on Hayato's field, Axel also had an ugly expression, but now that Hayato had ended his turn, he also drew the card at the top of the deck: My turn, draw cards.

At this moment, because of the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower], I added four cards in my hand. Hayato pulled out a card from the deck. Axel didn't care, but played a card in his hand. :

Summon in attack position, [Volcano Blade]!

The ground in front of him cracked open to reveal rolling lava, and a fire-breathing monster crawled out of the lava.

【Volcanic Blade】【4☆/Fire】

【Fire Clan/Effect】


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