Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 128 Hiding in the toilet

Looking at all duel monsters, there is generally a common understanding, that is, although the star rating cannot absolutely represent the strength of the monster card, the higher the star rating, the more powerful the monster is.

However, there is such a monster, which not only has 0 attack and defense power, but also has the lowest level of 1☆, but it is famous for its powerful and unique effects, and even became a symbol of ntr for a time. Even after the number of duel monster card types increased to more than 10,000, that monster was still the only 1☆ ritual monster.

That is---

The level of [Little White Rabbit] is 1☆, so I used the effect of [Advanced Ritual Technique] to ritually summon this level 1☆ ritual monster in my hand! Dazi took a picture that surprised Hayato. The card outside, Come out!

[Naji Demon]!

A little rabbit appeared from Dazi's duel plate. Although it looks cute, its defense power is outstanding among the others. It jumps and jumps very lively.

But at the next moment, a sharp tentacle suddenly rose up from under it and pierced its body, and a large amount of black mud poured out from the wound and wrapped the body of [Little White Rabbit].

When the black mud faded, a monster that Hayato was quite familiar with appeared on the field.

【Naji Mo】【1☆/Dark】

[Magic Family/Ritual/Effect]


The attack power and defense power are actually 0! So scary!

Why did Becas's card appear in your hand, Datsu? Hayato said with fear as he saw that the [Najima] that he and Yugi had once defeated was actually summoned by Datsu.

Dazi just smiled flatly: Do you still remember who acted with you in the International Illusion Society, Hayato-kun?

Hayato frowned: Rafiru?

When Dazi mentioned this, Hayato also reacted. In order to prevent Becas, the Father of Duel Monsters from creating troublesome cards under the guidance of the elves, Dazi specially arranged for the Three Musketeers of Doma to kill Becas. However, although Becas was killed, Kaiba obtained the cards left by Becas from Becas's castle and gave them to Yugi for use. In terms of the result, the operation failed.

The person who killed Becas at that time was none other than Hayato himself, and Hayato happened to meet Yugi and Jonouchi after sealing Becas's soul, and started a duel on the top floor of the International Illusion Society.

Because of the rush, Hayato at that time didn't even have time to display his usual virtue of thrift, so he had to duel with Yugi and Jonouchi, and he didn't have time to lose... I mean to keep his cherished deck of cards for Becas.

After the duel, the headquarters building of the International Illusion Society collapsed due to the damage caused by the card monsters that materialized during the duel. Becas's body was taken away by the Legendary Dragon awakened in the game and Jonouchi at that time, and Hayato also did not Opportunity to recycle cards.

Thinking about it this way, Rafilu, who was the only one who did not intervene in the duel but watched the battle, and who did not know the truth about the death of his family and was loyal to Dazi, had sufficient motivation and time to take away Becas's deck. Dazi probably got the monster in front of him from the darkness of Becas's [Millennium Eye] from Rafilu's hand.

You actually took someone else's card without authorization. You don't have the dignity of a duelist at all, Tatsu! Looking at Tatsu who was using Becas's [Najima] as a matter of course, Hayato spoke righteously. The ground scolded.

When Dazi heard what Hayato said, he was also stunned and showed a rather helpless expression: You are the only one who is not qualified to say this to me, Hayato. Didn't I learn this from you? Bekas is a failure. Or, if his deck is taken away and used by me, it won’t be a problem.”

If Becas's deck was taken away by you, of course I have no objection. Hayato said, pointing at himself with his thumb, But I was the one who defeated Becas, which means that It’s no longer Becas’s deck but my card!”

You actually stole my card to use against me, that's unforgivable, Dazi!

Even though Dazi had lived for ten thousand years, this was the first time he saw Hayato make such a shameless statement. He reluctantly changed the subject and returned to the duel: Although I can't enter the battle stage, it doesn't mean that I will keep you, Hayato. Use [abc-Dragon Annihilator], which can banish cards once per turn, to the next turn.

Activate the effect of [Najima]. You should know its ability very well, Hayato. Dazi said, pointing to the [abc-Dragon Annihilator] in defense position on Hayato's field, Once per round, choose One of the monsters on the opponent's field serves as the only equipment card of [Najima], and [Najima]'s attack power and defense increase by the values ​​corresponding to the original attack and defense of that monster.

Don't resist, join me, Hayato!

Following Dazi's words, the [Naji Demon] that mutated from [Little White Rabbit] twisted its disgusting one-eye, aimed at [ABC-Dragon Annihilator], and released a strange purple The light, I want to absorb it into my body.

Hayato noticed that the effect of [Najima] used by Datsu and [Najima] used by Bekas seemed to be different. Perhaps it was because Bekas was blessed by the [Millennium Eye] when using [Najima]. , his [Sacrificial Demon] not only has no limit on the number of equipped monsters, but the increased attack and defense after absorbing monsters are not the original attack and defense, and can even obtain the effect of the equipped monster.

Even the animated version of [Blood Demon-D] used by Hayato before is, in a sense, a tribute to the [Naji Demon] controlled by Becas. Maybe Ed's father actually likes to create with heart hapiness?

In short, the effect of Dazi's [Namo Sacrificial Demon] is almost the real card version, which is far inferior to Bekas's version. But even so, Hayato had no intention of giving him his monster just like that. The main reason was that the guy's expression when he activated the effect of [Sacrificial Demon] looked too much like a madman.

But I refuse. I am a pure party lover and never like to play NTR. Hayato said after looking at the [ABC-Dragon Annihilator] on the field that was about to be sucked into the [Naji Demon]. Let me sing you a song, Dazi!

[Assault Core], [Destruction Dragon Beast], [Crushing Pterosaur], stacked with [Dragon Annihilator], and hide in the toilet!

While humming a melody that was full of emotions without skills, Hayato gave a decisive order: On the opponent's turn, liberate the [ABC-Dragon Annihilator] on my field, and use the three machine-type and light-attributed allied monsters that I have excluded as the Target, special summon those monsters!”

Special summon the three monsters that I excluded: [a-Assault Core], [b-Destruction Dragon], and [c-Crush Pterosaur]!

Chained with the effect of [Najima], [abc-Dragon Annihilator]'s body suddenly decomposed, avoiding the fate of being sucked in by the storm, and reassembled into a three-body monster on Hayato's field.

These are the three fusion materials that were previously excluded for the purpose of fusion summoning [abc-Dragon Annihilator].

【a-Assault Core】【atk1900】


[c-Crush Pterosaur][atk1200]

The effect of [Natai Demon] needs to target a monster before it can be activated. After [abc-Dragon Annihilator] is released, the object disappears and the processing of the effect is suspended. Hayato put his hands on his hips and said proudly, From me, Don’t even think about taking away a single monster from your [Najima], Dazi!”

Looking at the three monsters that Hayato had transformed in the blink of an eye, Dazi was not disappointed that he did not absorb any of his [Natsuma] monsters. Instead, he said calmly: As expected of you, Hayato. It’s certainly not an opponent that can be defeated easily.”

In that case, I have to cover one card in my hand and end the turn.

With that said, Dazi covered the card in his hand.

[Dazi: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

【God of Ten Thousand Hands】【atk1400】

【Naji Mo】【atk0】


Dazi originally thought that since he declared the end of the round, Hayato should naturally activate one of the two cover cards in his back field [Extraordinary Food] to remove the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] on his field. It would be better to send it to the graveyard, if Hayato doesn't want to send all the cards in his hand to the graveyard due to the negative effects of [Nightmare Mirage Tower].

But what Dazi didn't expect was that Hayato actually had no intention of activating the card draw. He pinched the three cards in his hand and was about to draw a card.

You know, when Hayato drew a card because of [Nightmare Mirage Tower] last round, he didn’t have a single card in his hand, and he drew four cards in one go. Although it was great to replenish the cards in his hand, it also meant that This round, Hayato has to discard four cards in his hand in one go during his preparation phase.

Hayato currently only has three cards in his hand, which means that the card he drew this round cannot even be kept in the main stage, and will be sent to the graveyard along with the other cards in his hand. Go in.

My turn...

Draw a card! In Dazi's confused eyes, Hayato put his fingers on the deck, pulled out a card, and added it to his hand. Then, Hayato activated the cover card in his back field at this time, Then when entering my preparation phase, activate the quick-attack magic card I covered, [Electronic Load Fusion]!

Return the fusion material monster determined by the fusion monster from the monsters on my field and removed to the deck, and special summon a monster with [Cyber ​​Dragon] as the fusion material from the fusion deck!

[Electronic Dragon]?! Dazi looked at the three monsters on Hayato's field in confusion. He did not see the figure of [Electronic Dragon], and he did not remember when Hayato had used [Electronic Dragon]. card and banish it.

Without [Electronic Dragon], it stands to reason that [Electronic Load Fusion] should not be activated, but Dazi saw with his own eyes that the cover card on Hayato's back field opened, showing the card picture of [Electronic Load Fusion].

You must be wondering where I got the [Electronic Dragon] right now, Datsu? Hayato said proudly, You are so attentive, don't you know if you have noticed my basic score?

Upon hearing this, Dazi followed Hayato's finger pointing upward and looked at the virtual scoreboard that appeared above his head. Hayato's basic points displayed on it fell by half in an instant.

[Hayato: 40002000lp]

Chain [Electronic Load Fusion], I also activated this card. The second card on Hayato's backfield was revealed. It was also a fast-attack magic card, but it was not the [Extraordinary Food] that Dazi had guessed. It’s actually [Electronic Fusion Support]? !

Pay half of my base points to activate. This turn, I can Fusion Summon a Machine-type Fusion Monster only once. I can select the Fusion Materials determined by that Fusion Monster from my hand, field, or graveyard from the game. Except, use those monsters as materials for fusion!”

Hayato said as he took out two more cards from his graveyard area, Except for the three monsters on my field: [a-Assault Core], [b-Destruction Dragon], and [c-Crushing Winged Dragon] , I also want to exclude the [ABC-Dragon Annihilator] and this [Electronic Dragon] in the graveyard as fusion materials!

When was that?! With his eyes widened, Dazi looked at one of the cards that Hayato took out in surprise. It was the starting point and core of the Electronic Flow - [Electronic Dragon]. Dazi suddenly remembered that Hayato discarded a card in the last round in order to activate the effect of [ABC-Dragon Annihilator] to eliminate the [Evil Legacy Soul Djinn] summoned by his ritual, Is it the hand card he discarded at that time? ?”

However, [Electronic Dragon] was a card that Hayato drew with the effect of [Nightmare Mirage] at the end of his turn during Dart's preparation phase, but [Electronic Load Fusion] and [Electronic Fusion Support] But it was the card that Hayato set before the end of the round.

Is this also part of your plan, Hayato!

Of course, what kind of duelist am I if I can't even draw any card I want? Along with the three mechanical monsters on the field, Hayato counted all five cards in one go. Except, Huhuhu, don't blink, Dazi, this is the last monster you will see!

The perfect and most powerful dragon maid, who can coordinate the power of five-body monsters, come before me!

[Chimeric Overload Dragon]!

Bathed in the light of electric welding, a tall mechanical dragon appeared behind Hayato. A total of five mechanical dragons lit up with cyan light. The silver-white body was just the aftermath of the appearance, instantly destroying [The Land of Disturbance]. ] and the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] in Hayato's backcourt.

Since [Chimeric Overload Dragon] is a silver-white mechanical dragon with blue eyes, or Blue Eyes White Dragon for short, of course he is also a dragon. If he transforms into a girl, he will naturally become a dragon maid.

Hayato, who insists that his deck is a pure Dragon Maid deck, said this, and at the same time, the numerical value of the [Chimeric Overload Dragon] that appeared was also displayed in front of Datsu's eyes.

[Chimeric Overload Dragon] [9☆/Dark]

[Mechanical family/fusion/effect]




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