Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 23 It’s my fault that the effect is only half-complete, but I won’t apologize.

【danger! Dog man! 】【atk2400】

Looking at Diavolo coming up to the front court, or [Dogman! ], even Hayato couldn't help but show a shocked expression.

Actually, turned into a card monster?

The so-called 'human body refining' is the ultimate subject of the alchemy I have learned. It is not just about transforming a piece of flesh with vitality. Its essence is to create a reality with self-will from scratch. Creatures.”

Before activating non-living substances and turning them into life, the prerequisite technology is to change the shape of existing living beings, which is the [danger] series that I created by biologically modifying ordinary animals.

But just when I was proud of my achievements, that guy told me that he had completed the task of 'refining the human body', and that the only thing left to achieve the perfection of alchemy was the 'Philosopher's Stone'! Looking at his palms that were twisted into alien shapes, Dog Man Diavolo showed a clear expression of regret on his face, In order to chase that guy, I forcibly used my own body as a material and tried to use my unfinished technology. Achieved 'Human Refining', but failed and turned into this monster.

I was forced to leave the previous laboratory where I worked and came to this island. However, I unexpectedly obtained the most suitable material for completing the 'Philosopher's Stone', the Oriha Stone, which allowed me to restore my body to normal. appearance.

Diavolo grinned and looked at Hayato, But because of you, you forced me to look like this again!

It's decided, I'm going to make you suffer the most brutal torture when I catch you on the experimental table!

Although Diavolo was alone and angry, Hayato, who was opposite him, picked his ears impatiently: Huh? Have you finally finished speaking? Well, actually after you said twenty words I just stopped listening.”

Instead of Rory spouting harsh words that no one can understand, it's better to continue your turn quickly. With your stupidity, you're still 20,000 years away from defeating me. Hayato With a contemptuous expression on his face, he continued to irritate Diavolo with his words, If it weren't for the burning rope, you would have died long ago.

Hmph! I will prove it, prove my excellence, and use this card. Diablo, who was standing in the front field, said as he put a card between his sharp nails and put it into the duel plate, Activate the equipment magic card, [Danger Capture Combat], and give me my own equipment!

With the activation of the equipment magic card, pairs of lassoes suddenly appeared from all directions and wrapped around Diavolo. One end of the lasso was connected to a heavy object, which seemed to be used to restrict the movement of the caught monster.

However, after being entangled in the noose, Diavolo became [danger! Dogman's eyes turned scarlet, and he exhaled white air from his nose as if he was irritated. He pulled up his arms and directly lifted the weight connected to the lasso to use it as a meteor hammer.

【danger! Dogman】【2400/1000→3200/1800】

Due to the effect of [Danger Capture Combat], my attack power and defense power increased by 800 points, and I can attack monsters up to twice in the same battle phase! Diavolo looked at Hayato and the only person he had on the field. Some [Summoned Beast - Kokotus] grinned, In this case, your monster will no longer be able to protect you!

But it's not over yet. There is another card, [Earth Cut]. This card can destroy the monster with the lowest attack power on the opponent's field! This effect does not take the target.

It can take effect on the only monster on your field! Diavolo laughed proudly, raised his fist and smashed it hard, Crush it in front of my talent!

As Diavolo punched the ground, the earth suddenly opened up and a crack spread continuously, attacking the [Summoned Beast-Cocutos] on Hayato's field, and in an instant it was at his feet. Once you fall into it, you will fall into the bottomless abyss.

In Diavolo's confident eyes, [Summoned Beast - Cocutos] looked at him like an idiot, gently flapped the pair of wings on his back that were not decorations, and flew up.

Fly! ?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, while not being the target of the opponent's effect, [Summoned Beast-Kokutos] actually has resistance that will not be destroyed by the effect, but I forgot to explain it to you just now, Well, I forgot about it.”

Under Diavolo's angry eyes, Hayato said cowardly, Well, it's my fault that I didn't tell you all the effects in one breath, but I won't apologize.

Damn it! You shameless bastard! Diavolo was so angry that he almost broke his teeth and glared at Hayato angrily.

He had just thought about it. After using [Earth Cut] to destroy the [Summoned Beast-Cocutos] on the opposite side, he could slap the opponent hard with a huge slap worth 3200 points, and then just use [ Mothman] and [Deformation Pot], two monsters can attack randomly and clear the opponent's base points like candles in the wind.

He was obviously only one step away from such a gorgeous victory, but in the end, the dragon monster was actually resistant to damage, and he was even looked down upon! ? Who would have thought that those wings are not just decorations and can actually fly!

Moreover, not only will it not be destroyed by the effect, but it will not become the target of the effect. What's the matter with such a disgusting effect? ​​Can't you just let me have a good duel!

Diavolo was annoyed, looked at the monsters on his field, and put down another card: I haven't done a normal summon this round yet, so I will put the [Transformation Pot] and [danger! Ogup] on the field. Ancient] As a sacrifice, the superior summons this monster.”

[danger! Thunderbird]!

Without shouting any cool summoning words, Diavolo summoned the monster card in his hand to the field in a very lackluster manner. Another [danger] monster used the [Transformation Pot] and its attack power that had no use value. The lowest [danger! Ogupugu] appeared at the cost of his disappearance.

Accompanied by strong light and roaring sounds, thunder and lightning fell next to Diavolo, turning into a giant bird with colorful feathers.

【danger! Thunderbird】【8☆/Dark】



So what if your monster has resistance to effect damage? It doesn't have resistance to battle damage. I will tear that monster into pieces, and then use this total attack to clear your base points in one go. ! Diavolo glanced at the three monsters on his field, including himself, and said confidently, Enter the battle stage!

【danger! Mothman】【atk1800】

【danger! Dogman] (danger capture operation) [atk3200]

【danger! Thunderbird】【atk2800】

First of all, I want to use myself to attack the [Summoned Beast-Cocutos] on your field. You just looked at me with contempt and watched me tear you apart! Dia grinned. Polo suddenly pounced on the [Summoned Beast-Cocutos] flying in the air.

Although [Summoned Beast - Kokotus] has extremely excellent resistance, there is a saying, The most useless resistance is to break resistance through battle, and the most effective way to remove monsters is to destroy through battle.

Even with a strong defense power of 2900 points, Diavolo used [Danger Capture Operation] to increase his attack power. Now, the blue dragon flying in the air was caught by the lasso and pulled in front of Diavolo. , was pierced through the heart by a claw, and was shattered together with the staff left by [Summoner-Aleister].

However, because of the defensive position, Hayato was not harmed by the battle and watched Diablo land calmly.

Hmph, hahaha, that's how it feels. No matter how long it takes, the pleasure of cutting through flesh and blood is still so fascinating! He held the blue sword taken from [Summoned Beast-Cocutos] in his hand. Diavolo suddenly grabbed his heart, crushed it, and laughed wildly like a pervert.

And on his chest, the red color in the blood-stained Oriha Stone increased a little, and further transformed in the direction of the Philosopher's Stone.

Hayato glanced at Diablo with disgust. As someone who knows the truth about the Philosopher's Stone, he knows that in addition to technology and materials, what is needed to complete the Philosopher's Stone is life and soul. In order to complete the Philosopher's Stone, Diavolo had no idea how many dead people had been filled into it.

Perhaps some of them may be that he filled them with experimental animals that died in the experiment for the purpose of recycling, but Hayato did not forget that when he discovered his group, Diavolo regarded them as one of them. The experiment is here!

Now, you no longer have any monsters to protect you, right? It's time to show fear in the face of death. Diavolo looked at Hayato and ordered without hesitation, ordering his monsters to attack, Then , take this beating, [danger! Mothman]’s direct attack!”

[Hayato: 4000→2200lp]

The headless winged humanoid monster pounced on Hayato, and all of its attack power of 1800 points of combat damage was taken by Hayato. However, when Hayato looked at the ugly monster, he did not feel disgusted.

Through the direct attack just now, Hayato felt the roar and wailing remaining in the card, which came from the resentment of the humans who died in Diavolo's experiments, and Diavolo used alchemy to convert their souls While the body was twisted, the hatred was also left in the card, unable to be vented.

You must know that even Dazi who collected the darkness in people's hearts to awaken the power of God Oliha Gang, all he did from beginning to end was to restrain people's souls. Dazi who experienced the changes in Atlantis did not It will not twist the human body, and even the soul bound by it will sleep in peaceful darkness and will not feel pain.

However, what Diavolo has done has exceeded the lower limit. He arbitrarily tampered with the bodies and souls of living creatures, twisted them into alien appearances, and bound them in cards from which they could never be freed.

Since Diavolo is such a bad guy, Hayato feels that he has no need to hold back anymore.

At this moment, I activate the trap card [Complaint of Hate], and taste the resentment from your own card, Diavolo. Pressing the card activation button on the duel disk, Hayato said with a cold face, The opponent This card can only be activated when a monster's direct attack causes combat damage to me.

I will gain control of a face-up monster with the highest defense on the opponent's field until the end of the next turn. This effect invalidates the effects of the monster I control and cannot declare an attack.

Hayato said, pointing at Diavolo's field who had not yet attacked [danger! Thunderbird], The monster with the highest defense on your field is [danger! Thunderbird], and I gain control of it.

After [Complaint of Hate] is activated, Diavolo's [danger! Thunderbird]'s body trembled, and after realizing that he could move freely, he quickly flew to Hayato's field, away from Diavolo, who was transformed into a dog man.

Hey, how dare you betray me, you useless thing! He glared fiercely [danger! Thunderbird], Diavolo snorted coldly, Huh, you escaped, but so what if I took away the monster that couldn't attack, you still can't beat me!

Cover three cards, my turn is over. Covering all three cards on the backfield, Diavolo declared the end of his turn.

However, at the moment his turn ended, the [Dragon of Light and Darkness], which had been sent to another dimension by Hayato using the [Subspace Material Transfer Device], returned to Hayato's field.

―――Although the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] itself has the restriction that it cannot be specially summoned, putting it back into the field by the [Subspace Material Transfer Device] does not qualify as a special summon.

At the same time, because he left the field and returned to the field, the current attack power and defense power of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] returned to their original values.

[Diablo: 3500lp, 0 cards in hand]

【danger! Dogman] (danger capture operation) [atk3200]

【danger! Mothman】【atk1800】

【Gate Card】x3

Hey, it's back again, that disgusting monster. Seeing the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] appear again, Diablo's face turned ugly, because that meant that the cards in his backfield were likely to be activated. No.

However, he thought again and suddenly regained his confidence: I almost forgot, you said before that the monster's effect is forced to be activated, which means that even the activation of your own card will be activated by that monster. invalid?

In that case, doesn't it mean that you have an empty hand of cards, but your own monster will only negate them before you play them? Hahahaha, what a stupid monster!

Oh, uu read a book

Yeah? Hayato smiled disdainfully, Although you know alchemy that few people have learned, but unlike another alchemist I know who has a gentle personality, you are just a scumbag, and a scumbag who is extremely short-sighted.

Let me show you the true power of creation from scratch, and the ultimate power of destroying everything!

Drawing a card from the top of the deck, Hayato sent the drawn card to the graveyard as a cost, and activated a card in his hand, Discard a card in my hand, and I activate the quick attack magic card, [Super Fusion]!

This card can select the fusion materials needed for the fusion monster from both sides of the field and send it to the graveyard, and special summon a fusion monster from the fusion deck as a fusion summon!

As Hayato activated [Super Fusion], a strong wind suddenly set off on the field. The sky originally shrouded in light mist suddenly became clear, but the next moment there were dark clouds, and among the lightning and thunder, Diavolo felt A feeling that almost suffocated him.

Choose cards with fusion materials from both sides of the field!? After a moment of surprise, Diavolo came back to his senses and gritted his teeth and said, But don't forget your [Dragon of Light and Darkness]——

Oh no, the activation of [Super Fusion] cannot be chained by the effects of magic, traps, or monsters. The speed of spells is still faster than counterattacking traps! Hayato's words cut off Diavolo's last hope, and he pointed at Diablo. Polo, The monsters I selected are [danger! Mothman] and [danger! Dogman] on your field!


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