Pharaoh was God's spokesman on earth, commanding all nations.

Except for a few cases, the pharaohs who ruled their respective dynasties had the concept of being buried on the throne with the Book of the Dead after death. Most of them claimed to be descendants of Horus and were buried under the god Horus. The Amyrlin Seat.

However, there is one person who is an exception among exceptions. He is the Pharaoh who has claimed to be God since his lifetime. He even called himself Ra, the man born of God at the commemorative ceremony of the thirty-third year of his term.

Ozymandias, also known as Ramses II... Looking at the sleeping Hayato, Honda said the name he knew, In the thousands of years of history of ancient Egypt, his popularity can be regarded as one of the best. Pharaoh.”

Upon hearing Honda's words, Jonouchi was also stunned: Honda, what are you talking about? Isn't Hayato our partner? A pharaoh from thousands of years ago or something...

I didn't say that Hayato was a person from thousands of years ago, but the name 'Meliamon' is indeed one of the names of Ramses II, which means 'the person blessed by the god Amun', and it is more important. Yes, Honda said, looking at Nefertari, whose body was illusory, The name Nefertari is the name of the princess of Pharaoh Ramses II.

And looking at Nefertari, who is more like returning to her adult appearance than growing up, after Honda's reminder, Yugi also figured out the key: Could it be that, Nefertari, you really...

Well, when Meliamon came to this world before, he seemed to be worried that I would be too lonely if I stayed alone in the original place, so he brought me into this world in his own style. This also led to He who could have been an adult can only appear as a child like me.

Although her body seemed to be about to dissipate at any moment, Nefertari smiled indifferently, as if she didn't care about her condition at all, It's been a long time since I can return to the way I was when I was a child, and be with Merry who was also a child. Being together with Amon is really missed.

However, it's time to wake up from this sweet dream. My existence has taken away Meliamon's power, preventing him from exerting his full power in this world. But as long as I return, Meliamon will You will be safe and sound. Walking to Hayato, Nefertari caressed his face and said with a smile, It's just that I can't stay with you anymore, Meliamon.

Kyoko heard Nefertari's words, took a step forward and looked at Nefertari worriedly, and said, Neftali-chan, no, Princess Nefertari, are you going to sacrifice yourself?

No, Kyoko, I just don't want to drag Meliamon down. Just like the birds soaring in the vast sky, just like the fish swimming freely in the boundless sea, just like the flowers blooming in the wilderness. , he is destined to become the sun that shines on Egypt. Nefertari smiled and hugged Hayato, I am just going back to the era that should have existed, not death. Moreover, death is just another great adventure.

A ball of light appeared in Nefertari's hand, and the light of the rainbow that everyone in the game was so familiar with lit up and shone on Hayato.

The rest is up to you.


Hayato felt like he had a dream and saw the entire life of a young man from childhood to adulthood.

Birth, establishment of a heir, marriage, battles, enthronement, and restoration of the kingdom, Hayato watched the life of a boy who looked exactly like himself unfold in front of him. He watched him experience birth, old age, illness, and death, and spent a lot of time even compared to modern people. It also seems like a long and dazzling life.

Hayato also noticed that the familiar girl who had been with him since he was a child but passed away when he became middle-aged looked exactly like Nefertari. What surprised him even more was that the other princess next to the boy who became the pharaoh looked so similar to Yin Xisi.

This, this is?

Humph, have you come this far? Beside Hayato, Meliamon came out and stood side by side with him, looking at the life of the young man in front of him, Look at Yu's life from another angle, hmm , As expected of Yu, it’s still so exciting.”

So this is your life? Hayato turned his head and looked at Meliamon. When Meliamon heard Hayato's words, she curled her lips helplessly, You asked knowingly, didn't you already guess it?

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Come and try it quickly. 】

Hayato spread his hands: I don't know much about the history of ancient Egypt. At least except for a few well-known pharaohs, such as Ptolemy I, Tutankhamun, Ramses II, etc., my other pharaohs are I don’t know any of them. So, which Pharaoh are you?”

Idiot... Meliamon glanced at Hayato and sighed, with a cold and arrogant look on his face, I have heard of Yu's name, but when I met Yu, I didn't know how much glory I was bathing in. Forget it, I'll tell you Whatever you say is just an insult to Yu himself in the end, let Yu hear it clearly.

My name is Ozymandias! King of kings! Almighty gods, but look at my great deeds - and then surrender in despair!

As Meliamon, or should we call him Ozymandias, shouted, the illusion in front of Hayato collapsed, revealing a piece of chaos, and Ozymandias stretched out his hand and pointed at Hayato, only Hayato's wrist was visible Chaos was wrapped around it, and a duel disk was transformed. The same thing happened in Ozymandias' hand, and a duel disk that had been inserted into the deck appeared.

With Hayato's expression of I knew it would be like this, Ozymandias said: Although I lent my body to you before, you let me down so much, Hayato Kobayashi, so I have to re- Let’s start the duel that failed to determine the winner last time!”

If you can defeat Yu, then Yu can forgive you for letting Nefertari sacrifice her life for Yu, but if Yu wins, don't resent Yu for taking back his body!

Although Ozymandias crossed his arms across his chest and looked cold and arrogant, trying to show his aura of overlooking Hayato, in this seemingly spiritual world, the two of them appeared in their complete states. Compared to Hayato, who is 195cm tall, Ozymandias is only 17cm tall, and his aura is somewhat lacking.

Hayato looked at Ozymandias and sighed: Don't talk to yourself there, you guy. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is still mine. I don't agree with anyone taking advantage of me.

However, when it comes to playing cards, I won't lose. It's just a [Mingjie] deck, there's nothing to be afraid of!


[Ozymandias: 4000LP]

[Hayato: 4000LP]

He drew the cards from his hand first to take the lead in attacking. Hearing Hayato's words, Ozymandias smiled mysteriously: When did you get the illusion that I was using the [Ming Jie] deck?

In my turn, draw cards!

Then activate the magic card [Planet Transformation], and add the field magic card [Triple Pyramid·Cruiser] from the remaining deck to your hand!

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