Due to his basic score returning to zero and the pain caused by the battle damage, Yugi's body was stiff and barely able to stay standing, unable to move. He could only watch with dull eyes as the surrounding barrier began to shrink.

When the effect of [Guardian-Aitos] was activated just now, he could never forget the look in the eyes of the monsters that appeared from his graveyard. That look, that feeling of being judged...

Omo Yugi, who was isolated in the Thousand-Year Brick because of the power of Oliha Gang's Barrier, naturally saw An Yugi in the outside world who seemed to have given up on himself and chose to submit to the outcome of defeat, and became very anxious.

another me!

However, when his thin fist hit the barrier in front of him, it failed to make any waves.

Ever since Yami Yugi activated [Oliha Gang's Barrier], he had been isolated in this small world and could no longer send his voice to Yami Yugi's ears. He could only watch him go in the wrong direction. keep going.

He had just made more than one attempt to destroy the barrier, but was still unable to destroy it.

But now, even though he knows that his efforts will not work, Yugi just keeps trying again and again, because he sees that [Oliha Gang's Barrier] has surpassed Rafiru, who is walking in the direction of Yami Yugi. It has shrunk by about half.

There's no time left!

However, the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] in front of him is still so strong, but his fist cannot shake it at all!

Subconsciously, Yugi lowered his head and glanced at the [Millennium Brick] hanging on his chest.

Although this is a precious prop that connects another me to myself, it is also an important item for another me to regain my memory. But it’s the people, not the items, that matter!

Without caring too much about his appearance, Yugi suddenly grabbed the golden awl in his hand and pointed the sharp bottom at the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] in front of him.

Although it is a genuine cultural relic, I have to say that the weight balance of the [Millennium Building Blocks] is quite good, and it feels quite good in the hand. He waves his arms violently, like an assassin who has mastered the correct use of the Golden Apple Likewise, Yugi smashed the [Millennium Building Blocks] on top of the barrier!

He must not just watch Yami Yugi die like this! So, even if you have to let yourself go...

Perhaps it is the will of the game, perhaps the power of [Millennium Building Blocks] as one of the [Millennium Artifacts], or perhaps the increased pressure after reducing the contact area has reached the upper limit of barrier defense. The sharp golden cone is in [Oliha Gang] A hole was opened in the barrier, and golden light was released!

The isolated Oyo Yugi's sight was deprived of light, and he escaped from the gap in the barrier with a slight movement of his body. In the outside world, the Oliha Gang Fragment placed in An Yugi's pocket was violently shattered, and a light rose from the barrier under his feet!

What is this? The unusual situation in front of him stopped Rafilu, who was about to accept the spoils, and looked at Yugi who was once again enveloped in light with confusion. Ordinary people whose souls are sealed by [Oliha Gang's Barrier] will make some movement, but it will never be as big as the game in front of them.

First of all, we can rule out the possibility that the game entered the second stage after being drained of blood. Although the nameless Pharaoh is still qualified as a boss, the reality is not an online game.

It is probably because the nameless pharaoh is the holder of the Legendary Dragon who is feared by Lord Dazi, so the movement of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] when collecting souls is also different, right? Rafilu thought of such a possibility and decided to wait and see before any new situation occurred.

But in the barrier, Yami Yugi, who had already accepted the preparation of having his soul taken away by [Oliha Gang's Barrier], was surprised to find a touch coming from his back, as if someone pushed him. A small handful for myself.


Looking back, Yami Yugi saw that Omo Yugi, who had disappeared since [Oliha Gang's Barrier] was activated, actually appeared behind him at this moment.

[Oliha Gang's Barrier] has the power to suppress the Millennium Artifact when activated, and allows the user to use the cards of the Three Illusion Gods even without the approval of the God Card and the protection of the Millennium Artifact. This Yidian Yuxi knew it when he fought with Gulimo. When Biao Yuxi disappeared, he was not as panicked as he was the first time.

But now seeing Omo Yugi appear in front of him again, Yami Yugi felt guilty again in his heart: Sorry, aibo, I lost this duel because of my own will.

Now that the duel is over and defeated, Yugi's mind, which was soaked in dark power, has regained some clarity. He also feels that the duel just now was really wrong. Although he doubted whether he was affected by Oliha Gang's power, if he lost, he lost. Yami Yugi did not regard Oliha Gang as the reason for his defeat.

Looking at Omo Yugi, An Yugi said with a guilty look on his face: My soul seems to be sealed by [Oliha Gang's Barrier], and I may not be able to stay with you in the future. No. I’m really sorry that I can’t continue to help you even though I can fulfill my agreement.”

However, upon hearing Yami Yugi's self-examination, Biao Yuxi showed a gentle smile: Don't blame yourself so much, the other me, I said, you just need to continue to be yourself, I will always support you. If you can reflect on your inappropriate actions in the past, you will still be great in your other self.

After this time, you will definitely grow and become stronger. If you want to defeat Rafiru, defeat Doma, and defeat that person named Dazi, you must be stronger than me who is weak.

Omo Yugi's words made An Yugi feel more and more uncomfortable: What are you talking about, aibo, what are you going to do!

Well, it's just what you think, the other me. I remember Malik did the same thing back then. Holding the [Millennium Brick] that glowed golden in his hand, Omo Yugi smiled at Yami Yugi, I believe in the other one. I am you, so even if you don’t have confidence in yourself, at least you must believe in me who believes in you.”

The Eye of Ugato on the [Millennium Brick] shines brightly. Yami Yugi, who understands Yugi's meaning, has difficulty accepting what the other party said. Yami Yugi cannot imagine what will happen next, even in the face of the glare that deprives his vision. With a golden light, he still stubbornly stretched out his hand to stop Oyo Yugi's move: Wait a minute, aibo!

I am the one who did the wrong thing. The purpose of Rafiru and Doma is just to lose my name and I was once the pharaoh. You should not be implicated!

Stop it, aibo!

Yami Yugi tried hard to reach out his hand to hold Omo Yugi, but Omo Yugi, who was standing in the golden light, looked at the outstretched hand of his soul partner and made a gentle high-five.

I'm sorry, my other self. Sometimes I can be willful and not hold your hand.

The high five was not powerful, but it was like the last drop of rain that broke the dam. An Yuxi was pushed out directly, and he could only watch Ou Yuxi stand in the golden light with a smile on his face.

When Dark Malik, who occupied Malik's body in Duel City, started a dark game with Yugi and was defeated, faced with the punishment of Dark Game's soul, Dark Malik came up with a trick to steal Malik's body and use it as his own. Soul replacement.

And now, Omo Yugi is obviously going to repeat that operation, using his own soul to replace Yami Yugi from being sealed.

In the past, the transposition tactic was used to prevent the mind from being spied on when fighting against Becas. Now, the watch game uses this tactic to protect his friends!


The last cry came to an abrupt end after being completely pushed out of [Oliha Gang's Barrier]. Yami Yugi's soul was forcibly transposed by Omo Yugi, and was placed in the [Millennium Brick] for protection, and fell into In coma.

And watching Yami Yugi's soul disappear before his eyes, the golden light of the [Millennium Building Blocks] disappeared and became dim. Standing in the [Oliha Gang's Barrier], Omo Yugi's body was once again shrouded in an unknown green light. Before The gentle and indifferent smile he pretended disappeared, and a regretful expression appeared on his face.

Although he just put on an expression of not caring about life and death just to reassure his other self, Yugi is still just a child who has not yet grown up. It is naturally impossible to say that he does not have any fear of the upcoming death. of.

However, it is a necessary sacrifice.

Although Malik and Dark Malik are the same person as shown above, the judgment of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] is relatively less rigorous than the rules of the dark game. It only takes any soul in the barrier to its filling.

The conclusion of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] is coming to an end. Since one soul must be sealed, in that case, let me join.

Taking a deep breath, Yugi looked at the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that had shrunk to his feet and his eyes became firm.

At the end of your life, you have to show some courage!

Come on, [Oliha——

Halfway through his words, Yugi suddenly found that his body suddenly left the ground.

Is this ascension to heaven? No, no, it’s not like I haven’t seen the scene of sealing the soul in [Oliha Gang’s Barrier]. It should be sealed into a card and then ascended. And now I feel like I’m being strangled on the back of my neck. .

Why does it feel more like being lifted up than ascending to heaven?

That's not necessary!

A male voice that was very familiar to Yugi came from behind. Looking back, Yugi saw an unexpected figure actually appearing in [Oliha Gang's Barrier]?

In the outside world, Rafiru watched as [Oliha Gang's Barrier] completely closed in and surrounded Yugi. The green light rising into the sky became thinner and then dissipated, revealing Yugi who closed his eyes and fell helplessly.

As Yugi fell to his knees on the ground, looking like the other defeated duelists in Rafiu's duel career with their souls sealed, Rafiu was somewhat relieved and continued to move forward.

Although the movement just now was a bit strange, and the time to seal the soul seemed to be much longer than usual, it was probably because the soul of the unknown Pharaoh was particularly strong. All in all, I have completed Lord Dazi's mission, and it can be said that I have completed it perfectly.

Although it took a long time because of the calculation, he not only sealed the high-quality soul of the unknown pharaoh, but also tried every means to make the unknown pharaoh be abandoned by the Legendary Dragon during the duel. In this way, although he was the last among the three swordsmen of Doma to take action, he was also the one who completed the task most perfectly.

Walking closer to the fallen Yugi, Rafilu looked at the cards that had fallen from Yugi's duel plate and were scattered on the ground. He picked up the cards one by one with gentle force, trying not to let the cards fall as much as possible. The bend was damaged, and then I carefully removed the small sand on the rooftop sandwiched between the cards before placing it in the duel plate worn by Yugi.

What is strange is that Rafiru clearly remembers that the [Dark Knight-Gaia] card that Yugi used in the duel just now should be in his graveyard, but Rafiru is behind Yugi. Got it on.

Maybe it was accidentally thrown out when being attacked? Because Yameruda often denigrates the quality of Haima Group's products, Rafilu, who was subconsciously brainwashed, thought this way.

And although the most famous user of [Dark Knight-Gaia] in the world is Hayato who has joined Doma but is still not trusted by Rafiru, but because I remember that Muto Yugi’s information is also in the deck Putting this card in, Rafilu didn't care much about why Yugi used this card in this duel.

After putting away the unconscious Yugi's cards, Rafilu opened the field area of ​​Yugi's duel board, intending to take out the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that had sealed the nameless pharaoh's soul.

Although he felt that the soul of the Nameless Pharaoh might have been sent to Lord Dazi together with the green light just now, but maybe the soul of the Nameless Pharaoh was of too high quality and was sealed into the card, Rafilu felt that he still needed to Recycle the cards of [Oliha Gang's Barrier].

After taking out the card, he didn't look at it carefully. After all, the soul seal just now was completed in front of Rafilu's eyes. There was absolutely no possibility of error. Rafilu held Yugi's shoulders and turned him over, and reached into Yugi's pocket. Here, he planned to also recover the Fragments of Oliha Gang that fell into Yugi's hands after Gulimo's death.

However, what makes Rafilu a little helpless is that the Oliha Gang Fragment that was supposed to be indestructible has now become a real fragment and cannot be recycled at all. However, if it is broken into pieces like this, it is basically unusable, and there is no need to recycle it.

Thinking like this, Rafilu glanced at the fallen Yugi and said with emotion: Speaking of it, it's really a coincidence, the nameless pharaoh. No, Muto Yugi.

I have seen in your profile that you seemed to be a lonely person with no friends and only games to accompany you.

It's almost like me in the mirror.

Glancing at the [Millennium Brick] that was not pressed by the game, Rafilu stood up on his knees and said to himself: If you had not completed the [Millennium Artifact] that houses the soul of the unknown Pharaoh, If I don’t gradually build bonds with friends, will I end up like me with only elves by my side?”

Hmph, I'm really bored. I'm saying this boring assumption to you who can't possibly respond. Is it because I met someone who is so similar that I can't help but assume that I would be different if I didn't encounter the joke of fate?

With a self-deprecating smile, Rafilu turned and walked towards the elevator on the side. Although the unknown Pharaoh and the Legendary Dragon he held have been solved, there are still people standing in the way of Lord Dazi's plan. For the coming of the new world, he cannot rest yet.

He casually raised the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] in his hand and glanced at it, but with just such a glance, Rafilu's walking away suddenly stopped.

In the card, there was indeed an image with a soul sealed in it, but Rafilu thought that his distinguishing ability was pretty good, and he would never mistake the green-haired bespectacled kid in the card for someone who had just had a duel with him. The unknown Pharaoh!

Although the unknown Pharaoh dueled with Muto Yugi in his body, the important thing is his temperament! The kid in the card can feel an aura that is more disgusting than rat droppings falling into the sewer just through the card. It is definitely not the soul of a noble duelist!

What the hell is going on! ? !


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