Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 92 So, don’t use the card given to you by the other side by Shark

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Continuous Magic Card [Magic of the Incorruptible Graveyard], inserted the card into the duel plate, Rafilu said, This card can only be activated when there are no monsters in my graveyard, and when a monster is sent into When in my cemetery, the [magic power of the Incorruptible Cemetery] will also be destroyed.

Another card with a self-destruct effect... Yugi frowned and looked at the [Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery] revealed on the field of Rafilu. The card picture depicts a cemetery where monsters are buried.

Even if Rafilu didn't mention the specific card effect, Yugi had more or less guessed from the card picture and card name that [The Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery] must be a card closely related to the number of monsters in the cemetery.

During each of your preparation phases, nameless Pharaoh, you will take damage from your graveyard due to the effect of [The Magic of the Incorruptible Graveyard], and every monster buried in the graveyard because of your actions will Will give you 100 points of damage.

In the card picture of [The Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery], a cemetery with monster images appears, [Magician's Staff], [Dark Magician], [Dark Magician Girl], [Dark Knight-Gai] [Asia], [Super Magical Knight-Black Magical Cavalry], a total of five monster tombstones appear in the card.

Because of the existence of [Soul Barrier], Rafilu cannot cause combat damage to Yugi before clearing two monsters on the game field. It seems that he has changed his mind and plans to reduce Yugi again and again with effect damage. basic points.

However, it is only 500 points of damage per round, which can last for a while given the game's current base score of 2,800 points.

After activating the [Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery], Rafilu glanced at the [Elven Swordsman Troubleshooting the Enemy] on the game field and said: Other than that, I will activate the [Guardian-Xi on the field. [Er]'s effect. By sending an equipment magic card equipped to it to the graveyard, it directly destroys a monster on the opponent's field.

The one I choose is naturally the [Elven Swordsman who torments the enemy] on your field, the Nameless Pharaoh.

As Rafilu finished speaking, [Guardian-Hill] struggled to open the long bow in his hand, and an arrow was shot out, instantly destroying the [Elven Swordsman who was troubling the enemy] who was bound by iron chains on the game field. In the cemetery.

At the same time, due to the loss of the equipment magic card [Meteor Bow-Yeyan], [Guardian-Hill] recovered its original attack power.


However, although the attack power has been restored, Rafiru is still unable to cause combat damage to the game due to the existence of [Soul Barrier]. After turning the [Guardian-Hill] card into defense position, Rafiru declared Said: My turn is over.

[Rafiru: 1000lp, 1 card in hand]


[Guardian-Gral] (Gravity Axe-Paoxiao) [def1000]

【Backup Guardian】【def2200】

[Famous Craftsman-Tiger Iron] [def500]

[Gate Card] x2 [Crystal Seal] [Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery]

Seeing all the monsters with defense status on Rafilu's field, as if they were trying to defend to the end, Yugi couldn't help but frown. At present, due to the existence of [The Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery], the situation is gradually starting to go against the game. He needs to draw cards in the deck that can increase the attack power of monsters on the field more urgently than before.

It doesn't matter even if it's a [magic wand].

However, when Yugi put his fingers on the deck, he didn't notice that the [Olihagon's Barrier] in his hand resonated with the Olihagon Fragment in his pocket and seemed to be nothing. It had no effect, but when Yugi turned over the drawn card, he found that it was not the card he needed, but the ritual monster [Chaos Illusionist].

However, [Chaos Illusionist] has the ability to use it independently and retrieve cards from the deck even when there is no ritual magic card.

Not bad either.

But just when Yugi was about to add the [Chaos Illusionist] he just drew to his hand, he heard Rafilu suddenly press the button on the duel plate: Your expression is too obvious, the nameless Pharaoh, you are drawing It’s a monster card, and it’s a card that can be used, right? Then in your card drawing phase, when you normally draw a card, activate the cover card on my backfield.”

Trap Card [Down], the opponent will directly discard the drawn card to the graveyard!

Tsk... Because of the effect of the card, Yugi, who was looking at Rafiru's backcourt opening of the card, was unhappy and sent the [Chaos Illusionist] that was still warm in his hand into the cemetery, [The Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery] 】The card picture changed again, and suddenly shot out a beam of white light, shining on Yugi.


【Game: 2800→2100lp】

After adding [Elven Swordsman who torments the enemy] and [Chaos Illusionist], the number of monsters in the current graveyard of the game has come to seven. In the preparation phase after the card drawing phase, I was directly attacked by [Incorruptible Graveyard]. Magic] 700 points of effect damage.

The deduction of basic points is a trivial matter, but the problem is that the cards drawn in this round of the game were sent to the graveyard due to [Knockdown], which means that the resources in his hand are still the three remaining from the previous round. This card can't do anything without using [Oliha Gang's Barrier].

With a helpless expression on his face, Yugi, who could do nothing, put down the duel disk he had just raised: My turn is over.

[Game: 2100lp, 3 cards in hand]

[Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple] (Crystal Seal) [atk2800]

【Soul Barrier】

My turn, draw a card. After drawing a card, Rafilu seemed to have not drawn a card that could destroy the [Soul Barrier]. He did not change the monsters on his field into attack position and still maintained defense. said, then he played the card he just drew, cover one card and end my turn.

[Rafiru: 1000lp, 1 card in hand]


[Guardian-Gral] (Gravity Axe-Paoxiao) [def1000]

【Backup Guardian】【def2200】

[Famous Craftsman-Tiger Iron] [def500]

[Gate Card] x2 [Crystal Seal] [Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery]

Rafiru ended his turn very quickly, seemingly doing nothing, but in fact the existence of the card [Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery] was his most output. When the preparation phase of the game was about to come again, Rafilu can immediately bring him another 700 points of effect damage.

My turn, draw a card. Yugi, who was looking forward to the deck's response to him, drew a card again, but unfortunately, Yugi still failed to draw a card that could increase the monster's attack power this round. The card is a magic card [Lower Cost], which has the ability to reduce a monster's star rating by discarding cards in your hand.

However, there is currently only one [Ejection Turtle] that can use the effect of this card in the game, but both [Oliha Gang's Barrier] and [Eye of Timaeus] can be discarded. , it’s of no use anyway.

Just when Yugi was thinking that it would be better to be more prudent and wait until the next time he draws a card before making a decision, and was planning to add [Reduce Cost] to his hand, he heard Rafiru actually activate Gaka again: In your preparation phase , I activate this continuous trap card [Goblin Servant].


With the activation of Rafiru Gaika, the game saw that in addition to the Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery, there was also a pot-bellied green-skinned goblin wearing armor appearing in Rafiru's backcourt, facing his side. An arrow shot from a sneak attack missed! ?


【Game: 2100→1400→900lp】

In addition to the [Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery], my base points dropped by an additional 500 points? !

Only when the opponent's base points are below 3,000 points, [Goblin Servant] can be activated. Rafilu explained for the game, Every time the opponent's base points are in the preparation phase, inflict 500 points of damage to the opponent's base points.

Then, coupled with the 700 points of damage from [The Magic of the Incorruptible Cemetery], the total damage you received this round is 1,200 points, and in the preparation phase of your next round, this amount of damage will be reduced again.

However, you only have 900 basic points left.

The game's childishness shrank, and he looked at the basic points on his duel board that had dropped to three digits.

Nameless Pharaoh, the will to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal, I just saw it in your eyes, but you still let me down.

It's not enough. The will you showed is not enough to allow me to grow. Rafilu looked at the game, but he didn't say basic points like a candle in the wind to stand, but had a look on his face. He said with disappointment and disdain, What a boring duel.

You who have no chance of winning, who can't prove that the light in your heart will not be swallowed up by the darkness, just drown to death with your cowardly 'response'.

Upon hearing Rafilu's words, Yugi's right hand clenched into a fist.

He wanted to refute Rafilu, scold him back harshly, with the same anger he had when [Dark Magician] and [Dark Magician Girl] lost consciousness with him, but he couldn't do it, because he only had This is the last round.

Once this round is over, Rafiru doesn't have to do anything at all. As long as he lets his next round come, he can easily win as the winner.

Am I going to lose here? Yugi muttered subconsciously, raising his left hand holding four cards.

In Yugi's mind, he recalled the promise he made to [Dark Magician Girl] when he was in the elf world. At that time, he agreed to save both worlds, and he should do what he agreed to do.

But now, he has to be defeated before he can defeat the real culprit behind the incident?

That kind of thing…

In Yugi's pocket, the Oliha Gang Fragment vibrated again, and the inexplicable aura began to spread and penetrate into Yugi's body.

That kind of thing...

Gazing across the four cards in his hand, Yugi's eyes finally rested on [Oliha Gang's Barrier].

Omo Yugi, who had been paying attention to Yami Yugi, naturally noticed Yami Yugi's eyes on the card in the corner for the first time. His childish eyes shrank, and he noticed a certain thought in An Yuxi's heart that he could no longer hold back at this moment.

Don't do that kind of thing!

No, I don't want to lose here!

I promised [Dark Magician Girl] that I will save both worlds, and we must do what we agreed upon! He raised his head abruptly, and at this moment, Yami Yugi's expression looked a little ferocious due to excessive excitement. I want, I want to win, win at all costs!

I saw Yami Yugi reaching out and pulling out [Oliha Gang's Barrier] from the card in his hand, flicking the duel disk, opening the area where the field magic cards were placed, and he was about to activate that card!

‘No, another me! 'Just when Yami Yugi raised [Oliha Gang's Barrier] above his head, Omo Yugi, who had never actively interfered with Yami Yugi's duel because of his trust, for the first time tried to stop Yami Yugi's operation, using both hands. He tightly hugged Yami Yugi's hand holding the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] card, You can't use that card!

Cards given by others cannot be used. Haven't you already experienced this countless times from Hayato?

Normally, Omo Yugi's words would definitely work for Yami Yugi, but the look in Yami Yugi's eyes when he raised his head at this moment made Omo Yugi look at him stunned, and Rafilu couldn't help but reveal a happy expression. expression.

Because at this moment, the kind of beating black flames that Rafilu had shown before appeared vaguely in Yami Yugi's eyes!

Aibo, this duel is a duel where my justice and my light are at stake. I must win.

The card of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] glowed faintly with green light. Under the light, Yami Yugi's expression looked extremely scary at this moment.

No, not absolutely!

I absolutely want to win, whether I use the power of darkness or use any means necessary, it doesn't matter what others say, as long as I win, that's enough!

I want to activate this card!

As Yami Yugi finished speaking, the barrier had not yet been deployed, but the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that had been accumulated for a long time directly began to interfere with the surroundings. The light on the [Millennium Brick] on Yami Yugi's chest suddenly lit up. Disappeared for a moment, which made Omo Yugi's soul body hugging Yami Yugi with his body also dim for a moment.

Yami Yugi's hand holding [Oliha Gang's Barrier] broke away from the control of Omo Yugi who was still trying to stop him. In Omo Yugi's horrified expression, Yami Yugi resolutely put the card into the duel plate: I activate , [Oliha Gang’s Barrier]!”


The emerald green light pillar rises into the sky. As the source of power, it is the card of darkness in people's hearts. [Oliha Gang's Barrier] I have been waiting for the game to start but I have been waiting for a long time. uu read books

The moment the card entered the duel plate, the barrier formed in an instant, and directly pushed out Omo Yugi who still wanted to return to Yami Yugi!

On Yugi's forehead, the six-pointed star of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] was formed and engraved, emitting an ominous green light.

Watching Yugi's figure disappear outside the barrier, Yugi, who had fought in [Oliha Gang's Barrier] once, didn't want to be as worried as he was the first time, but took a deep breath and said to the air : Sorry, aibo, I must fulfill my promise and return my body to you after I win.


As he turned to look at the field, the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] had been fully deployed, not only surrounding the dueling Rafiu and Yugi, but the green magic power had already passed through Rafiu's [Crystal Seal] 】Enter the body of [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple].

[Oliha Gang's Barrier] has the ability to increase the attack power of all monsters on our field by 500 points, and because of the increase in attack power of [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple], Rafilu's [Crystal] 's seal] will be destroyed!

As he spoke, Yugi raised his hand, Return to my court, [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple]!

As Yugi's words fell, the six-pointed star of Oliha Gang's Barrier that was the same as Yugi's forehead suddenly lit up on the foreheads of the [Dark Magician] and [Dark Magician Girl] in the crystal, and their magic power surged. At the same time, the [Crystal Seal] suddenly exploded!

However, the moment the crystal exploded, amid Rafilu's planned smile and Yugi's horrified eyes, the body of the [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple] who had just broken through the seal suddenly turned into a Debris bursts! ?

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