Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 35: Money will be deducted for playing homophone jokes

The guy who is pretending to be a ghost. Cover a card and my turn is over! Tapirang ended his turn easily. Although he said that Hayato was faking it, summoning the same monster was definitely not a coincidence.

[Tairiang: 4000LP, 4 cards in hand]



‘Is this guy reading my inner thoughts now? ’ Tairyo thought as he looked at Hayato.

Hayato didn't know and didn't care what Tapiraka thought, he just drew a card: My turn, draw a card!

Looking at the magic card added to his hand, Hayato raised his eyebrows and looked at Tapirang opposite: It's really bad, my hand is not good at all. Tapirang, what about you?

Haha, I asked knowingly. Looking at the powerful monsters in his hand, Tapirang said calmly, I have some good cards in my hand. Thanks to Bekas's new rules, I will deal with you next round. Direct attack.

That's weird.

Because Bekas's new rules were not disclosed in advance, after the Kingdom's new rules were released, many duelists felt uncomfortable due to the excessive number of monsters above 4☆ in their decks. In the previous rules, the ☆ level of monsters was just for good looks and did not have much effect. High ☆ monsters often meant higher attack and defense, so many people's decks were filled with high ☆ monsters.

Then the rules updated the rules for sacrifice summons, and a large number of people said Ye Qingjie.

Professional players like Yumo and Ryuzaki often have backup cards in addition to their main decks, so the impact is relatively slight. Many people do not replace their decks, which often results in high-star starts, including Tapir. Good inside.

I see, your hand cards are not very good either. Looking at Tapi Liang's expression of You really can read minds, Hayato wanted to complain about this Tapi Liang's almost unabashed embarrassment every time he looked at the cards in his hand. , In that case, let me do you a favor.

I activate [Hand Card Erase], and all players holding cards in their hands will discard all the cards in their hands, and then draw the discarded number of cards from the deck. As he said that, Hayato showed the back of his hand to Tairiang, Except for the activated [Hand Card Erase], I currently have 4 cards in my hand, so I can draw 4 cards from the deck.

I also have four cards. Tapiryo pulled out four cards and looked at the re-cleaned hand with a happy face. He looked up at Hayato, Hahahaha, it's really thanks to your [hand of cards] Obliterate] Ah, Hayato-kun. My current hand is quite good.

Really? If my [Hand Card Erase] brings a smile to your face, that would be great. But, do you want to experience double happiness again? Hayato opened the cover card that had previously covered the field. I activate [Psychic Break] and declare a card name. The card name I want to declare is——

[Dark Doll Nicolofia]!

Nani! Bakanon!

Following Hayato's declaration, the card covering his backfield opened, and a wave of electricity shot out from the card, directly hitting the card in Tairyo's hand. If the card name Hayato declared does not exist in Tapirang's hand, the current lightning connection should be Hayato's hand, but looking at the current situation, it is obvious that Tapirang really has [Dark Doll Nicole Raffi] in his hand Ya】This card!

You actually got the [Millennium Eye] in advance? You guy! Tapir Liang, or the evil god in Tapirang's body was a little irritated.

The ability of the Millennium Eye is to see through real sight, and mind reading is only the most basic method of use. This is not the first time that Hayato Kobayashi in front of him has shown strange abilities. There is no doubt that he possesses the Millennium Eye. Tapirang even suspected that his identity had been seen through by him.

Who are you and how much do you know?

It's just a duelist passing by. Remember it for me. Plagiarizing the lines of a certain number thief, Hayato ordered, Confirm the possession and execute the effect! [Psychic Break], Tapiryo!

The electric light connected to the card in Tapirang's hand suddenly swelled and thickened. The electric shock followed the card and reached the hand that held the card. Suddenly something around it seemed to have broken apart, leaving behind a trace of Taipirang's hand. Lost consciousness for a moment. When he came to his senses, he found that all his cards had left his hand, scattered on the ground and disappeared.

Damn Hayato! An angry expression appeared on Tapi Liang's face, but just for a moment, it turned into a sinister smile, Do you think I would say that? Idiot, you have been fooled! I knew you would do it a long time ago Use this card that can make the most of the ability of the [Millennium Eye]!

Just because [Psychological Breakdown], which has not been affected by the source, is really useful (actually because the author misremembered the effect), it was not sold together with Feather Moth's other cards, but was added to Hayato in his own deck. :? ? ?

The moment [Dark Doll Nicolofia] is sent to the graveyard, I can activate the card I covered last round! [Ouija Board]!

The card that Taixiang had previously covered was lifted up, and a skull-shaped mist emerged from the card, making people shudder just to see it.

The effect of [Ouija Board] is that every time your turn ends, I can place a [Death Information Card] on my back field. The word proud was almost engraved on Tairang Liang's face. If you can't defeat me within five rounds, when I have five cards of 'D' 'E' 'A' T 'H' on the field, I will directly win the game. !”

Count down to the end of your life, Hayato Kobayashi!

Hoo? The trap card version of Exodia? It's so strong. It's so strong. In that case, I'll cover two cards and end my turn. Hayato looked at the gloomy field of Tapiryo, but he didn't know it at all. He didn't take Tapirang's threat seriously, Oh, it's really dangerous. I'm actually in the empty field.

[Hayato: 4000LP, 2 cards in hand]

[Cover card] [Cover card]

Kobayashi Hayato, stop being so weird to me! If you keep pretending like this, you will become fertilizer for my dark deck! Tairiang finished the homophone in Hayato's name with just one sentence, but looking at his expression, He didn't seem to mean it.

Kobayashi Hayato, in Japanese Kobayashi has the same pronunciation as fertilizer, and Hayato has the same pronunciation as Aiya.

At the end of your turn, the effect of [Ouija Board] is activated, and [Death Message Card] 'E' will come to my field!

The skull representing the [Ouija Board] revealed the word D on its forehead. The mist surrounding it spread and split, and a mist with the word E engraved on it appeared nearby.

After D comes E. I still suggest you put these words together, V, M, and X. Which one is stronger.

My turn, draw a card! Ignoring Hayabusa's unintelligible words, Tairiang's hand card returned to 1, and then back to it again, Since your city gate is open, I'm not polite. Normally summon [ Goblin Zombie], and then attack you directly together with [Newt] on the field!

The [Goblin Zombie], whose skin was completely rotted and only pale bones and muscles were left, appeared on the field. As soon as he appeared, he was joined by [Newt] who was being harassed by himself. , swung his sword towards Hayato.

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