Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 107 The opening of my world

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My turn!

Answer me, my deck!

With the roar, Amaluda pulled out the card on top of the deck, turned the card over and saw that the card was the magic card [Stupid Burial], which has the effect of sending a monster card in the deck to the graveyard. of cards.

On the surface, it seems unlucky to not draw a monster that can be normally summoned in defense position, but to draw a [Stupid Burial] that increases the number of monsters in the graveyard and increases the attack power of [Guardian - Desith]. .

However, Amaluda smiled: I really drew a card that couldn't be more suitable.

The magic card [Silly Burial] is activated, and I send a monster card from the deck to the graveyard. Amaluda said, and the duel disk automatically started to be retrieved, and he pulled out a card and displayed it, I The monster sent to the graveyard is this card!”

Rafilu was also stunned, because he saw that the monster card that Amaluda sent to the graveyard was a blank card, and the only thing he could see was the name of the card was [Mecha Force? Destruction Armed Forces]! ?

Are you an idiot, Ameruda? You have lost the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier], which means that the dark [Mecha Force? Destruction Armed Force] in your heart can no longer be awakened and summoned. Come out and send the monster that is already a blank card to the graveyard, it can only increase the power of my [Guardian-Desset]!

Rafilu laughed at Amaluda's unclear operation, It's useless even if you want to regret it now. You have already declared that you will send that card from the deck to the graveyard. If you have the [Stupid Burial] card in your hand, you will be defeated in the next round!

When Amaluda heard this, he just smiled: No, Rafilu, you got something wrong from the beginning.

I used to belong to Doma, but now I have placed myself outside Doma. Only I can realize this thing, that is, the 'Oliha Gang God' is not an almighty existence. Otherwise, Dazi would not have been there thousands of years ago. It will not be defeated. Such an 'Oliha Gang' has no power to create card monsters out of thin air.

The so-called 'creating monsters from the darkness in people's hearts' is actually just using the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] to fill the vacancy in our hearts. No card monster has ever been born with darkness. This power It should be under our own control!

With that said, Amaluda sent the card in his hand into the cemetery.

And as Amaluda sent [Mecha Troops? Destruction Armed Forces] into the graveyard, [Guardian-Desseth] on the field Rafilu raised his scythe and made a move to remove it from the graveyard. The action of absorbing the power of monsters.

However, what surprised Rafilu was that [Guardian-Desseth] clearly extracted the power of the monster from the cemetery, but that power had not had time to enter [Death's Scythe-Soul-Severing]. Just suddenly dissipated in mid-air? !

What's going on? Rafilu's eyes widened, looking at the attack power of [Guardian-Desseth] that not only did not increase, but began to decrease, Can it be said?!

Except the three level 4 monsters [Mecha Guard], [Mecha Sniper], and [Mecha Soldier] in my graveyard, so that the total level is above 12☆! Yameruda clenched his fist. , struggled to tear off the Oliha Gang Fragment from his chest and smashed it to the ground. The green gem that was supposed to be strong was as fragile as glass and shattered on the ground. See my future and the opening up of my world!

The ultimate mecha emerged from the darkness, gathering the power of the three bodies to destroy despair, hatred, and sin!

It is not the dark monster born in [Olihagun's barrier], but my Tamashi, come into my hands!

[Mecha Troops? Destruction of Armed Forces]!

From the graveyard, Amaluda suddenly pulled out the card and raised it above his head.

As the card was drawn out bit by bit, a monster wrapped in darkness was quickly drawn on the originally blank card like a laser print.

It was the [Mecha Force? Destruction Armed Forces] that disappeared from the hands of Amalda.

On the Ameruda field, a huge war weapon came again, but the dark [Mecha] that used to give people a sense of destruction, now gives people a contrasting atmosphere of justice and hope.

[Mecha troop?Destroy armed force][atk4600]

Green magic energy escaped from the broken Oliha Gang Fragments, but the scarlet monitor of [Mecha Force? Destruction Armed Forces] glanced at it with disdain, and then directly crushed it with one of its heavy tracks. It went up, as if to completely cut off the power from Amaluda.

When Rafilu saw the appearance of [Mecha Troops? Destruction Armed Forces], he looked extremely shocked: Impossible?! [Oliha Gang's Barrier] is a monster bred from the darkness in your heart, Amaluda, you actually summoned it!?

Instead of re-using [Oliha Gang's Barrier] to awaken the darkness in his heart, Amaluda successfully summoned [Mecha Force? Destruction Armed Forces]. Doesn't it prove that as he said, the darkness in people's hearts is true? Can it really be controlled by others?

Because three monsters were eliminated from the graveyard at once, the attack power of [Guardian-Desseth] on Rafael's field also dropped.


Seeing [Mecha Troops? Destruction Armed Forces] reappear on his field, Yameruda's condition at the moment looked a little bad. There was a lot of sweat on his forehead, and his breathing became a little heavy. .

As he said, [Mecha Force? Destruction Armed Forces] is ultimately a card that belongs to Amaluda himself. [Oliha Gang's Barrier] is just for Amaluda to obtain this card in advance. It only provides a boost, but it also means that Ameruda is still a certain distance away from being able to use this card.

When there is support from [Oliha Gang's Barrier], there is no serious problem, but this is the first time that Amelda has completely abandoned the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] to use [Mecha Troops] ?Destroy the armed forces], which made him feel a lot of pressure both physically and mentally.

However, he still forced a smile on his lips: It's been a long time, [Destruction Armed Forces]. This time, come with me to change sides and fight side by side...

Hey, even if we summon [Mecha Troops? Destruction Armed Forces], and then reduce the number of monsters in the graveyard to reduce the attack power of [Guardian-Desseth], so what? Now In terms of attack power, I still have the upper hand. Rafilu said with a reluctant expression, Victory is still on my side!

Then I'll give you the same words back, thank you Wadoka! Americaruda actually took out several cards from the graveyard again, I'm going to activate the [Mecha] that was sent to the graveyard a few rounds ago. The second effect of Super Critical of Troops is to banish this card from the graveyard, and then return three Machine-type monsters from my graveyard and the banished monsters to the deck.

Nani?! Rafiru didn't expect that the card that existed in the graveyard a few rounds ago, Amaluda, he could endure until now and only used it in one go.

As [Mecha Force's Super Critical] was removed from the graveyard, three beams of spiritual light flew out from the [Reaper's Scythe - Soul Breaking] in the hands of [Guardian-Desseth], behind Yameruda. It transformed into the phantoms of three monsters: [Mecha Colonel], [Mecha Iron Palm Soldier], and [Mecha Radiant Soldier].

The attack power of [Guardian-Desset] has dropped due to another decrease in the number of monsters in the graveyard.


After the three monsters returned to the deck, I drew a card from the deck. After drawing a card, Amaluda did not activate it, but waved his arm and said, Finally, enter my During the battle phase, use [Mecha Troops - Destruction Armed Forces] to attack [Guardian - Daiseth]!

The glory is on the other side, launch the final charge forward!

Actually attacking my [Guardian-Desset] with a monster with 4600 attack points? Rafiru looked at Amaluda's attack in confusion, and couldn't figure out what he was going to do, That way The result will only be your [Mecha Troops? Destruction Armed Forces] self-destruction.

But after hearing Rafilu's words, Amaluda just smiled mysteriously: Really? But I don't think so.

Tsk, you are pretending to be a ghost. Although I don't know what tricks you are planning to pull, I will activate this cover card first, the trap card [Explosion Armor]! Rafilu pressed the button to activate the cover card, revealing a cursed card. Legendary card, Activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack, destroy that monster.

But of course, this card won't be activated successfully, right? I remember the effect of your [Mecha Force? Destruction Armed Forces], Amielda.

Amaluda nodded: Ah, then during the combat phase, I will pay half of the current base points to invalidate your [Explosive Armor] and reduce your base points to half.

The seemingly powerful beam flew out of the [Explosion Armor] card and hit the activated [Mecha Troop? Destruction Armed Forces]. However, not to mention it exploded the armor, not even a rivet was blown off. [ Mecha Troops? Destruction Armed Forces] continued to advance and charge without any damage.

However, the force that was deflected by it fell on Amaluda and Rafiru respectively, deducting their basic points.

[Ameruda: 2900→1450lp]

【Lafite: 1250→625lp】

The distance between the two sides is not very far. Just a moment after the settlement of [Explosive Armor], [Mecha Troop? Destruction Armed Force] came into close combat with [Guardian-Desseth], and the sharp saber and snatch The scythes of fate collided together.

Rafiru originally thought that even if the number of monsters was reduced again and again, the attack power of his [Guardian-Desseth] should be more dominant at this moment, but what he didn't expect was that , the stalemate between the two ace monsters only lasted for a moment, and the winner was decided. My [Guardian-Desseth] was actually the weaker one! ?

Looking in the direction of Amaluda, Rafilu was surprised to find that at some point, there was an open card in Amaluda's backfield - a quick attack magic card, [Forbidden Sacred Scripture] ]!

This card can only be activated when both monsters are in battle for damage calculation. Until the end of the damage step, all effects of cards on the field other than [Forbidden Scripture] will be negated, and the original attack will be used during that damage calculation. It is carried out with strength and defense.

[Mecha troop? Destroy armed force] [atk4600→4600]


As the spirits of several monsters flew out of the scythe, Amaluda inserted the card into the magic trap area. Because he was driving the attack of [Mecha Troops? Destruction Armed Forces], the burden he endured was close to the limit of his own abilities. The dense sweat on his forehead, pale lips, and trembling fingers all proved that he had reached almost the limit at this moment and would be ready at any time. Passed out.

However, all this cannot conceal his invincible momentum and determination to win.

Rafiru, it was you, no, it was Doma who lost this duel. Although he was reluctant, Amaluda felt that he had to finish what he was saying to Rafiru before the duel was completely over. Don't believe in Doma or Dazi anymore. Human beings are by no means the only existence of darkness. The coexistence of light and darkness is the attitude of a civilization that can truly move toward the future.

Try to believe in the light in people's hearts and the possibilities of human beings, uu read books

Darkness will never swallow up the bright spots of human beings. On the contrary, it is precisely because of the foil, the heart of light, that it shines so brightly!

Unsteady on his feet, Amaluda almost fell down. He barely straightened his spine and declared: Let's put an end to the last monster of Rafiru who was affected by [Oliha Gang's Barrier], [Machine] Troop A? Destroy the armed forces]!”

Death's burst shoot!

The name of a move shouted during an attack would normally be met with roars from Kaiba, but at this moment, even the always venomous Kaiba didn't say anything, and just watched the two men in the duel quietly.

This is the final showdown of their respective ace monsters, and it is also a showdown of their beliefs. No one else is qualified to intervene.

The [Mecha Troop? Destruction Armed Force] that was close to [Guardian-Desset] fired a zero-range beam cannon to penetrate the opponent's body. Facing the oncoming bombardment, Rafilu The expression on his face struggled for a long time, and finally turned into a little relief.

With a long breath, Rafilu activated the last cover card in his back field just as the bombardment was about to fall: I activate the trap card...

Seeing Rafiru activate the trap card, Ameruda couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but he quickly noticed that the Gaika opened in Rafiru's backcourt was actually [Explosion Ambush].

Pay me 2000 base points, and I special summon a monster from my graveyard in face-down defense position. I special summon [Guardian-Aitos]. Rafilu raised his head and showed a smile, At least, get them out of the cemetery...


【Lafite: 625lp→0】

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