Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 126 Don’t ask me where Chapter 124 went

In the darkness, a faint light bloomed from the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], providing Hayato with a certain line of sight as he just opened his eyes.

The first level is when Yugi and others summon monsters to perform a feint attack, Jounouchi taunts, then Yugi and Kaiba summon the gods, which is the second level, and then Hayato and [Ra] perform a face-piercing attack, which is the third level, and is arranged in advance to prevent the attack from failing. [Hellfire Machine] Stealing the power of Oliha Gang God with Dazi is the fourth level.

However, Hayato was actually standing on the fifth floor, using the [Hellfire Machine] to interrupt Datsu's connection with the Oriha Gang God, and then using the attack of Pull to knock Hayato and Datsu into the Oriha Gang God God is Hayato's true purpose, and the reason is————

Hayato walked forward on the muddy ground under his feet. The faint light of the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] he lifted dispelled the darkness within a certain range around him, and several unfamiliar faces appeared in front of Hayato's eyes.

Black tentacles extended from the four walls and wrapped around these unconscious people. Hayato did not recognize these people, but judging from the primitive clothes these people wore, he guessed that they were definitely not modern humans.

At least not the one wearing animal skins.

Along the way, Hayato saw countless figures bound around him. Finally, he arrived at an open place and saw Datsu's figure.

This is the body of God Oliha Gang. Dazi's sight seemed to be unrestricted by the darkness, following Hayato as he walked closer to him, The darkness bred by the souls I have collected over the past ten thousand years is all stored in this here.

If you stand here, you should be able to feel the deep-rooted darkness in human beings' hearts that cannot be eradicated, so Hayato, don't stop me.

Although Datsu still had no intention of starting a fight with Hayato, Hayato raised his duel plate: Sorry, Datsu, although you are right, human beings are full of shortcomings, just like defective products. , but the future of mankind should be left to mankind to decide.

I will defeat you who want to destroy humanity, right here!

As Hayato finished speaking, the duel disk unfolded, and the golden light blooming from the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] spread into a ring, clearing the obstacle between Hayato and Datsu, providing a fairly flat ground.

Looking at Hayato, Dazi was silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly: Why are you unwilling to accept it? Is it because of the unknown Pharaoh's group of people?

Then, I will defeat you, Hayato-kun, and then I will kill the unknown Pharaoh and Seth who have influenced you, and let the world return to its end. Dazi also raised his left hand, and a tentacle stretched out from the side to wrap around Dazi. On Dazi's arm, when the tentacles were retracted, Dazi's wrist was also equipped with a pair of unfolded duel disks.

Looking at the deck of cards in the Duel Plate, Hayato frowned and the hairs on his body stood up. For some reason, the deck used by Dazi gave Hayato a sense of trembling, as if he had encountered some terrifying existence. Obviously, even the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] deck used by Dazi before did not give Hayato a sense of trembling. Hayato has felt this way before.


[Hayato: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

[Dazi: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

I get the first strike, draw the card! Hayato moved faster and completed the draw of five cards in his hand, seizing the right to strike first and drawing a card. Looking at the powerful monster that he had drawn, Hayato decisively slapped it on the duel plate and summoned it.

Summon [Half-Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Maid] in defense position!

Okay, this time we are playing the Dragon Maid deck, who can resist the temptation of the sister card.

And unlike some players who would go to any lengths for strength to exclude Blue, an important member of the Dragon Maid family, Hayato is playing a pure Dragon Maid deck this time, and even Blue Brought into the deck and summoned on the first turn.

In front of Hayato, Xiaolan, the only designated target of the Duel Monsters to be persecuted, the [Half-Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Girl] rose from the card with her hands on her hips. Although she was startled by the dark and terrifying environment around her, Xiaolan quickly realized that she came out to fight and not to wash clothes. She took out a basket of clothes from behind to block the front, and crouched behind to defend herself with her head in her hands.

[Half Dragon Maid-Laundry Lady] [2☆/Water]



When [Half-Dragon Maid - Laundromat Lady] is successfully summoned and special summoned, I activate her effect. Hayato said, taking out three cards from the top of the deck, From the top of my deck, I will activate her effect. Three cards sent to the graveyard.”

While sending the cards to the graveyard, Hayato went to see what cards Xiaolan had piled up blindly.

The first one, [Pot of Desire]! ?

The second one, [Resurrection of the Dead]? !

Just looking at the first two cards, Hayato felt his heart stop. I really have you, Xiaolan! Without a word of agreement, two powerful single cards were sent to the grave.

But it doesn't matter, because the third card Xiao Lan sent to the graveyard is [Disruption·Blue]!

Activate the magic card [Planet Transformation], and I add a field magic card from the deck to my hand. Catching the card automatically retrieved from the duel disk, Hayato lifted the duel disk to reveal the open field area, Heroes have heroes. On the stage of battle, miscellaneous fish also have hiding places, I activate the field magic card [Disturbed Land]!

Once per turn, by sending a card with [Disruption] in its name from my hand to the graveyard, I can Special Summon a [Disruption Monster] from my graveyard.

Send the [Disrupt Magic] in my hand to the graveyard, and special summon [Disrupt Blue] in attack position!

Seeing the surrounding area being replaced by a low building and an ugly monster appearing on Hayato's field, Dazi raised an eyebrow: The [Disturbing] monster in the cemetery? Is it the [Half-Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Girl] just now? A card sent to the graveyard? I thought you were using the [Half-Dragon Maid] deck, Hayato.

As we all know, [Laundry Girl] is Blue, but who says that [Disturbing Blue] can't be Blue? Hayato said after placing the card of [Disturbing Blue] on his field, Because [Disturbing Blue] [Hometown] effect, as long as there is a [Disruption] monster face-up on my field, the attack and defense powers of all monsters on the field will be reversed.

[Half Dragon Maid-Washing Dragon Lady] [def1600→500]


Then the effect of [Disruption Magic] that I just sent to the graveyard is activated when this card is sent from the hand or the field to the graveyard, Hayato said, drawing three cards at once from the deck. Add three cards [Disruption·Green], [Disruption·Black], and [Disruption·Yellow] from my deck to my hand.

Then there is the magic card [Disruption], which displays the mechanical-type light attribute fusion monster [abc-Dragon Annihilator] from my fusion deck. I remove the three [Disruption] monsters from my hand and special summon them from the deck. The three fusion materials of [abc-Dragon Annihilator]!”

Come out, [a-Assault Core], [b-Destruction Dragon Beast], [c-Crush Pterosaur]!

Using a [Half-Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Maid] as the starting point, Hayato easily summoned five monsters in the first round to fill his frontcourt. After a series of operations, he still had two cards in his hand.

[a-Assault Core][def200→1900]


[c-Crush Pterosaur][atk1200→2000]

At this moment, Hayato's field gathered all three fusion materials of [abc-Dragon Annihilator], a monster that Datsu had never seen before, which made Datsu couldn't help but look at the remaining two cards in Hayato's hand. Will there be [fusion] in that?

As expected by Datsu, after Hayato summoned [a-Assault Core], [b-Destroydramon] and [c-Crushdramon], he drew another card and was about to play it, but let Dazi What Zi didn't expect was that as Hayato played the card, the ones that disappeared from his field were [b-Destruction Dragonmon], [c-Crushing Pterodactyl] and [Half-Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Girl]! ?


The [B-Destruction Dragon Beast] and [C-Smash Pterosaur], which were supposed to be mechanical, exploded into plasma on the spot, and were swallowed up by Xiaolan's wailing and struggling into the painting style and [Disturbed Land]. In the blood pool with no similarities, Hayato held up a card and shouted:

The destiny of mankind is born from blood. If the future is also full of destruction and bloodshed, then I will use this ultimate incarnation of destiny to surpass it!

Level 8, come on!!

The ultimate hero of destiny, [d-hero blood devil-d]!!!

From the pool of blood, the hero, who looked more like a demon than a warrior, opened his scarlet eyes, and spread a pair of demon-like wings behind his back, revealing his right hand like a dragon's head.

【d-hero blood devil-d】【8☆/Dark】



That's right, not only [Disruption] and [Abc], Hayato also brought [Blood Demon-d] in his pure [Half-Dragon Maid] deck!

After all, as we all know, the d in [Blood Demon-d] actually means dragon, so [Blood Demon-d] is actually also a [half-dragon maid] (I'm sure

Although [Blood Demon-d] is a level 8☆ monster, it cannot be normally summoned. It can only be specially summoned when three monsters on my field are released. Hayato explained, And in [b-Destruction Dragon Beast] and [c-Smashing Winged Dragon] are sent to the graveyard from the field, and their effects can also be activated!

Self-arranged chain, c1 [c-Smashing Pterosaur] c2 [b-Destruction Dragon Beast]!

Retrieving a card from the deck, Hayato showed it to Dazi and said: Due to the effect of [b-Destruction Dragon Beast], I added the alliance monster [Metalized Parasite-Moon Clothes] from the deck. card in your hand, and then special summon it with the effect of [c-Crushing Winged Dragon].

Boil, my blood!

Making a motion like pouring liquid from a cup, Hayato put down the card in his hand, and there was a pool of silver squirming liquid on the field.

[Metalized Parasite-Moon Clothes] [7☆/Water]



The effect of [Metalized Parasite - Clothes of the Moon], once per turn during my main phase, this card on the field can be used as an equipment card to equip the face-up monster on my field, and I will equip it. On [d-hero Blood Demon-d].”

Hayato paused and added, Due to this effect, the [D-hero Blood Demon-d] equipped with [Metalized Parasite-Moon Clothes] will not be affected by the effect of the magic card controlled by you, Datsu.

I see, are you trying to protect the monster called [Blood Demon-D]? Dazi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, What kind of effect does that monster have...

[Bloodfiend-d] Although this card was made by a designer in the card design department of the International Illusion Society - the father of the deceased Ed Phoenix, originally according to the regulations of the International Illusion Society, the card After completion, data needs to be entered for filing.

However, as soon as the [Blood Demon-d] card was completed, d.d. killed Ed's father and stole the card. Naturally, d.d., who committed the crime of murder, would not throw himself into a trap to enter this card. Instead, he hid the data himself and used the muffled voice to make a fortune.

Until the previous KC Cup, that arrogant guy chose to secretly take revenge at night because Hayato had lost face in the duel. As a result, Hayato used [Earthbound God-Viracocha Raska] to explode☆kill him. Hayato dropped an ocg version of [Blood Demon-d], and the original version returned to Ed's hands.

Because it is his father's relic, Ed also treasures [Bloodfiend-d]. The result is that although the card of [Bloodfiend-d] can be used normally due to the influence of the light of destruction, it is not in the database of the International Illusion Society. Due to the data of this card, Dazi was unable to know the effect of this card by his own means.

However, Hayato's terminal is not limited to [Blood Demon-D]. His opponent is Datsu. Now is the crucial final battle, and he will not hold back.

Exclude the [Disruption Magic Transformation] in my graveyard, and activate the effect targeting the three [Disruption] monsters I removed. Those monsters are returned to the deck, shuffled, and then draw a card from my deck. The three [Disruption] brothers who were previously used to special summon [a] [b] [c] returned to the deck. After the duel disk was automatically shuffled, Hayato drew a card, and the number of cards in his hand returned to two.

Then, Hayato took out two more cards from the graveyard, and picked up [a-Assault Core] on the field, From my graveyard, take [b-Destruction Dragon Beast], [c-Crush Winged Dragon] ] and the three cards [a-Assault Core] on the field are removed from the game!

The soul-crushing melody will restore the world of the perfect god! Embrace me! [abc-Dragon Annihilator]!

The three-body mechanical monster disassembled and assembled on Hayato's field and pieced together a brand new weapon.

[abc-Dragon Annihilator] [8☆/Light]

[Mechanical family/fusion/effect]


Cover a card, I activate the continuous magic card [Nightmare Mirage], and the round ends.

[Hayato: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]


[d-hero Blood Demon-d] (Metalized Parasite-Moon Clothes) [def1900]

[abc-Dragon Annihilator][def3000]

[Nightmare Mirage] [Gai Ka]

(Venue)【The Land of Disturbance】

Hayato looked at the well-arranged venue and said proudly to Dazi, Now, it's your turn to play the game.

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