Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 10 As an electronic player, as long as there is an electronic dragon in the deck, it will be

Don't blink, what I'm showing you here is the ultimate secret of 'electron flow'!

Fusion Summon! [Hellfire Machine-Tiera]!

This is a damn electronic flow!!!

Camus had no idea that the electronic flow that Hayato kept talking about could actually be such a thing in front of him. As he complained, the eleven [Hellfire Machine] monsters in Hayato's deck turned into light spots and flew out. Different points of light converged into a magic circle behind Hayato, and the node pattern of the magic circle was clearly the reverse Kabbalah tree of life.

From the magic circle, the huge [Hellfire Machine-Tiera] appeared.

[Hellfire Machine-Tiera][11☆/Fire]



Listening to Camus's complaints, Hayato said shamelessly and calmly: As we all know, 'Electronic Flow' is good at Yanka groups, Yang graveyards, and recycling excluded areas, and [Hellfire Machine] can also do Yanka group graveyards and recycling Excluded area.”

The 'Electron Flow' is usually a mechanical monster. What a coincidence that the [Hellfire Machine] also has a 'machine' in its name, so that equation holds true. The [Hellfire Machine] is also an 'Electron Flow'.

When Malik heard Hayato's defense, he complained helplessly: This kind of sophistry that no one can convince, is indeed my brother-in-law's style.

Is it a monster with an attack power of 3400 points? Camus looked at [Hellfire Machine - Tiera], then at the three monsters in attack position on his field, and said indifferently, It's just this level. It will not bring any threat to me at all, and if you attack, you will only deduct some basic points that are not worth caring about.

The undead legion under the Blood Clan cannot be destroyed!

After hearing Camus' words, Hayato spread his hands: In fact, I can't do it even if I want to. Powerful cards often come with huge risks. During the round when [Chain Material] is applied, I cannot attack. This The effect is on the duelist, and even monsters not affected by the effect cannot avoid it.”

Also, fusion monsters fused by the effect of [Chain Material] will also be destroyed at the end of the turn.

Hearing what Hayato said, Camus not only did not relax, but instead looked at the [Hellfire Machine-Tiera] on Hayato's field with increasing vigilance.

[Hellfire Machine] is a deck that Hayato started using after joining Doma in order to fit the identity of the villain he played at that time. Although Hayato has used it many times, it has been well known by Yugi, Kaiba and others, but before The duelist whose soul was sealed by Hayato using [Hellfire Machine] has not been able to sort out the detailed information about [Hellfire Machine] so quickly, so Camus is very unfamiliar with [Hellfire Machine - Tiera].

[Chain Material] Since the [Hellfire Machine-Tiera] summoned by fusion cannot attack, it means that it must have the effect Hayato needs, and it is very likely that it can create a huge amount of damage even if it only exists for one turn. Advantages, and even directly lead to the possible effect of victory!

Because the summoning of [Hellfire Machine - Tiera] was successful, Hayato had already begun to explain the effect of instant activation, and Camus also learned about her effect.

Depending on the number of fusion material monster types used during fusion, [Hellfire Machine - Tiera] can activate different numbers of effects when the fusion summon is successful, and because the number of materials I used is the total of all [Hellfire Machine] Eleven of them, [Hellfire Machine-Tiera] will activate all of her effects.

However, before [Hellfire Machine - Tiera] activates its effect, I first chain her fusion summons to activate the quick-attack magic card [Mysterious Chinese Pot] in my hand, and remove [Hellfire Machine -] on my field. Tiera] is released, and then my base points are restored to the value of her defense power.

[Hellfire Machine - Tiera] can only activate its effect when the fusion summon is successful. When it exists on the field, it is basically equivalent to a blank monster with a higher attack power than [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. It has a good compatibility with [Skill Extraction]. At the same time, it also made Hayato free without any burden.

The [Hellfire Machine-Tiera] that is fused with the effect of [Chain Material] cannot attack anyway. As long as the effect is activated, it can continue to be processed even if it leaves the field. It is better to be fired by Hayato before it is destroyed.

In the confused expression of [Hellfire Machine-Tiera], it was her second appearance so far and she was sent to the graveyard for the second time, and Hayato's base points increased accordingly.

[Hayato: 40007600lp]

After dealing with the effect of [Mysterious Chinese Pot], followed by the effect of [Hellfire Machine - Tiera] that had already left the field, Hayato had three more cards in his hand: First, [Hellfire Machine] -Tierra] has three or more fusion materials, both parties will select three cards from their respective fusion decks and send them to the graveyard.”

The three cards in his hand were turned over and displayed. Camus could only see clearly that the three cards were fusion monster cards with purple borders. Those three cards were sent to the cemetery by Hayato, and Camus was forced to take out the three cards. Sent to the cemetery.

But it wasn't over yet. After watching Camus send the three fusion monsters to the graveyard, Hayato put his finger on the top of the deck and pulled out three cards.

Then, when there are more than five types of fusion materials, send three cards from the top of both sides' decks to the graveyard.

Hayato glanced at the three cards on top of his deck and raised his eyebrows.

Among the cards he sent to the graveyard, there was a noble restricted card, [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky]. There was only one card in the entire deck and was sent to the graveyard in a blind pile, along with two others. The first card is two mysterious cards with unknown meaning.

You actually gave such a good card to the blind pile and sent it to the graveyard. It’s unforgivable, Xiao Lan!'s not Xiaolan Dui's tomb, so that's okay.

Hayato was piled into the grave with two extremely important cards, and Camus seemed to have bad luck, seeing three cards [Pot of Desire], [Angel's Alms] and [Undead World] being sent to the graveyard. In the meantime, his already bad face became even more ugly.

Both sides sent the top cards of their respective decks to the graveyard, but before the effect of [Hellfire Machine - Tiera] was processed, Hayato held out three fingers: The third effect, when there are more than eight types of materials. , both sides choose up to three of their own cards that have been excluded and return them to the graveyard. However, I am the only one with cards that have been excluded, so I will return these three cards to the graveyard.

After retrieving the three cards from the previously raised [Hellfire Machine] from his trouser pocket and sending them to the graveyard, Hayato said the final effect, And the final fourth level effect, when there are more than ten types , both sides will send all the cards in their hands to the graveyard!

Huh? Upon hearing Hayato's words, Camus was slightly stunned for the first time, as if he was a little unsure of what he heard.

After looking at the remaining card in Hayato's hand and his empty left hand, Camus sneered: Hmm, hahahahaha, I only care about the pleasure of summoning monsters, so I completely forgot about the effects of my monsters. Are you done, Hayato Kobayashi?

I don't have any cards in my hand that need to be discarded. On the contrary, you have to discard the last card because of the effect of your monster.

I was a little nervous because of the momentum of that monster just now. In the end, you spent all the cards in your hand just to absorb the power of that monster to increase your life to survive my next turn? I have to say it’s really funny, hahahaha!”

Camus was genuinely amused. He grinned in an exaggerated manner, revealing his sharp teeth. I didn't expect that after a hundred years, human beings have become so interesting. I don't want to kill you anymore.

But it's a pity that in order to revive the vampire clan, I need the precious reward for killing you, so go on, Hayato Kobayashi, and continue your struggle!

He's really not a human being. Malik sighed after seeing Camus' strange posture. Although he also has supernatural powers, it was Malik's first time to see other supernatural creatures besides card elves in the world. He couldn't help but carefully look at Camus's body, trying to see what the latter had. Those places are different from humans.

However, apart from the fact that the hands and feet are stronger than ordinary people, the skin color is paler than that of white-skinned people who pay attention to sun protection, and the structure of the mouth is slightly different, the vampire seems to be no different, even... .

Malik grinned and said sarcastically: But it's still the same stupidity. It feels even stupider after people know that he is an immortal vampire. He made blind judgments just because of the appearance, but didn't think about it. Think about it, how could there be conditions that a duelist cannot take advantage of?

For a real duelist, it is not outrageous to set up the ability to do two squats but be invisible for 24 hours. Even the negative effects of the cards can be used.

Just as Malik expected, when Hayato used the effect of [Chain Material] to select fusion materials at the beginning, he could freely choose less than ten kinds of fusion materials for the fusion summon of [Hellfire Machine-Tierra], but he Still selected all eleven.

You must know that the fusion materials selected in [Chain Materials] are excluded and not sent to the cemetery which is the same as home for [Hellfire Machine]. It is relatively difficult to recycle. He has planned it since then. Now, you need to use the effect of [Hellfire Machine - Tiera] to send a card in your hand to the graveyard.

That card is————

Due to the effect of [Hellfire Machine - Tiera], this card in my hand will be sent to the graveyard, but because of this, a new chain will also be born starting from this card! Hayato showed He saw the card in his hand that was about to be sent to the graveyard, The card I want to send to the graveyard is this one, [Electronic Dragon Core]!

I told you, the deck I use is 'Electronic Flow'!

After sending [Electronic Dragon Core] to the graveyard, Hayato waved his hand suddenly and said: When [Electronic Dragon Core] is sent to the graveyard, its effect is activated. I select an [Electronic Dragon Core] other than this card from the deck and graveyard. Dragon] Add the card to your hand!

However, the chain is not limited to this. My formula for victory has been established since I summoned [Hellfire Machine - Tiera]!

Next to Hayato, the figure of [Electronic Dragon Core] emerged from the cemetery, but then, two more rays of light lit up from the cemetery area.

The first effect of [Hellfire Machine - Tiera] was sent from my fusion deck to the graveyard [Shadow Yi - Seven Sages Giant Kun Demon]. This card can only be activated when this card is sent to the graveyard. From Add a [Shadowson] card to my deck and graveyard, then choose a card from my hand and discard it.

The effect of [Washer Dragon Dilemma] sent from the top of my deck to the graveyard by the second effect of [Hellfire Machine - Tiera] is that if this card is sent from the deck to the graveyard by an effect, you can Target a card sent to my graveyard this turn other than [Laundry Dragon Dilemma], and add that card to my hand. However, the effect of the card added to my hand with this effect will remain unchanged until the end of my next turn. Unable to activate.

With that said, Hayato took out a cover card with unknown meaning from the graveyard, and at the same time retrieved two cards from the deck and added them to his hand. One of them was [Electronic Dragon] retrieved by [Electronic Dragon Core].

The card that was added to my hand with the effect of [Shadowl-Seven Sages Giant Kun Demon] was [Shadowl Beast], and then I sent [Shadowl Beast] to the graveyard, and at the same time the effect of [Shadowl Beast] was activated. I can pull a card from the deck.”

After a while of storytelling, Hayato restored the number of cards in his hand to three in the blink of an eye, but the cost was that his field was still empty without any monsters.

But if you look at Hayato's graveyard at the moment, you can see that in just one round, Hayato piled graves from multiple areas and accumulated a terrifying amount of resources in his own graveyard. As long as there is anything he can use as much as possible Graveyard resource cards, then Hayato can squander the cards in the graveyard at will.

Activate the effect of [Cyber ​​Dragon] in my hand. If there is a monster on the opponent's field and there is no monster on my field, this card can be Special Summoned from my hand.

Playing the [Electronic Dragon] in his hand and placing it on the duel plate, Hayato raised his hand and snapped his fingers, And, because the total star rating of all the effect monsters on my field is 8☆ or less, excluding the [Hellfire Machine in my graveyard ·Nava], [Hellfire Machine·Baal] and [Hellfire Machine·Tiera] are three [Hellfire Machine] monsters, special summon [Hellfire Machine·Lilith]!”

The moment [Hellfire Machine Lilith] appears, all magic and trap cards except [Purgatory] on both sides will be destroyed!

As the green flames spread on the ground, the slender winged snake [Hellfire Machine Lilith] descended, and the flames that plundered the vitality of all things swept across the undead monsters that were not biological creatures on Camus' field, pushing Camus back to the field. That Gaika - shattered into pieces as expected by Hayato [Exploding Armor].

【Electronic Dragon】【atk2100】

【Hellfire Machine·Lilith】【atk2900】

Seeing that the [Explosive Armor] in his backfield was destroyed, Camus snorted coldly: Hey, is it really the same as what I investigated, is there a curse on this card that cannot be activated?

It doesn't matter, so what if I summon a monster with high attack power? Because of the effect of [Chain Material], you can't attack this turn, right, Hayato Kobayashi. In that case, will there be [Explosive Armor] to protect me? Monsters are all the same.”

That's true, but who said I can't kill your monster because I can't attack? Hayato said, playing a card, If I am the only one with a superior monster on the field, for you, Isn’t that too shabby? In that case, I will give you a super powerful monster. Don’t be burned by this light.”

I haven't done a normal summon this turn, so I'm going to liberate all three monsters on your field and summon Carmel!

O burning bird in the sun, burn the wings of desire to illuminate my soul! Look at this iron will, the strength of steel!

Come, [Ra's Winged Dragon - Sphere]!

Camus' eyes widened as he watched all three monsters on his field turn into ashes in an instant, and the next moment, the sun came down!



1 second to remember

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