Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 1 Le: I love you so much like me, with the same gaps

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the Paradis Building, deafening huge explosions were heard one after another, and Yugi and a group of people ran and escaped in the long corridor that was shaking.

Damn it, I get angry just talking about it, you old bastard Dazi! Jonouchi, who was in good physical condition, still had the energy to curse while running, You said 'Paradis Group is an important asset of Doma', but it turned out to be true. They planted a bomb, and telling us the information while detonating the bomb is so vicious!

Malik panted and followed Jonouchi, turned a corner, and said: Stop complaining, Jonouchi, that old guy Dazi doesn't have much time left for us, we must get out of here quickly!

In the data center of the Paradis Building, everyone got a lot of needed information from Dazi, who looked honest and answered all questions. Not only was Doma established and why was it established, but also the ten thousand years. The previous events were also revealed by Dazi without hiding anything. Even Doma’s purpose of resurrecting the “Oliha Gang God” and the location of the headquarters of Doma’s organization were all fully explained by Dazi himself.

However, Dazi has never been a kind guy. He told Yugi and them so many things just to discover that the bomb actually existed and was unknowingly activated by Dazi during the conversation. At this moment, Yugi and others faced It's just an unexpected expression, it's really a bad taste.

However, Dazi also knew that if he did not set a countdown for the bomb, he could indeed kill Jonouchi and Kaiba, the two people who still held the Legendary Dragon, but it would only kill one user who was interested in the Legendary Dragon. Dragon has no effect.

Although because the [Eye of Timaeus] has left Yugi, Dazi is slightly no longer as wary of the Legendary Dragons as before, but he has never despised them and fully understands the principle of cutting the grass and eradicating the roots Tatsu, if he didn't kill the Legendary Dragon on Kaiba and Jonouchi, he wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully.

Therefore, the bomb that should have been detonated directly to achieve maximum effect was just used as a toy to detonate fireworks to amuse the game group. Although this firework was seen by outsiders as the behemoth Paratis Group, and It was already dangerous enough for the Yugi and the others who were in it, but Dazi really just used it as a firework for fun.


Another explosion came. Honda, who was carrying Kyoko on his back, looked back. The place he had just run behind was engulfed by the fire coming from the wall. If he had slowed down even a little bit, he might have been affected by the explosion just now, and his forehead would be affected. Breaking out in cold sweat, he shouted to the seahorse in front of him: How far is it, seahorse!

Kaiba did not answer Honda's words, but Keppei, who was hugged by Kaiba, looked at the internal layout diagram of the Paradis Building that he tore from the wall and carried with him, and replied to Honda: Come on, it's not far ahead. ”

The data center of the Paradis Building is located almost in the middle of the building, and is not very low. If you want to escape from such a location, you must first eliminate the elevator, which is similar to a mobile coffin, but take the stairs. It's not realistic either. With nothing to do, everyone had no choice but to follow the Kaiba brothers, who seemed to be well prepared.

After turning the last corner, the group finally arrived at their destination, which was a gap in the wall that was damaged by the previous explosion and exposed the sky outside. From the gap, the wind from high altitude in the night poured into the corridor of the building and blew towards everyone, making several people feel chilled.

Malik bent over and supported his knees, sweating profusely: This, this is just a dead end. Are you thinking of jumping out of here, Kaiba!?

How is that possible? If you jump out from here, you will definitely fall to death! Ryuzaki's reaction was also very big. Just imagining that situation, his feet were already a little weak.

Ryuzaki and Malik just said that they didn't think Kaiba really wanted to jump out of here, but what they didn't expect was that Kaiba actually nodded and said: Of course, what I said is from The way to leave here is to jump out from here.

This guy Kaiba is really crazy. Before Jonouchi could say this, he saw Kaiba holding an earphone in his ear with one hand and urging: Hurry up, Isono!

It's already here, seahorse and shrimp dumplings!

The wind pouring in from outside the gap became stronger, and in the wind was also mixed the voice of Isono, who is the head of the Kaiba Group's security force, but is well known to Yugi, Jonouchi and others because of his many times as a duel referee. .

Following Isono's shouts, a classic Chinook transport helicopter descended from a height and hovered outside the gap. The strong wind that poured into the gap came from the two extremely powerful propellers on the Chinook helicopter.

Hmph, although I prepared a backup helicopter at first because I was worried that Nessa would always be messy, but now it's just time to use it. Keppei said with a proud face, Everyone, hurry up and get on the plane. !”

The rear door of the helicopter opened, and Kaiba and Keihei were the first to jump up the steps and enter the cabin. Yugi didn't hesitate much and got on the plane with them, followed by Yin Xisi, Maou Mai and Kyoko, and Li Xi. De also jumped up.

When it was Ryuzaki's turn, he swallowed nervously, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, rushed out, and successfully jumped on the plane.

So at this moment, it was Jonouchi, Honda, and Malik who hesitated in front of the gap between the wall and the helicopter door.

Hey, mediocre man, don't waste your time! Looking at Jonouchi, who looked down and was so frightened that he retreated without daring to jump on the helicopter, Kaiba frowned and urged, Or, you're scared to death right now. ?”

Who, who said I was scared?!

It was clear that his feet were still shaking just now, but seeing Ryuzaki and Keihei, two guys younger than him, and three ladies jumping onto the helicopter, and being aroused by Kaiba, Jonouchi instantly forgot about being afraid. , bravely boarded the plane.

As a result, Malik and Honda stared at each other, neither of them daring to pass first.

Honda, you go first

No, Malik you first

You go first

No, you first

Kaiba frowned and looked at Malik and Honda. He was about to urge him, but he heard an explosion behind Honda and Malik, and the fire almost affected them.

Frightened by the sudden explosion, Honda and Malik suddenly started running without anyone urging them: No, I go first! x2

Rather than being blown up, just jump!

With a bang, they rushed too much, causing Malik and Honda to fly and fall into the cabin. Their faces were slapped on the floor. However, Kaiba didn't care about what the two of them thought and turned to face them directly. The cab said: That's enough, Isono.

Understood, shrimp dumplings!

Seeing that everyone had boarded the plane, Isono and the co-pilot jointly controlled the helicopter to move forward and leave the position where it had just stayed. However, after only leaving for a few seconds, the fire that rushed out from inside the building closed the gap. Fill completely.

I'm saved. Standing in the cabin and finally out of danger, Ryuzaki sighed in relief and couldn't help but sit on the ground casually.

Keppei, on the other hand, begged a tablet from Isono. He inserted the USB flash drive that copied the data left by Datsu from the Paradis Building Data Center into the port, and displayed it on the screen of the tablet. A map.

This location is the Atlantic Ocean? Looking at the shape around the red dot displayed on the screen, Keppei felt a little familiar, I feel like I have seen this location somewhere before...

Kaiba took the map from the confused Keppei, frowned and said, It's Bermuda, that's why it looks familiar to you.

Bermuda? That mysterious triangle! Even those in the city who don't know much about geography have heard of the existence of the Bermuda Triangle, a world-famous attraction. When Kaiba said that the location of the Doma Organization was unexpectedly It was in the Bermuda Triangle. He said with some clarity, No wonder there are so many rumors about Bermuda around the world. If it is the headquarters of the Doma Organization, it is no wonder.

But, are we really going somewhere? I don't believe in rumors or anything, but do we believe what Dazi said so easily? Sitting up from the ground, Honda reminded, Don't forget that we have just been He lied once, saying, 'Paradis is important,' and then blew it up. He is a liar.

After hearing Honda's words, Yugi thought for a moment and said helplessly: However, all we can do now is to follow this map and go to the door. Even if we know there may be a trap, we must go there.

Dazi said that the resurrection of 'Oliha Gang God' has reached the final moment. He only lacks the last few souls and he will awaken 'Oli Ha Gang God' to destroy human civilization. We must stop him.

Thinking of this, Yugi's eyes revealed a perseverance, looking towards the distant sky.

After a series of events, the night had passed, and a golden-red light shone slightly on the distant skyline, making the night dull.

It's not just to stop Datsu's evil plan, Jonouchi patted Yugi on the shoulder. Seeing Yugi looking at him, he gave a thumbs up and smiled, We also want to bring important people back.

With that said, Jonouchi patted Yugi on the shoulder again and turned away from the window. And Yugi also turned around and looked at everyone in the cabin.

Keppei took the tablet and transferred the data into the navigation system of the helicopter at his feet, asking Isono to go to the target location;

'Children's future...'

Ryuzaki, who had just scratched his arm on the wall while escaping, took a handkerchief to bandage his wound. Malik was not injured during the escape, but his nose was bleeding when he got on the plane. He was taking the tissue from Lishid's hand. stuff into nose;

'The voice of justice...'

Kaiba folded his arms in front of his chest and leaned against the wall with his eyes closed to rest in preparation for the decisive battle. Jonouchi, who couldn't stand Kaiba's pretense, also stood next to Kaiba and leaned against the wall, but opened his eyes from time to time. His eyes showed that he was not resting at all;

'The end of strength...'

Yin Xisi sat quietly by a window in the cabin, stroking the [Millennium Jewelry] on her neck with her fingers, closing her eyes as if foreseeing the future;

'Important oath...'

Kyoko, Honda and Maikaku held down the restless Jonouchi to prevent him from disturbing Kaiba's rest, and were discussing something together;

'Cherished friend...'

as well as...

Yugi put his fingers on the [Millennium Bricks]. At the same time, Yugi, who could not come back temporarily in the [Millennium Bricks], also put his fingers on the [Millennium Bricks]. The two games seemed to reach out to each other. Like a hand;

'Precious agreement...'

Looking at the distant sky again, Yugi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Because of the light blooming on the horizon, the night is getting darker and darker.

Connecting all emotions, human civilization will never be cut off because of Thomas!

Opening his eyes, the will in Yugi's heart was stronger than ever before, and the shadow that Rafiru had left in his heart not long ago was completely cleared away.

The power of belief is proved by us duelists. Prepare to die, Dazi!

And at the moment when Yugi made up his mind, the [Eye of Timaeus] card on his body that had turned completely blank became slightly colorful.

Thousands of miles away, in front of the altar deep in the Doma Organization headquarters, Dazi sensed something and opened his eyes.

This feeling of approaching is definitely the 'Legendary Dragon'. Looking back to the east, Dazi's eyes seemed to penetrate everything, and he saw the game's group coming here by helicopter, Ten thousand I've been waiting for this moment for ten thousand years, and it's finally here.

Behind Dazi, seeing Dazi on the altar starting to talk to himself, Rafilu said respectfully: We will protect you until the last moment, Lord Dazi.

For you, I will definitely seal the soul of the unknown Pharaoh this time!

Hearing Rafilu's words, Dazi turned around and looked at him, as if he had seen something interesting, smiled and said: Then go, Rafilu, you will be the one to stop the unknown Pharaoh and the others. The first barrier to this temple. The next one is you, Ameruda.

And I am the last barrier standing in front of the altar.

After receiving Dazi's order, the Three Musketeers of Doma with only two people left retreated, preparing to set off to meet Yugi's group. However, watching Rafilu and Amaluda leave, Dazi closed his eyes. He glanced at his pair of strange-colored eyes and turned to look at the darkness that was not illuminated by the fire.

You probably haven't forgotten what I said when I joined Duoma, right, Dazi?

In the darkness, a faint light lit up, and the golden disk swayed as the wearer walked, and the light gradually grew larger.

Of course I haven't forgotten. But, are you still unwilling to help me, Hayato-kun? Dazi looked at Hayato walking out of the darkness with a regretful expression.

What, you know I will never help you, so you can only kill me? The duel plate worn by Hayato on his left hand is no longer in the style of Doma, but replaced with his original Keihei special plate. , looking at Dazi on the altar, said.

Dazi shook his head: No, it's just a pity. It would be the best to get your help to usher in the new world, but I never imagined that I could achieve my goal smoothly.

As Dazi raised his hand, a duel disc appeared out of thin air on his wrist, I will still not hurt you, Hayato. You are still necessary for the birth of a new, innocent human being in the new world.

Hayato smiled coldly, raised his right hand, and showed three cards in red, blue, and yellow: Don't tell me you have already won, Datsu. The future of the world is decided by me.




1 second to remember

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