Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 102: Strong mouth and teeth!

I will take the first strike. Rafilu said, pulling out a card, and then activated the drawn card directly, Sustaining magic card [Treasure Card of the Guardian God], give up five of my cards. This card can be activated only if you have cards in your hand, so I draw two cards from the deck.”

Putting the cards in his hand together, Rafilu actually sent all the cards to the graveyard, and then drew two cards from the deck.

It took six cards to exchange for two cards. The effect of that card is too unclear! Jonouchi, who was watching the duel between Rafiru and Ameruda, couldn't help but complain.

Rafiru glanced at Jonouchi and explained: Are you trying to say why you don't use the easy-to-use [Pot of Desire], Katsuya Jonouchi? The answer is, [The Treasure Card of the Patron Saint] is a sustainable magic card. As long as It exists on my field, and in the draw phase of each of my subsequent turns, the number of cards I draw becomes two.”

Although it is a very bad card in the short term, in the long term it is equivalent to activating a [Pot of Desire] every round. It seems that Rafilu is planning to delay as much time as possible. . Amaluda knew the effect of [Guardian's Card] and said calmly, But I won't let you get what you want.

Really? But as long as I'm still standing here, I won't let you go in and interfere with Lord Dazi's plan. If you want to move forward, try to defeat me, Ameruda. Rafilu held out the two weapons in his hand. Cover all the cards in the back field and say, Then I cover two cards in my hand and end the turn.

[Rafiru: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

[Treasure Card of the Patron Saint] [Gate Card] x2

Is the round over without summoning a monster? Kaiba looked at Rafilu's field and sneered, Ameluda, others may not know, but I know your strength very well, don't tell me. You can’t handle a scene of this magnitude.”

There is no doubt about the current situation. The two cover cards in Rafiru's backfield must have cards with summoning pits such as [Burrow] and attack pits such as [Explosion Armor], which can be used as a defense method in place of monsters. .

That kind of arrangement may be troublesome for most duelists. After all, it is difficult to summon a powerful terminal brother with a lot of resources. If you eat a trap and die suddenly, you will lose money. However, Amaluda's [Mecha] deck is even more difficult to deal with.

Not only is the feature of [Mecha] monsters continuously summoning more [Mecha] after they are destroyed, but also the ability to take away the opponent's cards when cards such as [Mecha Fortress] are destroyed.

The most important thing is that the ace monster in Amaluda's deck, [Mecha Troop? Destruction Armed Force], has an extremely troublesome effect. During the battle phase, you can pay half of the basic points to kill the opponent's attack. Any effect can also reduce the opponent's basic points by half on top of that.

The most important thing is that in addition to this effect, most [Mecha] monsters have effects that are activated when destroyed [Mecha Troops? Destruction Armed Forces], and their own attack power seems to be against ordinary monsters [Blue Eyes Ultimate]. Dragon] is just over 100 points higher.

It's really disgusting.

Kaiba, who had fought against Amaluda several times, was well aware of Ameluda's difficulty, but what surprised him was that after hearing what he said, Ameluda did not look back. He said in a rather regretful tone: What a pity, Seto Kaiba. To be honest, I really don't have anything good to do with Rafiru.

Watching America put his fingers on the deck and prepare to pull out the card,

Kaiba frowned. Suddenly, he thought of something: You guy, I remember saying that [Mecha Force? Destruction Armed Forces] is [Oliha Gang's Barrier] from the darkness in your heart. The card that gave birth, right?

Could it be that you...

Kaiba did not continue speaking, but remained silent, and Amaluda also drew the card.

My turn is to draw a card. After confirming the drawn card and adding it to his hand, Amaluda glanced at the two mysterious cover cards in Lafiru's backcourt, Because of that [Patron Saint's] [Treasure Card], prolonging the front line will really be detrimental to me in the future, and I can’t do it without taking advantage of the weakest period of your defense on the field, Rafiru.”

I activate the Continuous Magic Card [Defense Circle of Mecha Troops]. As long as there are mechanical monsters with level 7☆ or above on my field, the opponent cannot select the mechanical monsters with level 6 or lower than 6☆ on my field as attack targets and effects. object.

Then, I normally summon [Mecha Soldier], and since there are no monsters other than [Mecha Soldier] on my field, I special summon [Mecha Sniper] from my hand in attack position!

Three cards were played by Amaluda one after another. Two lower-level monsters from the [Mecha] deck instantly appeared on his field, and a defensive barrier was propped up under his feet.

【Mecha Soldier】【atk1600】

【Mecha Sniper】【atk1800】

But it's not over yet. This level of paving the way can be done by any duelist with some reputation. The unfolding of Amaluda is not over yet. He revealed a card from his hand.

Activate the effect of [Mecha Fortress] in my hand, discard the Level 8☆ [Mecha Troop? Super Transformation] from my hand to the graveyard, and Special Summon it from my hand in attack position!

Discarding a card and sending it to the graveyard, Amaluda added a huge mechanical monster to the field.

【Mecha Fortress】【atk2500】

After one round of operation, Amaluda summoned three monsters on the field in just one round. Although the cards in his hand were consumed as a result, only the last one was left, but what he got in exchange was a total attack. An offensive with a power of 5900 points!

If Rafilu didn't have defensive cards in his backfield, he would be killed instantly after receiving a direct attack. However, it can be seen from Rafilu's calm expression at this moment that he is still very confident in taking over America's attack.

This guy is pretty awesome! Ryuzaki said in surprise at America's turn. As a professional duelist, he noticed something other than the appearance of the three monsters on America's field. , Although on the surface it is just a chain summon of three monsters,

“Due to the appearance of Level 7☆ [Mecha Fortress], [Mecha Troops’ Defense Circle] has given [Mecha Soldiers] and [Mecha Snipers] the ability to not be selected as attack targets and effect targets. This means that useful cards such as [Magic Canister] and [Explosive Armor] are ineffective against them, and the ability of [Mecha Sniper] to attract attacks also constitutes a bo that hinders the opponent's attacks!

Strong, powerful mouth!

Huh? So that guy had so many things hidden in his folds? While Ryuzaki was explaining, Jonouchi couldn't help but scratch the back of his head, If you hadn't said anything, Ryuzaki, I wouldn't have noticed these things at all. You are really awesome, both Asia and Ryuzaki.

Amaluda didn't care too much about Ryuzaki's professional commentator showing off his skills. Rafilu actually knew what he said. After all, the two of them acted together in the Doma organization. After more than ten years of playing together, we know each other’s decks thoroughly.

Moreover, Ryuzaki also did not explain some parts. For example, not only [Mecha Soldiers] and [Mecha Snipers] are given the resistance of the effect target by [Mecha Troops Defense Circle], [Mecha Fortress] itself also has the ability to become the opponent. When targeted by a monster effect, the effect of checking the opponent's hand and discarding one card, and the linkage with [Mecha Troops? Super Transformation] in the graveyard when destroyed.

However, despite all the arrangements, Amaluda still didn't have much confidence in whether he could defeat Rafilu. Although he was unwilling to do so, Amaluda had to admit that Rafiru was the strongest among their Doma trio, even if he had not lost the Dark [Mechas] against Rafiru. It's a bit reluctant, let alone now.

However, he must complete the duel with Rafilu. This is only possible for him who is also the three swordsmen of Doma, who is a pawn in Dazi's hands like Rafilu, and who has gotten rid of the shackles of darkness in his heart. things to do.

Enter my battle phase, and then I'm going to attack, Rafilu! After declaring that he was entering the battle phase, Ameruda stretched out his hand and pointed to Rafiru, who had no monsters on the field. First of all, it's [Mecha Soldier]’s direct attack, sonic impact!”

After receiving the attack command, the [Mecha Soldier] jumped up high, dragging the long knife on his right arm, and suddenly pounced on Rafilu, who was completely empty on the field. When Rafilu saw this, he also pressed the start button. Cover card button.

Even though the attack hadn't arrived yet, Rafilu's basic points were suddenly deducted a lot.

【Lafite: 4000→1000lp】

As Rafilu's base score plummeted, several rays of white light rose from his body, turning into a barrier in front of him. The slashes swung by [Mecha Soldier] were blocked by the seemingly thin barrier. It was completely blocked and there was no ripple at all.

The Continuous Trap Card [Light Protective Wall] can be activated by paying a multiple of 1000 base points to prevent the opponent's monsters whose attack power is less than the paid value from attacking. Rafiru, who was protected by the card's effect, looked at it. Noting that he had just paid 3,000 basic points, he said calmly, I will pay 3,000 basic points to make it impossible for all monsters on your field with an attack power of less than 3,000 points to attack, America.

Would you use 3,000 basic points in exchange for blocking the attacks of the monsters on my field? It's really a good deal. Amaluda didn't expect to defeat Rafiru with his attack in the first round, and casually put the card under the cover, End my combat phase, then cover a hand card, end the turn.

[Ameruda: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

【Mecha Soldier】【atk1600】

【Mecha Sniper】【atk1800】

【Mecha Fortress】【atk2500】

[Defense Circle of Mecha Troops] [Gai Ka]

The effect of the [Light Protective Wall] used by Rafilu is sustainable as long as the card is still on the field and does not need to be targeted, so even if it is Ameruda's [ Mecha Soldiers] and [Mecha Sniper Soldiers] were also unavoidable, and because Rafiru arbitrarily paid up to 3,000 basic points, even [Mecha Fortress] was unable to attack.

Although Rafilu's current basic points have been reduced to only 1,000 points, there is no way to cause any more damage to him until Ameluda summons a monster with an attack power of more than 3,000 points.

However, the situation of both sides is similar. Ameruda cannot attack with monsters with an attack power of less than 3000 points due to the effect of [Light Protective Wall], while Rafiru also has the same problem due to the [Mecha Troop Defense Circle] and [Mecha Sniper]'s boss cannot attack Ameluda.

But just when Amaluda announced the end of his turn, Rafiru actually pressed the button to activate the card again: Before the end of your turn, Amaluda, I want to activate this card, Continuous Trap Card [Life Absorbing Device].”

Next to the [Light Protective Wall] that protected Rafilu from attacks, another rather intimidating device rose up.

Although the card has been activated, the effect of the card does not seem to meet the conditions for activation. The [Life Absorbing Device] stopped on Rafiru's field and did not operate, and Rafiru also started his turn.

On my turn, due to the effect of [Guardian's Treasure Card], I drew two cards from the deck. After the number of cards in his hand increased to two, Rafiru was not in a hurry to confirm what cards he had drawn. , but pointed at the [Life Absorbing Device] on his field, Then during the preparation phase, because of the effect of [Life Absorbing Device], uu read a book

Recover half of the base points I paid last round!

Nani!? In Amaluda's surprised eyes, the [Life Absorption Device] started to operate, spitting out a green energy ball at Rafilu and integrating it into his body! ?

Last round, I paid 3,000 basic points due to the effect of [Light Protective Wall], so I regain 1,500 basic points at this moment.

[Lafite: 1000→2500lp]

After Baofeng took a sip, Rafilu played another card: Now that the basic points have been restored, and there are no other cards in my deck that require paying basic points to activate the card, the role of [Life Absorption Device] is That’s it.”

Activate the magic card [Magic Flowerpot] to send the face-up [Life Absorption Device] on my field to the graveyard, and I draw two cards from the deck.

If it has no use value, the [Life Absorbing Device] will be out of print.

As he spoke, the number of cards in Rafilu's hand increased to three. Looking at the card he drew, Rafilu raised his head and looked at Amaluda.

So, are you ready, Ameluda? As a traitor to Doma and a traitor who tried to hinder Lord Dazi's plan, are you ready to accept my punishment?

Activate the magic card, [Black Hole]!

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