Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 32: Flying geese plucking their feathers

After Hayato won the game, he was naturally very proud, while Yu Moth had a look of frustration and annoyance on his face. He was annoyed about why he had to bet all his star chips, and why he had to bet the future of Duel Monsters.

Two men in black were already waiting under the duel stage on Yu Mo's side, not only to prevent Yu Mo from escaping, but also to prevent the onlookers from getting close to Yu Mo. However, because Bekas had announced the official start of the Duel Kingdom, not many duelists were still in front of the castle.

After all, there are thousands of duelists invited to this competition, and each person has two chips, which means there are at least two thousand star chips. As long as you collect ten chips, you will be qualified to enter the castle. In the best case, 200 people can even meet the qualifications.

However, Bekas has added an eight people limit to the number of people who can enter the castle, which means that only the first eight people who collect ten chips can enter the castle. Under such circumstances, duelists naturally want to find their opponents as quickly as possible, defeat them, and then collect chips.

The two men in black conscientiously stopped Yu Moth, who had just stepped off the duel stage, and were about to control him when one of them was tapped on the shoulder from behind. The man in black turned around impatiently and said, Please don't hinder our work...Mr. Hayato.

I won't hinder you. In fact, if possible, I even want to throw this guy off the island myself. The one who patted the man in black on the shoulder was naturally Hayato, It's just that I am the one who wins. , so I’ll collect my loot, no problem?”

...Of course there is no problem, Mr. Hayato. After thinking for a while, the two men in black stepped back half a step to make way for Hayato. One of them hesitated for a while and added, But , please stop using violence, as this will have an impact on the reputation of the International Illusion Society, and it will be difficult for us to do so.

I know, I know. Hayato smiled and waved his hand, walking towards Yu Moth who was leaning on the duel platform.

The ash on Yu Mo's face had not been wiped off. When he saw Hayato approaching him, he became a little excited: Hayato! You guy!

No matter how loud you yell, you can't change the final result, can you? I win, you lose, insect bastard. Ignoring Feather Moth's eyes that seemed to be killing, Hayato reached forward and immediately He grabbed Yu Mo's left hand, grabbed his dueling gloves, and took them off completely.

Mr. Hayato... The man in black behind him reminded him when he saw Hayato's rough movements.

Hayato held the dueling gloves and waved his hand: Relax, relax. Think about it, the star chips are all embedded in the dueling gloves. I was too lazy to dig them out one by one, so I pulled them all out. It makes sense.

As he spoke, Hayato grabbed Yu Mo's collar and, relying on his height advantage and hand length, directly lifted Yu Mo up. Ignoring his struggling hands, he reached for Yu Mo's waist for placement. The box of the card deck was pulled out along with the belt on his pants.

Just like I made a bet with him before, we bet on everything about Duel Monsters in the future, so of course I have to take away his deck, otherwise what if he goes to play cards elsewhere after leaving Duel Kingdom? Using the reason that no one could convince except himself, Hayato slid down his pants, revealing the underwear with the beetle pattern, and threw it to two men in black who were at a loss, holding the dueling gloves and the feather moth. The deck flew away.

[System update completed]

Hearing the notification that the system had completed the update, Hayato immediately opened the deck of Feather Moth that he had just acquired. He entered the [Recycling] module of the [Store] with extremely skillful movements, and quickly put [Sword-Horned Beetle] and [Cocoon of Evolution] 】This kind of useless card to him was recycled, and he actually got a full 1000dp.

Hayato! Hayato, who was very happy to get other people's things like Brother Feng, heard someone calling his name and turned his head to look, it was Yugi and the others. With his back to the dueling platform that had been recovered and sunk into the ground, and listening to Yu Moth's cries as he was carried away by two men in black, Hayato came to a few people and handed the dueling gloves in his hand to Jonouchi.

Hayato, what is this? Jonouchi asked with some confusion.

You must have heard just now that you need dueling gloves to participate in the Duel Kingdom competition. Yugi and I have both, so we gave them to you. Although they belong to that disgusting guy Feather Moth, I don't know if they will fit your hand. Hayato said, and raised a star chip that he had buckled from his glove, It's just that I can only give you one star chip, I'm sorry.

No, it's me who should say thank you, Hayato. Although Hayato's attitude was very casual, Jonouchi knew how much it helped him, so he bowed extremely solemnly.

Peacock Mai stood aside and watched Hayato distribute his spoils to Jonouchi: Although I am touched by the friendship between you, is this really good? The competition for star chips is quite fierce now.

Are you trying to say that my behavior of helping Jonouchi will hinder me? But only when our companions support each other can we go further, right? Hayato responded with a smile, Besides, even if I share What’s wrong with one star in the city? I don’t think I’ll lose to anyone else when I’m already one star ahead.”

It's up to you. Peacock Dance took a deep look at the cheerful people and didn't say much. He just turned his back and walked towards the steps leaving the castle. I'm going to hunt. We have reached our goal, let’s say goodbye to Yugi, Hayato, and Jonouchi.”

Miss Mai, won't you come with us? Jonouchi pulled on his slightly tight gloves and looked at the direction in which Peacock Mai left.

The game thought for a while: Maybe because of the time limit. The faster the star chips must be captured, the better. If we act together, the speed of the duel will definitely be affected.

That's the truth, Yugi. So I have to separate from you next. Hayato looked at a few people and said, but his eyes glanced somewhere from time to time, You and Jonouchi should act together, I still have to find Beka There is something wrong with Si, let’s wait until we have collected all ten stars and see you again.”

With that said, Hayato ignored Jonouchi and Honda's attempts to stay and ran towards the stairs. Yugi looked at Hayato's back and vaguely saw several yellow and green figures in front of him guiding the direction.

It's probably an illusion.

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