Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 140 The Riddler Gets Out of Egypt

I'm so stupid, really.

Hayato sat on the golden throne and put on a posture of lying down, I just knew that there would be nothing good waiting for me when this bastard La Er came to find me, but why didn't I expect that this guy was actually waiting here? I.

Either call me Ozymandias or Ramesses II, or continue to call me Meliamon. What is Ramses II's name? Beside Hayato, Ozymandias said with a smile, Also, Yu didn't say anything before the duel with you, it was just what you thought.

Please, you showed up after I passed out, and as soon as you came out, you said you wanted to play cards with me. Hayato curled his lips, Everyone would think that the current situation has something to do with you. If I can beat you at cards, I will It’s okay to go out now.”

Hayato thought there was nothing wrong with his idea. After all, he didn't know what his situation was outside. After he passed out, he suddenly came to this world and started playing cards with Ozymandias. No matter No matter how you think about it, you will feel that Ozymandias is the initiator who dragged him into this world.

Who would have imagined that after I had a duel with him and decided the winner, this guy suddenly said that he still couldn't leave here and had to stay here for a while?

This is a joke!

In the end, it's not your fault that you suddenly want to play cards.

After hearing Hayato's words, Ozymandias spread his hands: Isn't it common sense to duel when you can't decide? Even I will occasionally have the urge to duel with others on a whim.

Are you addicted to cards? If something like this happens again next time, tell me in advance, bastard. I still have important things to do. Hayato sighed and leaned his head back on the back of the throne, I don’t know what’s going on outside now, and Seth, holding the [Millennium Jewelry], must have unlocked the seal of the underworld stone slab.”

According to Ozymandias, this world seems to be Hayato's own spiritual world. As a result of the relationship between past and future lives and the fact that he is currently using the same body, Ozymandias can appear here with Hayato. Playing cards, his memories previously shown to Hayato were also written by Ozymandias.

The spiritual world is not the material world, which means that as long as Hayato and Ozymandias want to, they can transform this world into what they want. Although Hayato, who only wants to return to the outside, is not interested in He has no interest in this aspect, but Ozymandias is very keen on playing with construction simulations, turning the spiritual world into the palace where he lived during his lifetime.

In this regard, you don't have to worry yet. Although like you, I don't know the situation outside, but what is certain is that the evil under that stone slab has not been released yet, at least it will take some time.

Hayato nodded, remained silent for a moment, looked at Ozymandias and said, So, what do you say?

Hoo? You actually noticed Yu's condition. Ozymandias said nonchalantly, Winners and losers, you and I should both agree with this. Since I just talked to you Now that the outcome has been decided, Yu has no reason to stay in this era anymore, and it’s time to go back to the original era with Nefertari.”

Well, as far as I know, the sudden duel with you will never happen again.

After a pause, Ozymandias walked forward, with his back to Hayato and said: Xiaolin Hayato, I asked you before, whether you can overcome the obstacles that I have to move towards the future? After seeing you pull out the Winged God The moment I saw the dragon, I had already got my answer.”

Yu originally thought that you could use [La's Winged Dragon] and be recognized by him. Perhaps it was because you were the reincarnation of Yu and were just under Yu's shadow. However, Yu seemed to make mistakes sometimes. Compared to Yu, [La] seems to like you more.

Hayato looked at Ozymandias, smiled and said, What needs to be corrected is that [Pull] is not him, but her.

Really? It doesn't matter, Yu doesn't care about this either. Maybe because of this, you can go further than Yu. Looking ahead, Ozymandias said in a deep voice, Humans and elves, two How should people coexist with each other? This contradiction has existed since before Yu was born.

The kingdom that tried to coexist with the elves on an equal footing was destroyed by the test of the planet; the kingdom that enslaved the elves encountered many disasters because of the growing darkness. Even Yu was unable to find the right path in his lifetime.

Hayato understood what Ozymandias was referring to. Although the Atlanteans had improved the level of civilization with the help of the power of the elves, the incompatibility between the material and spiritual levels caused by simply coexisting equally with the elves without gaining strength. It was destroyed in the trial of Oriha Gang.

The dark game is the era where the nameless pharaoh lived. Using the knowledge in the Millennium Magic Book, humans used the enslavement of elves as a simple tool, either through war or punishment. In addition to gaining strength, it also led to the accumulation of darkness. The following created an insurmountable trial, which forced the unknown Pharaoh to sacrifice to quell the disaster.

And Hayato also saw in the memory of Ozymandias he watched before. As the pharaoh after Yami Yugi, he learned the previous lessons and no longer used alchemy to control the elves like in Yami Yugi's era. He resolutely gave up this power.

Because of this decision, Ozymandias experienced several wars with other countries during his lifetime as pharaoh, but he was able to resolve all of them and win with his superhuman bravery and commanding ability. Unfortunately, this peace was based on Ozymandias' ability, and when he finally passed away, the peace disappeared again.

Perhaps it is because the path Ozymandias is trying is the same as Atlantis ruled by Dazi, so Datsu will visit Egypt again after the Dark Game to investigate its rule.

It's really surprising. Didn't you say that you don't have that much time before? You are actually thinking about the future a thousand years later. Hayato smiled and stood up from the throne, I didn't say before that in this memory world But it refers to defeating Dazi in the real world. I said something to him at that time, and I can also pass it on to you now.

As a person in the past, don't think about solving the future problems alone. Just believe in the people of the future. The possibilities of human beings cannot be summarized by one or two people.

Hearing Hayato's words, Ozymandias smiled: Idiot, have you forgotten that Yu can also see your memory? You never said that to that Dazi.

However, what you said still makes some sense. I will continue to watch what kind of future you can go into in the past, Hayato Kobayashi.

Ozymandias' body turned into a point of light and floated into the air, completely dissipating in front of Hayato's eyes, leaving him alone in the empty hall.

At the same time, Hayato heard a voice: Kuri~

The same voice echoed from Hayato. Hayato took out a card, which was [Rainbow Chestnut Ball]: What's wrong, Aibo?

Curry? Curry Curry~ Hearing Hayato's words, [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] flew out from the card, tilted his head in confusion, and shook his head, Curry, Curry!

You're not talking? Then where did this voice come from? Hayato looked around with some confusion. As Ozymandias disappeared, the surrounding scenery did not change back to the chaotic scene before. It was still in a palace, but except for Hayato, there was no one else around.


Just as Hayato was looking for the source of the sound, there was another sound. This time Hayato also discovered that the cry of Kurikuri was indeed not made by the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball], but seemed to come from the top of his head?

------outside world------

[Rainbow Chestnut Ball] is actually Princess Nefertari's elf. Watching Nefertari disappear, leaving a [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] floating in front of Hayato, Jonouchi looked surprised.

They were naturally very familiar with the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball], but they did not expect that its origin was actually the elf of Princess Nefertari three thousand years ago, combined with the fact that Hayato was the reincarnation of Pharaoh Ramses II. Speaking of it, I couldn't help but sigh that the bond is really a wonderful thing.

But, even so, Hayato still hasn't woken up? Turning his attention from the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] swirling around Hayato to Hayato, who was still unconscious, Honda asked doubtfully, Isn't it working?

Yugi shook his head: No, Princess Nefertari's efforts are very effective. Hayato's changes seem to have stopped. He did not continue to grow but stayed in this state.

A few people saw that this was indeed the case, and Yami Yugi quickly asked the doctors to check Hayato carefully again. It was indeed as Yugi said, the changes in Hayato's body seemed to have stopped, and the power of [Millennium Jewelry] returned to its stable state. In Hayato's body.

The reason why Hayato is still unable to wake up is probably because of the difference between his mind and body. He may not be able to wake up until his mind adapts to his physical state. However, that is only a matter of time. Hayato can basically be said to be out of danger. .

Everyone was relieved.

It's good news that Hayato Kobayashi is not in danger, but then we have to continue to face that problem. After everyone left the temporary medical room and came outside, Maliku said, Sett snatched [ Millennium Jewelry], although I don’t know why, it is very likely that he will complete the underworld stone slab and collect all [Millennium Artifacts].”

What will happen then? Mana looked at An Yugi beside her and asked in confusion.

I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing. An Yuxi frowned and thought, Tairiang said before that he is actually part of the evil will sealed under the stone slab. Is it possible to collect all the seals... With seven [Millennium Artifacts], can Tapirang lift the seal? Is that his winning condition in this dark game?

Kyoko said a little discouraged: The seven [Millennium Artifacts] released the true form of Tapirang... But the problem is that when we collected the six [Millennium Artifacts], the monsters that Tapirang summoned at will couldn't deal with it, and even were Another game we had high hopes for also had its name snatched away by Set.

Don't worry, Kyoko, I believe we will find a solution by then.

Honda glanced at Jonouchi and patted him on the shoulder: People say that knowing yourself and the enemy will make you invincible in a hundred battles, but we have almost no information about the enemy, but the other side knows almost everything about us. It's a shame that you can still be so confident, Jonouchi.

Hearing Honda's words, Isis couldn't help but show an expression of thinking and hesitation, which was immediately noticed by the keen game: Miss Isis, what's wrong?

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Isis glanced at the game, thought for a while, and said, No, I just thought of a person. He may know a lot about our enemies, and maybe he knows some important information.

After hearing what Isis said, Yugi seemed to know who she was referring to, and nodded: If it's that person, maybe there really is a way.

But the problem is, I don't think the other party will be willing to help us. Isis sighed, I'm just hesitant about this, because maybe the other party will take the opportunity to harm us.

Yugi thought for a while and smiled: Don't worry, Miss Isis, I think I may have a way to get the other party to help us.

The riddle-like conversation between the two people left Jonouchi on the side completely confused, and Mimi Huhu said, What? What about that person? Can't you just be a little more straightforward about who it is?

That's right, the Riddler should get out of Egypt. Maliku also echoed. The communication between the game and Isis was too unfriendly for someone with low intelligence like him.

Yami Yugi said to Jonouchi and Mariku: If I'm not mistaken, the person Aibo and Priest Isis are talking about should be referring to Aknadi. If it is him, he can indeed bring us a lot of important information. , maybe there is a way to defeat Tapirang and thwart his conspiracy.

Hearing Yami Yugi's words, several people in the city who had no impression of Akhnadi didn't react at all, but Maliku, who already knew that the Dark Priest was Akhnadi, was a little anxious: That old immortal? What are you talking about? What a joke, are you going to use his power!?

Have you forgotten what that guy did? He killed so many people! Aren't you afraid that he will plot against you and harm you again?

Hearing Maliku's words, An Yuxi said in a deep voice: But this is the only way. If we can't stop Tapirang, more people may die.

I am as angry as you are for what Akhnadi did, Maliku, but if it is to protect the country and protect other people, even Akhnadi's power will be taken into consideration. This is the realization I have as Pharaoh.

After a pause, Yami Yugi turned his head to look at Yugi, Aibo, I believe you can do this to get Akhnadi to cooperate.

Take us to Anadi's place.

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