Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 78 If our situations were reversed

Knocked to the ground by Kaiba's attack, Amaluda's heart was filled with unwillingness.

It was obvious that he was just one last hair away from his victory and revenge. Why, why did Seto Kaiba actually get the response from the deck and perform such an operation at the last moment to kill him!

Theoretically speaking, justice should be able to defeat evil. Seto Kaiba, the successor of the Kaiba Group who once accumulated money with dirty arms, is undoubtedly the evil, and because of the actions and experiences of the Kaiba Group I have suffered so much pain and now I am fighting for revenge. I should be just!

Why is the result like this! I can not accept!

As for Amaluda, who tried to take his life but was defeated by him, Kaiba had no intention of killing him.

Although Amaluda is a member of Doma and has an irreconcilable conflict with Kaiba in terms of stance, if Kaiba wants to take Amaluda's life because of this, wouldn't he also follow Kaiba Gosaburo's example? Are you following the same old path?

However, even if he does not commit murder, it does not mean that Kaiba intends to let Amaluda go. Now that he has become the victor in the duel, the defeated Amaluda will also become His trophy, at least the information about Doma that Amelda knew, Kaiba was still very interested in.

Amaluda looked at Kaiba who walked up to him and remained silent.

Although Amalda hated Seto Kaiba because of the hatred and resentment he placed on the name Kaiba, at the same time, he also knew Kaiba well because of his long-term intelligence investigation of Kaiba like a fool. What kind of person am I actually?

And apart from the information, just from the few duels with Kaiba, even during the duels, Amalda's thirsty and unbearable desire for revenge prevented him from calmly entering the duel state, but subtly, he was more or less I also understood Kaiba’s character.

Just like what Kaiba said, he really didn't take Kaiba Gozaburo who was a remnant of the past into his heart, because everything he had received so far was not from others' charity but from his own hard work.

Everything in the past is, after all, an unchangeable shadow, but Kaiba himself is like a glorious king. He only sees a future with infinite possibilities and cannot tolerate the existence of this shadow. Kaiba Gozaburo and Kaiba Arms Group are already trampled under his feet.

The blow just now at [Blue-Eyes Chaos Extreme Dragon] not only shattered America's [Mecha Force: Destruction Armed Forces], but America also deeply felt Kaiba's disdain for his obsession with revenge. .

However, some things, although understandable, are unacceptable.

From beginning to end, I don't think my talents are inferior to yours in any way, Seto Kaiba.

Amaluda raised his head and looked at Kaiba. Kaiba stood under the bright light, his face buried in the shadow cast by the ceiling light in the corridor; while Amaluda sat on the ground full of dim light, with only his face illuminated by a little light.

I am not a person who only sees power. My deck has hosted my obsession and responded to me more than once, and my desire for victory has also given me enough motivation. And because of Miruko, The [Mecha] deck is a treasure I cherish, and it will not be inferior to your [Blue Eyes].

But why would I be the loser?

Hmph, you can't even understand that kind of thing, idiot? Kaiba crossed his arms on his chest and looked down at Amalda and said, The reason is quite simple, really very simple, because I am Seto Kaiba.

Kaiba's tone when he spoke was so natural. Because he is Seto Kaiba, he is the winner. This reason made Amaluda stunned for a moment, and then he habitually sarcastically said: You really have your style, the runner-up in Duel City.

Apparently, Kaiba was irritated by the fact that he lost to Hayato in Duel City.

But when Amaluda mentioned the past, Kaiba smiled disdainfully: That's it, idiot, why do you think you lost to me? How could you win over someone who only focuses on the past? Me moving forward in the future? When a person can only see the past, he cannot take the right path.

Having experienced war, you know well the grief, anger and pain it will bring. Do you want to pass on this pain and repeat the same mistakes? Can attacking others heal your own pain? You said that your tragedy came from the Seahorse Arms A weapon of the group, but now dragging innocent people into the abyss of your revenge and pushing them to death, is this what you call 'revenge' justice?

Kaiba's expression was very serious, Kill because you kill, kill because you are killed. This cycle of hatred will forever bind fate to the present and cannot move the world into the future.

The living have things they must do while alive, and all they do is a memorial to the deceased.

Listening to Kaiba's criticism of himself, Amaluda seemed to be thinking about something, and finally showed a contemptuous expression again: Who knows what you are saying...

However, if it is you, you have indeed tried your best to change your future and not fall into a desperate situation of powerlessness. As he said this, Amaluda looked at Keppei beside him.

If Kaiba hadn't designed Gosaburo to change his and his brother's fate, would he have encountered the same powerless predicament as Amaluda one day? And, if Seto Kaiba had become Miruko's older brother, would it be possible for Miruko to survive under Kaiba's protection?

If our situations were reversed, would our fate be different? Would I live your life, and would you follow mine?

Listening to Yameruda's sentiments, Kaiba said confidently: I don't know, I have never thought about such a problem, because I am Seto Kaiba.

Oh, yes, you are Seto Kaiba. America curled up the corner of his mouth, as if smiling, and lowered his head not to look at Kaiba.

What cannot be escaped is the self, and what cannot be redeemed is the past. Any assumption about the past is really just a joke to Kaiba.

Although it was strange, he did find a rope in a suitcase that Kaiba carried with him. He tied up Ameruda with his hands behind his back, and Kaiba and Keppei walked into the data center. middle. Amaluda, who was staying at the door, glanced at his deck and duel disk that were unloaded and placed not far away. In a relatively hidden position of the duel disk, a pressed red button flashed a faint light. .

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