Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 90 Malik, Rafiru, best match

Because of the addition of the opponent's card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], the game did not end the round awkwardly with an empty field after [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple] was sealed, but completed basic defense on its own field. Arrangement was made, and the [Super Magical Knight-Black Magical Cavalry] that had been excluded from the previous [Memory of Good Opponent] was recovered to avoid being used by Rafilu.

But on the contrary, the game that is fully prepared at this moment has to face the fierce offensive of Rafilu who has replenished his hand resources. You must know that after Rafilu's card drawing stage, his current number of cards in his hand has reached a full seven. open.

The more powerful a duelist is, the more capable he is of converting the card resources in his hand into actual combat power. Not everyone is like Dark Malik who held unlimited cards in his hand but only used them to increase [Osiris's strength]. Sky Dragon]'s attack power.

At the same time, the more powerful the duelist is, the more efficiently he can convert resources. After a powerful duelist spreads out a perfect field, the number of cards in his hand may not decrease but increase, while the number of cards in his hand will increase instead of decreasing. The duelist can only use the [Fusion] and [Fusion Release] bos to perform a wave of five-for-one blood loss.

The game can predict what kind of offensive Rafilu will launch next.

Activate the equipment magic card [Meteor Bow-Ye Yan] and give me the [Backup Guardian] equipment on the field.

After inserting an equipment magic card into the duel plate, Rafilu played another monster card with Yugi's unsurprising eyes, Then, only if there is [Meteor Bow-Yeyan] on the field, Normally summon [Guardian - Hill] from my hand, and use the effect of [Backup Guardian] to transfer [Meteor Bow - Ye Yan].

After [Backup Guardian] and [Guardian-Gral], Rafiru summoned the third [Guardian] monster. An empty ground cracked and magma surged up. From the rising magma, A wolf-headed warrior wearing armor walked out of the package, holding a set of bows and arrows in the same color as the magma.


【Fire Clan/Effect】


The game noticed something, that is, when [Guardian-Hill] picked up the bow and arrow [Meteor Bow-Yeyan], its originally excellent basic score dropped by a full 1,000 points. This happened after [Backup] After the weapon is handed over to the Guardian, that is to say, it is not its own effect, but the effect of the [Meteor Bow-Ye Yan].

It is an equipment magic card that does not increase but decreases the monster's attack power. The more unconventional the card, the more rogue it is. It is difficult for the game not to notice it.

Rafilu did not hide his thoughts. Looking at the game, he said calmly: [Meteor Bow-Ye Yan] as an equipment magic card cannot increase the attack power of the equipped monster. On the contrary, it will reduce the equipped monster's attack power by 1000 points. attack power, but in exchange, it will give [Guardian Hill] the ability to bypass the monsters on your field and attack directly.

‘Do you want to bypass the [Elven Swordsman who is messing with the enemy] and attack me directly? ' Yugi raised an eyebrow, but didn't take it to heart, because the card he was covering on the backfield at the moment was a permanent trap card [Soul Barrier]. As long as there were monsters on his field, his basic points would not be affected by the battle. damaging effect.

On the surface, the [Elven Swordsman who overturns the enemy] seems to be a defensive barrier in the game, but in fact the [Soul Barrier] is the real barrier, and the [Elven Swordsman who overturns the enemy] is just a target used to attract firepower. That's all, it's also because of the existence of [Soul Barrier] that the game is very bold in keeping the [Elf Swordsman who torments the enemy] in attack position.

If the [Elven Swordsman who overturns the enemy] can persist until the next turn, the game will liberate it and summon [Slingshot Turtle] to take away Rafiru in a wave, but it doesn’t matter even if it is destroyed, [Super Mage - Black Magic] [Mentor and Apprentice] is still a monster on the game field even though it is sealed, and can also be used to maintain the effect of [Soul Barrier].

Although this kind of duel in which [the enemy's Elf Swordsman] will be like cannon fodder no matter what, may make Rafilu angry, but the current game will not pay attention to his emotions. The moment he sealed [Dark Magician] and [Dark Magician Girl], Yugi gave up the idea of ​​respecting his opponent in a duel.

Rafiru didn't know Yugi's plan, but that didn't stop him from continuing to play cards.

I activate this magic card again, [Iron Lock of Nightmare]. This card can only be activated by targeting a monster on the opponent's field. I choose the Nameless Pharaoh [Elf Swordsman who overturns the enemy] on your field.

As Rafiru played the card, a large chain appeared on the game field, rising from the feet of the [Elf Swordsman who was torturing the enemy], and tightly binding him in just an instant.

This is?!

Yugi looked at his monster in surprise as he was restrained again in an instant. He suddenly felt that Rafiru might have something in common with Malik, because it was not the first time that Rafiru had played tie-up play or bondage play with monsters in the game since the duel began. , and coincidentally, Malik's deck also contains many cards like [Torture Wheel] and [ ].

Moreover, Rafael doesn't like sending his monsters to the graveyard, and Malik is also the same. Not only the [Reborn Slime] is constantly resurrected, but his favorite [Lava Demon] is also always sent to the graveyard. A safe share of the opponent's field.

[The Iron Lock of Nightmare] can reduce the selected monster's attack power by 800 points, and then this power will be converted into 800 basic points for me. Rafilu looked at the rising basic points on his duel plate. Explained, The monster selected by [Lock of Nightmare] will not be able to be released as a sacrifice and its effect will be invalidated.

[The Elf Swordsman who teases the enemy] [atk1400600]

[Lafilu: 2001000lp]

Tsk, can't you be liberated? Hearing this, Yugi couldn't help but look at the [Ejection Turtle] in his hand and frowned. The fact that Rafilu has recovered his basic points is second to none, but the fact that the [Elf Swordsman who tormented the enemy] cannot be released is a bit troublesome.

Now without the effect of not being destroyed by monsters with an attack power of 1900 or more points, the Elf Swordsman who messes with the enemy is just a target with an attack power of 600 points, even if it has the blessing of hilt kill. A monster with more than 2000 attack points can destroy it.

It seems that the [Ejection Turtle] tactic cannot be implemented. I will have to find some other ways to win next round.

Just when Yugi was ready to activate [Soul Barrier] when Rafilu attacked, he saw that Rafiru had set two cards on the backfield contrary to the normal duel process.

Strange, so strange.

The game is unclear as to why Rafiru set down two cards in the backfield. Could it be that he wanted to skip the combat phase and end the round directly? Building cards before the combat stage is just like playing DL too much and being unable to change your habit in MD.

Rafilu's backfield was filled with cards, leaving only a gap. After leaving only the last card in his hand, Rafilu drew another card to fill the gap on the duel plate. The final slot: Are you wondering why I folded my hand before the combat phase, nameless Pharaoh?

The card I am going to activate now is the answer you want.

I said I would make you realize that 'will' is a better criterion for distinguishing people than 'good and evil' in this duel. Be prepared to face your own destiny card, nameless Pharaoh!

I activate the magic card [Hand Exchange]!

As Rafilu finished speaking, he actually turned over the cards in his hand and showed the last card in his hand to the game! ?

The card that appeared in Yugi's sight was clearly [Oliha Gang's Barrier]!

The effect of [Hand Exchange] is that both duelists reveal their hands, and each chooses a card from the opponent's hand to add to their own hand. Since I only have one card in my hand, accept it. The nameless Pharaoh.”

Throwing the card in his hand without hesitation, the card of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] crossed both sides of the field and was caught by Yugi.

Rafilu, you guy... After catching the card of [Oliha Gang's Barrier], Yugi was shocked and confused. It was not the first time that he got the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] card, but during the duel he got the usable [Oliha Gang's Barrier] card that had not yet sealed any souls. This is an unprecedented first, and has never been envisioned in a game before.

As I said, nameless Pharaoh, I will not let my monsters enter the graveyard in this duel, and I will not activate the card [Oliha Gang's Barrier]. This card has been handed into your hand, so you should believe it. Rafilu said calmly, Besides, I remember that the 'Oliha Gang Fragment' on Gulimo's body is in your hand, right? This means that you can also activate that card and your hand will not be stuck.

Now, it's your turn to show your hand card.

After hearing Rafilu's words, although Yugi still hadn't recovered from the shock of getting the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] card, he still turned over the two cards in his hand and showed them to Rafilu Got out.

[Ejection Turtle], and [Soul Captor]? After seeing the two hand cards displayed by the game, Rafilu understood what the idea of ​​​​the game just was.

As long as the [Elven Swordsman who messes with the enemy] can survive until the next game turn, he can liberate it to summon [Catapult Turtle], and use [Catapult Turtle] to liberate [Catapult Turtle] itself to inflict Rafiru's effect damage. , clear his basic points.

[Soul Captor] must be the card that Yugi just wanted to take revenge on Rafiru, but held back at the last moment. It has the ability to directly destroy a monster on the opponent's field, but will restore the opponent's base points by 1000 points.

Because Rafiru sealed [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple], the game wanted to use this card as a retaliation to also destroy the monsters Rafiru valued to hurt each other, but the cost of doing so was that Rafiru's The base score returned to 1200 points, exceeding the kill line of the [Ejection Turtle] tactic, so Yugi Yu persuaded Yami Yugi.

However, at this moment, Rafilu's basic points have been restored to 1000 points due to [The Iron Lock of Nightmare], and the situation has changed slightly from the previous round.

Rationally speaking, Rafilu should take away the relatively more threatening [Ejection Turtle] at this moment to prevent his still few basic points from being threatened and killed. Even the game thinks so, and has begun to think about losing it. After using [Catapult Turtle], are there any other cards in your deck that can come in handy?

However, what Yugi didn't expect was that after discovering that Yugi actually had a [Soul Capturer] in his hand that could directly destroy monsters on his field, Rafilu chose it without hesitation: Then, I choose [Soul Capture] who] adds the cards to my hand.

Huh? Yugi was a little surprised, but he also remembered Rafilu's repeated words I won't let monsters be sent to the graveyard. Knowing the reason why he chose [Soul Captor], he drew this card from his hand. , threw it towards Rafilu, and was caught by him.

After getting the [Soul Captor] card, it seemed that Rafilu had no intention of activating it. Instead, he took it in his hand and pressed the button to activate the card: Magic Card [Angel's Alms] , I draw three cards from the deck and discard two cards from my hand.

After drawing three cards, Rafilu sent one of the cards to the graveyard without hesitation. The [Soul Captor] was returned to Yugi to be sent to the graveyard. Then he waved his hand and declared: So, let’s get into my fighting phase.”

[Guardian-Hill] direct attack on the unknown Pharaoh!

Arrow of Determination!

Watching the arrow shoot out from the bow, flying towards him past the [Super Mage - Black Mage Apprentice] sealed by the crystal and the [Elf Swordsman who tormented the enemy] bound by chains, Yugi pressed the button calmly: Chain attack declaration, I open Gaika [Soul Barrier]!

As long as there are monsters on my field, the combat damage to me becomes 0!

As Gaika activated, the figure of Yugi in Rafilu's eyes instantly became illusory and hazy, as if there was something between the two of them. The arrows shot by [Guardian-Hill] also passed through Yugi's body without causing any damage.

【Game: 28002800lp】

A card that uses monsters as a barrier. The attack failed to achieve any results, but Rafilu didn't care much and said very simply: In that case, I will end the battle phase.

Then, covering a card, my turn ends.

Rafilu simply ended his turn, and Rafilu's performance at this moment made the game feel a little strange, because it felt completely different from the previous duel. At this moment, Rafiru was like a fisherman who had already set up his nest and set the hook. He didn't need to do anything else but just wait quietly for the fish to bite the hook.

[Rafiru: 1000lp, 1 card in hand]

[Guardian-Hill] (Meteor Bow-Ye Yan) [atk700]

[Guardian-Gral] (Gravity Axe-Roar) [def1000]

【Backup Guardian】【def2200】

[Famous Craftsman-Tiger Iron] [def500]

【Gate Card】x2

Before Yugi was about to start his turn, Rafilu, who had just finished his turn, suddenly said: It's actually very simple to destroy the [Crystal Seal]. No matter how strong the crystal is, it will crack when it expands internally. .”

Therefore, when the attack power of the monster sealed by [Crystal Seal] increases, [Crystal Seal] will be automatically destroyed.

What? He put his fingers on the duel plate and prepared to draw cards. He didn't understand what Rafilu meant at first, but the moment he lowered his head, he couldn't help but show a surprised expression, Wait a minute, this is it!

He suddenly remembered that the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] handed to him by Rafilu had the effect of increasing the attack power of all his monsters by 500 points!

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Brother Shen!


When Shen Changqing walks on the road, whenever he meets someone he knows, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There was no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they were indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

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Then he will be promoted step by step, and he is expected to eventually become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possessing the memory of a previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that were full of chills, the attic here seemed to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, making him frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Demon-Suppressing Division.

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