Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 20 Awesome, right? Awesome, right? Genius!

I'll take the first move, draw the card!

After Hayato suddenly announced that he was going to duel, and the man in black robe accepted the challenge as a matter of course, before Hayato could shout duel to start drawing cards from his hand, the man in black robe opposite him drew six cards in one breath without any sense of martial ethics. card, stealing the initiative quite shamelessly.

He didn't pay much attention to Hayato's look. The black-robed man held six cards with his skinny fingers and spread them out in front of his eyes. He seemed to have picked a good card as a starting point. His voice sounded a little happy: My name is Dia. Polo, breaking into this island is the greatest luck in your life, because next, you will be able to see my masterpiece and even become a part of this masterpiece.

My name is Diavolo, remember this great name that is destined to spread throughout the world!

[Diablo: 4000lp, 6 cards in hand]

Regarding the sudden start of a duel between Hayato and the guy who called himself Diavolo, everyone was not surprised at all why they were playing cards. They retreated to a certain distance to leave enough space for the duel between Hayato and Diavolo. Finally, after hearing Diavolo's words, Jonouchi curled his lips disdainfully: That kind of name that sounds moldy to people, is there any need to remember it?

Diavolo, this name means 'devil' in Italian. How could anyone name their child such a name? Although he has never even gone to school, Malik's knowledge is unexpected. A little more than Jonouchi, That name is a pseudonym, right?

Compared with Jonouchi, they were concerned about whether Diavolo's name was his real name, but Yugi was concerned about another point. He talked to Yugi in the [Millennium Brick] in his heart and said: 'aibo, do you feel the same as me? ’

‘Are you talking about the aura of power in Diavolo, the other me? 'Biao Yugi in [Millennium Building Blocks] also has the ability to sense the outside world. The moment he took out the duel disk, he realized that the aura on Diablo's body seemed to be the same as the power that swept them before. The feeling is the same, 'Well, I also feel that he is the source of the power before. ’

‘Perhaps, even the card spirit’s materialization has something to do with him. ’

First of all, what I want to activate is this magic card in my hand, [Hand Card Erase] Diavolo didn't know and didn't care about the communication between Yugi and others, and just put a card on his own. Insert into the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk, Duelists with cards in their hands discard all the cards in their hands, and then each draw the discarded number of cards from the top of the deck.

After a pause, Diavolo closed the five unfolded cards in his hand and said proudly: Although I don't know the condition of your cards, you don't have to be grateful that I helped you replace a hand with better cards.

Honda, who was watching the duel, was a little strange, because even he, a layman who was new to dueling monsters, could at least tell that Diavolo seemed to be quite satisfied with his hand when he just drew the card, but why? How about using [Hand Card Erase], a card that is used to replace unfavorable cards in your hand?

Malik also saw Honda's doubts and said to himself: You were so confident in your hand just now, but you used a card like [Hand Erase]. If that confidence just now wasn't fake. , the only possibility is that 'discarded cards also have effects in the graveyard'.

Diavolo, who was sending the five cards he closed to the cemetery, heard this and glanced at Malik: Humph, what can I do if I know? This is my first move, is it possible to stop me? Card?

Because of the effect of [Hand Card Erase],

I discard all five cards in my hand and draw five cards from the deck.

Hayato seemed to have no way to stop him as Diavolo said, and sent the five cards in his hand to the graveyard: My hand also has five cards, so I can also draw five cards. .”

Both parties sent the cards to the graveyard at the same time and drew five cards together. Hayato was quite satisfied with the five newly drawn cards and his luck was not too bad, but Diavolo stared at the newly drawn cards. After five cards, for a moment, it seemed as if I was surprised that the card I drew could be so bad.

However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Diavolo's purpose from the beginning was not to draw better cards, but to discard the previous cards in his hand.

At this moment, there is a card effect in my graveyard that can be activated! He waved his withered palm vigorously, making people wonder whether the arm like a dead branch would break by itself due to too much force, but Diablo His tone was quite exciting, When the cards are discarded from the hand, the [danger? Son of the Earth], [danger! Mothman], and [danger? Jackalope] that I sent to the graveyard activate their effects!

The first is the effect of [danger? Jackalope]. Special summon a [danger] monster in defense position other than [danger? Jackalope] from my deck!

[Danger]? Yugi was stunned when he heard Diavolo's words, because even though his family owned a card shop and knew all the information about Duel Monsters, he had never heard of [Danger]. danger] card. Could it be that the card was given to Diavolo by beings in the elf world?

However, since I have never heard of the [danger] deck, why do I feel that the names of the monsters are familiar?

Following Diavolo's declaration, a rabbit with green hair appeared from his cemetery. It would be fine if the hair was just green, but there were actually branched branches on the top of the rabbit's head. antlers?

Although she looks cute, the next moment, [danger? The changes that happened to Jackalope] can only be described as nauseating. Suddenly, the muscles on [Jackalope]'s body expanded rapidly, bursting the green hair and revealing bright red flesh. As it twisted and deformed, Diavolo's voice rang out:

The experimental model has been enlarged, the volume has been changed, the action mode has been changed, and rumors have been given. Black devil snake, jump out of the lake!

[danger! Ogupugu]!

As Diavolo finished speaking, the transformation of [Jackalope] was completed, and what appeared in front of everyone was a huge ugly snake with a flat head covered with spikes and no body at all. It is impossible to associate it with the cute Jackalope rabbit from before.

【danger! Ogupugu】【8☆/Dark】

[Sea Dragon Clan/Effect]


Hey! What kind of monster is that!? Jonouchi, who was watching the field with all his attention, was disgusted by the process of [Jackalope] turning into [Ogupugu]. He took half a step back with a look of disgust on his face and kept rubbing himself. He scratched the goosebumps on his arms, A disgusting monster I've never heard of!

On the other hand, the game, although it only focused on [danger] at first and didn't pay attention to the names of the monsters, there are now Jackalope, Mothman, Son of the Earth and now Ogupugu. After these four reminders, he had realized where the subtle familiarity with the monsters came from even though he had never heard of the [danger] deck when he heard the names of the monsters.

The 'Jakalop' and 'Mothman' in North America, the 'Hammer Snake' in Japan, and the Okanagan Lake Monster in Canada... Counting the monsters whose names appeared one by one. , switched back to Yugi, who knew a lot about these strange and strange knowledge, stood behind Hayato, and said loudly, These [danger] monsters are unidentified life forms from all over the world!

After hearing the words of the game, Diavolo just snorted: Unconfirmed life form? Humph, is this what ignorant humans call my experimental subjects? Although they are just failed products used for practical theory, they are not You idiots can do whatever you want!

The effect of [Danger? Son of the Earth], this card is activated when the card is discarded from the hand, and this card is Special Summoned. He took a card from the graveyard and placed it on the duel plate. Diavolo seemed to be because Hearing the word unconfirmed life form made him feel a little bad, and then continued, Then there is [danger! Mothman]. This card can only be activated when it is discarded from the hand.

Both sides draw a card from the deck, and then choose a card in their hand to discard.

A slightly bloated, plump pink-purple snake appeared on Diavolo's field. At the same time, Diavolo and Hayato had each drawn a card, and selected a card from their hand to discard to the graveyard.

【danger? Son of the Earth】【3☆/Dark】



After discarding the card into the graveyard, Diablo waved his hand again and said: The card discarded due to the effect of [danger! Mothman] is [danger! Chupacabra]. This card was discarded from the hand. If so, select a [danger] monster other than yourself in my graveyard and special summon it!

Come out, [danger! Mothman]!

【danger! Mothman】【4☆/Dark】

【Insect family/effect】


In just one round, Diavolo easily special summoned three monsters on his field. At the same time, he even kept his normal summons unused, and in the process he only played one. It’s just [Hand Card Erase].

However, this kind of operation is not enough for Hayato. From the beginning of the duel, he more or less guessed that the opponent's deck was the [danger] deck, and this deck was just as the game guessed, It is based on the unidentified life form that is widely circulated in rumors around the world.

The so-called unconfirmed life forms refer to those creatures that have many eyewitnesses giving the same lifelike description, but there is no definite key evidence to prove their real existence, such as the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, etc.

It's just that Hayato doesn't understand why this unidentified life form is related to Diavolo, a Frankenstein-like guy?

Diavolo, right? Hayato looked calmly at the two menacing monsters on the opponent's field and a cute [Earth Child], which is also the legendary Hammer Snake in Japan. Hayato said to Diavolo He asked, You keep talking about 'experimental subjects', what do you mean?

Hearing that after Hayato saw his invincible lineup, he didn't want to think about how to solve it, but still had time to ask himself questions, Diavolo was a little disdainful: Originally, I thought that you who dared to challenge me might be a lot of people. Powerful guy, don’t you understand how powerful the monsters on my field are?”

[Danger! Mothman], which is 4☆ but has an attack power of 1800 points, [danger? Son of the Earth] which is just for make-up, and [danger! Ogupugu] which has a defense power of 3000 points and is despairing. , I am invincible after summoning such a powerful lineup in just one round!

‘No, you’re not that powerful at all, are you? ’ Everyone was speechless as they looked at Diavolo, who was getting excited by himself, and complained in their hearts. They felt that this guy in front of them had been out of touch with the world for decades, right?

If it had been Muto Sugoroku's era decades ago, the lineup in front of him would indeed have been terrifying, but now, any duelist passing by would be able to defeat this bunch of defenseless duelists with just one [Lightning Strike]. All the monsters were destroyed.

Diablo didn't know what everyone was thinking. Feeling proud that he had a chance to win, he felt that he could be more relaxed, so he stretched out his finger and pointed at the monsters on his field: But, a stupid guy like you can imagine Do you get it? The existence of these monsters has been transformed bit by bit by my hands, right?

Unlike those monsters that were born based on card elves, I transformed ordinary creatures into powerful cards to create this [danger] deck!

Isn't it awesome? Isn't it awesome? Isn't it a genius!

The triumphant Diavolo looked at the stunned people, and his mood became more and more comfortable. Even Hayato was shocked by what Diavolo said.

Transform ordinary creatures into card elves!?

That kind of thing, uu read a book

Can it really be done?

It's better to say that card elves can actually be made after tomorrow. It's already outrageous, let alone biological modification or something!

Malik, Honda and Jonouchi were discussing at the back, while Hayato looked at the monsters in front of him seriously. He knew that the card elves were born the day after tomorrow, and they could really do it. For example, the Judai's [Yubel] that had been sent to the sky by Kaiba was the card elves created the day after tomorrow, and they were made by humans through the dark power. The monster transformed into a card spirit.

But, does Diavolo in front of him actually master this technology of making card spirits? He has even transformed ordinary animals into card elves!

Hmph, are you amazed because of this kind of thing? You are really short-sighted. Diavolo said, raising his hand to lift his cloak, How could you possibly imagine my lofty goals and the greatness of alchemy? !”

After lifting the cloak that covered his body, Diavolo's true appearance appeared in front of everyone. He was a skinny old man with pink hair that looked like it was moldy and had spots.

However, the most eye-catching thing was that there was a spherical stone embedded in his chest that surprised Yugi, Jonouchi and others.

That's Oliha Gang?

No, it's not Oriha Gang. Hayato, who knew more information than Yugi and the others, stared at the red color in the center of the green gem and said in shock, That's the Philosopher's Stone in transformation!

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