Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 8 Camus? It sounds like a woman's name

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Compared with large passenger aircraft used in public transportation, the biggest difference between private jets is not only the overall size, but also the difference in internal structure.

Compared with large passenger aircraft that need to carry a large number of passengers and use most of the space as the passenger cabin, the seating area in a private jet only accounts for less than half of the capacity. Even so, it still provides an extremely wide space, and the remaining In addition to the necessary cabin and storage areas, the space is used for crew work areas.

Especially the kitchen is indispensable. After all, everyone has bought a private jet. If anyone dares to take a pack of biscuits and a cup of jelly as an airplane meal, they will probably be scolded and fired.

The increase in the area of ​​​​the work area means that the crew can provide better services to passengers, but at this moment, the murderer is hidden, and the complicated environment makes it more difficult to find the target.

However, for Hayato, this is not a big problem.

The [Shadowsdoll] deck is quite strong, and it also has quite a strong character in the official background story. Many dead people, unwilling to die, sink into the power of the shadows and become enemies of almost the whole world. The subsequent development of the plot led to the birth of other villain bosses, namely the [Hellfire Machine] and [Creation Star God-Tiera] in Hayato's hands.

However, although the setting is the resurrection of the dead, fundamentally speaking, [Shadowdoll] is actually a bug in the reincarnation system of the deceased who is about to be reincarnated due to the influence of [Creation Star God - Tiera] , they do not have the consciousness of their own life, but only have the instinct to spontaneously want to die. Compared with monsters, it is more appropriate to describe them as puppet.

This is also the reason why most of the lower-level monsters in the [Shadow Shadow] deck are from the magician race rather than their respective races in life. After all, they are essentially just shadows holding the power of their respective prototypes in life.

Because they are shadows, Hayato can let the [Shadowdoll] monsters move in the shadows when they are materialized by the dark power, and serve as scouts to find targets for themselves. At the same time, although most of the [Shadowdoll] monsters have not awakened card spirits, But because Hayato awakened the controller, he was able to freely control these puppetes.

Next to Hayato, [Kamishado-Nephili], whose size was controlled to only the height of a person, assumed a hand-spreading posture similar to that of the red comet. Countless purple transparent silk threads extended from behind her to connect to Hayato. Shadows under feet.

A distance of twenty meters in diameter. Within this twenty-meter distance, Hayato uses the power of [Shadowdoll-Nephili] to control the [Shadowdoll] monsters wandering in the shadows. As long as Hayato is in the back half Duan kept wandering around the cabin. It didn't take long for the hiding murderer to be nowhere to be found!

In fact, at the next moment, the right index finger of [Shadowdoll-Nephili] behind Hayato suddenly trembled slightly. Hayato also sensed at the same time that the [Shadowdoll] monsters had been found not far in front of him. found anomalies.

According to the previous employee list, there are still two flight attendants left in the second half of the cabin. Although he is not a virgin who dreams of eradicating all tragedies, Hayato feels that if it is within his power, he should try his best to avoid more. The innocent person was injured, so he immediately turned around and called Malik, then trotted forward.

After walking along the corridor and only turning a corner, Hayato saw a cloaked figure standing in front of an electric door that slowly opened. It was as if the most arrogantly dressed person in the crowd was definitely the stand-in. Dressed in such a shameful appearance, it was obvious that the guy in front of him was the murderer who attacked the flight crew!

However, Hayato did not take action immediately, because when he just started running here, [Nephili] conveyed a message to Hayato, that is, the first time Hayato started to move faster, the cloaked man in front of him It was as if he knew Hayato had discovered him and started chasing him,

Find a hostage very close to it as soon as possible.

That is, the stewardess next to the cloaked man, with one of his hands around his neck, casting a pleading gaze in Hayato's direction.

Hostage!? Malik, who followed Hayato, was stunned when he saw the captured flight attendant. He frowned and stared at the mysterious man who was covered with a cloak, and said in a cold tone. , Humph, is this the guy? The guy who made this trip unhappy.

Hey, that ugly guy who dares not meet people, no one allows you to wait on this plane, right? Malik, who had a fierce look in his eyes and showed the temperament of the former Commander-in-Chief of Gurus, said unkindly, If you surrender honestly, we We can still let you live, but you have no chance of winning since we have already discovered you.

Just when Hayato was thinking about how Malik was so brave today, Malik suddenly turned sideways and stepped aside, pointed at Hayato and said: Because standing in front of you is the conqueror and holder of the father of duel monsters. The man of the Three Phantom Gods, the former commander-in-chief of the Doma Organization, the king of duels, and the protector of elves, my brother-in-law Hayato Kobayashi!

Reciting a long list of names like a dish, Malik had an arrogant expression on his face and said in a pretentious manner: If you know how powerful he is, let go of the hostage in your hands quickly, otherwise you will be in trouble.

However, after patiently listening to Malik's threat, the mysterious man in a cloak shrugged his shoulders slightly, and then burst into laughter: Haha, hahahaha! That's really interesting. You want to use something that I don't care about at all. Are you threatening me in vain? Threatening a noble vampire like me?

However, since you have all announced your family status, I must also tell you, these tiny humans, my name as a gift in return. As he said this, the man in the cloak could only see the exposed fingers of the flight attendant, and he grabbed the flight attendant's fingers with force. , suddenly pierced the latter's skin, and blood gushes out instantly, but when it touches the cloaked man's finger, it is absorbed instantly like a sponge! ?

Yeah! Uh-huh, uh-huh...

The sudden pain caused the captured stewardess to scream, and as the blood was strangely absorbed by the cloaked man, the stewardess's voice became strangely weak, and her breathing became somewhat rapid and heavy.

However, the mysterious cloaked man did not hold on to the flight attendant for too long. After sucking the blood for a while, it easily lifted the flight attendant's body with one hand and threw it casually towards Hayato and Malik. , Malik, who was standing near the front, subconsciously reached out to pick it up and almost didn't get knocked down.

The next moment the cloaked man let go of the hostage, a hedgehog-like monster with a black and purple body and limbs connected by silk threads suddenly emerged from the shadows behind it. The spikes hit the cloaked man.

Bang! However, as if he knew that Hayato would launch an attack the moment the hostage left his hand, the cloaked man easily dodged the control of [Shadow Yi-Nephili] without looking behind him. The attack launched by [Shadowdoll Hedgehog] did not forget to add a kick to the [Shadowdoll Hedgehog] that dodged past, and lifted it to the top of its head.

[Shadow the Hedgehog]'s attack missed, and was kicked up to the ceiling above his head, smashing into a ball of shadow and dissipating. At the same time, it also hit a light on the ceiling, causing some wires to loosen and flicker. .

Hmph, you are as despicable as a hundred years ago, human beings. While expressing his dissatisfaction with Hayato's sneak attack on him, the cloaked man stretched out his sickly white hands under the flickering light and took off the cloak. . A green-haired man appeared in front of Hayato and Malik.

My name is Camus, but as a noble vampire, you lowly humans are not qualified to know my surname. It is a great honor to call me by my name. Camus, who calls himself a blood clan, has a look on his face. With a haughty expression, he said contemptuously.

As Camus opened his cloak, a dark force that Hayato and Malik had sensed before spread out instantly. The flight attendant who was caught by Malik was stimulated by this force, plus he had been sucked blood before. , and instantly fell into a coma, unconscious.

However, for Hayato and Malik, although the purity of this dark power was good, its intensity was really not enough. The supernatural airflow in the closed cabin gave the two of them the feeling of just a breeze blowing on their faces.

Especially Malik, when he heard Camus' arrogant self-introduction, he raised his eyebrows and sneered: Camus? It sounds like a woman's name, but it turns out to be a man.

Can you care! Is there anything wrong with Camus being a man's name? Malik's casual remarks seemed to irritate the man who called himself Camus. He suddenly said excitedly, and his pale face darkened instantly. I'll give you the same words. It's simply delusional to try to defeat me with that level of card spirit power.

Originally, I was thinking that if you, a nobody like you, knew better and didn't get in the way, I could accept you into my family as a blood servant and save your life. But now, I have changed my mind. You are just waiting to be killed by me. Drain your blood and die in pain!

But only after tasting the pain of his companion dying in front of him.

Withdrawing his gaze from Malik, Camus looked at Hayato: That brat just said that you are Hayato Kobayashi, right? I heard that you are one of the top figures in the human world. Hum, it's such a pity, because there are people I was entrusted to kill you.”

Kill me? Hearing this, Hayato curled up his lips and smiled contemptuously, Sorry, for the time being, I have no idea of ​​giving up my life again. I'm afraid I can't let you complete the commission. Besides, you are really a vampire. Will you actually accept a commission from a human being?

It's not a vampire, it's a noble vampire. Remember it, kid! Camus corrected him arrogantly. He looked at Hayato, then at Malik, and smiled coldly, Although it's just us vampires who look down on us. A human being who eats food, but the reward that man gave me was too generous for me to refuse.”

Everything is for the revival of the vampire clan!

As he spoke, Camus raised his left hand, and a large amount of blood suddenly gushes out of the originally empty left wrist. In Malik's shocked eyes, it formed a duel disk out of thin air.

Hey, this magic trick is good. Do you want to consider it if you have a job that can liven up the atmosphere at parties? Malik supported the flight attendant and looked at Camus and said, But to be honest, you drew the blood from the people who were attacked. Is that so? I have to remind you, I heard that flight attendants on private jets are not very clean, so be careful of blood cross-infection.

Hmph, shut up, kid. The noble vampires are not the existence you can imagine. Camus glared at Malik fiercely, looked at Hayato and said, My client said that as a person who committed a crime, As punishment for the sin of pride, Hayato Kobayashi, I will kill you in the form of the most popular duel monster among you humans, in the form of an evil and terrifying dark game.”

Weep bitterly and welcome death, little devil, hahahaha!

Camus originally thought that Hayato, an ordinary person who in his opinion was just a weak card spirit, would be scared to tears after hearing about the dark game. He was even prepared to enjoy the sweet smell of fear exuded by Hayato.

However, Hayato just had a Sure enough expression on his face and started his duel: It's not as expected at all. In the final analysis, you still have to play cards, right? Hum, then you have no chance of winning. Because when it comes to playing cards, I will never lose.

The previous sneak attack of [Shaddoll Hedgehog] failed to harm Camus, who claimed to be a blood clan in front of him, which was not too unexpected by Hayato, because he knew it very well. Although [Shadowson] have the potential to be close to [Hellfire Machine], in the final analysis, the time he got the [Shadowson] deck was too short, and the current [Shadowson] deck alone cannot be too powerful. strength. uuread a book

As for Hayato's other card spirits, such as [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon], if he takes action, he can naturally easily defeat the target in front of him who seems to be his killer. However, while releasing the power of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon], Hayato also You must be mentally prepared for the result that the entire plane will be destroyed by the force of [Pull].

If you can solve problems by playing cards, that would be great.

Seeing Hayato take out the duel plate, Camus smiled coldly and was about to release his power to wrap up Hayato and Malik who had not left. However, what surprised him was that in the next second, Hayato grabbed the lead from him. He released an extremely terrifying dark force step by step, sweeping everything around him in an instant.

In Camus' shocked eyes, Hayato's [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] hidden in his clothes emitted golden light that penetrated the clothes, and the surrounding environment turned into a dark and deep open space in an instant.

Dark power with such high purity!

Although Camus was secretly shocked in his heart, he said calmly on the surface: Humph, with the help of fancy props, do humans also want to compete with the noble vampires? There is no way you can be part of my invincible [Vampire] deck. opponent

I don't know, I have never considered this issue. And if you want to say, this is not the first time I have dealt with vampires. Hayato took out a deck of cards and stuffed it into the duel plate, and said casually to Camus, Okay. The opponent played a vampire deck once, but it didn’t matter because this time we played a pure electronic flow deck.”


[Camus: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

[Hayato: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

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